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This just in the news this morning.....

Rich Taylor

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21 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

There are so many aspects of the Lee Oswald story that are motive and agenda contrary to degrees that twist your gut sense of logic into knots trying to figure them and the man himself out.

The Walker shooting is just another of these.

Kennedy and Walker were polar opposites in every way.

And I always have to remind myself that Oswald was "just 24 years old" when Jack Ruby sauntered into the DPD building basement and blew his guts out.

24 - that is so young I was still trying to figure out what to do with my life at that age.

Yet, in Oswald's short life he participated in so many logic contrary activities and actions you can't help but to conclude there must be more to them than just one spontaneous impulsive crazy urge thought after another after another.

From reading Marina Oswald's WC testimony Lee sounds as if he lost his rational mind somewhere during their constantly moving, struggling and job loss Texas residing odyssey culminating with their move to their cockroach infested ( visiting Ruth Paine's description ) apartment in New Orleans. 

Lee plans and carries out the Walker shooting. He wanted to take his handgun to a Nixon appearance which so worried Marina she ended up wrestling Lee into a bathroom and locking the door to keep him from anymore crazy risky shenanigans.

Lee wants Marina to help him hijack a plane to Cuba. Lee has Marina take backyard pictures of himself that are so illogically incriminating in case of violent future activities they are whacko.

Lee is seen by Sylvia Odio and her sister with two other suspicious characters right on her front door stair landing. Lee is reportedly seen in Clinton Louisiana by a dozen eyewitnesses there. Trying to get a job at the state hospital there?

Lee takes a trip to Mexico City which his passport verifies. At a time when his late stage pregnancy with infant daughter wife can use all the extra financial help she can get to not be so dependent on Ruth Paine?

This crazy activity Lee Oswald story would have Sherlock Holmes in an opium delirium twist it's so illogically contrary beyond his normal deduction methods study.

What I find even more suspiciously intriguing are George DeMohrenchidst's actions and words when he and his wife Jeanne came to visit Lee and Marina at their apartment soon after the Walker shooting incident.

Once the rifle is spotted in the closet...George DM reportedly joked to Lee about Lee taking a pot shot at Walker.

The fact that GM instantly had that thought in mind opens up a world of questions about what GM knew about Lee and his possible involvement in the Walker shooting.

One could imagine the conversation between GM and his wife Jeanne in the car ride back home after their visit with Lee and Marina that night.

Jeanne to George...what was that pot shot joke to Lee about the Walker shooting as soon as we saw the rifle in the closet?

What inspired you to say such a thing?

What the hell kind of things do you and that maniac talk about when you visit?

Look, we've got to get and stay away from that maniac Lee even if it hurts Marina.

Let's get packing for Haiti as soon as we can. Weve got to be in a sane and safe place far away in case that kook tries anymore crazy things!






Joe, great post!

Surely, LHO's bio falls under the category of, "you just can't make this stuff up" - all by his lonesome, of course.

Therefore, we are left with - and maybe Mr. Holes would put it differently - surreptitious orchestration.




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10 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

I wasn't aware of that. But the Oswald married to Marina and killed by Ruby (HARVEY Oswald) wasn't even related to John Pic. It was the other Oswald (LEE Oswald) who was Pic's step brother. I'll bet it was that Oswald who pulled the knife on Pic's wife. That kind of behavior DOES fit that Oswald's profile.

How convenient! The pre-teen doppelganger was the one who brandished a knife at John Pic's wife, and all the while nobody ever suspected that it wasn't actually the real Lee Harvey Oswald!

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2 hours ago, Ron Ege said:

Surely, LHO's bio falls under the category of, "you just can't make this stuff up" - all by his lonesome, of course.

Therefore, we are left with - and maybe Mr. Holes would put it differently - surreptitious orchestration.


And thanks for the compliment.

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Thanks for your kind comment, Miles.


18 hours ago, Miles Massicotte said:

In this case, the testimony of Marguerite Oswald, who otherwise tries to paint her son as innocent as a lamb, admits herself that Oswald abused Marina but tries to qualify it using the typical sexist logic of the 1960s (essentially, she deserved it).


I believe that Marguerite did indeed think that her son had hit Marina. But she only assumed so.

As I said, Marina's face was bruised as a result of her falling, whereby dropping baby June. Oswald yelled at her for her clumsiness and wasn't at all concerned with Marina's well being. (At least according to Paul Gregory, who witnessed the fall.) Oswald's concern was focused on the baby.

Some time later, Marguerite visited the couple. She saw the bruise and asked how it occurred. In reply, Oswald told her that it was not her concern.

I don't think that Lee and Marina were embarrassed that Oswald had hit Marina. I believe they were embarrassed that Marina had dropped the baby. And they hid that from everybody with their excuses.

Of course, they could have used a more honest excuse, for example that Marina simply fell (without mentioning the baby). But people -- especially young people -- often don't prepare excuses, and then don't think fast when they need one.

Anyway, there is just no credible evidence that Oswald was a wife beater. The fact that Oswald told his mother that it was not her concern is certainly suspicious, I admit. But from reading through all the testimony, after discounting the statements of two demonstrably unreliable witnesses, all I could find was that there was a single bruise, one time. No history of abuse, no witnesses of abuse, just one bruise that can be attributed to a known nasty fall with a loud thud to the head. A thud so loud that Paul Gregory thought that Marina might have seriously injured herself.

BTW, as I was was looking around to refresh my memory of my findings on this topic, I came across the conclusions of a couple other researchers who came to the same conclusion as mine. And their evidence and lines-of-reasoning are not the same as mine. (Only mine includes Marina's fall.) Jim Armstrong is one. I don't recall the other.


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