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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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3 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:


To be sure. 

Liz Cheney has been touted by Donks for president. 

In truth, establishment Washington loathed, detested and reviled Don Trump from the start.

New Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Tuesday that President-elect Donald Trump is “being really dumb” by taking on the intelligence community and its assessments on Russia’s cyber activities.

“Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,” Schumer told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow. 1/3/2017

They were chortling away at the prospect of the CIA aiming long knives at an elected US president. 

Trump had not even yet been inaugurated. 

Aside from JFK, when was the last time any President, Donk or 'Phant, dared to "take on" the intel state? 


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Sad, just sad: 

The Atlantic: MBS=OK

The Washington Post journalist who was Jamal Khashoggi’s editor when he was killed four years ago Sunday said this year’s anniversary was “particularly painful” given recent developments, such as President Biden paying a visit to the crown price suspected of ordering Khoshoggi’s murder.

“I live with the horror and injustice of his murder, and the callousness and impunity of our world ‘leaders’ every day,” wrote Karen Attiah, who is now a Washington Post columnist,

“But this year has been particularly painful. The Biden administration has made its fist-bump peace with MBS. The Turks have shut down their investigation. Outlets like the Atlantic are writing both-sides apologia pieces for MBS, praising his reform,” she added.

Biden drew sharp criticism when he fist-bumped Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman during his visit to oil-rich Saudi Arabia in July amid spiraling gas prices.

The Atlantic: MBS=OK

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- Donald Trump -

"The radical Democrats believe in abortion and really right from the moment of birth, and even after birth. You can't let this happen," the former president said."

I'm still scratching my head over that one.

Steve Thomas

Edited by Steve Thomas
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5 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


     If you think Dubya Bush is a new "Donk hero," you've been living in the jungles of Thailand for too long. 

     Nothing could be further from the truth.

     I've been a critic of the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/PNAC "War on Terror" since 2003, when I offended some friends and family members by questioning our pretexts for invading Iraq.

    As for 2016, the only thing I liked about Trump's candidacy was that he openly criticized our involvement in Operation Timber Sycamore in Syria, and also said, "When I'm President the American people are going to learn who really destroyed the World Trade Center on 9/11."

     I also thought he might de-classify the JFK records.

     Unfortunately, it was all hot air, like all of Trump's phony sales pitches-- "I have a terrific healthcare plan that will cover everyone and cost less, etc."  Trump was a complete sell out.  His policy decisions were all based on bribery, kickbacks, and, I suspect, Kremlin blackmail.  He was a compromised Russian asset.

     Naturally, everyone around here has been interested in understanding and reconstructing the hidden history of the CIA and the U.S. Deep State during the past 75 years.  I've been almost obsessed with that subject for several years now.

     Biden is part of the whole complex, no doubt.  (Which is why I voted for Bernie in our 2016 and 2020 caucuses.)

     But Biden was a lesser evil than Trump in 2020, by several orders of magnitude.

     Trump is a lying con man and a grifter who is uneducated and unfit for any high public office.


You may not be doing the Bush jr. hagiography, but many other Donks are, and the establishment Donks are. 

Sheesh--some prominent Donks are honking the horns for...Liz Cheney for President!


Reich was a prominent Clintonian. 

But like I always say: Liz Cheney is HRC wearing a wig and glasses. 

Another thought: Could HRC and Liz Cheney run together on a "Unity Party" ticket in 2024? 

One reason why not: Neither one would accept the VP role. 



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8 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

The only "Alternative facts" I've posted was the Core of Corruption 911 documentary.


You've strongly implied that Trump is the President of the United States. That's an alternative fact, a.k.a. falsehood. And you have said many others falsehoods. (Which I will not waste my time listing here.)


8 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

The best you guys have been about to come up with is that I'm a flat earther relative of the evil Koch brothers. (Both are alternative facts and "demonizing" someone; ) 


Those are metaphors. Aptly used IMO.


8 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

I posted a video of Liberal Democrat Elizabeth Warren saying that overclassification is a problem in the government, now you guys are saying over classification isn't a thing and Trump should be indicted.


Nobody said that overclassification isn't "a thing." But what it certainly is NOT is RELEVANT to the case of Trump's theft of classified documents.

BTW, all-caps is often used for acronyms and for emphasis.


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8 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:
10 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Not a good sign for your future here, Matthew.

Matt, you just don't like diversity..


No. What we don't like is when people make things up to support their positions. Or who use as sources others who do. Or who believe in baseless conspiracy theories because they support their claims. All of these are hallmarks of Trumpism.

And we don't like Trump because he does those things. Plus he's involved in criminal and heinous activities.

Trump is a con artist and I'm afraid that you are one of his victims.


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Just now, Sandy Larsen said:


No. What we don't like is when people make things up to support their positions. Or who use as sources others who do. Or who believe in baseless conspiracy theories because they support their claims. All of these are hallmarks of Trumpism.

And we don't like Trump because he does those things. Plus he's involved in criminal and heinous activities.

Trump is a con artist and I'm afraid that you are one of his victims.


Sandy use the quote tweet tool, it is unacceptable to say I'm making things up without citing them. When you leave it in the generalize like the whole post he.. I'm not going to take it serious when you complain like that, don't be lazy.. You can't even specify about what Trump did.. 

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4 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Sheesh--some prominent Donks are honking the horns for...Liz Cheney for President!


That's only because it's a breath of fresh air seeing a Republican congressman being honest about Trump.

But Robert Reich should know better than endorsing Cheney for president. He's normally one of my heroes. But he gets a thumb's down from me on this.


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9 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Hey, please guys read Ron's article and then read my article. Notice any "Alternative facts"  about Gage AKA "Schrödinger's rioter" who was both armed and disarmed at the same time, lol! Pretty amazing that Kyle Rittenhouse can shoot into a crowd of BLM and kill a violent pedophile, a domestic abuser and a burglar.... AND be found innocent by self defense by Jury. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11267711/Man-survived-Rittenhouse-shooting-seeks-change.html

*Now I know you guys are going to go for the low hanging fruit and cry about the source but please stick to the information difference between the "News" you guys read and a tabloid. You need to realize that you live in an echo chamber. The same media that didn't report on the Oliver Stone JFK Assassination documentary (every one except Fox News) You guys use as a sources of news, you can't see the logic discontinuity?

I'm sure there's no operation Mocking bird being used against Trump it's normal for Left News to write articles like this: https://www.cnn.com/2017/05/11/politics/trump-time-magazine-ice-cream

You guys have to prove the files are malicious, or you're hypocritical assassination researchers and citizens in my eyes if you just want to lock the ex President of the United States on a technicality. The Libraries of the Presidents get the former presidents to declassify documents during their Presidency. I watched Jane Pauly do a segment on it on 'Good Morning America' yesterday. The White House let him take them, knew he took them, and asked for an additional lock on the room. Which means they approved of the circumstances obviously. *Remember the Judge that issued the raid warrant. Literally stoped being a judge to represent someone who was on the Jeffery Epstein Flight logs. (Nice company you never Trumpers keep like the Lincoln Society;) 

Edited by Matthew Koch
Added link talked about in opening
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38 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


No. What we don't like is when people make things up to support their positions. Or who use as sources others who do. Or who believe in baseless conspiracy theories because they support their claims. All of these are hallmarks of Trumpism.

And we don't like Trump because he does those things. Plus he's involved in criminal and heinous activities.

Trump is a con artist and I'm afraid that you are one of his victims.


Sandy. you have him dead to rights.

His refusal to say that Donald J. Trump is no longer the President of the United States is quite telling. His inference that, since most of us object to Trump's continued possession of classified documents means that we are against declassification of SOME records is also a falsehood...or an "alternative fact," as Trump's press secretary Kelly Ann Conway referred to blatant untruths.

His refusal to post links to written sources indicates that he either doesn't, or can't, read. His lack of reading comprehension indicated by his responses to my posts leads me toward the latter conclusion, but I can't rule out the former. Perhaps he also doesn't read the posts here, responding instead what he assumes your responses are.

And not falling hook, line, and sinker for the pitches of a conman apparently is diagnosed as [name of conman] Derangement Syndrome. If that's truly the case, I apparently suffer from Bill Clinton Derangement Syndrome, Hillary Clinton Derangement Syndrome, Mike Lindell Derangement Syndrome, Sidney Powell Derangement Syndrome, Rudy Giuliani Derangement Syndrome, Joseph McCarthy Derangement Syndrome, Nancy Pelosi Derangement Syndrome, Chuck Schumer Derangement Syndrome, and who knows how many other similar maladies. [I'd really like to know what university granted his degree in psychology. I'd wager it only exists in his own mind.]

Or it truly might be that, in his mind, Donald J. Trump is still president of the United States, has never told a lie, and is incapable of ever doing wrong. That would equate to the Trump Messiah Syndrome, or TMS, that I previously mentioned. I believe that is the most likely conclusion to draw from his posts.

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28 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Sandy use the quote tweet tool, it is unacceptable to say I'm making things up without citing them. When you leave it in the generalize like the whole post he.. I'm not going to take it serious when you complain like that, don't be lazy.. You can't even specify about what Trump did.. 


I'm not going to waste my time trying to correct you Matthew because I can already see that you're a lost cause. Trump has sucked you into his alternative universe and I'm pretty certain that it'll be years before you finally work yourself out.

My posts about you are really for the benefit of other readers. You can just ignore them.


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2 minutes ago, Mark Knight said:

Matt. you have him dead to rights.

His refusal to say that Donald J. Trump is no longer the President of the United States is quite telling. 

I, Matthew J Koch here by swear that I acknowledge that Trump is no longer on Twitter and No Longer the President of the United States (While Holding hand on bible and typing with one hand)
Do you Americans support kicking Trump off of Twitter and "Canceling" him from other plat form? AMLO Mexico's President didn't. Can you have a Democracy without Freedom of Speech? 

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4 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


I'm not going to waste my time trying to correct you Matthew because I can already see that you're a lost cause. Trump has sucked you into his alternative universe and I'm pretty certain that it'll be years before you finally work yourself out.

My posts about you are really for the benefit of other readers. You can just ignore them.


Big tell, sounds like you're addicted to the Kool Aid Sandy, lol

Edited by Matthew Koch
your to you're
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