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Hollywood Godfather and John and Robert Kennedy

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4 hours ago, David Andrews said:

I read it , the guy's a strunz'.

I don't know what being a strunz means but I feel certain that I agree with you because he closed the two hour interview by remarking something like there are eight mothers of his nine children.

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6 hours ago, David Andrews said:

Paulie sold out the old man, that strunz'. I don't wanna see him again.  -- Sonny Corleone


David, I respect your comments so much.  But that's strunz.


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I listened to Russo's interview on coasttocoastam.

He talked about JFK's affair with Marilyn Monroe and how upset she became when he closed down the affair after promising her that he would divorce Jackie and marry her. Robert Kennedy was sent to console Marilyn and ended up having his own affair with her that caused her to have an abortion. The Mob summoned Marilyn to Cal-Neva Lodge and told her that it wanted her to resume her affairs with two Kennedy brother so that they could film them and then blackmail them as they did with J. Edgar Hoover. Marilyn became hysterical and threatened to hold a press conference and tell everything. Three days later she was found dead.

I was impressed personally by one other thing Russo said. He claimed that Ava Gardner had an affair with the producer of From Here to Eternity so that Frank Sinatra would get a key role in the film. [Sinatra later won the Oscars' Best Supporting Actor Award.] Sinatra was so upset at what Ava had done and at the thought of losing her that he tried to commit suicide in a friend's apartment on East 72nd street in Manhattan by putting his head in the oven and turning on the gas. A neighbor smelled the gas and emergency measures were taken that saved Sinatra. The reason I found this interesting was that while going to NYU Law School at night and working in Governor Rockefeller's office in the daytime I lived at 520 East 72 St., Apt. 21E,  in the coop owned by journalist Alice Widener (who reported occasionally to Hoover on what the Communist Party USA was doing because she was a FBI informant using the name of Alice Berezowsky, widow of famed orchestra conductor Nicholas Berezowsky, her deceased first husband, who had come to the U.S. from Russia in the 1920s). Frank Sinatra owned the sole coop on the roof directly above Alice's on East 72 St. I used to sunbath on the roof outside his coop when it was not being used and often wondered what would happen to me if Sinatra ever caught me there.


Edited by Douglas Caddy
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I just viewed the Patrick Bet-David video interview of Mort Sahl ... uh...I mean Gianni Russo.

This guy Russo's mannerisms, facial look and expressions, build, skin tone, smile, laugh, eyes, hair, relaxed open collar and even his hand waving...I swore I was watching Mort Sahl ! 

Talk about a true doppleganger.

Image result for mort sahl
Image result for mort sahl

But like Pet-David said...If "half" of what Russo says in this interview is true...it's mind blowing.

I agree with Doug.  I have to believe at least a small amount of Russo's claims.

The only way a person without any acting experience at all, who has a difficult time even reading a script and who tells Marlon Brando he'll suck his heart out if Brando insults him again even before filming begins - gets chosen to perform a small but noticeable role in a film like the Godfather alongside some of the greatest actors of our generation...could only have come about because this guy truly had big time connections that even Francis Ford Coppola feared imo.

If this guy is simply making up his incredible stories and claims, I'll give him credit in his ability to give them just enough credibility with details that seem to be true to insider knowledge degrees.

His answer to Hoffa's disappearance seems total BS to me though.

His matter of fact claim of how much more organized crime influenced Presidents, such as Nixon, rings true to me.

Everyone knows about Nixon's pardon of Hoffa, his VP Agnew being totally mobbed controlled, his brothers connections, Bebe Rebozo and so on.

Interesting his take on James Caan. After Caan truly physically injured him in the Godfather beating scene, Russo says he has never liked nor forgiven him for that rib breaking pummeling.

Also, Russo seemed to draw back when Bet-David asked him about LBJ, how much LBJ knew and may have been involved in JFK's murder. I sensed fear there, still 57 years after the event. Russo did mention a specific number of people murdered after JFK. He obviously has kept track of this aspect of the JFK assassination.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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Well, to accept Russo's self-advertisements - coming from a guy who escaped incarceration by claiming the eight men he shot were shot in self defense - is to accept his tale that Joe Kennedy was a bootlegger in partnership with Frank Costello. 

I don't mind, but when I quoted Gore Vidal here saying the same things, Vidal's statements were dismissed as lies and jealousy toward the Kennedys.

I deleted Russo's book from my hard drive after reading, but one tale I remember is that the Mob demanded that Peter Lawford bring JFK, RFK and father Joe Kennedy to the Cal-Neva lodge for a summit on the Mob prosecutions.  The prize would be to film both younger Kennedys in flagrante with Marilyn Monroe.  According to Russo, only Lawford showed, bringing stroke victim Joe Kennedy in a wheelchair.  This was alleged to have happened during Monroe's famous Cal-Neva sojourn in July 1962 (ten days before her death) when she suffered some kind of sexual abuse at the hands of Sam Giancana and Frank Sinatra - an event supposedly captured on film.  Problems with the Russo story arise: Lawford was persona non grata with Cal-Neva co-owner Sinatra since March 1962, over JFK's declination to stay at Sinatra's Palm Springs home.  And while Joe Kennedy is said to have been using a wheelchair by August 1962, it is unlikely he would make a cross-country trip, especially with only Lawford as attendant.

I suspect that when James Caan kicked Russo too hard, he had his reasons.

Edited by David Andrews
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22 hours ago, David Andrews said:

'Not believable?'  Really?  What part?  -- David Ferrie to Jim Garrison, JFK

Well, I've had my spelling and grammer corrected before myself.

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7 hours ago, David Andrews said:

Well, to accept Russo's self-advertisements - coming from a guy who escaped incarceration by claiming the eight men he shot were shot in self defense - is to accept his tale that Joe Kennedy was a bootlegger in partnership with Frank Costello. 

I don't mind, but when I quoted Gore Vidal here saying the same things, Vidal's statements were dismissed as lies and jealousy toward the Kennedys.

I deleted Russo's book from my hard drive after reading, but one tale I remember is that the Mob demanded that Peter Lawford bring JFK, RFK and father Joe Kennedy to the Cal-Neva lodge for a summit on the Mob prosecutions.  The prize would be to film both younger Kennedys in flagrante with Marilyn Monroe.  According to Russo, only Lawford showed, bringing stroke victim Joe Kennedy in a wheelchair.  This was alleged to have happened during Monroe's famous Cal-Neva sojourn in July 1962 (ten days before her death) when she suffered some kind of sexual abuse at the hands of Sam Giancana and Frank Sinatra - an event supposedly captured on film.  Problems with the Russo story arise: Lawford was persona non grata with Cal-Neva co-owner Sinatra since March 1962, over JFK's declination to stay at Sinatra's Palm Springs home.  And while Joe Kennedy is said to have been using a wheelchair by August 1962, it is unlikely he would make a cross-country trip, especially with only Lawford as attendant.

I suspect that when James Caan kicked Russo too hard, he had his reasons.

I've read Russo was unreliable as a source.  But he's shot eight men, all in self defense?  He must have pissed off a lot of people.  How does he get interviews? 

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Even if it's 80% all made up and/or exaggerated I find the guy entertaining.

It's his warm smile engaging exuberance and he does tell his outrageous tales with an almost professional comedic flare.

Besides a Mort Sahl resemblance in manner and looks, Russo also reminds me of Mickey Rooney. Whenever Rooney was interviewed later in his life, he couldn't stop talking and had a million famous name dropping stories with himself as the main character. His ego-mania was epic.

In his book, Russo claims he killed 8 men?

Hard to believe.

His Pablo Escobar torture story was like something out of a Bond Film.

In fact, it sounds just like the actual torture scene of Bond in Casino Royale, where Danial Craig is tied to a chair with a cut out bottom and has his testicles bashed by a swinging weapon from below!   Coincidence?

Says he liked "Jack" Kennedy. But, like every Mafia guy hated RFK.

Lastly, I must compliment Russo's cosmetic dentist. Those super white teeth of his look good for someone his age. Nice gold bling too.




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In his book, Russo claims he killed 8 men?

It's in the Patrick Bet-David interview, in the neighborhood of the Pablo Escobar story.

I didn't catch if he killed them all, or if they were all men, but he's had to defend himself a lot.

He's fathered nine kids, so maybe it'll even out.

Edited by David Andrews
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