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He’s spot on about 9/11 being the catalyst for this surveillance panopticon.  That mostly took care of what to do with international terrorists/opposition. 

1/6 enables the same to be done to the domestic population, opposition/terrorists. 

The state defines the criteria. 

PS I read that the US military had 25,000 files held illegally on its citizens back in the late 60’s or early 70’s. This plan goes way way back. 

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Just wondering.

Were the people in the 1930's who said out loud that Al Capone should be in jail accused of suffering from "Capone Derangement Syndrome"??

Somebody has to ask these things.

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9 minutes ago, Mark Knight said:

Just wondering.

Were the people in the 1930's who said out loud that Al Capone should be in jail accused of suffering from "Capone Derangement Syndrome"??

Somebody has to ask these things.

False equivalence, Mark. 

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39 minutes ago, Mark Knight said:

Just wondering.

Were the people in the 1930's who said out loud that Al Capone should be in jail accused of suffering from "Capone Derangement Syndrome"??

Somebody has to ask these things.

This is hitting below the belt, Mark.

Comparing Trump to Al Capone is unfair to Al Capone.

It's true that both men cheated on their taxes, but Capone was merely a violence-inciting Chicago racketeer.

In contrast, Trump was a violence-inciting Presidential racketeer.  

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3 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

False equivalence, Mark. 

In the area of never being indicted, convicted and jailed for obvious crimes a valid comparison, imo.

The man is a serial offender of mostly financial and tax and business fraud crimes but also a known offender in the area of unwanted or inappropriate to overly aggressive sexual behavior toward women. 

A great personal behavior toward women part of Trump's legacy will always be noticeably defined by such well known public record comments like "I like to grab em by the Pu$$y, and they let you do it..." as well as..."she's not my type" in response to a rape charge, and " I never had sex with those two women or paid them any monies" referring to porn star Stormy Daniels and Stephanie Cliffords ( a proven false statement ) and who in the least was also friends with child sex traffickers Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, etc.

All in all...a bad character.

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3 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

This is hitting below the belt, Mark.

Comparing Trump to Al Capone is unfair to Al Capone.

It's true that both men cheated on their taxes, but Capone was merely a violence-inciting Chicago racketeer.

In contrast, Trump was a violence-inciting Presidential racketeer.  


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22 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:


And I forgot to mention that, unlike Trump, Al Capone never violated a Presidential oath to uphold and defend the Constitution.

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10 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:
44 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:


In the area of never being indicted, convicted and jailed for obvious crimes a valid comparison, imo.

By that liberal criteria you could compare someone who has avoided paying a ton of parking fines or, Hitler, who also never faced trial. Capone was potentially responsible for a couple of hundred homicides wasn’t he? 

15 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

The man is a serial offender of mostly financial and tax and business fraud crimes but also a known offender in the area of unwanted or inappropriate to overly aggressive sexual behavior toward women. 

When you say tax and business fraud crimes, you have a whole class of people that you express little or no animus toward, for exploiting all of the same loopholes and tax efficient manoeuvres, they are just more subtle and less loud. They’re all self employed and educated when it comes to the fiscal system. 

The sexual side of things I don’t know, do any of us beyond salacious reporting, look at JFK and how his time alive as been distorted. I heard a comment that would have been looked at as crass, moronic, misogynistic, vulgar in 1985, and today gets you canceled and everything taken from you. I don’t condone the comment at all but, whilst we are on the topic of equivalence; you have mentioned Jeffrey Epstein, an actual convicted paedofile, with a huge client list (Trump flew on his plane, as did Clinton many times) and your government won’t even tell us who is on the list. Where is your outrage, Joe? Its the most disgraceful crime imaginable and there is silence, apathy. 

Sometimes I think you guys lose all perspective because you are so consumed by Mr T and the Republicans. i totally understand that you care about your country and the world but, there has to be balance. 

He (Trump) was an embarrassment in terms of his conduct as a politician. I also find the next guy a creepy, senile embarrassment of a politician also, with his cue cards. 


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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

And I forgot to mention that, unlike Trump, Al Capone never violated a Presidential oath to uphold and defend the Constitution.

And with 1,000 X more damage to our entire society versus anything Capone did.

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JFK never grabbed any woman by the Pu$$y without asking them before hand if it was okay.

Trump is a sexually crude man versus JFK in the female respecting behavior department.

For all the gold-plated veneer material accoutrements Trump has always surrounded himself with, thinking it enhanced his public image, he pathetically never understood that this over-stated garishness actually ( in it's stark contrast incongruity )  enhances the fact of his low life crudeness.

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3 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

This is hitting below the belt, Mark.

Comparing Trump to Al Capone is unfair to Al Capone.

It's true that both men cheated on their taxes, but Capone was merely a violence-inciting Chicago racketeer.

In contrast, Trump was a violence-inciting Presidential racketeer.  

In contrast Capone was put in jail over his taxes, Trump taxes proved to be like Capone's vault aka a Nothing Burger!

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25 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

In contrast Capone was put in jail over his taxes, Trump taxes proved to be like Capone's vault aka a Nothing Burger!

Huh, Mathew?   Did Fox News black out coverage of this big story?

Trump Org. fined $1.6 million after conviction for 17 felonies, including tax fraud | CNN Politics

January 13, 2023

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