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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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56 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


We just have to agree to disagree on this one. I respect your views. 


Sure thing, Ben, but let's be clear about the nature of the disagreement.

I don't believe that there is any meaningful equivalence between America's wave of right wing MAGA violence in the age of Trump-- including the unprecedented J6 attack on Congress-- and Democratic violence.

Nor have Democratic leaders and media figures incited violence against citizens and public officials the way that Trump and the right wing media have done in recent years.

Even in the case of the George Floyd protests, numerous instances of violence toward property and the police (e.g., in Minneapolis) were perpetrated by right wing agent provocateurs posing as BLM protesters-- in addition to over 60 instances of vehicles being driven into crowds of BLM protesters.

Trump is a stochastic terrorist.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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Just now, W. Niederhut said:

Sure thing, Ben, but let's be clear about the nature of the disagreement.

I don't believe that there is any meaningful equivalence between America's wave of right wing MAGA violence in the age of Trump-- including the unprecedented J6 attack on Congress-- and Democratic violence.

Nor have Democratic leaders and media figures incited violence against citizens and public officials the way that Trump and the right wing media have done in recent years.

Even in the case of the George Floyd protests, numerous instances of violence toward property and the police (e.g., in Minneapolis) were perpetrated by right wing agent provocateurs posing as BLM protesters-- in addition tl over 60 instances of vehicles being driven into BLM protesters.


Well, we are oceans apart, figuratively and geographically.

I am skeptical of the modern Donks and 'Phants, pretty much equally.

I respect your views, but they are not my views.  


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A couple of months back I posted about the head of the local senior citizens center saying on consecutive days that VP Kamala Harris deserves that "someone should put a bullet right between her eyes," and the next day talking about President Biden, "I could take him out at 100 yards, and he'd never see it coming." Out where I live in rural America, many people own firearms [myself included]. But locally, the political rhetoric is so bad that I won't place any political campaign signs on my property because I don't want some redneck in a red hat sending bullets through my windows and my walls.

My neighbor HAS placed some political signs in his yard. But they're at the far end of his property, 100 yards from his house. I don't think Ben, Chris, or Matt Koch realize the level of borderline vigilantism going on here in America. It might only take one little thing to set them off. And while I can't speak for the rest of America, my little 10-acre plot of America has been in the family for 80 years, and I really don't want to leave in a hail of bullets simply because I backed the "wrong" candidate, in someone's eyes. And I don't feel the same level of vigilantism coming from those who back Biden. The only flag I fly here on the farm is an American flag, because I hold America dearer than any politician. My allegiance is to my country, not to any single man or political party.

Your neighborhood may be different. I'm betting that the residents of Thailand, Mexico, or whatever offshore haven Chris is residing in really don't get that worked up over American elections. But around here, there seem to be quite a few who would mirror the actions of the Oath Keepers or the Proud Boys, if they could be like the KKK and not reveal their identities to their church congregations and their employers.

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19 minutes ago, Mark Knight said:

A couple of months back I posted about the head of the local senior citizens center saying on consecutive days that VP Kamala Harris deserves that "someone should put a bullet right between her eyes," and the next day talking about President Biden, "I could take him out at 100 yards, and he'd never see it coming." Out where I live in rural America, many people own firearms [myself included]. But locally, the political rhetoric is so bad that I won't place any political campaign signs on my property because I don't want some redneck in a red hat sending bullets through my windows and my walls.

My neighbor HAS placed some political signs in his yard. But they're at the far end of his property, 100 yards from his house. I don't think Ben, Chris, or Matt Koch realize the level of borderline vigilantism going on here in America. It might only take one little thing to set them off. And while I can't speak for the rest of America, my little 10-acre plot of America has been in the family for 80 years, and I really don't want to leave in a hail of bullets simply because I backed the "wrong" candidate, in someone's eyes. And I don't feel the same level of vigilantism coming from those who back Biden. The only flag I fly here on the farm is an American flag, because I hold America dearer than any politician. My allegiance is to my country, not to any single man or political party.

Your neighborhood may be different. I'm betting that the residents of Thailand, Mexico, or whatever offshore haven Chris is residing in really don't get that worked up over American elections. But around here, there seem to be quite a few who would mirror the actions of the Oath Keepers or the Proud Boys, if they could be like the KKK and not reveal their identities to their church congregations and their employers.


Very sorry to read how polarized your neighbors have become. 

In your case, I would blame "right wing" media for the immediate polarization, but more deeply a globalized elite in Washington that long ago forsook the middle and employee classes, thus exacerbating tensions among various factions. 

And, to a lesser extent, a left-wing media that has made ID politics a valid coin of the realm. 

"My neighbor HAS placed some political signs in his yard. But they're at the far end of his property, 100 yards from his house."--MK

You do not indicate the nature of the signs. Have you a photo? Is the neighbor afraid of repercussions for left- or right-wing views? 

Again, no one should fear violence for having a political point of view. I wish you safety and the best of luck. Is your local law enforcement sensitive to your needs? 


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I have spoken to local law enforcement. The local police chief knows the head of the senior citizen center and knows that he is a 7th degree black belt in Taequan doe who owns several military-style firearms. But the police chief doesn't believe he'd actually follow through on any of the actions he mentioned.  I also made a report online to the regional office of the FBI. So I have done my duty. If something sets this guy off and he goes all Rambo on someone or some group, I suppose it would be similar to what Hosty allegedly said when Oswald was arrested: "We knew about him, but we didn't think he'd do something like this.

As I said, I also own firearms. Many, if not most, do in rural America. But I hope that I never have to use them to defend my home against an attack by fellow Americans who follow a different political philosophy than I.

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47 minutes ago, Mark Knight said:

Your neighborhood may be different. I'm betting that the residents of Thailand, Mexico, or whatever offshore haven Chris is residing in really don't get that worked up over American elections. But around here, there seem to be quite a few who would mirror the actions of the Oath Keepers or the Proud Boys, if they could be like the KKK and not reveal their identities to their church congregations and their employers.

Mark elections aren't dangerous but after the elections when power has transferred hands alot of people die when that happens after the elections, but that only effects Narcos. 

What your gunna wanna do is... get some tannerite and put it on the far side of your property and put your Biden Harris sign infront of it and someone should be in for a surprise! 💥


Edited by Matthew Koch
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7 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Anytime. We are all muddling through the JFKA and modern intel-state scenes together...just IMHOs here....

I'm a big fan of Dick Russell so even if I don't agree with everything he says in that, I always try to stay current on his view of things.

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I don't have a Biden-Harris sign. I never have had one.

I am familiar with Tannerite, although I've never felt the need to employ it.

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