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Jean Rene Souetre expelled from the US 18hrs after JFKA?!


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15 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Leslie - you think it might have been Colonel Rose who met with Hoover on 12/11? That’s the correct date? He worked out of the Assistant Chief of Staff Office for certain. The structure of ASCI isn’t clear to me. I suspect there were several assistants, Rose and Matlack among them. Rose was definitely Brandstetter’s connection. 

See later response . . . 

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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15 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Leslie - you think it might have been Colonel Rose who met with Hoover on 12/11? That’s the correct date? He worked out of the Assistant Chief of Staff Office for certain. The structure of ASCI isn’t clear to me. I suspect there were several assistants, Rose and Matlack among them. Rose was definitely Brandstetter’s connection. 

Paul, I failed to refer to our own book!   We concluded that the best candidate for the ASCI guy in Hoover's office on the 11th was Col. Graham E. Schmidt.

Chapter 4, Suicides and Call Girls, Coup in Dallas . . . 

FBI Director Hoover's appointment calendar for that Thursday indicates he had only one meeting scheduled, at 3:30 with US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, Judge Warren Burger. There is nothing on Director Hoover’s calendar the remainder of that weekend. On Monday, December 16, Hoover was scheduled to have "lunch with the President at the White House."

The previous morning, Wednesday, December 11, Hoover met with the Deputy Chief of Staff for Military Intelligence, Army Major General Edgar Doleman, and the Chief of the Security Division of the ACSI (Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence). The name of the colonel had been redacted. ACSI is recognized by assassination authorities as the division of the Army that Dorothe Matlack, assistant director of the Office of Intelligence for the Army reported to. It was Matlack who, at the insistence of Col. Sam Kail, a military intelligence officer who had been assigned to work with the CIA, made arrangements for George de Mohrenschildt and French born Haitian banker Clémard Joseph Charles during their visit to D.C. prior to their departure for Haiti. 

With much gratitude to researchers Paul Brancato and Lawrence Haapanen, the colonel that met with FBI Director Hoover on December 11 has been identified as Col. Graham E. Schmidt. Schmidt had been a member of the Nuremberg Military Community in the late 1950s while Operation Paperclip was in full throttle. Schmidt is mentioned by author Linda Hunt who is responsible for a 1991 groundbreaking exposé of the operation in her book Secret Agenda. Hunt drew extensively from the administrative files, the “Top Secret” files, and the dossiers of the ACSI’s Paperclip records stored at the Washington National Records Center. Hoover’s guest on December 11, Col. Schmidt, was also named in documents related to shutting down Operation MKULTRA in September 1963. He is mentioned in transcripts of the 1977 Senate Hearing on Intelligence which was holding the Army’s feet to the fire for those experiments. The Senate hearing, chaired by Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii and Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater opened with the history of two deaths: Frank Olson, the CIA scientist assigned to the Technical Services Staff in 1953 when he was thrown through a window of the NY Statler Hilton by Pierre Lafitte and company, and tennis star Harold Blauer who died after the fifth dose of a mescaline derivative at the hands of Army Chemical Corps doctors conducting experiments at the NY Psychiatric Hospital. Involved in the initial financial settlement with the Blauer family was President Eisenhower’s Assistant Attorney General Warren Burger who is alleged to have buried the Army’s role in the tragedy. Just three months after the MKULTRA operation was alleged to have been closed down, with Col. Schmidt dead center in the effort, Warren Burger was sitting in Dir. Hoover’s office a day after Schmidt had been.

 ACSI’s Dorothe Matlack, in 1963, was working closely with Col. Sam Kail who is prominent in Lafitte’s datebook in the last half of 1963. An excerpt from co-author Alan Kent’s essay entitled “A Well-Concealed ‘T’ gives us a glimpse into the potential significance: As George de Mohrenschildt prepared to venture into Haiti in the spring of 1963, he and his Haitian business partner Clémard Charles were being closely monitored for possible use by both CIA and military intelligence. Dorothe Matlack, Army Intelligence’s chief liaison with CIA, was on top of this effort, and she leaned heavily on the “smooth operator,” Sam Kail. CIA’s Domestic Operation Division, headed by Tracy Barnes, was also involved in the de Mohrenschildt-Charles matter.”

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Samuel (Sam) Goodhue Kail


Posted by James Richards on July 11, 2007 (edited) in the Education Forum


Also, I am re-reading "The Last Investigation". Has anyone here ever interviewed Col. Sam Kail? I would like to know more about him and his connection to David Phillips. Thanks (John Bockmon)

So not to divert the 'What's It Going To Take' thread, I thought I would start a new one.

Sam Kail is one of the more interesting characters.

Born in Huntington, West Virginia, he graduated from the Huntington High School. He received a bachelor of science degree from the U.S. Military Academy in West Point. Kail was also a graduate of the U.S. Army Infantry School, Command and General Staff College and the U.S. Army War College. He also attended the Southern Methodist University.

Kail retired in 1969.

From 1970 until 1972, he served as the Republican Party Precinct 159 Chairman. In 1972, he campaigned for the Republican nomination to state House District 33-E.

Kail was the president of the West Point Society of North Texas, a vice president in the Dallas chapter of the Association of the U.S. Army, and a member of the Retired Officers Association.

In 1960, he was stationed in Havana and according to Antonio Veciana, Maurice Bishop sent Veciana to meet with Kail regarding official support. Kail said they would speak in more detail in Dallas later. I'm not sure if that meeting ever took place but Veciana felt that Kail and Bishop were well acquainted.

In 1959, an arrest order in Havana was issued for David Morales (aka Stanley Zamka). Kail was the one who handled the Cubans as Morales obviously got out.

Sam Kail was rarely photographed but this is him below. (photo not included)

Kail's son, Samuel Kail Jr. is an army man and probably worth tracking down.



Edited July 11, 2007 by James Richards

Cryptonym: JMFIG

JMFIG is defined as the "Opa-locka Naval Base. Opa-locka CAC (note: Caribbean Admissions Center)



Background on the use of the Opa-locka facility. "The Caribbean Admission Center was established in March 1962 as a joint DOD/CIA operation under CIA operational control and Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) cover..." See https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=19773#relPageId=10&tab=page

- it shows that "CIA's Domestic Contact Division (DCD) had primary responsibility for obtaining positive intelligence interest from refugees." DCD officers conducted interviews with refugees at the CAC.

124-90019-10155: No Title

Deputy Chief of the CAC is Colonel Sam Kail.

198-10004-10153: TRIP REPORT

Colonel Sam Kail and Lt. Col. Trudencio Ulibarri are described as "the two top men" at CAC.


See this document for further details on Kail and Ulibarri and the relationship between CIA and DOD.

198-10004-10153: TRIP REPORT

6/30/63 from Lt. Col. James Patchell to Joseph Califano: Describes visit to CAC, operations led by Colonel Sam Kail and Lt. Col. Ulibarri. Julian Gleichauf, CIA chief of field office, is also the Director of CAC. "It is a military operation under CIA management."

See also:


Steve Thomas

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So Shackley was involved in the Hungarian operation. Presumably in 1956, and he surely knew Dorothe Matlack because of that. I’ll point out that Brandstetter was Hungarian. And didn’t I read in Coup that Souetre worked with a coupe of Hungarians in OAS attempts against DeGaulle? Not to cast aspersions on Hungarians, just wondering if any of this ties together.

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1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

So Shackley was involved in the Hungarian operation. Presumably in 1956, and he surely knew Dorothe Matlack because of that. I’ll point out that Brandstetter was Hungarian. And didn’t I read in Coup that Souetre worked with a coupe of Hungarians in OAS attempts against DeGaulle? Not to cast aspersions on Hungarians, just wondering if any of this ties together.


Chuck Scwartz in the Education Forum April 18, 2016
"This is from the Fensterwald memo:
 A French Police person from "SAC"
who knew Souetre very well, Souetre did the following in April-May, 1963:
a) met Howard Hunt and Jean Claude Perez (Chief of ORO) in Madrid;  went
to the Caribbean with Laszlo Varga, Lajos Marton, and Buscia;"

"In the period 1964-1966, Souetre headed the Societe Expinmaq in Madrid;
it was a "soueti de traveaux publics," furnishing work and cover for OAS
veterans and exiles, such as Varga, Marton, and Sari.12/"
Laszlo Varga, Lajos Marton, and Gijola Sari were all Hungarians and would be imprisoned for the attack on Charles DeGaulle at Petit-Clamart in August, 1962.

The French Foreign Legion (who played a large role in the Revolt of the Generals in April, 1961), and later the OAS had many Hungarians in their ranks.

Ps: I don't know they could have been in the Caribbean with Souetre at the same time they were in prison in France. 
Steve Thomas


Edited by Steve Thomas
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6 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

Samuel (Sam) Goodhue Kail


Posted by James Richards on July 11, 2007 (edited) in the Education Forum


Also, I am re-reading "The Last Investigation". Has anyone here ever interviewed Col. Sam Kail? I would like to know more about him and his connection to David Phillips. Thanks (John Bockmon)

So not to divert the 'What's It Going To Take' thread, I thought I would start a new one.

Sam Kail is one of the more interesting characters.

Born in Huntington, West Virginia, he graduated from the Huntington High School. He received a bachelor of science degree from the U.S. Military Academy in West Point. Kail was also a graduate of the U.S. Army Infantry School, Command and General Staff College and the U.S. Army War College. He also attended the Southern Methodist University.

Kail retired in 1969.

From 1970 until 1972, he served as the Republican Party Precinct 159 Chairman. In 1972, he campaigned for the Republican nomination to state House District 33-E.

Kail was the president of the West Point Society of North Texas, a vice president in the Dallas chapter of the Association of the U.S. Army, and a member of the Retired Officers Association.

In 1960, he was stationed in Havana and according to Antonio Veciana, Maurice Bishop sent Veciana to meet with Kail regarding official support. Kail said they would speak in more detail in Dallas later. I'm not sure if that meeting ever took place but Veciana felt that Kail and Bishop were well acquainted.

In 1959, an arrest order in Havana was issued for David Morales (aka Stanley Zamka). Kail was the one who handled the Cubans as Morales obviously got out.

Sam Kail was rarely photographed but this is him below. (photo not included)

Kail's son, Samuel Kail Jr. is an army man and probably worth tracking down.



Edited July 11, 2007 by James Richards

Cryptonym: JMFIG

JMFIG is defined as the "Opa-locka Naval Base. Opa-locka CAC (note: Caribbean Admissions Center)



Background on the use of the Opa-locka facility. "The Caribbean Admission Center was established in March 1962 as a joint DOD/CIA operation under CIA operational control and Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) cover..." See https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=19773#relPageId=10&tab=page

- it shows that "CIA's Domestic Contact Division (DCD) had primary responsibility for obtaining positive intelligence interest from refugees." DCD officers conducted interviews with refugees at the CAC.

124-90019-10155: No Title

Deputy Chief of the CAC is Colonel Sam Kail.

198-10004-10153: TRIP REPORT

Colonel Sam Kail and Lt. Col. Trudencio Ulibarri are described as "the two top men" at CAC.


See this document for further details on Kail and Ulibarri and the relationship between CIA and DOD.

198-10004-10153: TRIP REPORT

6/30/63 from Lt. Col. James Patchell to Joseph Califano: Describes visit to CAC, operations led by Colonel Sam Kail and Lt. Col. Ulibarri. Julian Gleichauf, CIA chief of field office, is also the Director of CAC. "It is a military operation under CIA management."

See also:


Steve Thomas

Thorough backstory, Steve.  What is your view on the fact that Kail appears in the records of Pierre Lafitte?

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18 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:


Chuck Scwartz in the Education Forum April 18, 2016
"This is from the Fensterwald memo:
 A French Police person from "SAC"
who knew Souetre very well, Souetre did the following in April-May, 1963:
a) met Howard Hunt and Jean Claude Perez (Chief of ORO) in Madrid;  went
to the Caribbean with Laszlo Varga, Lajos Marton, and Buscia;"

Ps: I don't know they could have been in the Caribbean with Souetre at the same time they were in prison in France. 
Steve Thomas



Gijola SARI, Lajos MARTON, Laszlo VARGA

Imprisoned at SAINT MARTIN de RE  on the Ile de RE


They would all be jailed for the attack on DeGaulle at Petit Clamart in August, 1962.

Varga would be in jail until 1967, and Sari until 1968

 I think what the "French policeman from SAC" was trying to do with Fensterwald was attempting to smear Souetre by tying him to the perpetrators of the attack on DeGaulle at Petit Clamart.

Steve Thomas


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Steve - maybe so. But the picture is certainly not taken from jail. I’m actually not sure what you are getting at. Are you saying that Souetre wasn’t involved in the assassination attempts against DeGaulle? Or that he couldn’t have been in the US or Caribbean because these three Hungarians were in jail at the time? Or something else? 

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10 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Steve - maybe so. But the picture is certainly not taken from jail. I’m actually not sure what you are getting at. Are you saying that Souetre wasn’t involved in the assassination attempts against DeGaulle? Or that he couldn’t have been in the US or Caribbean because these three Hungarians were in jail at the time? Or something else? 


Did you go to the web site I provided?

These pictures are all from the prison.

These men could not have been with Souetre in the Caribbean in 1963.

Souetre might have been. (He was the manager of a sugar refinery in Martinique), but they weren't with him as the guy from SAC (Cavalier probably) told Fensterwald.

If Cavalier lied about that, what else did he lie about? Souetre meeting with Hunt? Souetre in New Orleans?

Steve Thomas

Steve Thomas

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2 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:


Did you go to the web site I provided?

These pictures are all from the prison.

These men could not have been with Souetre in the Caribbean in 1963.

Souetre might have been. (He was the manager of a sugar refinery in Martinique), but they weren't with him as the guy from SAC (Cavalier probably) told Fensterwald.

If Cavalier lied about that, what else did he lie about? Souetre meeting with Hunt? Souetre in New Orleans?

Steve Thomas

Steve Thomas

Yes I get that he might have lied. But I don’t see pics of them in jail on the website. My other question - do you think Souetre took part in assassination teams targeting DeGaulle? In the past you had concluded that Souetre was more public relations for OAS rather than terrorist. Do you stand by that? Albarelli had other sources on Souetre, such as being a trainer for Skorzeny in Madrid. Have you looked at that?

Edited by Paul Brancato
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27 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Yes I get that he might have lied. But I don’t see pics of them in jail on the website. My other question - do you think Souetre took part in assassination teams targeting DeGaulle?


If you go here: https://deltas-collines.org/galerie/VARGA

you will see several pictures of Varga, Marton and Sari in the prison at Re.

I know that for several weeks after the attack on DeGaulle at Petit-Clamart in August of 1962, the police and press suspected Souetre of being involved, but at that time, he was one of the most wanted men in France due to his escape from the prison camp at St. Maurice de L'Ardoise in February of that year..

Nothing was ever proven that he was at Petit-Clamart.

Steve Thomas

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9 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:


If you go here: https://deltas-collines.org/galerie/VARGA

you will see several pictures of Varga, Marton and Sari in the prison at Re.

I know that for several weeks after the attack on DeGaulle at Petit-Clamart in August of 1962, the police and press suspected Souetre of being involved, but at that time, he was one of the most wanted men in France due to his escape from the prison camp at St. Maurice de L'Ardoise in February of that year..

Nothing was ever proven that he was at Petit-Clamart.

Steve Thomas

Steve,  I'm curious why you delved into Jean Rene Souetre?

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On 2/15/2023 at 3:52 PM, Steve Thomas said:

Samuel (Sam) Goodhue Kail


Posted by James Richards on July 11, 2007 (edited) in the Education Forum


Also, I am re-reading "The Last Investigation". Has anyone here ever interviewed Col. Sam Kail? I would like to know more about him and his connection to David Phillips. Thanks (John Bockmon)

So not to divert the 'What's It Going To Take' thread, I thought I would start a new one.

Sam Kail is one of the more interesting characters.

Born in Huntington, West Virginia, he graduated from the Huntington High School. He received a bachelor of science degree from the U.S. Military Academy in West Point. Kail was also a graduate of the U.S. Army Infantry School, Command and General Staff College and the U.S. Army War College. He also attended the Southern Methodist University.

Kail retired in 1969.

From 1970 until 1972, he served as the Republican Party Precinct 159 Chairman. In 1972, he campaigned for the Republican nomination to state House District 33-E.

Kail was the president of the West Point Society of North Texas, a vice president in the Dallas chapter of the Association of the U.S. Army, and a member of the Retired Officers Association.

In 1960, he was stationed in Havana and according to Antonio Veciana, Maurice Bishop sent Veciana to meet with Kail regarding official support. Kail said they would speak in more detail in Dallas later. I'm not sure if that meeting ever took place but Veciana felt that Kail and Bishop were well acquainted.

In 1959, an arrest order in Havana was issued for David Morales (aka Stanley Zamka). Kail was the one who handled the Cubans as Morales obviously got out.

Sam Kail was rarely photographed but this is him below. (photo not included)

Kail's son, Samuel Kail Jr. is an army man and probably worth tracking down.



Edited July 11, 2007 by James Richards

Cryptonym: JMFIG

JMFIG is defined as the "Opa-locka Naval Base. Opa-locka CAC (note: Caribbean Admissions Center)



Background on the use of the Opa-locka facility. "The Caribbean Admission Center was established in March 1962 as a joint DOD/CIA operation under CIA operational control and Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) cover..." See https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=19773#relPageId=10&tab=page

- it shows that "CIA's Domestic Contact Division (DCD) had primary responsibility for obtaining positive intelligence interest from refugees." DCD officers conducted interviews with refugees at the CAC.

124-90019-10155: No Title

Deputy Chief of the CAC is Colonel Sam Kail.

198-10004-10153: TRIP REPORT

Colonel Sam Kail and Lt. Col. Trudencio Ulibarri are described as "the two top men" at CAC.


See this document for further details on Kail and Ulibarri and the relationship between CIA and DOD.

198-10004-10153: TRIP REPORT

6/30/63 from Lt. Col. James Patchell to Joseph Califano: Describes visit to CAC, operations led by Colonel Sam Kail and Lt. Col. Ulibarri. Julian Gleichauf, CIA chief of field office, is also the Director of CAC. "It is a military operation under CIA management."

See also:


Steve Thomas

Sam Kail https://tangodown63.com/kail-jr-samuel-goodhue/

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