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On 8/23/2023 at 10:41 PM, Greg Doudna said:

And you're changing Mrs. Holan telling of a car making backing movements in a "driveway" to her saying nothing at all, in order to fit your narrative, which is a conspiracy theory which has no evidence for it and debatable whether is has much plausibility either.

I am not changing Brownlow's words any more than you.

Bill, please follow carefully here. (Please take this slowly and don't skim.) You and I both agree Brownlow said Doris Holan said "driveway". You and I both agree that Doris Holan did not see a car making backing movements in a driveway out her front window, as Brownlow said. These are facts common to you and me, agreed-upon facts stipulated, not in dispute. 

What is in dispute--is the nature of what you are calling a "change"--what Mrs. Holan actually said. You are changing Brownlow's "driveway" to Mrs. Holan said nothing, in order to agree with your conspiracy theory. I am changing Brownlow's "driveway" to Mrs. Holan describing a car making backing movements away from her in the alley out her front window which Brownlow garbled a bit in the retelling.  

So there you have it, that is the difference--you and I both are, and aren't, changing Brownlow's words depending on how it is viewed.

In this case, I suggest you are too quick to leap to a conspiracy theory, in your change of Brownlow's "driveway" to "nothing" in order to fit your conspiracy theory, whereas I am changing Brownlow's "driveway" non-conspiratorially to something Mrs. Holan could easily have said pre-garbling by Brownlow, based on the view from Mrs. Holan's front window.

It is not as if you are sticking to Brownlow's account of a patrol car in a driveway while I am changing from that.

You are changing that too, in order to fit your narrative of a conspiracy undertaken by Brownlow and Pulte.

The question is which proposed change of Brownlow's account is a more satisfactory change--the one involving necessity for conspiracy (your change), or the one supposing a phenomenon common in everyday life to which Brownlow was not immune (garbling, my change).

If you had some actual evidence for your conspiracy theory here, or some credible evidence that Brownlow and Pulte engaged in the kind of conspiracy you are supposing on other occasions, that would be a different matter. But you don't, and I am doubtful they ever did in the sense you are supposing.

You are ad hoc invoking a conspiracy, in your version of change from Brownlow, without any evidence. 

I am non-conspiratorially invoking supposition of everyday human behavior (hearsay garbling) in agreement with Doris Holan's front window view, in my version of change from Brownlow.


"And you're changing Mrs. Holan telling of a car making backing movements in a "driveway" to her saying nothing at all, in order to fit your narrative, which is a conspiracy theory which has no evidence for it and debatable whether is has much plausibility either."


You really feel that what I am doing (outright dismissing Brownlow's story based on the known evidence) with what you are doing (changing "driveway" to "alley" in order to get it to fit your narrative) are the same thing?  No Sir.


Brownlow is nothing more than a  L-I-A-R.  Period.  I know this to be a fact.  Apparently you do not.


Edited by Bill Brown
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16 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

"Oh yes, that is quite clear to all who have followed this thread so far, except (obviously) to Bill Brown himself.

"No reasonable person believes that Pulte and Brownlow completely fabricated an interview with a woman who decades later (unbeknownst to them), turned out to live EXACTLY where she could indeed see the alley/driveway with a police car in it (...) It doesn't matter which word she used to describe the place WHERE she saw a police car. We know WHERE she was looking ... At the time they interviewed Doris Holan, neither Bill Pulte nor Michael Brownlow had any idea that this was what she could see ..."

Well put Paul. 

There is Doris Holan in position to see and told what she saw (to Brownlow and Pulte); Guinyard who said he saw a patrol car in the same location as Doris Holan's line of sight out her front window (Brownlow); Myers' highly-placed source who told him that there was an undisclosed officer witness of the Tippit killing known to some higher-ups in Dallas which was covered up.

And there is all the mystery over the account of Detective, Criminal Division of the Dallas County Sheriff's Department, Billy Joe Courson (1930-1990) (https://dallascounty.civicweb.net/document/115629/), of his whereabouts and movements in Oak Cliff at the Tippit crime scene and Texas Theatre, in light of a total absence of any reporting unlike other DPD officers and sheriff's department persons that day. Courson, who in his oral history for Sneed said he was at the Tippit crime scene on 10th Street and drove his marked patrol car on 10th Street at speed, in reverse, backwards (!) (Sneed, No More Silence, 484).

Some postscripts on Courson. First, his presence in Oak Cliff following the Tippit killing is not in question since other officers spoke of seeing him at the Texas Theatre and Courson also was recorded on police radio that day from Oak Cliff. But second, Courson is not attested or corroborated at all, so far as I know, at 10th and Patton even though Courson claimed in Sneed 1998 that he was there on 10th Street driving in reverse backwards, the same kind of movement of the patrol car Doris Holan said she saw out the front of her window seconds after the shots, driving in reverse backwards.

More on Courson from his account in Sneed 1998, for those who do not have access to read it directly:

  • Courson died in 1990, eight years before his oral history was published in Sneed in 1998 (p. 506) (Gravestone: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/24661103/billy-joe-courson )
  • Courson ran for Sheriff of Dallas County (yr unstated) and lost by only 229 votes out of 76,000 votes cast (p. 506)
  • Courson's fulltime job for the Sheriff's department was to go out in plain clothes in evenings to places known criminals hung out, such as the Carousel Club, and fraternize with them to gain intelligence (pp. 481, 496, 498). By Courson's account he spent increased time in the Carousel Club just before the assassination--was there two or three evenings in the week or two before the assassination (p. 496).
  • Courson describes taking a pistol belonging to Jack Ruby from Ruby when Ruby was being briefly booked and in custody several weeks before the assassination. The next day Courson says he arranged to buy the pistol from Ruby for $50 cash without checking the serial number to see if it was "hot", and without receiving a bill of sale (p. 492). (This is Courson's story of how he carried around what some might call a "throw-down" pistol if it was ever needed, as some well-prepared officers liked to have just in case they shot someone unarmed--if the dead person had not been armed before he became dead, he became retroactively armed after he was dead justifying the officer firing in self-defense.) (If it were not that Courson claims he paid Ruby for the pistol without getting a receipt, it could also sound like that pistol was a bribe Ruby had given Courson.) Then on the day of the assassination Courson claims he was spooked by having what might be a "hot" pistol obtained from Ruby, so he turned the pistol in to the sheriff's office tagged and logged in as found property. Then later Courson says he reconsidered again and decided to take the same pistol out of the sheriff's office into his personal possession without authorization or paperwork and kept it as his personal property (pp. 491-93).
  • Courson by his account let the man he later believed had killed Tippit, and who may have been the man who killed Tippit, walk right by him coming down out of the Texas Theatre balcony as Courson went up into the balcony looking for the killer whom Courson had been instructed was in the balcony (p. 485). "I'm reasonably satisfied in my own mind that I met Oswald coming down [it wasn't Oswald]... I didn't stop him" (485). 
  • Courson claims at the time of the JFK assassination he was at home far to the south in DeSoto, that his wife was gone, that he normally would go into work about 3 or 4 pm including that day. Upon learning the news that JFK had been shot, Courson says, he put on his previous day's plain clothes (instead of a fresh shirt) (even though he says he was at his own home). Wearing yesterday's clothes he then says he drove his car, a marked patrol cruiser (p. 484), headed toward downtown Dallas where he would normally go but at the last moment decided to turn west into Oak Cliff instead (unrelated to the news of Tippit, before news Tippit had been shot), checking in to the dispatcher reporting himself on duty en route there. That is Courson's explanation of how he first appears that day in service in Oak Cliff, far from home, wearing yesterday's clothes (pp. 482-84).
  • Courson claims he was on 10th driving past the Tippit patrol car maybe 15 minutes or so after Tippit was killed, that driving his patrol car he "backed up" and "ran a race, my going backwards ... to see who could make that turn to get onto Jefferson first" (p. 484). Nobody ever told of seeing a patrol car racing in reverse on 10th; nobody ever told of seeing Courson or his cruiser on 10th at all, whether other officer or civilian witness. But Courson's description of his patrol car's unusual movements sound similar to what Doris Holan said she saw a patrol car doing out her front window seconds after the shots.
  • Courson spoke well of the ethics in the sheriff's department, how sheriff Decker would not approve of deputies "beating the fire out of somebody on the street unless that somebody took a swing at a deputy first. Then Decker expected you to knock the man loose from his damn glasses" (p. 503). (Good to know the sheriff's department had its principles.)
  • Courson himself tells of his slugging--assaulting--deputy sheriff Buddy Walthers--"he was hurt pretty badly"--with Walthers attempting to draw his gun on Courson in self-defense. Courson says Decker let him voluntarily resign from the sheriff's department without known further consequences after that episode (p. 499).
  • In light of the above, was Courson the referent of Myers' high-level source saying that an officer was present "having an affair" at the scene of the Tippit killing when Tippit was killed, and the patrol car Doris Holan says she saw backing up and leaving driving backwards out her front window moments later?

But if it was Courson who left the scene of the Tippit killing without reporting that he was there, what is to be made of that? That seems a very serious thing for an officer to have done--and why would it be covered up? 

It is difficult (at least for me) to imagine an officer participating in a murder of a fellow officer. However is it possible Courson was at that location for some reason other than an affair, not involving any advance knowledge or witting participation in a murder, but which turned out to be somehow involved in that murder? 

Who knows the truth?

If only Myers could find a way in his conscience to reveal the identity of the high-level source who told Myers that a few high-level people in Dallas knew all along that there was a secret officer witness at the Tippit crime scene that day, never identified or outed, covered up by upper-level law enforcement in Dallas.

Is Myers' source on that still alive? Would not the greater interest of history justify Myers disclosing the identity of that source?


"There is Doris Holan in position to see and told what she saw (to Brownlow and Pulte); Guinyard who said he saw a patrol car in the same location as Doris Holan's line of sight out her front window (Brownlow);"


Care to guess where the story of Guinyard seeing a police car in the alley came from?  I'll give you a hint, his name rhymes with Schmownlow.


Guinyard didn't mention any patrol car in the alley in 1963 or 1964.  Yet, you believe he all of a sudden remembers the patrol car when Talking to Brownlow.


Boy, Brownlow sure had a talent for drawing information out of witnesses. (Yeah right)


Greg, you're so hopeful that someone other than Oswald gunned down Tippit that you'll throw your common sense and logic aside and believe almost anything which points away from Oswald.


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15 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

I prefer google maps street view but we'll get to that.  I can't remember the answer to another question at the moment.

It seems from this thread some of us may have been misled by a Warren Commission Exhibit.  Imagine that.  The Ariel Photograph of the scene of the Tippit shooting shows Doris Holan on 10th St., straight across from Tippit's car and the Driveway it blocked.

She was apparently at 113 Patton, fifty yards or so from 10th.  Meaning she wasn't looking up the driveway from 10th from the front but at it from the side on Patton.  Important.  She was looking at the back yards of the first two residences on 10th St.  The driveway between the second and third houses on 10th which led to the alley behind them all.  She could see a DPD cop car back up the driveway to the alley given the view in the Ariel photo, which does show her house, though the real location is


mis identified in it.  The house was not directly across from the alley but had a clear view of it.  Easy to figure out.  Just under/beside the Scoggins notation, Not on 10th St.


Here's the current view from google street maps.  With a long brick house and car port blocking the view, not of the alley as gm only let me see from 111.  The alley and driveway could be seen from the address in 1963.

111 S Patton Ave - Google Maps


"It seems from this thread some of us may have been misled by a Warren Commission Exhibit.  Imagine that.  The Ariel Photograph of the scene of the Tippit shooting shows Doris Holan on 10th St., straight across from Tippit's car and the Driveway it blocked."


Good grief, man.

In the "Aerial View Of Tippit Killing Site" image you posted, the Warren Commission did not place Holan in the house on Tenth Street.  That was done by the clueless person/website you took the image from.  

You were "misled" by someone, for sure; but it wasn't the Warren Commission.


Imagine that.


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2 hours ago, Bill Brown said:

Brownlow is nothing more than a  L-I-A-R.  Period.  I know this to be a fact.  Apparently you do not.

If you mean Brownlow would falsely claim he met with Mrs. Holan in the nursing home and fabricate the entire account of what she told out of whole cloth, you are right, I do not know that, and I don’t think you do either. 

What about Pulte? Everything he says is all lies too?

And you know that too?

Myers didn’t doubt that Doris Holan talked to Brownlow and Pulte so far as I know.

Brownlow has talked to many witnesses. I think you’re being just a bit extreme here, in not simply questioning, but expressing certainty, that his account of Mrs. Holan is all lies and, with Pulte, a plot or conspiracy of the two of them to willfully mislead jfk assassination researchers with a total fabrication. And not even any money in it for them!

You have set up an unfalsifiable conspiracy belief. 

I think it’s reasonable he and they talked with Mrs Holan just as Brownlow has talked to so many others. I saw a video a few weeks ago of Brownlow interviewing six witnesses, including Hargis and Callaway. Those were real interviews. 

Brownlow clearly has not fabricated all of his witness interview claims and I wonder if you are able to document or demonstrate even one comparable example where he did, let alone did so all the time.

In this case Brownlow has no videotape but has a second witness, Pulte, plus plausibility from Doris Holan’s view that day in ways unknown to Brownlow. 

My conclusion on this is not influenced by any view on whether Oswald killed Tippit. Is yours? I cannot imagine why it should be. How do you see a connection?

Edited by Greg Doudna
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On 2/26/2023 at 11:59 AM, Bill Brown said:


Shouldn't you be running off somewhere claiming that Ruby and Oswald knew each other and using the faked Bledsoe document as your proof?  Fink.


Fink?  David is solid gold here.  You're the dirty rat fink here spreading disinfo, as most here know. 

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8 hours ago, Bill Brown said:


"It seems from this thread some of us may have been misled by a Warren Commission Exhibit.  Imagine that.  The Ariel Photograph of the scene of the Tippit shooting shows Doris Holan on 10th St., straight across from Tippit's car and the Driveway it blocked."


Good grief, man.

In the "Aerial View Of Tippit Killing Site" image you posted, the Warren Commission did not place Holan in the house on Tenth Street.  That was done by the clueless person/website you took the image from.  

You were "misled" by someone, for sure; but it wasn't the Warren Commission.


Imagine that.


Well, good grief yourself Bill Brown.  Here you go.  The Mary Ferrell Foundation is not a clueless person/website.  Get a clue yourself.  The picture in question was taken by the FBI and included in the Warren Commission Documents.  It's known as Commision Document (CD) 630.

photos.html (maryferrell.org)

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19 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Well, good grief yourself Bill Brown.  Here you go.  The Mary Ferrell Foundation is not a clueless person/website.  Get a clue yourself.  The picture in question was taken by the FBI and included in the Warren Commission Documents.  It's known as Commision Document (CD) 630.

photos.html (maryferrell.org)


I'm perfectly aware of all that.  The Commission document does NOT include the text noting the Holan house.  That was added later by the clueless.  Point being, you're flat out wrong to imply that the Warren Commission itself ever stated that Holan lived in that house.  I'm growing tired of correcting your elementary-level errors and having to explain to you, each time more than once, how you're wrong because you can't accept it the first time.  This is just like the time you kept insisting you knew the exact location of Hardy's Shoes and I had to tell you about four times that you were wrong before you finally agreed.

It's okay to be ill-informed.  But to antagonize while ill-informed is foolish.


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On 8/25/2023 at 5:56 PM, Greg Doudna said:

If you mean Brownlow would falsely claim he met with Mrs. Holan in the nursing home and fabricate the entire account of what she told out of whole cloth, you are right, I do not know that, and I don’t think you do either. 

What about Pulte? Everything he says is all lies too?

And you know that too?

Myers didn’t doubt that Doris Holan talked to Brownlow and Pulte so far as I know.

Brownlow has talked to many witnesses. I think you’re being just a bit extreme here, in not simply questioning, but expressing certainty, that his account of Mrs. Holan is all lies and, with Pulte, a plot or conspiracy of the two of them to willfully mislead jfk assassination researchers with a total fabrication. And not even any money in it for them!

You have set up an unfalsifiable conspiracy belief. 

I think it’s reasonable he and they talked with Mrs Holan just as Brownlow has talked to so many others. I saw a video a few weeks ago of Brownlow interviewing six witnesses, including Hargis and Callaway. Those were real interviews. 

Brownlow clearly has not fabricated all of his witness interview claims and I wonder if you are able to document or demonstrate even one comparable example where he did, let alone did so all the time.

In this case Brownlow has no videotape but has a second witness, Pulte, plus plausibility from Doris Holan’s view that day in ways unknown to Brownlow. 

My conclusion on this is not influenced by any view on whether Oswald killed Tippit. Is yours? I cannot imagine why it should be. How do you see a connection?


Brownlow is a proven L-I-A-R and anyone relying on anything he says is playing the fool.


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16 hours ago, Bill Brown said:

Brownlow is a proven L-I-A-R and anyone relying on anything he says is playing the fool.

This is like talking to a fundamentalist. No matter what relevant question you are asked, you just unresponsively repeat your one-sentence statement of doctrine again.

I reread Myers on Brownlow, and I see Myers proved Brownlow was 8 years of age and not 13 years old in 1963 as Brownlow said a half-century later.

Myers also says Brownlow's self-identification of himself as a particular African-American child in a photo of spectators at Dealey Plaza watching the JFK parade is not correct because the ears are not right.

And finally, Myers shows Brownlow referred to his privately produced, but out-of-circulation, videotape which he produced in printed packaging, as a print publication, called it a "book" that was out of print. Myers hits Brownlow hard for that inflation of his resume, caught on tape to tourists at Dealey Plaza.      

Those are the worst and most specific demonstrated allegations I can see of Myers concerning Brownlow concerning "lying".  

Are these three things what you mean, or do you mean something else? Be specific.

Why are you and Myers so seemingly gratuitously nasty toward Brownlow, almost over the top? Has he done anything to you to deserve that?

You know its a bad stance to be seen "punching down" instead of "punching up" if you're going to go brutal on someone. He looks like someone raised in Dallas who took an interest in the JFK assassination without credentials or permission. Not a trained, professional journalist. Doesn't come across as evil-hearted or malevolent. Goes for some conspiracy theories but not as extreme as some of the things this forum has had from people with a lot more formal education. I think he believes Tippit was killed by Oswald as conventionally. Probably not the easiest thing growing up black in Dallas either. Why not cut him some slack on the ad hominem, while at the same time critically evaluating the witness stories and claims case by case?

I see no specific allegation from Myers that Brownlow fabricated a claim to a witness interview that never happened.

And I do not see any showing of specific evidence, as distinguished from suspicion, that Brownlow wilfully fabricated any specific claim of a report of a witness saying something that the witness never said, going beyond carelessness or garbling of hearsay.

Address the question (the one earlier above "are these three things what you mean, or do you mean something else?"). Don't keep ignoring any relevant question and repeating like a broken recording or like a parakeet over and over.

Below is Myers, followed by a few earlier comments on this forum about Michael Brownlow.

Dale Myers, 2020. "Michael G. Brownlow, age 65, whose contacts with the Dallas judicial system spans 40-years, is a fixture in Dealey Plaza and a self-proclaimed expert on the JFK assassination offering unsuspecting tourists his insights on the assassination story.
"Brownlow’s Dallas County felony and misdemeanor court records - between 1972 (when he was 17) and 2012 (when he was 57) - contain 27 charges (including 19 guilty pleas or convictions) for such offenses as impersonating a police officer, aggravated assault (great bodily harm), robbery (sentenced to 3 years), and unlawful possession of a firearm (multiple counts). 
(. . .)
"Brownlow clearly conducted some interviews, as evidenced by the videotape “Shattered Friday,” wherein six on-camera interviews were recorded.
"Other interviews and claims made by Brownlow remain unsupported. 
"Brownlow’s gift for gab has served him well in Dealey Plaza where tourists unfamiliar with the assassination story are easy marks for Brownlow’s narrative tales. But anyone well-versed in the true facts surrounding the assassination can easily see through the showman’s veneer.
"Those that challenge Brownlow’s narrative in public have met scorn, ridicule and worse. [The footnote on this reads in full: "Videotape of Michael G. Brownlow in Dealey Plaza on June 18, 2018".] 
"Given his lengthy background with the judicial system, volatile behavior, and verbosity when describing interviews that he claims to have conducted – none of which (aside from those presented in his video release) has ever been supported with any kind of documentation – leads many to dismiss his claims rather than embrace them." (https://jfkfiles.blogspot.com/2020/11/doris-e-holan-and-tippit-murder.html)
Pat Speer, 2007: "I've met and talked to Brownlow on two separate occasions. I include him as a witness on my witness list at patspeer.com. He told me the same story each time. He was with his grandma in front of the Dal Tex. He heard four shots. He had NO IDEA where they came from, but, seeing people run towards the knoll, ASSUMED the shots came from the knoll. 

"He stands on the knoll with Groden, selling his videos. Brownlow has interviewed many of the Dallas citizens on the periphery of the assassination, and sells videos of his interviews.. In my opinion he is very knowledgeable. I am totally surprised by the allegation he claims to have seen a shooter, and doubt he said anything so wild. Both times I spoke to him, a year apart, he mentioned that he personally liked Jean Hill and Beverly Oliver, but had extreme doubts they'd seen any shooters on the knoll." (https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/10967-michael-brownlow/)

Michael Smith, 2007: "I, like others have met and talked to Mr. Brownlow at the pergolas end, where the steps start. He and Robert Groden set up several times a week selling Grodens books, and such, and swapping assassination stories ... he seemed like a very nice guy." (https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/10967-michael-brownlow/)

Robert Walker, 2008: "Oh, you know, Mike is a fixture at Dealey Plaza. He knows a lot of Dallas Police. He feuds with Groden occasionally. Professor Bill Pulte has brought him to my office a few times. Mike never mentioned seeing gunfire to me (and believe me he mentions everything)!

"Mike told me he was privy to a secret service agent wounded by gunfire that day, and that this agent was willing to be videotaped in my studio and discuss it. Naturally, I would have loved to videotape this admission and change the course of history (certainly it would require an additional shot, since all of the other shots have been "documented" ad naseum). 

"Of course nothing ever came of that project. 

"Mike is knowledgeable, but I take it all with a grain of salt.

"He's def a colorful character, though."


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4 hours ago, Bill Brown said:


I'm perfectly aware of all that.  The Commission document does NOT include the text noting the Holan house.  That was added later by the clueless.  Point being, you're flat out wrong to imply that the Warren Commission itself ever stated that Holan lived in that house.  I'm growing tired of correcting your elementary-level errors and having to explain to you, each time more than once, how you're wrong because you can't accept it the first time.  This is just like the time you kept insisting you knew the exact location of Hardy's Shoes and I had to tell you about four times that you were wrong before you finally agreed.

It's okay to be ill-informed.  But to antagonize while ill-informed is foolish.


So, you believe the Meyers interpretation of the at the time 13 year old son's recollections from 37 years later, as opposed to his mothers, with the squabbling disagreement between one son against the other and a sister as well.  After his fake Emmy on physics maybe you should err on the side of caution.  Let's check out the Radical Right.

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Bill Brown: fact check requested on Michael Brownlow identification

Bill could you answer a question of fact: is it certain that Michael Brownlow, the Dealey Plaza JFK assassination witness interviewer of the Doris Holan story, is the same as one Michael George Brownlow born Nov 1, 1955 with the criminal record with whom Myers identifies the Dealey Plaza Brownlow in his 2020 take-down piece?

Is there evidence for the identification of those two Brownlows?

I have found some discrepancies:

  • I have now checked several Michael Brownlow Dealey Plaza videos on YouTube. I have found Brownlow consistently says he was age 13 on the day of the JFK assassination. I have found sometimes he is reported thirdhand or hearsay by others as having been age 12, but never in Brownlow's own words which is always given by Brownlow as age 13. That is not consistent with his having been born 1955 as was Michael George Brownlow.
  • In addition, Brownlow repeatedly tells his current age at the time he talks to tourists at Dealey Plaza in videos, and I have found those ages Brownlow gives also are always consistent with his having been age 13 in 1963, that is born ca. 1950 (= age 13 in 1963), not 1955.
  • Brownlow consistently says he was born and raised in Dallas and says he has been in Dallas his entire life. He says he grew up in Oak Cliff near officer Hargis when he was a boy. But according to Myers, Michael G. Brownlow was born in Potter County, Texas which is w-a-a-aaay to the northwest up in the Texas Panhandle!
  • Brownlow refers in one of his Dealey Plaza talks to having been in the seventh grade at the time of the assassination, attending a Catholic private school in Oak Cliff which he names, all consistent with his age having been 13 as he has always said, not consistent with his being Michael G. Brownlow b. 1955.
  • Michael G. Brownlow has a rather extensive criminal record some documents of which I have checked. Myers cites that as an aspersion on the Dealey Plaza Brownlow's credibility on the premise that they are the same person. But I have not seen any reference either from the Dealey Plaza Brownlow or anyone who knows Brownlow referring to Brownlow as having had a criminal past issue or having done the things that serial offender Michael G. Brownlow did resulting in his criminal charges. Is it the same man?
  • I have not seen any independent evidence that the Dealey Plaza Michael Brownlow has a middle initial "G." or middle name "George", other than Myers' claim itself which seems solely based on the premise that the Dealey Plaza Brownlow is the same as Michael George Brownlow with the criminal record b. 1955 in the Texas Panhandle. 

Is it certain Myers has the right person? How does Myers know they are the same person? 

Please report back an up or down fact check on the accuracy of this identification of Myers, in the interests of accuracy? Thanks Bill.

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18 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

So, you believe the Meyers interpretation of the at the time 13 year old son's recollections from 37 years later, as opposed to his mothers, with the squabbling disagreement between one son against the other and a sister as well.  After his fake Emmy on physics maybe you should err on the side of caution.  Let's check out the Radical Right.


I'm simply saying that you were wrong when you implied that the Warren Commission was misleading you when you posted CD-630 (with the Holan text placed over one of the houses on Tenth).  The Warren Commission did not include that text in the document.  That text was added later by some Kook.  Do you really not understand where you were wrong?


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@Greg Doudna


In one video, Brownlow says he was in the 7th grade at the time of the assassination.  This would coincide with being 13 years old.


In another video, Brownlow says he was an 8 year old kid at the time of the assassination.  This would not be the age of a 7th grade kid.


Not to mention the obvious lies, like his telling of the story (to any unsuspecting person walking around the grounds of Dealey Plaza) of how Lee Bowers was kidnapped a month or so after the assassination, threatened, had three fingers cut off and then dumped from a car into an alley.  He told me this story personally.  I then pointed out to him that Bowers, in the Rush To Judgement film made almost three years later, is sitting at the table with Mark Lane.  When asked to replicate the spacing of the three shots he heard, Bowers knocks three times on the table top with one hand (all fingers present) while having his other hand resting atop the table (also all fingers present).  What did Brownlow do?  He said that Bowers must have had the finger sewn back on.


I was then in Dealey Plaza about a year later with some friends and I told them to "Watch this" as i called Brownlow over.  I asked him to tell them the story of Lee Bowers.  Brownlow was all to eager to tell them the same B.S. about how Bowers had the three fingers cut off by conspirators trying to intimidate him into keeping silent.  The guy is a L-I-A-R and if you can't accept that, then I don't know what else to tell you.


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OK on the story of Bowers being kidnapped was wrong. He surely did not claim Bowers himself told him that, so where did he get that? Maybe some hearsay he picked up from somewhere, who knows. If Brownlow believed it was true then its not lying, its wrong but its not lying. Lying isn't simply being wrong, there must be wilfulness, knowing what is said is not true, wilfully saying what is untrue. Its like if something you insist is true turns out to be not so, that doesn't necessarily mean you are a xxxx, only that you were wrong. But you are calling Brownlow a xxxx which is a much more serious charge. Hate to be pendantic here, but your conclusion, as stated, does not follow from the anecdote cited. I am not saying Brownlow is a perfect reporter, only calling for precision and accuracy in your description and logic.   

But more important, where do you get this? You say:

"In another video, Brownlow says he was an 8 year old kid at the time of the assassination."

What video? Where did Brownlow say that? Source please?

Also, I am asking you to return a straight answer on the request for the fact check on the identification claim.

I don't care what the answer is, but I am asking you for an accurate, to-the-point fact check.

Do you personally believe that your Brownlow, the Dealey Plaza Brownlow, is the Michael George Brownlow born in the Texas Panhandle in 1955 with the rap sheet that Myers says he is?

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