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Matt A., a couple of points:

You're correct that antifa literally means "anti-fascist." In WWII, American troops were anti-fascists.

I refuse to go there as far as personal attacks that refer to injuries a person may have sustained in the past.

But because one is anti-fascist, that doesn't automatically mean that one is far left. Electric cars? Not practical where I live. In the rural areas, the range of an electric car makes them impractical. But Matt K. will still accuse people of being pro-electric cars because it fits his personal agenda to demonize anyone who believes differently than he.

I grew up in the car culture. While my car has a 4-cylinder for gas mileage purposes, my pickup truck has a 5.6-liter V8 engine for the power I need to pull my utility trailer without wheezing for breath on the hills. And while not mountainous, the area where I live is quite hilly. But my catalytic converters are intact and functioning, and my Magnaflow cat-back exhaust system has a mellow rumble like a vintage Corvette.

And I recycle most of the plastics that come into my house, because they're a product derived from oil.

Before I retired, I moved from a suburban subdivision to my family's farm, 10 acres of joy. My sister and I purchased the farm from the remaining relatives [my sister and her hubby live in Colorado] to prevent it from becoming part of another subdivision, and a neighbor makes hay on about 8 acres, and I do my best to maintain the rest.

I'm not some dope-smoking hippie tree hugger, but I do enjoy solitude that the farm offers.


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13 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Alert! Pluto is no longer a planet! 

Astrology needs to be revamped to remain viable! 

Pluto will soon be restored to its planetary glory:


Is Pluto a planet? It is no longer considered one, but some believe it should be (phys.org)

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13 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Alert! Pluto is no longer a planet! 

Astrology needs to be revamped to remain viable! 

Pluto was considered a planet until 2006.  Many believe it still is.  Ray Grasse's article on the role of Pluto in history is here, including his predictions as an astrologer for Pluto's role in America history.

The United States' Pluto Return - Astrodienst


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FBI sends Hunter Biden tax, gun purchase evidence
 to United States Attorney General



The FBI months ago gathered what agents believed was sufficient evidence to charge Hunter Biden, the president's son, with crimes related to taxes and making a false statement when purchasing a gun, according to sources familiar with the investigation. 

Evidence gathered by FBI and IRS investigators was sent to the U.S. Attorney's office in Delaware, according to the sources. 

A spokesperson for the Trump-appointed U.S. Attorney in Delaware declined to comment. The Washington Post was first to report that the agency had provided evidence of alleged crimes to federal prosecutors.
"As is proper and legally required, we believe the prosecutors in this case are diligently and thoroughly weighing not just evidence provided by agents, but also all the other witnesses in this case, including witnesses for the defense.  That is the job of the prosecutors," Clark said.D

Any bets on who's getting indicted first, Hunter or Donald?
I bet the FBI won't arrest Hunter like they did Rodger Stone... 


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4 hours ago, Mark Knight said:

I'm not some dope-smoking hippie tree hugger, but I do enjoy solitude that the farm offers.

I'm a huge fan of nature and solitude myself, Mark.

It's one of the reasons I remain a staunch 2nd Amendment defender; out in the middle of nowhere, a cop can't be at your door in 2 minutes. You have to be able to take care of things yourself.

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3 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:



FBI sends Hunter Biden tax, gun purchase evidence
 to United States Attorney General



The FBI months ago gathered what agents believed was sufficient evidence to charge Hunter Biden, the president's son, with crimes related to taxes and making a false statement when purchasing a gun, according to sources familiar with the investigation. 

Evidence gathered by FBI and IRS investigators was sent to the U.S. Attorney's office in Delaware, according to the sources. 

A spokesperson for the Trump-appointed U.S. Attorney in Delaware declined to comment. The Washington Post was first to report that the agency had provided evidence of alleged crimes to federal prosecutors.
"As is proper and legally required, we believe the prosecutors in this case are diligently and thoroughly weighing not just evidence provided by agents, but also all the other witnesses in this case, including witnesses for the defense.  That is the job of the prosecutors," Clark said.D

Any bets on who's getting indicted first, Hunter or Donald?
I bet the FBI won't arrest Hunter like they did Rodger Stone... 


The U.S. Attorney for Delaware was appointed by Trump. If Hunter Biden is indicted, his trial will be in Delaware, home of the Bidens. The alleged counts against him seem weak to me and could be defended against by a persuasive and credible defense. Would a jury of citizens in Delaware convict a home boy under such circumstances if the indictment was announced by a Trump appointed U.S. Attorney? Based on the public information available, which is not complete, the odds would be against conviction. The U.S. Attorney would resign afterwards, and he would be portrayed by history as being a partisan hack. He knows this and may not want to pursue an indictment that would negatively affect his future practice of the law.

I should add that there could be a plea deal that would allow both Hunter Biden and the U.S. Attorney an off ramp with Hunter pleading guilty to a minor infraction of the law and getting a sentence of probation. In such situation, the whole years long investigation would be characterized as much ado about pretty much nothing.

Edited by Douglas Caddy
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    With all of the critically important issues confronting the U.S. and the world today, it's reassuring to know that we have Mathew Koch around to keep us fully informed about America's Hunter Biden news-- especially during the month before the upcoming election.

    Mathew seems to be carrying the October Hunter Biden torch for Rudy Giuliani, who has been uncharacteristically silent lately... 🤥

Edited by W. Niederhut
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55 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Maybe he finally flipped.

Or, perhaps Rudy G. is following Hunter Biden's example by getting into rehab?

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7 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

I'm a huge fan of nature and solitude myself, Mark.

It's one of the reasons I remain a staunch 2nd Amendment defender; out in the middle of nowhere, a cop can't be at your door in 2 minutes. You have to be able to take care of things yourself.

I have several guns of different calibers and gauges. I inherited a couple, I won one in a raffle, and I bought a couple for hunting purposes.

All will serve as self-defense weapons, if the need arises.

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37 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Or, perhaps Rudy G. is following Hunter Biden's example by getting into rehab?

Rudy was supposed to deliver almost a quarter of a mil to the court today for his ex-wife, or face jail time.

I haven't heard whether he paid up or not.

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5 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

The U.S. Attorney for Delaware was appointed by Trump. If Hunter Biden is indicted, his trial will be in Delaware, home of the Bidens. The alleged counts against him seem weak to me and could be defended against by a persuasive and credible defense. Would a jury of citizens in Delaware convict a home boy under such circumstances if the indictment was announced by a Trump appointed U.S. Attorney? Based on the public information available, which is not complete, the odds would be against conviction. The U.S. Attorney would resign afterwards, and he would be portrayed by history as being a partisan hack. He knows this and may not want to pursue an indictment that would negatively affect his future practice of the law.

I should add that there could be a plea deal that would allow both Hunter Biden and the U.S. Attorney an off ramp with Hunter pleading guilty to a minor infraction of the law and getting a sentence of probation. In such situation, the whole years long investigation would be characterized as much ado about pretty much nothing.

Interesting Douglas, I guess we'll have to wait and see which one turns out to be a nothing burger. In the article it mentioned that the news of the case going to the US Attorney's Office was leaked. In the article they speculate that it was someone on the task force for Hunter Biden grew frustrated at the lack of movement from what appears to be a slam dunk case and leaked the news. 
On the other hand until I get more information about the Trump "raid" from sources that aren't anonymous. I tend to think this "raid" is a sign of desperation of the Biden administration to keep Trump in the news since their Administration is doing worse than anyone could have imagined... After watching this segment on Sunday morning I'm pretty sure that those files are the files that would be in the future Trump Library. That they're basically the same files that are in the LBJ Library in the video. If Trump gets charged it's a technicality and a Jury of Florida residents will acquit the former President of the United States. 

I shared the story to illustrate that the FBI on one hand is derelict in their duty and in the other is over zealous. The bipolar behavior is obviously along party lines. 

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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

    With all of the critically important issues confronting the U.S. and the world today, it's reassuring to know that we have Mathew Koch around to keep us fully informed about America's Hunter Biden news-- especially during the month before the upcoming election.

    Mathew seems to be carrying the October Hunter Biden torch for Rudy Giuliani, who has been uncharacteristically silent lately... 🤥

William I think the President's son being a crack head that broke laws and is avoiding being charged by an FBI the GOP. is accusing of being politically bias, is relevant. Especially considering that Ukraine who Joe Biden is currently sending billions of dollars of military equipment to. Which might draw NATO and the United States into possible Nuclear conflict was relevant to the Topic based on Trumps first impeachment being over Hunter Biden. 


Based on the two videos Hunter doing drugs on camera when he said on a Federal Document he wasn't. And his ex wife saying she threw the gun in a grocery store trash can .. I think it's a slam dunk unless it's a case like Durham where the jury didn't care and voted 'Not Guilty' because they didn't care the Clinton Staffer lied to the FBI. 

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7 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Interesting Douglas, I guess we'll have to wait and see which one turns out to be a nothing burger. In the article it mentioned that the news of the case going to the US Attorney's Office was leaked. In the article they speculate that it was someone on the task force for Hunter Biden grew frustrated at the lack of movement from what appears to be a slam dunk case and leaked the news. 
On the other hand until I get more information about the Trump "raid" from sources that aren't anonymous. I tend to think this "raid" is a sign of desperation of the Biden administration to keep Trump in the news since their Administration is doing worse than anyone could have imagined... After watching this segment on Sunday morning I'm pretty sure that those files are the files that would be in the future Trump Library. That they're basically the same files that are in the LBJ Library in the video. If Trump gets charged it's a technicality and a Jury of Florida residents will acquit the former President of the United States. 

I shared the story to illustrate that the FBI on one hand is derelict in their duty and in the other is over zealous. The bipolar behavior is obviously along party lines. 

I have no idea why there was a leak in the Hunter Biden case if such be the case.

I do believe that Trump at different times in his four-year administration provided U.S. Classified Documents to Putin at their meetings and also to his handler in the U.S. who acted upon orders from Putin. I think this is a national security case that ultimately will reveal violations of the Espionage Act. It is already acknowledged that Trump provided classified information to the Russian Foreign Minister and the Russian Ambassador at their meeting in the White House the day after Trump fired Comey as FBI Director. No one knew the meeting took place until Tass published the photograph of the three having a hearty laugh at Comey's and America's expense.

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