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New You Tube Video On Oswald

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On 4/26/2021 at 5:05 AM, Josh Cron said:

Thanks Joe!

Josh, debates about biased credibility aside, the video was extremely thought provoking imo.

Oswald's actual words in letter's to his brother from his initial defection time in Russia as well as his dairy entries over the years there and specifically Minsk are so contradictory and changing he comes across as extremely immature and confused.

He was just 20 years old when he took on this strange sojourn. Heck, at that age, I too was confusedly and unsurely back and forth about political, social and even personal value judgements in every area of my life.

Yet, then later in 1963 New Orleans, Oswald makes public statements that tend to swing back to his previous first defecting angst about American political system values, versus Cuban?

Oswald's politically minded actions, words, travel and his family and work relationships in his brief 24 year long life are so contrary in nature you cannot figure him out at all. 

To such a degree it spawns logical and strong suspicion that he is either pathologically mentally and/or emotionally unbalanced or this confusing enigma persona is a purposely contrived creation.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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Another part of the Lee Harvey enigma that has at times puzzled me.

In almost every testimony of people who knew or interacted with Lee Harvey Oswald after his wife gave birth, there is a consensus of his affectionate and protective attitude toward Junie for sure.

At times, Lee fussed over Junie more than Marina she stated and he would even chastise Marina for things he perceived as less than the best motherly attentiveness toward her. 

Oswald may have been abusive toward Marina at times, but I don't think I've ever read anything but Oswald's sincere and protective affection toward Junie.

And remember also, that even in his incredibly stressful incarceration time after he is arrested, Oswald makes it a point to tell Marina to make sure to get Junie some new shoes with the money he left with Marina.

And remember he gave Marina instructions for her protection and care if he was arrested for the Walker shooting. He also ran to confront those that he perceived were upsetting and harassing Marina, such as SA James Hosty?

I mention this reality of Oswald ( his paternal and spousal concern and protective love ) as another contrary aspect to his basic personality versus the typical assassin imo.

Also, it's so contrary to the alleged cold blooded killer who tried to blow General Walker's head off, did so with JFK ( inches from his horrified wife's face ) and then gunned down Officer J.D. Tippit, sadistically pumping more bullets into him than he needed to after he was already down.

There is a pattern with all the other assassination attempting shooters I mentioned that we all remember. Bremer, Chapman, Hinkley, Sirhan, James Earl Ray, Squeaky Fromme.

One that Oswald didn't fit into.

None of them had children. None of them had a wife,.

None of them had someone else close to consider being hurt deeply by their extreme actions. 

In Oswald's case, if he did do all these shootings, he must have had at least one fleeting thought about the consequences to his daughters if he ever got caught in these most notorious actions.

Just before Oswald shot at JFK ( if he did ) I would think that he may have considered the pain and shame he was about to bestow upon his children whom he reportedly felt deep love for. If caught, they would have to live with the curse of his name and actions. He must have considered this. He was a sober and generally intelligent guy.

He didn't live in isolation in dark, dirty poster filled rooms and write on walls and a journal over and over his hate for his target and how they "had to die."

The enigma of Lee Harvey Oswald is almost haunting.




Edited by Joe Bauer
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Thanks Joe ... 

It does make me sad every time I see JFK alive and speaking, brings it all home, what was taken/lost. 

I still need to read Russell’s Case-Nagell book. 

Edited by Chris Barnard
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I watched the "Killing Oswald" film over the last two night. Short-hand, I give it a "B." 

I will prepare a review in the next week or so. If anyone wants to jot down some comments here for my consideration, have at it. 

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4 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I watched the "Killing Oswald" film over the last two night. Short-hand, I give it a "B." 

I will prepare a review in the next week or so. If anyone wants to jot down some comments here for my consideration, have at it. 

BC, some thoughts.

In her time living with Lee in Minsk, did Marina ever testify that he exhibited or even talked about the extreme political views ( including aggressive and even killing behavior ) he talked to her about after they moved back here to the states? 

Marina testified that Lee told her about his attempt to kill Walker. He talked about hijacking a plane to fly he and Marina to Cuba. She said she had to lock him in the bathroom to prevent him from going to see Nixon and taking his revolver.

Seriously suggesting hijacking planes and shooting people?

These are the most violent thoughts and suggestions on Oswald's part. Marina described them as crazy talk. It shocked and scared her.

Marina must have thought she was living with an unstable madman, and that she and her daughter could get caught up in the most dire circumstances themselves if Lee kept talking about and doing these most violent and risky things.

My question though is this:

In all their time together in Minsk, did Marina ever say that Oswald talked and acted differently there than he did in their last year in NO and Dallas/Irving/Oak Cliff?

Where Lee said and did things here in the states that were so aggressively political and extreme. His activity in New Orleans, his Walker scheme, his Nixon thing, his hijacking suggestion, his trip to Mexico.

Did Marina get any inkling as to Lee's super extreme political and even violent personal comments ( crazy talk ) thoughts and behavior that he exhibited here in the states when she lived with him back in Minsk?

Or, did Lee just change when he got here?

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1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

BC, some thoughts.

In her time living with Lee in Minsk, did Marina ever testify that he exhibited or even talked about the extreme political views ( including aggressive and even killing behavior ) he talked to her about after they moved back here to the states? 

Marina testified that Lee told her about his attempt to kill Walker. He talked about hijacking a plane to fly he and Marina to Cuba. She said she had to lock him in the bathroom to prevent him from going to see Nixon and taking his revolver.

Seriously suggesting hijacking planes and shooting people?

These are the most violent thoughts and suggestions on Oswald's part. Marina described them as crazy talk. It shocked and scared her.

Marina must have thought she was living with an unstable madman, and that she and her daughter could get caught up in the most dire circumstances themselves if Lee kept talking about and doing these most violent and risky things.

My question though is this:

In all their time together in Minsk, did Marina ever say that Oswald talked and acted differently there than he did in their last year in NO and Dallas/Irving/Oak Cliff?

Where Lee said and did things here in the states that were so aggressively political and extreme. His activity in New Orleans, his Walker scheme, his Nixon thing, his hijacking suggestion, his trip to Mexico.

Did Marina get any inkling as to Lee's super extreme political and even violent personal comments ( crazy talk ) thoughts and behavior that he exhibited here in the states when she lived with him back in Minsk?

Or, did Lee just change when he got here?

Of course there's a third possibility: Marina was lying about some, or all, of these incidents. 

Edited by Robert Burrows
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12 hours ago, Robert Burrows said:

Of course there's a third possibility: Marina was lying about some, or all, of these incidents. 

I think even WC backers concede Marina was an unreliable witness in the wake of the JFKA, and that is putting it mildly. One could not blame her for losing her marbles and saying whatever she thought would please her handlers. 

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14 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

BC, some thoughts.

In her time living with Lee in Minsk, did Marina ever testify that he exhibited or even talked about the extreme political views ( including aggressive and even killing behavior ) he talked to her about after they moved back here to the states? 

Marina testified that Lee told her about his attempt to kill Walker. He talked about hijacking a plane to fly he and Marina to Cuba. She said she had to lock him in the bathroom to prevent him from going to see Nixon and taking his revolver.

Seriously suggesting hijacking planes and shooting people?

These are the most violent thoughts and suggestions on Oswald's part. Marina described them as crazy talk. It shocked and scared her.

Marina must have thought she was living with an unstable madman, and that she and her daughter could get caught up in the most dire circumstances themselves if Lee kept talking about and doing these most violent and risky things.

My question though is this:

In all their time together in Minsk, did Marina ever say that Oswald talked and acted differently there than he did in their last year in NO and Dallas/Irving/Oak Cliff?

Where Lee said and did things here in the states that were so aggressively political and extreme. His activity in New Orleans, his Walker scheme, his Nixon thing, his hijacking suggestion, his trip to Mexico.

Did Marina get any inkling as to Lee's super extreme political and even violent personal comments ( crazy talk ) thoughts and behavior that he exhibited here in the states when she lived with him back in Minsk?

Or, did Lee just change when he got here?

I think even WC backers concede Marina was an unreliable witness in the wake of the JFKA, and that is putting it mildly. One could not blame her for losing her marbles and saying whatever she thought would please her handlers. 

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