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Cuban Government Secret Files on JFK's assassination

Douglas Caddy

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This was posted on Facebook by Lee Shepherd:
Thirty years after the death of John F. Kennedy, Cuba opened its secret files on the assassination. These Cuban files revealed new evidence that led to those behind the plot to kill Kennedy. Supported by extensive use of Cuban State Security Department materials, Brazilian journalist and film-maker Claudia Furiati shows how and why the CIA, through those responsible for its anti-Cuba operations, along with anti-Castro exiles and the Mafia, planned and orchestrated the Kennedy assassination. According to author Claudia Furiati, a meeting was then held on board yachts in “Bimini (the Bahamas) during the spring [where], a select group of CIA, Mafia (John Rosselli) and anti-Castro figures (Carlos Prio), in addition to planning yet another attempt to murder Fidel Castro, expressed the desire to kill Kennedy.”
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19Richard Birrell, Jessica Shores and 17 others
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16 hours ago, Cory Santos said:

Phew!  Hell of a long transcript, kept me quiet for a good few hours! 

I was intrigued to read Escalante's statement from Tape One, "Herminio Diaz Garcia is one of the people we feel was most definitely involved in the plot against Kennedy."

He then adds that he would elaborate on that statement later.  However, having trawled through the rest of the tape's transcripts HDG's name does not come up again.

All I have is in Furiati's 'ZR Rifle' where it is proposed that Yito del Valle and Herminio Diaz were the two Latinos whose descriptions were given by witnesses seen in the TSBD.

Does anyone know what happened to Herminio Diaz after November '63?   

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3 hours ago, Pete Mellor said:

Phew!  Hell of a long transcript, kept me quiet for a good few hours! 

I was intrigued to read Escalante's statement from Tape One, "Herminio Diaz Garcia is one of the people we feel was most definitely involved in the plot against Kennedy."

He then adds that he would elaborate on that statement later.  However, having trawled through the rest of the tape's transcripts HDG's name does not come up again.

All I have is in Furiati's 'ZR Rifle' where it is proposed that Yito del Valle and Herminio Diaz were the two Latinos whose descriptions were given by witnesses seen in the TSBD.

Does anyone know what happened to Herminio Diaz after November '63?   

You should try transcribing it! lol 

If I remember right, I did tape 1, Mary Ferrell tape 2, Deb Conway tape 3, Nancy (FLN) tape 4?, Kathy Cummingham tape 5?

Peter, I'll write something up on Diaz-Garcia and post it here.

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If Herminio Diaz-Garcia was pulled into the plot it would been through his friend Carlos Zarraga Martinez. Zarraga was both an FBI informant and a CIA asset/informant. Zarraga, HDG and Efigenio Ameijeiras were all members of the old UIR organization in Cuba whose goal was to fight against Batista. Ameijeiras was of extreme interest to the CIA as he was considered the leading hope for a coup against Castro as part of the AMLASH crew. Diaz-Garcia was friends with 2 of the 6 major players - Ameijeiras and Raul Diaz Arguelles. They were one of the leading hopes to "Split the Regime."

Zarraga was an AMOT - AMOT-133. Zarraga originally debriefed HDG 7/30/63 (see 4. A)  after HDG escaped from Cuba. Zarraga was a member of the AMLEPTON group with were a subgroup within the larger AMOT group. The AMOTS had been setup in Cuba by David Morales and had consisted of 25 or so where they worked closely with Tony Sforza, Jim Peckich and Emilio Rodriguez. Morales managed to get Tony Sforza exfiltrated 6/6/61 after the G-2 were taking serious interest in him. Morales would later put Sforza as head of the AMOTs with Joaquin Sanjenis as his number 2 -  aka AMOT-2. The AMOTs and the "debriefers" were always on the lookout for potential assets to be used in CIA infiltration missions to Cuba. Looks like they hit the jackpot with Diaz-Garcia.

I digress. Back to HDG. As noted, HDG was of interest for the AMLASH project. Here you see his name written in. Sandalio Herminio Diaz-Garcia . HDG and Zarraga would later work together from 1964-66 were they worked for Army Intelligence after Zarraga resigned from JURE.

Some refs and notes:


Zarraga would later quit JURE after Ray's failed attempt to infiltrate into Cuba. Zarraga would later become an asset of Army Intel FAD and hang with the Commandos-L crowd, Tony Cuesta and Herminio Diaz-Garcia.


Edited by David Boylan
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2 hours ago, David Boylan said:

To be continued....

Yes, by all means continue David!

Although I can't say I'm too much of a fan of CIA crypts and the vast host of Latino names.

A short web search informs me that a Sandalio Herminio Diaz was killed in a raid in Cuba in March '66.  Assume same guy.

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He was indeed killed in 1966. This is the Cuban gov't's version to what happened.


FBI's version of what happened - https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=86066#relPageId=3&search="herminio_diaz"


CIA running a trace 9/17/63 - https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=47902&search="herminio_diaz"#relPageId=1&tab=page

10/63 cable. Diaz Garcia knows AMWHIP-1 Carlos Tepedino good friend of AMLASH-1 Rolando Cubela


Diaz-Garcia getting arms for Artime's group (MRR) in 1965 - https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=94482#relPageId=5

Good FBI doc on HDG. He's connected to Lefty Rosenthal, Norman Rothman, attempting to assassinate Castro - https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=124509#relPageId=3

FBI Interview of HDG. "Gregory" from an undisclosed government agency tries to warn him off of Ameijeiras


Telling the FBI he intends to assassinate Castro - https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=93296#relPageId=13

To be continued....

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I have to be thinking of someone else in the anti Castro community or mixing up more than one person.  I thought I'd read Diaz was sent into Cuba on a mission to assassinate Castro, captured by pro Castro Cubans there and executed.  Oops.  I'll stop for the moment and read the links David just posted!

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2 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

I have to be thinking of someone else in the anti-Castro community or mixing up more than one person.  I thought I'd read Diaz was sent into Cuba on a mission to assassinate Castro, captured by pro Castro Cubans there and executed.  Oops.  I'll stop for the moment and read the links David just posted!


There was always the question that he did die in the raid. There was a report that he was still alive in 1973.



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1 hour ago, David Boylan said:


There was always the question that he did die in the raid. There was a report that he was still alive in 1973.



Diaz traveled frequently between NY and Miami, always had large amounts of money (second link).  His connection to Norman Rothman in this vein is interesting, in regards to his potential connections to Ruby and the FBI, gun running, Trafficante, Cuba casinos, more tomorrow.

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One of the more interesting docs on HDG was this FBI doc dated 11/26/63 naming HDG as a person of interest. The FBI informant - MM-761-S - told this to the agent orally in person. MM is Miami. "S" is security informant. After some serious digging it looks like MM-761-S was Francisco Wilfredo Varona Alonso, AKA "Pancho," AKA "Paco." No relation to FRD chief Tony Varona. His CIA crypt was AMCONCERT-1.


FBI doc - https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=193177#relPageId=2&search="herminio_diaz"

Great doc on Varona. Seems Jake Esterline was a bit peeved ta him in 1969. From MFF:

This 6/18/69 doc, written by the CIA Miami Station Chief, Anthony R. Ponchay (Jake Esterline), contains an abundance of biographic data on Pancho and his CIA case officers, especially "Frank" (Tony Sforza). This data matches the data in Pancho's bio on Tepedino (104-10183-10073).


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