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All the "High" or "Connected" People Who Did Not Believe the WC, or Its Key Findings

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Hello Everyone:

I am thinking of a very simple idea, that I hope someone did before. If not, I ask help in compiling this list.

It is a simple list, possibly with just brief paragraph each, of the "high" or "connected" people, such as Robert Kennedy, Hale Boggs, Richard Russell, Sherman Cooper, even LBJ, John Connally and his wife, David Atlee Phillips, and so on, who did not really believe the conclusions of the WC. 

I guess we could add Robert Blakely, as he concluded there had been a conspiracy in the JFKA. I heard that Curtis E. LeMay called the JFKA "a CIA job." George Burkley, JFK's doctor.  

The three Secret Service men in the follow car all said three separate bullets struck JFK, then Connally, then JFK, and said so in a Sixth Floor Museum taped session. 

Various people at the JFK autopsy. 

Anyway, that's it. I have seen so many names over the years, but I never cataloged the names, and I wonder if anyone else has. 






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If it was just those who suspected foul play, it could be a very long list. 

Can’t remember if it was Ford or Carter who said as much to a French Diplomat. 

Hunter S Thompson seems to suspect a Fascist coup right away. 

Jackie Kennedy

John F Kennedy Jr 

Robert F Kennedy Jr


Larry King seemed to have his suspicions. 

Harry S Truman

E. Howard Hunt

Frank Sturgis 


Ralph Yarborough 



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Chris B-


Thanks for reading and your response. 

Ralph Yarborough is a good one. 

You have a cite on Nixon?

E. Howard Hunt? I know of his late-life confession, but that has been sketchy. 

I am less interested in a Larry King type. He is well-connected (was), but not to the JFKA in particular. 

Of course, Cuban intelligence did their own investigation, and they say it was Hemininio Garcia and Eladio Del Valle. 


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46 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Chris B-


Thanks for reading and your response. 

Ralph Yarborough is a good one. 

You have a cite on Nixon?

E. Howard Hunt? I know of his late-life confession, but that has been sketchy. 

I am less interested in a Larry King type. He is well-connected (was), but not to the JFKA in particular. 

Of course, Cuban intelligence did their own investigation, and they say it was Hemininio Garcia and Eladio Del Valle. 


I may be connecting dots on Nixon, I don’t think he ever made a public declaration he was against the WC, why would he, it benefitted him. But, we obviously know of his battle with Helms for the files. 
I am not sure we should take the duplicitous Roger Stone seriously though, who appears to best the drum the loudest. He was selling a book that fingered LBJ, though I believe he did work for the Nixon campaign. 

Larry is interesting in this interview, without stating he clearly thinks there was a conspiracy, he tells of his personal experience and expresses his doubt re: Oswald and the official narrative:



The Hunt one interests me, St John Hunt is accessible via Facebook and answers questions openly. Much doubt has been cast over his credibility but, I can also see why he might like to throw some people under the bus before checking out. 


I am sure there are many other figures who have expressed their doubts, it would be nice if forum members all posted them here. 

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1 hour ago, Tony Krome said:

Sibert and O'Neill were anti SBT, so I suppose without the SBT there's a few problems

Tony K--

Thanks for reading and your comment.

On Sibert and O'Neill, do you have a cite?

They said something was fishy, and they thought JFK's head showed signs of surgery prior to arriving in the Bethesda, although they are not surgeons. 

What is curious is the number of very close witnesses who say three separate shots hit JFK, Connally, JFK...and then say LHO did it alone. The three SS men in the follow car to the JFK limo all say that. 

But, that does not add up. A single shot bolt-action rifle cannot accomplish that, in the time allowed. 




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14 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Tony K--

Thanks for reading and your comment.

On Sibert and O'Neill, do you have a cite?

They said something was fishy, and they thought JFK's head showed signs of surgery prior to arriving in the Bethesda, although they are not surgeons. 

What is curious is the number of very close witnesses who say three separate shots hit JFK, Connally, JFK...and then say LHO did it alone. The three SS men in the follow car to the JFK limo all say that. 

But, that does not add up. A single shot bolt-action rifle cannot accomplish that, in the time allowed. 




O'Neill: .... people keep forgetting Mr. Connally, Governor Connally, denied the single-bullet theory one hundred percent. He's an eyewitness. He's right there! People overlook his testimony on that, then say, "Well, the movie shows something else." I don't give a damn about the movie! This is the man who was there. He was the one who was hit. He should know what happened.

When questioned about the single-bullet theory and Arlen Specter, Sibert responded: "What a xxxx. I feel he got his orders from above—how far above I don't know."

[Law - In the Eye of History]

I'm with O'Neill, I don't give a damn about the movie either

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This kind of depends on the difference between " who did not believe the Warren Omission" and those who knew it was horse dooky.

Just about everybody listed so far Knew.  If you suggest Phillips then probably Morales, Harvey, Dulles and Angleton should be included.  As well as Nagell and more. 

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11 hours ago, Tony Krome said:

O'Neill: .... people keep forgetting Mr. Connally, Governor Connally, denied the single-bullet theory one hundred percent. He's an eyewitness. He's right there! People overlook his testimony on that, then say, "Well, the movie shows something else." I don't give a damn about the movie! This is the man who was there. He was the one who was hit. He should know what happened.

When questioned about the single-bullet theory and Arlen Specter, Sibert responded: "What a xxxx. I feel he got his orders from above—how far above I don't know."

[Law - In the Eye of History]

I'm with O'Neill, I don't give a damn about the movie either

Tony K: As far as I can tell, the Z-film entirely vindicates Connally.

1. JFK puts his hands toward his throat ~224

2. Then Connally turns to his right to look at JFK, makes a 180-degree turn in his seat. JFK has slumped to the left, towards Jackie.

3. Connally, unable to see JFK, starts turning around forward, then is struck ~296

4. Then the head shot(s) 313.

That is 17 frames between Connally and the JFK being struck, in a camera that shoots at 18 frames per second. 

Obviously, the single-shot bolt-action rifle cannot answer to the situation.  

Great find on the Sibert quote.

Far from being conspiracy nuts, right from the start, despite extraordinary pressure, there were many high and connected who doubted the WC.

You are right, Sibert falls into this category. 




Edited by Benjamin Cole
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Vince Palamara has a good list of these in his new book Honest Answers.  Which I am reading right now.

I think its the most complete one I have seen.

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7 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Vince Palamara has a good list of these in his new book Honest Answers.  Which I am reading right now.

I think its the most complete one I have seen.

James D.--


I will take a look.



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5 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

This kind of depends on the difference between " who did not believe the Warren Omission" and those who knew it was horse dooky.

Just about everybody listed so far Knew.  If you suggest Phillips then probably Morales, Harvey, Dulles and Angleton should be included.  As well as Nagell and more. 

Ron B. 

Thanks for your comment. 

It may be that the Morales, Harvey, Dulles and Angleton believed the WC was "horse dooky," but did they ever say so?

Angleton made the "wilderness of mirrors" comment, but that is vague. 

I have always had reservations about Nagel. Trust but verify as they say. 

BTW, you have heaped calumny on the useful "horse dooky," an excellent fertilizer, by comparing it to the WC. 



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4 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

This guy went on record stating he thought Israeli’s were behind it over Dimona and the Ben Gurion row. 

Gaddafi, well....not sure he was clued in on the JFKA. 

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1 minute ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Gaddafi, well....not sure he was clued in on the JFKA. 

You could say it was just a slur on Israel, his enemies. But, I would hazard a guess that there was shared intelligence between Libya, Egypt and other nations in the region that were on a knife edge with Israel. That may have come from that region and not the US. There are a few threads running on the Israel theory but, for me, its just another reason for the ‘power elite’ to whack him. As JFK surmised himself after reading 7 Days In May; he felt it would take 3 Bay of Pigs style events to make him ripe for a coup in the USA. 
I am happy to say the reasons were financial mostly and strategic. He exceeded his forecast of 3. 

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