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JFK Research in 2005

Tim Gratz

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Great work James. In my opinion the four that definitely match are:

Rip Robertson

Alfredo Duran

Lucien Conein

Dick Whatley

This is an example of making the evidence point to what you want it be. Please answer this question. What is the purpose of these individuals being at the sight of the attack?

Good point. I have argued this on other threads. There are probably three possible reasons for this. I am up for persuasion about points 1 and 2 but think 3 is unlikely.

1. It might have been necessary for one person to coordinate the assassination. Maybe Rip Robertson (working under David Morales) might have been fulfilling this role.

2. The conspirators might have arranged for several potential “patsies” to be in Dealey Plaza on the day of the assassination. Alfredo Duran, Lucien Conein and Dick Whatley all fall into this category.

3. That friends of the gunmen were invited to Dealey Plaza to see the assassination of JFK.

John, I agree with you that if indeed there were "familiar faces" in Dealey Plaza it was probably for one (or both) of the first two reasons you posit.

Would be interested in how you would edit Anti's list of the top ten people to interview.

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A request...Please consider doing a complete composite of ALL the suspected characters who were in DP along with identities and comparison photos...all of yours plus Conein, Lansdale, etc. (Jack White)

Hi Jack,

As requested, here are two pages showing comparisons. I know you won't agree with some presented but I'll throw them out there anyway. I am not convinced of them all but it is certainly food for thought. BTW, these don't include any of the Tramps.

I am convinced that Rip Robertson, Alfredo Duran, the unknown associate of Bernardo De Torres and the unknown Alpha 66 guy are spot on and that comes from not just the photographic comparisons but from independent sources.



Excellent, James. I will refine the composite and repost the ones I believe are matches!

Great work. These certainly implicate CIA as well as CUBANS.

Jack :blink:

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Great posting Tim. I think it is a good idea if we can make some sort of joint commitment to do our best to come up with some understanding of the events surrounding the assassination of JFK.

We will never agree about different aspects of this (Tim and I are good examples of this), but if we try hard enough we should also be able to work together in an harmonious way.  We should also use the forum to help each other in our research.

I think it would be a good idea to use this thread to map out our main areas of research. Here are mine:

LBJ and the Democratic Party in Texas (1930-1968)

The Military Industrial Complex (1940-1968)

The Texas Oilmen (1900-1968)

Bobby Baker and Political Corruption (1950-1963)

Suite 8F Group

I also agree that we should also draw up a list of people who need to be interviewed about the case. Here is my list:

Bobby Baker

Don Reynolds (if still alive)

Grant Stockdale (son of Grant Stockdale)

Ann Stockdale (daughter of Grant Stockdale)

Bernard Barker

Virgilio Gonzalez

Eugenio Martinez,

Gerry P. Hemming

William Seymour

Howard K. Davis

Antonio Veciana

Bernardo De Torres

Helen Burke (someone who provided me with some interesting information but then cut off contact).

I would like to see all active members post on this thread. It will give us some idea of how many there are involved in this joint investigation.

Greetings John:

Thanks for the kind words. As I explained to Al Carrier I am attempting to compose a comprehensive article for posting on this and other forums of my personal connections to the JFK murder. To that end I would like to add a single name to this forum: Norman (Roughhouse) Rothman who made a fortune selling guns to both sides of the Cuban Revolution and who according to his son used Hymie Rubinstien; AKA. Jack Ruby as his middle man. Faustino also told me of the numerous occasions when Hunt and Liddy visited his home and even dropped the name of Ed Lansdale and General Walker as the money behind the operation.

I will elaborate more thourghly as my article evolves.

However, this may provide some food for thought for the various researchers on this forum.

Best Regards for the coming New Year: :blink:

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John, I agree with you that if indeed there were "familiar faces" in Dealey Plaza it was probably for one (or both) of the first two reasons you posit.

Would be interested in how you would edit Anti's list of the top ten people to interview.

I think you have to distinguish between those who you would like to interview and those who are willing to talk. My top ten of those I would like to interview but fear they would be unwilling to talk to me include:

The list that I think will not talk include:

Bobby Baker

Don Reynolds

George Smathers

Bernard Barker

Virgilio Gonzalez

Eugenio Martinez

William Seymour

Antonio Veciana

Bernardo De Torres

Michael Paine

Ruth Paine

Dick Billings

I think the following would be willing to talk about certain aspects of the case.

Alfredo Duran

G. Robert Blakey

Dick Whatley

Edmund Kolby

Eugene Hancock

Ron Pataky

Billie Sol Estes

Grant Stockdale (son of Grant Stockdale)

Ann Stockdale (daughter of Grant Stockdale)

Gerry P. Hemming

Howard K. Davis

Wayne S. Smith

Norman Redlich

Harris Wofford

Theodore Sorenson

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When I once-upon-a-time had been given a large amount of money to research the JFK assassination I had the idea to fund a JFK Assassination Encyclopedia. Since there are so many 'players', witnesses, researchers and opinions of researchers etc., I envisioned having all the good researechers do their best on a particular topic and alternate opinions also entered. Referencing all is most important so other researchers can retrace or fill in or enhance research to date on particular topic and cross-referenced [easy with hyperlinks]. A database type website [or part of this one dedicated to such a huge assembly of information] would be needed and someone to monitor/edit it and decide what gets in and what not. If persons chose topics and tried to distill the research [with all its branches - advances and retreats / information and disinformation / consent and disent], reference it highly, this could be a great research and learning tool. It is a daunting task, but one perhaps worthe the effort. It would take years to complete and would need the input of many excellent researchers who do not show up on this site. I would propose that debate over included items be held here and NOT within the growing database. As many photos and videos and inclusion of documents be made in it. It would be massive and important.

I have been attempting to do this with my Assassination of President Kennedy Encyclopaedia: So far I have created biographies of 394 people involved in the case: Major Figures (84), Important Witnesses (66), Investigators, Researchers and Journalists (112) and Possible Conspirators (132). Other sections include: Reports (4), Organizations and Operations (26) and Key Issues (4). The website also looks at the possibility that different organizations such as the Mafia, CIA, FBI, Secret Service, KGB and the John Birch Society might have been involved in the planning of the assassination. Other possibilities such as anti-Castro activists, Texas oil millionaires and the Warren Commission's lone-gunman theory are also looked at. The text within each entry is hypertexted linked to other relevant pages in the encyclopaedia. In this way it is possible to research individual people and events in great detail. It is an organic project and members of the JFK Forum are welcome to suggest further biographies. Over the next few months I hope to develop the Key Issues section.


I have also been working with James Richards on a Assassination of JFK Photo Archive.


The major advantage of doing it via my website is my ranking with the search-engines. I have been going since September, 1997 and 45,634 websites are currently linked to my website. Therefore, if you do a search for an individual I have written about, my webpage will come up in the first couple of entries. If anyone starts up a new project it will take them several years to get their pages ranked near the top with the leading search-engines.

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To that end I would like to add a single name to this forum: Norman(Roughhouse) Rothman who made a fortune selling guns to both sides of the Cuban Revolution and who according to his son used Hymie Rubinstien; AKA. Jack Ruby as his middle man. Faustino also told me of the numerous occasions when Hunt and Liddy visited his home and even dropped the name of Ed Lansdale and general Walker as the money behind the operation. (John Ritchson)

Hi John,

In your research, did you ever come across any information that suggested Herminio Diaz Garcia was behind some gun sales to Rothman?


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I have learned a great deal about the personal impact on the families of those connected to the assassination through my friendship with Dean Andrews III, son of the New Orleans attorney whose WC testimony started Garrison down the Clay Shaw path. I still hope to meet his mother, who is stil alive but, according to Dean, very reluctant to talk about any of this stuff. Dean and I have become good friends, and he is going to try to introduce me to the son of FBI agent Regis Blahut, whom he knows pretty well, to see if he can offer any interesting personal anecdotes. With so many of the witnesses dead, contacting their children or spouses may provide us with some great insight, if not actual eyewitness testimony. Along these lines, Mark Oakes has communicated with the widow of Buddy Walthers (in addition to his large number of wonderful interviews with people in Dallas) and she sounds like she'd have a lot a of interesting things to say. As I understand it, however, she's been reluctant to come on camera thus far. How are things going on that, Mark? Keep up the good work!

Would you be willing to provide an online seminar on this topic?

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I would add E. Howard Hunt to that list. Although he is unlikely so say anything there is always hope. (John Geraghty)

Hi John,

I think your conclusion will be correct. I have written to Hunt many times over the years with no reply. I even denigrated myself by posing as a fan of his novels in an attempt to open a door of communication.

Judging by this image of him below (circa 2002), he may not be around for too much longer. We can only hope the literary world will recover. :o


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one of his sons is named david hunt, i only assume that he lives in d.c., i have 2 possible addresses for him. from the information in mark lanes book 'plausible denial' howard hunt no longer has a great relationship with his children. perhaps they may shed some light on him, even when he dies we may find if CIA people come to the house to take away documents etc.

James, can you send me hunts address, i feel i should give it a go anyway.

cheers and all the best


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James, can you send me hunts address, i feel i should give it a go anyway. (John Geraghty)


I wrote to Hunt via his 'Author's Contact' at his publisher's address. Several of his novels were handled by G. P. Putnam's Sons which are now operated by Penguin Group U.S.A.

The address here is -

E. Howard Hunt

C/O Publicity

375 Hudson Street

New York, NY10014

Hunt's old Washington address I believe is now owned by one of his children but I may be wrong there. That address -

11120 River Road

Montgomery County

Washington D.C

BTW, my favorite Hunt quote is, "no one is entitled to the truth."

It gives one such a warm and secure feeling, doesn't it?


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"No one is entitled to the truth"

E. Howard Hunt.

That should be the title for the next serious JFK assassination film/play/book. What a quote!!.

I have one of his books around someplace, one of the novels, never read it, just might tho :o


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I have one of his books around someplace, one of the novels, never read it, just might tho :o (Dawn Meredith)


I believe Hunt wrote over 70 novels of varying success. He even claimed that Mission Impossible's Ethan Hunt was named after him.

For me though, the guy who should have written novels was Gerry Hemming. Some of his stories are worthy of blockbuster status.


Edited by James Richards
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This quote says a lot to me, Dawn. Entitlement fits very comfortably with the "need to know." There's a great deal of self-importance in this line of work, I believe. The level of secrecy required is not for everybody. I think Hunt knows this world inside and out and will never disclose details about his involvement in covert operations. Never directly, perhaps in pulp fiction, but watered down to protect the truth. This is the life he chose, after all and he knows how dangerous it is firsthand.

I spoke to Hunt on phone years ago about my father and Cuban operations. He shared nothing and insisted I was making a movie (I'm not) and digging where it was none of my business. I left the conversation on good terms with nothing but an interesting contact. Don't wait for a deathbed confession from this source.

His children though, have a wonderful story. I hope one of them will write about it one day. I'm most interested in the families of covert operatives and how they view this "dictatorship"? they live under.

James, Montgomery County is in Maryland, not DC. Hunt lived in Miami when I spoke to him.

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Someone should interview Dr. Lito Puerto. In fact this was suggested by the Parkland doctors who were interviewed by the ARRB, but I have seen no evidence that Puerto was contacted.

Puerto was a neurosurgeon at Parkland, and as of 1998 was still practicing medicine in Arlington, Texas. Puerto told Dr. Jones on 11/22/63 that he put his finger in a bullet hole in JFK’s leg.

Here’s the excerpt from the ARRB interview of the doctors. This is right after discussion of how the mistaken idea of a wound in JFK’s left temple had arisen.

DR. JONES: . . . The afternoon of the assassination we were up in the OR and Lito Puerto -- I think it's L-i-t-o, Puerto, P-u-e-r-t-o -- was in the OR -

DR. PETERS: Neurosurgeon..

DR. JONES: -- and he said he was -- that he referred to the President -- because he had been down there and he said, I put my -- he was shot in the leg. I said, he was shot in the left temple. He said, I put my finger in the hole, and I think that was part of --

DR. McCLELLAND: I never heard that. That's news to me.

DR. JONES: And so -- in fact, I told Mr. Haron the other day -- I gave him Lito Puerto's name and his telephone number. I said you know if you're going to have the group down here, why don't you get Puerto down here to clarify that comment, if indeed that were the case or it's not the case. . . .

DR. McCLELLAND: When did Lito say he did that?

DR. JONES: It was that afternoon.

DR. McCLELLAND: That afternoon.

DR. JONES: It was my -- it was that afternoon, and I believe we were upstairs, but he had mentioned that he had put his finger into the -- and he was sort of known as the guy that went down and put his fingers in missile -or bullet --

DR. PETERS: Brains.

DR. JONES: -- wounds, and that was his comment at the time.

DR. PETERS: where's he practicing now?

DR. BAXTER: Arlington.

DR. JONES: I believe he's in Arlington. I don't know if he's in active practice but he's listed -- still listed in the state medical association.

DR. BAXTER: He is. He's still in practice.



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