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For JFK Conspiracy Wedding, Reception at Campisi’s, Where Else?

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Groden once claimed that he had an interview with Dr. Perry in the late 70's, where Perry allegedly disagreed with the autopsy photos of the trach incision. Harrison Livingstone sent a letter to Harold Weisberg saying that he knowledge this was not true. Did Groden lie about this?


Also, there was the whole thing about Groden showing a picture of the JFK movie dummy and saying it was  an authentic autopsy photo.

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While I wouldn't do that there myself, congratulations are in order I think.  If you go steal the prints for the zapruder film, then show them on national TV for the first time, your a hero imo.  Surprised they didn't try to arrest him for the what 89th or 90th time.  All dismissed.  If that's not harassment defined I don't know what is. 

Edited by Ron Bulman
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