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Was it really just a MOLE HUNT about "Oswald?"

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2 hours ago, Mark Stevens said:

I will gladly discuss the topic of the school records with you. I will not though allow you to continue to use "sleight of hand" to divert from the conversation at hand and wiggle out of answering questions presented to you.

Nonsense!  How utterly predictable that Mr. Stevens would view the OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE that LHO attended Stripling School as “’sleight of hand’ to divert from the conversation at hand,” a conversation which happens to be about LHO’s attendance at Stripling School!

I will continue to post the evidence for LHO’s Stripling School attendance every time someone tries to deny it, or at least until Mr. Gordon tells me to stop.

Mr. Stevens cannot deny that five articles in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram (1959, 1962, 1963, 2002, 2017) indicate that Lee Harvey Oswald attended Stripling School, that Robert Oswald testified that his brother attended Stripling, that in this interview the vice principal of Stripling in 1963 said he gave the now vanished Stripling School records to two FBI agents who visited his school less than 24 hours after the assassination, and that Stripling student Fran Schubert said, in this interview, that on numerous occasions she watched Lee Harvey Oswald walk from Stripling to the house that once stood at 2220 Thomas Place, where Marguerite Oswald lived on the day of the assassination.

Mr. Stevens, following Jerry Bojczuk's lead, pretends that it is a distraction when I discuss LHO's attendance at Stripling School and how the evidence for that was handled, and show that it fits into a familiar pattern in this case.  He claims it is a distraction to show that a single year earlier, one Oswald was attending school in NYC at exactly the same time the other was enrolled in a New Orleans junior high school.  And on and on.

Mr. Stevens is free to say that everyone is lying, that five different local newspaper articles were wrong (or lying!) but will he ever show us a retraction?  Of course not.  One doesn’t exist.  Keep the outrage coming, Mr. Stevens.  I LOVE posting the Stripling evidence, and I have no plan to stop!  Mr. Parnell can 'splain how "Kudlaty wasn't 'lying' in the traditional sense of the word" all he wants, but anyone who listens to that interview will know full well that Mr. Kudlaty is either telling the truth or inventing an enormous whopper!

Keep the outrage coming, boys, I LOVE IT!

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11 minutes ago, Jim Hargrove said:

Nonsense!  How utterly predictable that Mr. Stevens would view the OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE that LHO attended Stripling School as “’sleight of hand’ to divert from the conversation at hand,” a conversation which happens to be about LHO’s attendance at Stripling School!

I will continue to post the evidence for LHO’s Stripling School attendance every time someone tries to deny it, or at least until Mr. Gordon tells me to stop.

Mr. Stevens cannot deny that five articles in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram (1959, 1962, 1963, 2002, 2017) indicate that Lee Harvey Oswald attended Stripling School, that Robert Oswald testified that his brother attended Stripling, that in this interview the vice principal of Stripling in 1963 said he gave the now vanished Stripling School records to two FBI agents who visited his school less than 24 hours after the assassination, and that Stripling student Fran Schubert said, in this interview, that on numerous occasions she watched Lee Harvey Oswald walk from Stripling to the house that once stood at 2220 Thomas Place, where Marguerite Oswald lived on the day of the assassination.

Mr. Stevens, following Jerry Bojczuk's lead, pretends that it is a distraction when I discuss LHO's attendance at Stripling School and how the evidence for that was handled, and show that it fits into a familiar pattern in this case.  He claims it is a distraction to show that a single year earlier, one Oswald was attending school in NYC at exactly the same time the other was enrolled in a New Orleans junior high school.  And on and on.

Mr. Stevens is free to say that everyone is lying, that five different local newspaper articles were wrong (or lying!) but will he ever show us a retraction?  Of course not.  One doesn’t exist.  Keep the outrage coming, Mr. Stevens.  I LOVE posting the Stripling evidence, and I have no plan to stop!  Mr. Parnell can 'splain how "Kudlaty wasn't 'lying' in the traditional sense of the word" all he wants, but anyone who listens to that interview will know full well that Mr. Kudlaty is either telling the truth or inventing an enormous whopper!

Keep the outrage coming, boys, I LOVE IT!

Again, diverting attention away from the topic at hand is all but the very definition of sleight of hand.

You keep mentioning newspapers and school records when I am literally pleading with you to just reply to my comments regarding the eyewitnesses.

It is very much a distraction when I ask you "please reply about the witness statements" and you in turn reply with "the school records..."

We can address all of your points in due time. We can discuss school records, newspaper articles, whatever you would like to discuss.

Please, for the love of everything, please stop avoiding the question and deflecting the topic. Quit creating unnecessary distractions by introducing topics not being discussed, and discuss the eyewitness statements.


Please. Discuss. The. Eyewitness. Statements.

Please discuss Schubert/Tubbs and what qualifies her to say what she has regarding what she saw. You know, what evidentiary fact, how she knew the person was LHO, which establishes the ultimate fact that she saw LHO walk across the parking lot? When someone asks her "how did you know that was LHO"? Is her reply, "Oh when I saw the picture on TV I realized it looked like the same guy." Or, did she state "Oh, I talked to Lee everyday I knew it was him." Also, it is important to note the fact that she allegedly saw LHO enter the front apartment when the person (HLO) lived in the rear apartment according to Armstrong. If HLO, or anyone for that matter, lived in the rear apartment, they would not under normal and common circumstances enter into the other residence, or hang out on that porch without some pre-existing relationship.

Please discuss Galindo and the context of how it was "common knowledge" is LHO attended Stripling. Explain what qualifies something to be "common". Then explain if 6 people meets that qualification.

Please discuss Summers, and why if he thought he taught LHO in 1952, are his comments being used as evidence that LHO attended Stripling in 1954.

Please discuss Pitts, and why if he only saw a boy who resembled LHO sitting on a porch are his comments being used as evidence that LHO attended Stripling. He has no knowledge of Oswald attending Stripling.

Please discuss Gann, and what qualifies him to state what he has stated. What evidentiary facts establish the ultimate fact.

Please do not reply with more comments about records, and newspaper articles.


Please. Discuss. The. Eyewitness. Statements.

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14 hours ago, Mark Stevens said:

Please. Discuss. The. Eyewitness. Statements.

Please discuss Schubert/Tubbs and what qualifies her to say what she has regarding what she saw. You know, what evidentiary fact, how she knew the person was LHO, which establishes the ultimate fact that she saw LHO walk across the parking lot? When someone asks her "how did you know that was LHO"? Is her reply, "Oh when I saw the picture on TV I realized it looked like the same guy." Or, did she state "Oh, I talked to Lee everyday I knew it was him." Also, it is important to note the fact that she allegedly saw LHO enter the front apartment when the person (HLO) lived in the rear apartment according to Armstrong. If HLO, or anyone for that matter, lived in the rear apartment, they would not under normal and common circumstances enter into the other residence, or hang out on that porch without some pre-existing relationship.

Please discuss Galindo and the context of how it was "common knowledge" is LHO attended Stripling. Explain what qualifies something to be "common". Then explain if 6 people meets that qualification.

Please discuss Summers, and why if he thought he taught LHO in 1952, are his comments being used as evidence that LHO attended Stripling in 1954.

Please discuss Pitts, and why if he only saw a boy who resembled LHO sitting on a porch are his comments being used as evidence that LHO attended Stripling. He has no knowledge of Oswald attending Stripling.

Please discuss Gann, and what qualifies him to state what he has stated. What evidentiary facts establish the ultimate fact.

Please do not reply with more comments about records, and newspaper articles.


Please. Discuss. The. Eyewitness. Statements.


Asked and answered.


Or more accurately,


Answered and asked.

Because Jim already discussed the eyewitnesses' statements before Mark Stevens asked him to do so. Jim already posted the evidence and wrote what he knew about it. (Correct me if I am wrong, Jim.)

Anybody can look at the eyewitness evidence for themselves and decide how relevant or irrelevant it is, and how strong or weak it is.


Edited by Sandy Larsen
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Sandy Larsen writes:


Jim already discussed the eyewitnesses' statements before Mark Stevens asked him to do so.

Jim may have discussed the statements, but he hadn't (and still hasn't) discussed the problems Mark identified with those statements.

I'd guess this comment by Jim on page 18 is what Sandy is referring to:


among those who knew about his attendance were assistant principal Frank Kudlaty (who indicated there was no copy machine at the school and that he did not receive a receipt for the records when he gave them to the FBI agents).  Gym teacher Mark Summers taught Robert Oswald but also remembered LHO, who he described as “timid.”  Student JD (Doug) Gann remembered shooting baskets with LHO and recalled that he lived across the street from the school.  Mrs. Earl Tubbs (Fran Schubert) also recalled watching LHO walk to his home just across the street.

In the comment immediately following Jim's, Mark dissected these four witnesses' statements. Mark gave good reasons to doubt that these witnesses actually saw Oswald attend Stripling: one of them didn't remember Oswald at all, and the other three (in the traditional style of 'Harvey and Lee' witnesses) offered nothing more than vague recollections from several decades after the event.

It was James Norwood who first mentioned the Stripling Six, in the comment immediately after Mark's:


a total of six eyewitnesses (Frank Kudlaty, Fran Schubert, Richard Galindo, Mark Summers, Bobby Pitts, and Douglas Gann) clearly recalled Oswald attending Stripling Junior High School.

Then James condescendingly told Mark:


You need to look evidence with greater care and make up your own mind, as opposed to asking us to explain it all to you.

A 'Harvey and Lee' believer telling others to "look [at] evidence with greater care"!

Mark looked at James's evidence for the Stripling Six with greater care, and pointed out the usual flaws:


We started with a total of six eyewitnesses who "clearly recalled Oswald attending Stripling Junior High School." ... What we are left with though, is something a little different than that ... They though are not eyewitnesses. What they are is 1 eyewitness to LHO attending the school in 1954 (Kudlaty), 1 eyewitness to LHO attending in 1952 (Summers), 3 people who at best remember someone they think might be LHO going to the school (Schubert/Tubbs, Galindo, Gann), and 1 person who saw him at a house across the street (Gann). Take it for whatever it may be. This mishmash of ambiguity and unclear, unhashed characters is not though a total of six eyewitness to LHO attending Stripling. Exclaiming otherwise is disingenuous, at best.

Mark has explained the weakness of Jim's four Stripling witnesses and of the other two witnesses mentioned by James. As for the seventh witness, Tracy Parnell has pointed out that Robert Oswald had no first-hand knowledge of which school his brother attended, because by that time Robert had joined the Marines and was no longer living in Fort Worth.

And that's it. Neither Jim Hargrove nor James Norwood has attempted to produce a counter-argument. It's up to Messrs Hargrove and Norwood to justify the claims they made, if they can. Until they (or Sandy, or John Butler) do so, there are no credible witnesses to Oswald's attending Stripling.

It's interesting to compare the responses by Jim Hargrove and James Norwood. Jim did what he usually does when backed into a corner: he avoided the uncomfortable questions Mark asked by regurgitating a 'Harvey and Lee' talking point, as if repeating the same stuff over and over will convince anyone. James, on the other hand, has gone awol. Has anyone seen James recently?

As Mark wrote:


Please. Discuss. The. Eyewitness. Statements.


Edited by Jeremy Bojczuk
Corrected a couple of trivial typos
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19 hours ago, Mark Stevens said:

Please do not reply with more comments about records, and newspaper articles.


It’s easy to see why Mr. Stevens hates “records” and “newspaper articles.” This EVIDENCE clearly shows that, during their junior high school years, two young men were sharing the identity of “Lee Harvey Oswald.”  As I’ve already told Mr. Stevens, I will continue to post the evidence for Stripling School every time he tries to deny its existence or its significance.

Despite the best efforts of the H&L critics here to cast doubt on the massive amount of Stripling evidence that the FBI was unable to destroy, the only issue of any real interest is the conflicting accounts of the years LHO actually attended the school, which range from 1951 (Robert Oswald’s testimony) to 1956 (the FWST edition of May 11, 2002).  The obvious point here is that these discrepancies could have been easily resolved if the FBI had not destroyed the Stripling records it collected from Frank Kudlaty.

Speaking of evidence, I forgot to mention in the post at the top of this page that on December 27, 1993, John Armstrong wrote to Ricardo Galindo, the then current principal of Stripling School, asking if there were any records for Lee Harvey Oswald's attendance at the school.  Mr. Galindo telephoned John back and said that, although there were no records, it was “common knowledge” that LHO had attended the school. [Harvey and Lee, p. 97]

Mr. Stevens apparently wants us to believe that, in addition to Robert Oswald’s testimony, these people are all lying about Stripling School: John Armstrong and/or Ricardo Galindo, Frank Kudlaty, and Fran Schubert, and that five Fort Worth Star-Telegram articles indicating LHO attended Stripling were wrong and were never corrected.

Mr. Stevens asks that I “please discuss” some of the people entered into John Armstrong’s raw Stripling notes, but since they are merely notations John made, I did not even included them in my lists of evidence.  Dr. James Norwood did discuss them a bit, so feel free to discuss them with him.  For me, they are irrelevant to this discussion since I have not included them in collection evidence, other than showing John’s raw notes.

Use of LARGE FONTS appears to be one of Mr. Stevens’ specialties, so let me offer him an invitation to use more LARGE FONTS to exclaim that it is totally irrelevant that, just a single school year prior to the simultaneous Beauregard/Stripling attendance, school records published in the Warren Commission show that “Lee Harvey Oswald” attended school simultaneously in New York City and New Orleans.

In the fall semester of 1953, one LHO attended Public School 44 in the Bronx borough of New York City, where he was present for 62 full days and 5 half days, was absent 3 full days and 8 half days, for a total accounting of 78 days.


Also in the fall semester of 1953, the other LHO was present at Beauregard Junior High School in New Orleans for 89 school days.


Of course, Mr. Stevens (and undoubtedly Mr. Bojczuk) want readers to believe it is completely irrelevant—just a distraction—to point out that the two LHOs who attended two different schools in the fall semester of 1954 also attended two different schools just one year earlier in 1953.  Does anyone seriously believe that fact is irrelevant?  How absurd is that?

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I just found the following in this post. It is apparently a letter from John Armstrong to David Josephs giving a summarized history of John's Stripling research.




If and when anyone questions how and why I became involved with Oswald attending Stripling JHS in Ft. Worth, please refer to the following documents from Baylor and my explanation. Or, if you want to start a thread and show the supporting documents, be my guest.

1) After reading Robert Oswald's WC testimony, wherein he said that his brother attended Stripling JHS in Ft. Worth, I was curious and wrote a letter to the current Principal at Stripling, Mr. Ricardo Galindo on Dec 27, 1993 (see Stripling 1). I then met with Mr. Galindo who said that had talked with several teachers who remembered that LHO had attended Stripling, but none were currently teaching at the school, Mr. Galindo suggested that I contact Ralph Waller at the Ft. Worth Independent School District.

2) During my visit to the FWISD I met Billy J. Sills, who was in charge of setting up archives for the district. I explained my interest to Mr. Sills and he soon provide a handwritten list of teachers who taught at Stripling during the 1950's (see Stripling 3 & 4). It was from this list that I met and spoke with teachers who remembered Oswald (Mark Summers, physical education) and the assistant principal of Stripling in 1963, Frank Kudlaty (interview can be seen on U-Tube). After filming the interview with Mr. Kudlaty, at his home in Waco, TX., I asked Jack White to make a copy of the videos for both Robert and myself. As we were watching/copying the videos for the first time Jack said, "I think I know that guy. I think we attended the same college in the 1940's." Jack said that he did not know Kudlaty personally, but knew his name as a fellow student. I don't know if Jack had any contact with Kudlaty after viewing the interview.

3) Robert Groden was scheduled to appear on the Kevin McCarthy radio program in Dallas. I asked Robert if he would ask the listening audience if anyone had attended school with Oswald at Stripling JHS (see Stripling 2). Several people called the station and said they had attended Stripling with Oswald, but only one person left their name and phone number- Francetta Schubert/Tubbs, who then worked at the AAA office in Ft. Worth (see Stripling 3). Fran allowed us (myself and Groden) to film an interview and she provided me with a Stripling Student directory. It was from this directory, and from Francetta's memory, that I was able to learn the names of several students who also remembered that Oswald had attended Stripling in the fall of 1954. The interview with Francetta can be seen on U-Tube. The names of the students, and their memories of Oswald, can be found in my book.

4) From the Stripling Student directory I learned that Paul Gregory had also attended Stripling the same time as (Harvey) Oswald, the fall of 1954 in the 9th grade (see Stripling 5). FBI agent John Fain also lived within a few blocks of Stripling JHS.

I learned from Francetta that Oswald lived directly across the street from Stripling at 2220 Thomas Place. As Fran sat outside the school and ate lunch she watched Oswald, sometimes with his friends, walk across the street to his home during lunch. Fran also remembered that Oswald's mother wore a white nurse's uniform. 2220 Thomas Place was probably the same house where the MO impostor was storing furniture and clothing in 1947, while living across the street from Georgia Bell in Benbrook, TX. This was also the same house (actually a duplex) in which the MO impostor was living on 11/22/63.

5) The house at 2220 Thomas Place belonged to Mrs. Mary McCarthy,a close friend of Fred Korth (see Stripling 6). The MO impostor likely lived at 2220 Thomas Place before moving to Benbrook (across from Georgia Bell), lived there with Harvey in 1954, and was living there on 11/22/63.

I wrote to the FBI (FOIA request) and asked for copies of any and all documents they had relating to Stripling JHS in Ft. Worth, but was told there were no documents.

The importance of Stripling is simply that when Harvey was attending Stripling, in the fall of 1954 (or anytime for that matter), Lee Oswald was attending Beauregard where he got into a fight with Johnny Neumeyer (fall of 1954).

The fact that Hoover sent FBI agents to confiscate LHO's attendance records at Stripling within 20 hours of the assassination is a good indication that someone knew the importance of confiscating and destroying these records. And that someone knew about Harvey and Lee and the inexplainable conflict that the Stripling school records could create.



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Some H&L critics have stated several times that Stripling Assistant Principal Frank Kudlaty was a friend of Jack White's and that that is how Armstrong/White was able to talk Kudlaty into lying. Of course, that on its face is a ridiculous notion given Kudlaty's credentials, and given that there is no evidence indicating that he was a l.i.a.r.

But now I find out from John Armstrong's letter that Jack White didn't even know Kudlaty on a personal level... at least not before the video of Kudlaty was filmed. He had just seen him around at a college where they both had attended in the 1940s. (See what I bolded, below.)

It's amazing how low some H&L critics will stoop in attempts to discredit Harvey & Lee.


27 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

From John Armstrong's letter to David Josephs:



2) During my visit to the FWISD I met Billy J. Sills, who was in charge of setting up archives for the district. I explained my interest to Mr. Sills and he soon provide a handwritten list of teachers who taught at Stripling during the 1950's (see Stripling 3 & 4). It was from this list that I met and spoke with teachers who remembered Oswald (Mark Summers, physical education) and the assistant principal of Stripling in 1963, Frank Kudlaty (interview can be seen on U-Tube). After filming the interview with Mr. Kudlaty, at his home in Waco, TX., I asked Jack White to make a copy of the videos for both Robert and myself. As we were watching/copying the videos for the first time Jack said, "I think I know that guy. I think we attended the same college in the 1940's." Jack said that he did not know Kudlaty personally, but knew his name as a fellow student. I don't know if Jack had any contact with Kudlaty after viewing the interview.


Edited by Sandy Larsen
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8 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

I then met with Mr. Galindo who said that had talked with several teachers who remembered that LHO had attended Stripling,

1. They could be remembering Robert. 2. People want to be associated with a famous event-human nature. There is no hard evidence to support the claim, no yearbooks or even a scrap of paper. When will the H&L people learn that you can't trust what people say without verification.

8 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

As Fran sat outside the school and ate lunch she watched Oswald, sometimes with his friends, walk across the street to his home during lunch.

No, she didn't, he never lived there. His mother did in 1963. Provide the verifying documentation please.

8 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

I don't know if Jack had any contact with Kudlaty after viewing the interview.

He admitted he did.

8 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

I wrote to the FBI (FOIA request) and asked for copies of any and all documents they had relating to Stripling JHS in Ft. Worth, but was told there were no documents.


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There is a perfectly simple, albeit mundane, solution to the Kudlaty/Stripling controversy.  It will please no one.  But here goes.

Robert Oswald assumed that his younger brother Lee attended the same middle school that Robert had attended.  He did not *know* this, because when Lee was in middle school, Robert was serving in the Marines.  Robert wasn’t lying.

Unless and until somebody provides correspondence in which an Oswald family member informs Robert - in the service - that Lee Oswald attended Stripling, we have nothing but Robert’s perfectly reasonable, but incorrect, assumption.  

I dare say that at any later date, the subject wouldn’t come up in the family.  Why would it?  “Say Lee, where did you go to middle school?”  Robert thought he already knew; no reason to ever think of it again.  Until asked.  By the authorities.

Moreover, Kudlaty was not lying when he said that he was instructed to give the FBI the school records of a student named Oswald.  That student’s first name was Robert, not Lee.  Why?  Because the entire Oswald family - and acquaintances - were now under the Bureau’s microscope.  

Kudlaty provided the records, as claimed, on the date claimed, I have little doubt.  But who has sought out ROBERT Oswald’s school records, if only to rule out my hypothesis?  Do I hear crickets?  

As I recall, Kudlaty had no *personal first hand* memory of Lee Oswald at the school.  How does that lead to anything but the obvious?

All the “witnesses” who remembered going to school with Lee were mistaken.  When did this first come up for serious discussion?  The early 1990's?  So, we’re asked to rely upon the memories of people about a detail 40 years after the fact?    Even for Kudlaty, his moment with the Bureau had occurred 30 years earlier.

*This* is seriously offered as evidence?  It is to laugh. “Yeah I went to school with a guy named Oswald in the early ‘50's....”

It would be lovely to have copies of the applicable school year records.  But, they’re done and dusted, either long-gone or awaiting future discovery.

I think the entire JFK community owes a debt of gratitude to John Armstrong for having unearthed documents to which we may never have had access without his effort.  

But the use to which he puts them is hogwash.

At this point we will hear from the cheerleaders “But if you weren’t persuaded by the first 16 factoids we’ve presented, maybe the 17th will turn the trick.  Never mind the quality, feel the width.”


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17 minutes ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:



John Armstrong wrote:

I then met with Mr. Galindo who said that had talked with several teachers who remembered that LHO had attended Stripling,


1. They could be remembering Robert. 2. People want to be associated with a famous event-human nature. There is no hard evidence to support the claim, no yearbooks or even a scrap of paper. When will the H&L people learn that you can't trust what people say without verification.


We have multiple corroborating witnesses.


17 minutes ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:
9 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

As Fran sat outside the school and ate lunch she watched Oswald, sometimes with his friends, walk across the street to his home during lunch.

No, she didn't, he never lived there. His mother did in 1963. Provide the verifying documentation please.


Francetta and other corroborating witnesses say you're wrong.

Besides, the hypothesis that we are arguing is that there was a second LHO. You cannot argue that the second LHO didn't live across from Stripling because you don't know where the second Oswald -- if there was one -- was living.


17 minutes ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:
9 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

I don't know if Jack had any contact with Kudlaty after viewing the interview.

He admitted he did.


Okay. But that would have been AFTER the interview with Kudlaty was taped. So Jack White could not have coached Kudlaty to l.i.e in the interview.


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1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:

We have multiple corroborating witnesses.

And that is all you have. No yearbook pictures, not a scrap of paper such as real estate records to prove your case. BTW, Armstrong obtained real estate records in several instances. You can believe that if they existed, he would have them. They don't exist.

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12 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

It’s easy to see why Mr. Stevens hates “records” and “newspaper articles.” This EVIDENCE clearly shows that, during their junior high school years, two young men were sharing the identity of “Lee Harvey Oswald.”  As I’ve already told Mr. Stevens, I will continue to post the evidence for Stripling School every time he tries to deny its existence or its significance.

Despite the best efforts of the H&L critics here to cast doubt on the massive amount of Stripling evidence that the FBI was unable to destroy, the only issue of any real interest is the conflicting accounts of the years LHO actually attended the school, which range from 1951 (Robert Oswald’s testimony) to 1956 (the FWST edition of May 11, 2002).  The obvious point here is that these discrepancies could have been easily resolved if the FBI had not destroyed the Stripling records it collected from Frank Kudlaty.






Speaking of evidence, I forgot to mention in the post at the top of this page that on December 27, 1993, John Armstrong wrote to Ricardo Galindo, the then current principal of Stripling School, asking if there were any records for Lee Harvey Oswald's attendance at the school.  Mr. Galindo telephoned John back and said that, although there were no records, it was “common knowledge” that LHO had attended the school. [Harvey and Lee, p. 97]


Again, what exactly constitutes "common knowledge?" If for instance, 300 students and faculty were at Stripling, daily, and Harvey & Lee proponents have offered, at best, 6 documented witnesses which can attest to Oswald's presence at Stripling; would 2% constitute a population which could be considered "common knowledge?"



Mr. Stevens apparently wants us to believe that, in addition to Robert Oswald’s testimony, these people are all lying about Stripling School: John Armstrong and/or Ricardo Galindo, Frank Kudlaty, and Fran Schubert, and that five Fort Worth Star-Telegram articles indicating LHO attended Stripling were wrong and were never corrected.


The closest I've come to accusing someone of lying is James Norwood. Please, provide any other posts where I have accused anyone of lying. My belief is that Robert Oswald is simply mistaken when he refers to Lee Harvey Oswald as attending Stripling in 1952. Robert Oswald has no other, on the record statements regarding Lee Harvey Oswald attending Stripling. The Warren Commission statements, which are consistently referred to by Harvey & Lee proponents do in no way pertain to 1954.



Mr. Stevens asks that I “please discuss” some of the people entered into John Armstrong’s raw Stripling notes, but since they are merely notations John made, I did not even included them in my lists of evidence.  Dr. James Norwood did discuss them a bit, so feel free to discuss them with him.  For me, they are irrelevant to this discussion since I have not included them in collection evidence, other than showing John’s raw notes.


I had to have asked it 10 times, and you still literally refuse to discuss them, because according to you they are not evidence, and irrelevant. Never mind the fact that it was you who posted the notes to begin with.

I'm sorry to be the first to break this to you, but they are what John Armstrong thought was evidence, and he agreed when he used their statements in his book and based almost his whole case on these very same statements.

It's good to know though, that you don't think Kudlaty's statements are evidence and won't use them. He's the first statement I quoted, and he's first quoted in Harvey & Lee on page 98. His irrelevant statements will not longer be used by you though.

While I do believe Schubert/Tubbs statements are relevant, I do not believe them to be reliable. I had no idea you felt so strongly though and believed her statements were irrelevant. Her statements were the second statements I quoted, and they are first used in Harvey & Lee on page 101. I though was able to find some context for her statements, from the video interview with her and John Armstrong. In the video she makes a variety of surprising statements and I can understand why Armstrong thought it wise to exclude them from the book. No reason to have readers asking unwanted questions, like if he hung out daily with a group of friends, where are all of their statements? If she saw him in December-January, wouldn't this conflict with him living in New York City (and also being enrolled in two separate schools according to Armstrong) there? Questions like if HLO  lived in the rear apartment, why was he coming and going from the front apartment? Never mind all that though, her statements are irrelevant according to you, I'm sure you won't use them anymore then.

I have never thought Galindo was relevant, I'm pleased to know you agree. He was the third statement I quoted and is first quoted in Harvey & Lee on page 97. Since there was literally hundreds of students and faculty at Stripling, and so far 6 documented witnesses, the 2% ratio does not really meet the expected criteria of "common knowledge." Either way he's irrelevant, according to you. Surely you won't use his statements anymore.

The same is true for Summers, the fourth statement I quoted. He is first quoted in Harvey & Lee on page 98 as well. Notice how Armstrong selectively leaves out the important information which qualifies it to be used in the theory that HLO attended Stripling in 1954, the fact that Summer's recalled Oswald in 1952. Never mind that pesky fact though, we can at least both agree his statements are irrelevant, since they do not pertain to 1954.  No reason to use those anymore.

All the more true for Pitts, the fifth statement quoted by me and first quoted by Armstrong on page 102. He is irrelevant because he has no knowledge of Oswald. His only knowledge is seeing "him" watch from the porch when Pitts would play football in his yard. Never mind the fact that Oswald did not reside in the apartment with this porch, his apartment was an entirely different one.

Lastly, Gann, the last statement I quoted and first quoted by Armstrong on page 103. Like Schubert I felt it was relevant, but lacking important context. Additionally, by Armstrong's own quotes he "may have" had homeroom with Oswald. The statement may have hardly constitutes evidence.

I really wish you were more familiar with the very subject matter you post here, repeatedly.

It's of no real consequence though, because they are irrelevant to this discussion since you have not included them in collection evidence.



Use of LARGE FONTS appears to be one of Mr. Stevens’ specialties, so let me offer him an invitation to use more LARGE FONTS to exclaim that it is totally irrelevant that, just a single school year prior to the simultaneous Beauregard/Stripling attendance, school records published in the Warren Commission show that “Lee Harvey Oswald” attended school simultaneously in New York City and New Orleans.

In the fall semester of 1953, one LHO attended Public School 44 in the Bronx borough of New York City, where he was present for 62 full days and 5 half days, was absent 3 full days and 8 half days, for a total accounting of 78 days.


Also in the fall semester of 1953, the other LHO was present at Beauregard Junior High School in New Orleans for 89 school days.


Of course, Mr. Stevens (and undoubtedly Mr. Bojczuk) want readers to believe it is completely irrelevant—just a distraction—to point out that the two LHOs who attended two different schools in the fall semester of 1954 also attended two different schools just one year earlier in 1953.  Does anyone seriously believe that fact is irrelevant?  How absurd is that?


Again, I do not believe the school records to be irrelevant. What I do believe is we cannot discuss every topic at once, and much like eating an elephant we have to take one bite at a time. We can gladly discuss the school records, and newspaper articles, and whatever you would like, literally in 1 post if you will just please address the witness statements. Please explain how my assessment of those statements is in error. We can gladly move on from this topic, and address other topics related to the Harvey & Lee story. I have no problems discussing those topics, please stop stating otherwise.

10 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

Some H&L critics have stated several times that Stripling Assistant Principal Frank Kudlaty was a friend of Jack White's and that that is how Armstrong/White was able to talk Kudlaty into lying. Of course, that on its face is a ridiculous notion given Kudlaty's credentials, and given that there is no evidence indicating that he was a l.i.a.r.

But now I find out from John Armstrong's letter that Jack White didn't even know Kudlaty on a personal level... at least not before the video of Kudlaty was filmed. He had just seen him around at a college where they both had attended in the 1940s. (See what I bolded, below.)

It's amazing how low some H&L critics will stoop in attempts to discredit Harvey & Lee.



Hi Sandy, nice of you to join us again. I'm glad you were able to point this out.

I'm curious though how this meshes with other statements John Armstrong has made, this comment in a letter dated 11/13/94 for instance "Mr. Kudlaty's memory of that event is on the enclosed tape recording. He currently resides in Waco, Texas and, coincidentally, is a friend and former classmate of Jack White's at TCU."

Armstrong seems pretty clear here that Kudlaty and White are friends. This is apparently after the interview was filmed, and he was still claiming they were friends.

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1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:


We have multiple corroborating witnesses.



Francetta and other corroborating witnesses say you're wrong.

Besides, the hypothesis that we are arguing is that there was a second LHO. You cannot argue that the second LHO didn't live across from Stripling because you don't know where the second Oswald -- if there was one -- was living.



Okay. But that would have been AFTER the interview with Kudlaty was taped. So Jack White could not have coached Kudlaty to l.i.e in the interview.


Hi Sandy, again pleased.

Would you care to name these witnesses, please?


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2 hours ago, Robert Charles-Dunne said:

There is a perfectly simple, albeit mundane, solution to the Kudlaty/Stripling controversy.  It will please no one.  But here goes.

Kudos to Robert. This is one of many perfectly logical ways to explain the Stripling confusion.

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