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     Does anyone around here other than our Don Trump, Jr. fan, Mathew Koch, think that Putin's bombing of civilian targets in Ukraine, like Shevchenko Park, is comparable to the Ukraine defense forces blowing up a militarily strategic bridge?

     I have noticed that people in the Trump cult, generally, have difficulty grasping ethical concepts, but this one takes the cake.

   It's ranks up there with Trump cult members dying of COVID who ridiculed masks as "face diapers."

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25 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

What is amazing is people claiming to be against war and violence, yet they are cheerleading things that keep the conflict and suffering going.

The Crimea Bridge was illegally built and is nothing more than the supply line for Putin's military and illegal occupation of Crimea.

But keep pretending everyone is too stupid to already know that; it's worked out so well for you and Putin so far...

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12 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

No one said they were invading, they implied they would take 'First Strike' nuclear missiles that would be too close to intercept, and continue to kill ethnic Russians on the border.. 


I appreciate your views, but this is a rather weak excuse also for Russia to invade Ukraine, resulting in real and not theoretical and immediate huge losses of life, limb, as well as destruction of infrastructure, buildings and so on. 

Soon, hypersonic missiles will be a thing, and very low-flying cruise missiles, nearly undetectable, have been around for decades. 

For that matter, subs carry missiles and can run alongside Russian shorelines at any time. 

Sadly, Putin's War looks to be turning into a horrific stalemate.

An interesting question for you: Was Putin baited into Ukraine by the US Deep State, which wants a protracted war to weaken Putin and effect regime change? 


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11 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:


39 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

What is amazing is people claiming to be against war and violence, yet they are cheerleading things that keep the conflict and suffering going.

The Crimea Bridge was illegally built and is nothing more than the supply line for Putin's military and illegal occupation of Crimea.

But keep pretending everyone is too stupid to already know that; it's worked out so well for you and Putin so far...


I must have touched a nerve there, @Matt Allison. 🙂

Your very rudimentary thinking and lack of perspective never ceases to amaze me. I am not all that surprised that despite your professed care for the plight of Ukrainian people, that you haven’t gone over there to help them yet. Its obvious why; you’re a coward steeped in hypocrisy. As soon as the next topic the media wishes you to follow is propagated, you’ll be straight on that with conviction, forgetting all about this, eyes glazed over like a Jonestown cult follower. 

You’re also a virtue signaller of the highest order and you’re cheerleading the conflict. You don’t even realise thats what triggered you in my post. You are probably at retirement age and you don’t even know who you are.  

PS Its possible for someone to hold a view that isn’t in support of either protagonist. They’re the guys that stop wars, organised ceasefires and talk detente and rapprochement. 


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9 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

And your attempts to complicate the simple and distract from the obvious with irrelevant verbal diarrhea never cease to amuse me.

Well, its always ‘irrelevant’ when it doesn’t suit your cultish mindset that seeks confirmation bias material. 

Let me explain this so that even the most simple basic human being can understand. If you want keep cheerleading this war, it can end with kids lungs burning and bleeding from radiation, people covered in tumours, or a bio-weapon that’ll take away everything from you and your family. Can you look at yourself in the mirror if that happens and be ok with having been part of the problem and not the solution? You may be thinking this conflict will only be on Europe’s landmass, you’d be mistaken. Guess what, it’s no secret that Putin blames the USA as the antagonist, and has done for a long time. You don’t think he has the means? Of course he has. 

Be smart, seek a peaceful solution, detente, rapprochement, be like JFK, not Senator Joe McCarthy. 


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7 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

it can end with kids lungs burning and bleeding from radiation, people covered in tumours, or a bio-weapon

All delivered by Putin because he lost a war he never should have started.

Keep trying, Chris. Mercilessly mocking your nonsense is quite enjoyable...

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     Some people are comparing Putin's shocking invasion and bombing of Ukraine this year to historical events like the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, where JFK's negotiations with Khrushchev, thankfully, resulted in a peaceful resolution of the potential military conflict.

     But that isn't an apt historical comparison.

     What Biden and NATO are dealing with in Ukraine is more akin to Hitler's invasion of Poland in 1939.

    Should England and the France have done nothing in 1939, in order to avoid "escalating" a dangerous conflict with Hitler?  Pursuing peace at any cost, as Neville Chamberlain did in Munich?

     We are dealing today with a similar totalitarian police state in Russia that has violated international law by invading and bombing the civilian population of a sovereign nation.  

    Obviously, the situation is extremely dangerous in an era of nuclear weapons, but does that mean that Biden and NATO should simply do nothing, in order to avoid escalating the conflict?

     I hope there can be a peaceful resolution of Putin's Ukrainian disaster.  The best outcome would involve Putin being removed from power, and the Russian government putting a stop to the madness.




Edited by W. Niederhut
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35 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


I appreciate your views, but this is a rather weak excuse also for Russia to invade Ukraine, resulting in real and not theoretical and immediate huge losses of life, limb, as well as destruction of infrastructure, buildings and so on. 

Soon, hypersonic missiles will be a thing, and very low-flying cruise missiles, nearly undetectable, have been around for decades. 

For that matter, subs carry missiles and can run alongside Russian shorelines at any time. 

Sadly, Putin's War looks to be turning into a horrific stalemate.

An interesting question for you: Was Putin baited into Ukraine by the US Deep State, which wants a protracted war to weaken Putin and effect regime change? 


Hi Ben,

to be clear if we're using Western Values aka basically the Golden Rule. No, I don't think that an invasion is justified. But like China, most Russians don't really subscribe to the same Christian values we do in the west.
With that being said that is why I always thought the Russians were going to invade. Because of the history Ukraine and Russia has this is a little more personal, the land currently being fought over (Currently and Crimea) was Russian before. Nikita Khrushchev who was Ukrainian gave it to Ukraine, because it was his favorite vacation area. Russia made the right decision claiming their military base in Crimea when an illegal Coup De Tat was caused by NATO and the EU. This special operation is basically a continuation of that. This was done as a result of what Russia was able to do in Syria. Russia became involved, not to be righteous in the Middle East. They got involved like they did because they have a base in Syria, there are holy orthodox churches there and Assad is their only ally in the region since the 70's. It would have been a national embarrassment to lose Syria. It was going to effect Russian National Security if they lost there, and what did they do. Kicked butt because they had to! 
(Yes Putin and Russia were baited into this.) I feel like Ukraine is a very similar situation to Syria, but more so, in that they can't accept defeat most inportantly. Secondly, this is a chance to embarrass NATO and the West. Hence score points with the BRICCS nation allies. 
And they have have been doing that with the sanctions, gas, and soon to come fertilizer exports.

Russia was fighting this with the dregs of their society conscripts, round one .. I don't know how much better the troops and the gear they were holding back is. But, the western media hasn't reported truthfully on this. Ukraine has been losing around 1K solders a day for the last two months. This isn't Vietnam they're going to run out of men, unless the West really gets involved.I watched how the Russian Army conquered Chernobyl back in the day with the "liquidators", they threw soldiers onto the roof for 1 minute tour of duties to throw radioactive graphite rods off the roof with a shovel. (because the radiation killed the robots working on the clean up)
So when people try to cite Russian body counts, I really don't think they care, lol. 

Is this war worth getting involved past sending gear and special forces similar to Vietnam was up until 64'? 
I gotta say, No. 
This is a Biden Foreign policy failure and it is much worse than under the last Administration. I blame Zelensky the most.  At the end of the day this is what happens when you elect a comedian as your leader. He should have negotiated better. 


As far as the stalemate goes, I think Russia is just going to do a blitzkrieg to Kiev, in the near future. I also think people will be surprised that NATO and the US don't get involved past sending aid. If that is the strategy that will be employed.  But, for anyone who's been following this it won't be a surprise.. because why would you want to go and fight and die for one of the most corrupt countries and leaders? 



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16 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

All delivered by Putin because he lost a war he never should have started.

Keep trying, Chris. Mercilessly mocking your nonsense is quite enjoyable...

So the end of human existence is ok, as long as you think you have the high ground? Jesus. 

You get schooled every time. This person below isn’t a relative of yours are they? 


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