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Does the WC mention the bullet in the top bar of the windshield?

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11 hours ago, Pamela Brown said:

This is mentioned in SS Chief Rowley's Jan.6, 1964 letter:


PB... I just read the letter your link provided.

The one where SA Geis ( in charge of the limo maintenance) is cited where he states he thought the windshield frame indentation damage happened much earlier than 11/22/1963.

And body shop manager Paul Michel states the damage could have happened at his shop although he didn't personally see or recall the exact incident.

This explanation for the frame damage happening much earlier than 11/22/1963 would have some merit due to the fact that the SA agent Geis was personally responsible for the limo maintenance and body shop owner Paul Michel "kind of" backed up Geis's recollection and opinion of an earlier damage provenance date.

Rereading the letter however, I noticed that SA Geis's time line for the damaged limo windshield frame incident was..."NOVEMBER 1st, 1961 !"

2 years before Dealey Plaza !?

Wait a minute ... wait-a-minute!

If the sharp and up close photo shared by Sean Coleman above genuinely shows this same JFK Dallas motorcade limo and this was taken on "June 23rd of 1963" while it was being used in Germany, and it clearly shows no damage to the frame at all, I think we have a laughingly obvious contradiction to the Geis damage provenance citing letter.

And if this windshield frame damage was done in November 1961...you really think it would go unnoticed and unaddressed for 2 years?

Our premier presidential motorcade limo left with junk yard damage like that?

No limo washer ever saw and reported this ugly twisted scrunched up metal bordered hole?

I also noticed that whoever wrote this earlier year date damage provenance letter just had to add their personal opinion of downplaying the ugly dent. It wasn't that noticeable. The visors blocked it's visibility, etc.

Lastly, the letter also cites two agents recollection of retrieving a large 3 inch sized piece of JFK's exploded skull on the limo floor. At "8 PM" on 11/22/1963?

After JFK's autopsy had begun? Did the SS agent in charge immediately race to Bethesda to give the autopsy team this piece of JFK's skull? Was there any mention in Humes's testimony of this happening?

And these agents also found some of JFK's brain matter still on the limo seat.

Jackie Kennedy also had more of her husband's brain matter in her hand in the Parkland ER room.

The two Dallas motorcycle patrolmen just behind JFK's limo said they were also hit with enough of JFK's brain matter they felt it's impact on their faces and bodies.

Some Parkland ER room staff reported even more of JFK's brain matter had oozed out of the back of his head while he was being attended to there.

That's a lot of lost JFK brain matter ... no?

Yet, Commander Humes final autopsy report listed JFK's brain weight as greater than an average man's intact brain weight?                   

Edited by Joe Bauer
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The brains weight is beyond absurd & is up there with the single bullet theory & magic bullet.Be prepared for the establishment to say that the brain must have been weighed while infused.Humes might not have even wrote that weight down.I think I read somewhere that the report at one time did not have the weight listed & was filled in at a later time.But don't hold me to that,I don't keep any info stored.

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12 hours ago, Michael Crane said:

The brains weight is beyond absurd & is up there with the single bullet theory & magic bullet.Be prepared for the establishment to say that the brain must have been weighed while infused.Humes might not have even wrote that weight down.I think I read somewhere that the report at one time did not have the weight listed & was filled in at a later time.But don't hold me to that,I don't keep any info stored.

True. The brain weight wasn't listed in Humes's autopsy summary report until much later.

When asked why he didn't weigh the brain or listed a weight, Humes told a committee he "simply didn't know" why the brain wasn't weighed at the same time all the other major organs were weighed and recorded.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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Joe Bauer said: 

"This is mentioned in SS Chief Rowley's Jan.6, 1964 letter:


PB... I just read the letter your link provided."


Rowley's letter was written in response to Vaughn Ferguson's memo of December 18, 1963. It is full of excuses as a result...

Edited by Pamela Brown
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20 minutes ago, Pamela Brown said:

Joe Bauer said: 

"This is mentioned in SS Chief Rowley's Jan.6, 1964 letter:


PB... I just read the letter your link provided."


Rowley's letter was written in response to Vaughn Ferguson's memo of December 18, 1963. It is full of excuses as a result...

I just viewed this memo of Vaughn Ferguson.

Is that the full memo? It is so short.

And no mention of the upper windshield chrome frame damage.

How could Chief Rowley's letter regarding the windshield frame indentation provenance be a response to the Ferguson memo when in this memo there is no mention of the indentation?

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6 hours ago, Keyvan Shahrdar said:

No damage to the top of the windshield at Love Field.

The hole in the left side was there.


Nice picture KS, however, the front windshield visors are flipped all the way up and are completely blocking any view of the windshield upper frame.

If only we could get a view of the frame while the limo was at Love Field that morning with the visors down.

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Not that it matters,but the conspirators wanted us to believe that Connally's seat was situated more to the left.When clearly you can see this was not possible with where the seats were mounted & that middle thing.And Joe...I just noticed more chunks of brain matter on the floorboard of the X-100.

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8 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

I just viewed this memo of Vaughn Ferguson.

Is that the full memo? It is so short.

And no mention of the upper windshield chrome frame damage.

How could Chief Rowley's letter regarding the windshield frame indentation provenance be a response to the Ferguson memo when in this memo there is no mention of the indentation?

I'm just referencing the sequence of events in general.

Rowley was probably asked to submit his timeline of the limo after the WC had read Vaughn Ferguson's memo. so this was on.a broader scale than only the damage to the chrome molding. 

Interesting that Rowley stepped in to create a detailed scenario of how he thought it happened, placing the event nowhere near Dallas.

Oddly, the WC did not go back to Ferguson to request his analysis of where the damage to the windshield frame came from.  


Here is page 2 of the Ferguson Memo...


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2 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Nice picture KS, however, the front windshield visors are flipped all the way up and are completely blocking any view of the windshield upper frame.

If only we could get a view of the frame while the limo was at Love Field that morning with the visors down.

I would too. I have yet to see one...

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12 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Nice picture KS, however, the front windshield visors are flipped all the way up and are completely blocking any view of the windshield upper frame.

If only we could get a view of the frame while the limo was at Love Field that morning with the visors down.


No damage to the front top windshield at love field.  I did a side by side comparison.


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42 minutes ago, Denny Zartman said:

Excellent work, @Keyvan Shahrdar. I think you've done it. The bullet hole in the chrome over the windshield is not visible in the picture taken at Love Field.

That close up photo, although quite grainy, does look like there is no indentation/scrunched up surrounding metal damage on the frame.

Especially when you place a photo of the actual damage right next to it.

I didn't realize how the damage area was just an inch or so to the right directly above the rearview mirror.

Even with the visors flipped all the way up, you can see the area in question via your photo.

With this photographic "proof" can everyone "NOW ADMIT" that the windshield indentation came during the Dealey Plaza shooting?

And with this fact proven, can we now study trajectory angles based on the hole itself? As I have said, that hole is not one facing straight back or left towards JFK's head indicating that it did not come from a fragment of a bullet going into and then out of JFK's skull.

It looks like what ever made that circular hole came in from an angle more from the back right versus the back left one of the 6th floor window.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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