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New Garrison Book Due in September

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This will be another Litwinian piece of crud.  



After my review came out, some readers peppered her about the ARRB.  She said, I do not plan on spending the rest of my life going through declassified documents.

And this is supposed to be a scholar?  With Litwin, you know he is a political hack/culture warrior.  But this woman is supposed to be a history professor.

And its because of these kinds of "scholars" that ordinary people had to take up the case.  See John Kelin's, Praise from a Future Generation.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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Jim D. tries to brush off Alecia Long's book (which he obviously has not read since it has not been released yet) by equating it with an article she did some time ago. Jim writes that the "ten-page article is simply a compendium of every MSM caricature of Garrison and his Kennedy case that one can imagine ..." 

But Long's book goes much deeper than "standard" criticisms of Garrison. As the promo material for the book states:

"Tapping into the public's willingness to take seriously conspiratorial explanations of the Kennedy assassination, Garrison drew on the copious files the New Orleans police had accumulated as they surveilled, harassed, and arrested increasingly large numbers of gay men in the early 1960s. He blended unfounded accusations with homophobia to produce a salacious story of a New Orleans-based scheme to assassinate JFK that would become a national phenomenon."

The book will also show that:

"... the Shaw prosecution was not based in fact but was a product of the criminal justice system's long-standing preoccupation with homosexuality."

So, Jim will have his hands full defending Garrison after this comes out.  

Edit: I'm told that the Alecia Long article that Jim criticizes may be read here:

The Garrison Tactics | 64 Parishes

Edited by W. Tracy Parnell
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Alecia Long has been sponsored by the Ford Foundation. She's the director of the Listening to Louisiana Women Oral History Project at Louisiana State University. The Ford Foundation covered the grant that started that project, from 2009 to 2013, and Long was put in charge of it.

Currently, the director of the Ford Foundation is Darren Walker, who is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Before joining the Ford Foundation, Walker was a Vice President of the Rockefeller Foundation. I'm assuming Long's book on Garrison will be warmly received by people who have sponsored her in the past.




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46 minutes ago, Anthony Thorne said:

Currently, the director of the Ford Foundation is Darren Walker, who is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Before joining the Ford Foundation, Walker was a Vice President of the Rockefeller Foundation. I'm assuming Long's book on Garrison will be warmly received by people who have sponsored her in the past.




Christ, that Darren Walker has some form. 🙂 

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Gee, and the timing of this Alecia Long book on Garrison is....right before the Oct. 26 deadline for releasing the remaining JFK files? 

And I see... to admire Garrison's work is to be anti-LGBTQ.  

The CIA is woke, btw, just watch their recruitment ads. 

Right. Garrison was so far off-base that CIA deputy chief Raymond Rocca was asked to investigate Garrison. On 20th September, 1967, CIA officer Wistar Janney reported: "Rocca felt that Garrison would indeed obtain a conviction of Shaw for conspiring to assassinate President Kennedy".

As we now know, Clay Shaw was Clay or Clem Bertrand and was a CIA asset. 

Garrison made a lot of mistakes in that trial, such as putting Charles Spiesel on the stand or putting Russo under some sort of drug. 

Likely, Shaw was a CIA handler of sorts, not a direct or immediate JFKA plot participant. 

But in the bigger picture Garrison was roughly right. 








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