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Jim DiEugenio's PP at AVC in March

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Since some people asked about this, we decided to post it at Kennedys and King.

 I think the presentation itself turned out fairly well.  I owe that to Al Rossi who did the technical side.

I was trying to place the JFK murder in its temporal cultural milieu to show how limited the info channels were and therefore how easy it would be to control the data coming out of Dallas. This has changed so much that I wanted to remind the students that it was a different world back then.


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What a superb presentation. 

As I alway say, the reason to study the JFKA is not only to try to learn what really happened, and the result on US foreign-military-trade policy, but also to try to understand how the Deep State (whatever it is called) manipulates media coverage. 

The Deep State, the multinationals, and the M$M have clumped together in the intervening years, becoming vastly more powerful (and much deeper into bed with both major political parties). 

Now, establishment DC wants shut down the free-speech internet. Of course, they don't say "We want to control information."

They say they want to control "misinformation, disinformation and malinformation." 

One lesson of the JFKA is never let the Deep State run media. Or even close. Fight tooth and nail any attempt to control information on the Internet. 


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Thanks Benjamin.

Looking back with the benefit of hindsight, it was really kind of easy to control the information flow.

Thereby limiting what the consumer was able to read.  And if you do that then you can control the reactions and cut off any kind of guided leadership. 

Which is why that did not really happen until the Z film was shown on national TV.

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It is an excellent comprehensive presentation.  The pictures used are outstanding particularly for anyone at least partially familiar with the subject.  I do wonder if it is intended for college students if the detail might be overwhelming for them.

Which makes me wonder.  Have you ever considered doing something, maybe along these lines, in a condensed concise version, say otherwise a 200 - 300 page book my children might read, all in their 30's?  Joseph McBride mentions in his new book students are intrigued with the subject once exposed.  Which they are not done so even in contemporary AP textbooks.  A collaboration might influence a new generation.  Random thoughts.  

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21 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Thanks Benjamin.

Looking back with the benefit of hindsight, it was really kind of easy to control the information flow.

Thereby limiting what the consumer was able to read.  And if you do that then you can control the reactions and cut off any kind of guided leadership. 

Which is why that did not really happen until the Z film was shown on national TV.

I actually think there was a stretch in late 66 and early 67 where Life Magazine and The NY Times were pushing for a re-investigation of the assassination. This was shut down by mid 67 via the AP series of articles defending the WC, and CBS' 4-part special.  It was if the mainstream media collectively said "never mind."

This left Garrison standing alone as the only major public figure pushing for a new investigation. And this was most unfortunate. His face and voice seemed odd and undoubtedly put off many a casual observer. While I am mostly a supporter, it's easy to see how he proved so divisive to the research community. I mean, you've been studying the case for years and think you are onto something. And then this weirdo politician comes along and repeats many of your talking points, mixed-in with some of his own, which sound incredibly far-fetched. And now you know it will be difficult to continue your research without being thought of as one of his "followers". You can't help but lose some enthusiasm, if not your actual interest. 

And then they showed the Z-film on TV... And things revved back up again...


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I read the presentation slides (in PDF format) that was shared via the Kenned & King link, yesterday.  Excellent intro or refresher of the case. 

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Thanks Gerry and Ron.

Pat, I think that is generally accurate about the 1966-67 spot.  The AP and CBS, and let us not forget NBC, they did do all they could to neutralize the impact of the critical books coming out at that time. 

And then when that was done, it put the genie back in the bottle since the Times and Life aborted their own inquiries. 

And NBC went ahead and assassinated Garrison on TV.

But, the Establishment had bought into the WR hook, line and sinker back in 1964.  So they were not going to let go of it easily.  I mean, look at what Jennings was doing in 2003!

Glad I noted that just three months after the 26 volumes were published, LBJ had sent the first 3,500 ground troops to Saigon.  And no one in the MSM ever detected and connection between the two events.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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