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Buckley and Lowenstein on Who Killed Robert Kennedy

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I hope you get a chance to read my article in the new Garrison on Lowenstein. He is a key figure to unlocking a lot of intrigue of his day. 

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  • 8 months later...

Allard Lowenstein was certainly very articulate, as can be seen in the above 'Firing Line' vid.

Can't see the guy as a CIA asset, but to come full circle, I can see Lowenstein's killer, Dennis Sweeney, like Sirhan/Chapman showing traits of a programmed assassin.

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Lowenstein was shot in his office by his former protege' Sweeny.  Who then waited there to be arrested.  He also claimed he had received messages in his head broadcast from a CIA transmitter.  Of course he was deemed insane and committed to a mental institution.

Sirhan somehow learned and listened to morse code over shortwave radio, demonstrated under hypnosis.  But he didn't understand it when not hypnotized.

CIA affiliated Dr. William Joseph Bryan, of Los Angeles bragged about his "hypnosis machine", tapes to hypnotize remotely. 

"Lowenstien  was on the verge of a commitment from President Jimmy Carter to reopen the investigation in the Sirhan case if Carter were re-elected to a second term. . . . Al died, Carter lost to Reagan."  Pg. 253, A Lie Too Big To Fail.  

Edited by Ron Bulman
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59 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Lowenstein was shot in his office by his former protege' Sweeny.  Who then waited there to be arrested.  He also claimed he had received messages in his head broadcast from a CIA transmitter.  Of course he was deemed insane and committed to a mental institution.

It makes me wonder why JFK Jr’s fuel pump was in the off position when the plane crashed, the same as the Egypt Air crash the same summer. Was there a co-pilot in the Piper Saratoga like there usually was? The only seat missing from the wreckage was that of the co-pilot. If he had spatial disorientation, how did he have time to put the fuel pump off and why? I am sure I read he had 300 hours flight time and somehow could follow the gage that showed the horizon. A kid could understand it. 


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10 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Lowenstein was shot in his office by his former protege' Sweeny.  Who then waited there to be arrested.  He also claimed he had received messages in his head broadcast from a CIA transmitter.  Of course he was deemed insane and committed to a mental institution.

Sirhan somehow learned and listened to morse code over shortwave radio, demonstrated under hypnosis.  But he didn't understand it when not hypnotized.

CIA affiliated Dr. William Joseph Bryan, of Los Angeles bragged about his "hypnosis machine", tapes to hypnotize remotely. 

"Lowenstien  was on the verge of a commitment from President Jimmy Carter to reopen the investigation in the Sirhan case if Carter were re-elected to a second term. . . . Al died, Carter lost to Reagan."  Pg. 253, A Lie Too Big To Fail.  

Sweeney was found not guilty by reason of insanity & committed to psychiatric treatment for schizophrenia in 1981.  After just a decade he was out and about in the community and eventually off all medication & finally fully released in 2000.  Compare that to Sirhan's stretch. 

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that article above about Lowenstein is so completely dishonest that I don't know where to start. I knew Lowenstein and worked in his campaign around 1970 - which he LOST because of Republican gerrymandering. Kind of a surprise since he was a CIA asset, huh?

Aside from that there is not ONE scintilla of actual, written file evidence that Lowenstein was anything other than a misguided idealist in his early dealings with the NSA, something which he indeed talked about in later years (I remember one late-night session where he answered a question about this). And your citations are bogus - footnote #37 in that article, after claiming "he CIA was known to secretly pay for ventures such as Lowenstein’s field work in large amounts of cash," then indicates "Wilford mentions a payment of $10,000 in $50 bills Tom Braden made to Walter Reuther to give to his brother Victor Reuther in Europe. Wilford, The Mighty Wurlitzer, 63. " WTF?

Something you may not be aware of was that Lowenstein approached RFK first for the Dump Johnson movement before he went to McCarthy when RFK turned him down. How the hell can you twist the Dump Johnson movement into something that was pro-CIA? I wa there, I was alive and in the anti-War movement of the time, and you have no sense of the history of that movement or of Lowenstein's brilliant work in galvanizing progressives. Yes, McCarthy was ultimately a disappointment, but he STOPPED LBJ, the president who had been previously cited as the CIA's man in the White House when he tried to subvert JFK's Vietnam policy.

As for the Freedom Riders claims, you mention the "young recruits who followed Lowenstein to Mississippi, like Dennis Sweeney (who later became Lowenstein’s assassin), only to be abandoned and betrayed when Lowenstein quit the Mississippi scene because he thought others in the organizations there were communists, were caught in crossfire they did not fully understand, mostly because they thought they were fighting for Civil Rights, not against communism."  Proof? What organizations was Lowenstein worried about? Can you quote the associates who were disappointed in Lowenstein? Proof, please. You say "For the Freedom Riders who had risked much during the struggle, Lowenstein appeared to betray not only them but the cause for which they were fighting." Who are these Freedom Riders? Proof? Citations? Let's see 'em.

And you might try reading this article, which credits Lowenstein with being the FIRST person to start galvanizing student presence in the South during the Civil Rights movement: https://medium.com/stanford-magazine/martin-luther-king-speech-at-stanford-and-allard-lowenstein-pave-way-for-freedom-summer-87842ec98b0e

Lowenstein was not perfect, but he was brilliant and progressive and was ultimately stopped by the right-wing establishment who saw him as a threat and an obstacle. So please stop spreading this pathetic disinformation. You have nothing but supposition and guilt by association. It is hateful the way the Left is so intent on self destruction, to the point of eating its own.

Edited by Allen Lowe
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1 hour ago, Jon Pickering said:

If Lowenstein was a progressive/liberal, the particular set of principles which would indicate he was one, was left in abandonment when he advocated pro military anti communist action

first of all it was no crime to be anti-Communist in the 1950s, and I am not talking about McCarthy-ite types. If you know anything about sectarian battles on the Left, a lot of anti-Communist response was in reaction to Stalin and Soviet expansion in Eastern Europe. Do you support Stalin? The Russian invasion of Hungary? The KGB murders in Czechoslavakia? There was an entire (socialist) Left that opposed communism; read Irving Howe, Harold Greenberg, Theodore Solatoroff, and many others. I suppose you also support forced collectivization and the Gulag, two Russian policies that resulted in the deaths of millions. And what pro-military action are you referring to?

Edited by Allen Lowe
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