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By what method did the intel state convince President Biden to keep dark the truth about LHO-CIA relations? 

I suspect the agency suggested to Biden that other documents could become public also, if the JFK records saw the light of day. 

Biden has a long career, and grifting was a family tradition. (Yes, many., perhaps most 'Phants are the same or worse, and are also vulnerable to blackmail).

Does anyone believe that Biden is truly withholding documents to protect national security, or that vulnerable sources would be revealed? 

So...why is Biden keeping taxpaying citizens in the dark? 


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  • Benjamin Cole


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4 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

How Ben and Mathew Koch View Trump



How Trump Actually Looks


 I think it's cringe but I'm not that kind of Trump Supporter I like him because my enemies don't (Clinton's, Bush's and Bernie socialists)

NFT's are like beanie babies. But it's fundraising so whatever 


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36 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

By what method did the intel state convince President Biden to keep dark the truth about LHO-CIA relations? 

I suspect the agency suggested to Biden that other documents could become public also, if the JFK records saw the light of day. 

Biden has a long career, and grifting was a family tradition. (Yes, many., perhaps most 'Phants are the same or worse, and are also vulnerable to blackmail).

Does anyone believe that Biden is truly withholding documents to protect national security, or that vulnerable sources would be revealed? 

So...why is Biden keeping taxpaying citizens in the dark? 


Geez, Ben, where was your moral indignation when Trump "got rolled by the Deep State" in October of 2017-- as Oliver Stone phrased it at the time?

On the contrary, you continued for the next five years to view Trump as a heroic victim of Deep State persecution.

As for Biden, I'm disappointed, but not surprised, that he is colluding in the CIA cover up of JFK's murder.

He has always been an establishment politician, which is why I voted for Bernie in our local 2020 primary.

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8 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Kirk with the Kirkland filler... Maybe, stick to Cowboy movies I recommend my favorite 'The Wild Bunch'. 

America is a Democratic Republic which is a form of democracy. The whole point was to have checks and balances is to literally not be the wolves voting with the sheep on who to eat, like you are doing in your cliche talking point. 

 Traditional Republicans aka Neo Cons, You are siding with Dick Cheney Bush and War Criminals, this is such a slimy weasel way of wording things. Orwell called this kind of thinking double think, Kirk brags about spending a weekend Protesting the Iraq war yet because same people don't like Cheeto Benito he'll call them tRaDiTiOnAl rEpUbLiCaNs all the while telling people like me to not wash their KKKlan out fit with our Maga hat because it would be pink and that would be gay. I'l put this in your language Kirk you are this Frank Zappa song. 



If you insist on invoking Frank Zappa, you must familiarize yourself with the epic BILLY THE MOUNTAIN. The length of the cut likely exceeds your attention span, but trust me, it is worth your time.


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6 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

Trump just made his "MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT" and it really is unbelievable

Carla Sinclair 8:36 am Thu Dec 15, 2022



“Following in the footsteps of MyPillow slippers, Donald Trump's anticipated announcement has just been released, and yes, it's a doozy. No, he's not being installed as the next House Speaker. And no, he did not announce his 2024 running mate.

But rather, his "MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT!" comes in the form of an advertisement, peddling his new limited edition "Donald Trump Digital Trading Card" collection. Yes, digital. And, unbelievably, "only $99 each!"”

MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT! My official Donald Trump Digital Trading Card collection is here! These limited edition cards feature amazing ART of my Life & Career! Collect all of your favorite Trump Digital Trading Cards, very much like a baseball card, but hopefully much more exciting. Go to collectrumpcards.com/ & GET YOUR CARDS NOW! Only $99 each! Would make a great Christmas gift. Don't Wait. They will be gone, I believe, very quickly!

“Whether it's Trump or Elon Musk who hits bottom first is anyone's guess.”



I wonder if they are going to have bubblegum.


This is beyond insane.

Steve Thomas

For $100, that had better be DAMN good bubblegum.

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10 minutes ago, Mark Knight said:


If you insist on invoking Frank Zappa, you must familiarize yourself with the epic BILLY THE MOUNTAIN. The length of the cut likely exceeds your attention span, but trust me, it is worth your time.


Mark Thankyou, I'll give it a listen when I go back to the Califano papers after dinner... 

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35 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Geez, Ben, where was your moral indignation when Trump "got rolled by the Deep State" in October of 2017-- as Oliver Stone phrased it at the time?

On the contrary, you continued for the next five years to view Trump as a heroic victim of Deep State persecution.

As for Biden, I'm disappointed, but not surprised, that he is colluding in the CIA cover up of JFK's murder.

He has always been an establishment politician, which is why I voted for Bernie in our local 2020 primary.


I was not participating in the EF back in 2017. 

Trump was likely rolled by the CIA back then, who probably had dirt on Trump. 

I do not view Trump as heroic.

That Russiagate was "an elaborate hoax," in the words of NYT'er Brett Stephens, does not make Trump a great President, or even admirable.

It just means Russiagate was a hoax---but why was the hoax perpetrated, and why were so many M$M'ers willing to believe what they were fed? Those are the questions to be asked. 

I do suspect much of the NY-DC-establishment animus towards Trump was not based on his truly wretched personality, but rather on Trump's populist hostility to so-called "free trade" (especially with China) and his plan to erect a wall on the southern border and thus tighten up US labor markets (even as Trump hypocritically brought illegal labor into Mar-a-Lago). 

You should ask how why Biden knifed the railroad unions in the back, and has again opened the southern border to cheap labor. This is a Democratic Party president? Yes, unfortunately, that is the Donk Party today. 

Trump isn't president anymore. Biden is. Ergo, should we re-hash Trump, or discuss Biden? 

And Biden just decided again to protect the CIA and its role in the JFKA and it relation to LHO, and damn the public's right to know what really happened in the JFKA.  

That makes Biden's craven capitulation the topic today. If you want again drag Trump into every conversation, well OK, but really, today was Biden's doing, not Trump's. 





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Today we spoke to someone who had access to the still-hidden JFK files, and is deeply familiar with their contents. We asked this person directly: did the CIA have a hand in the murder of John F. Kennedy? Here’s the reply: "The answer is yes. I believe they were involved."



So we get closer to the Truth on the JFKA with Tucker Carlson than the entire M$M-CNN-MSNBC-NYT-WaPo crowd? 

How is this possible?

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15 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


I was not participating in the EF back in 2017. 

Trump was likely rolled by the CIA back then, who probably had dirt on Trump. 

I do not view Trump as heroic.

That Russiagate was "an elaborate hoax," in the words of NYT'er Brett Stephens, does not make Trump a great President, or even admirable.


Geez, Ben, after all of this time you still haven't figured out that Russiagate was no hoax?  Or that Brett Stephens is a Neocon shill?

And, obviously, you still haven't read the Mueller Report, the Senate Intelligence Committee Report, or the Atlantic article I posted for you on this specific subject.

Russiagate Was Not a Hoax - The Atlantic

Franky, it's a complete waste of time to engage in conversations and post references for you-- rather like trying to reason with a television set tuned to Fox News.

As for your theory that Biden declined to declassify the JFK records because he's a blackmailed grifter, it makes about as much sense as all of your other debunked theories.

You must be confusing Biden with the biggest grifter in American history, Donald J. Trump.

The truth is that Biden has been enmeshed with the U.S. intelligence establishment for decades, and he has never been one to pick a fight with the powers that be.

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5 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Geez, Ben, after all of this time you still haven't figured out that Russiagate was no hoax?  Or that Brett Stephens is a Neocon shill?

And, obviously, you still haven't read the Mueller Report, the Senate Intelligence Committee Report, or the Atlantic article I posted for you on this specific subject.

Russiagate Was Not a Hoax - The Atlantic

Franky, it's a complete waste of time to engage in conversations and post references for you-- rather like trying to reason with a television set tuned to Fox News.

As for your theory that Biden declined to declassify the JFK records because he's a blackmailed grifter, it makes about as much sense as all of your other debunked theories.

You must be confusing Biden with the biggest grifter in American history, Donald J. Trump.

The truth is that Biden has been enmeshed with the U.S. intelligence establishment for decades, and he has never been one to pick a fight with the powers that be.

As for Fox News, here you go....
Today we spoke to someone who had access to the still-hidden JFK files, and is deeply familiar with their contents. We asked this person directly: did the CIA have a hand in the murder of John F. Kennedy? Here’s the reply: "The answer is yes. I believe they were involved."



So we get closer to the Truth on the JFKA with Tucker Carlson than the entire M$M-CNN-MSNBC-NYT-WaPo crowd? 

How is this possible?

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