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The Oswalds by Paul Gregory: A Review

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The other side never lets up on this angle: Oswald as the sociopathic loser, bad husband, wife beater etc. 

The only way out for Oswald was to eliminate Kennedy.

A guy he liked and had a photo of in his living room.

Anyway, James Norwood does a nice job with this book.  And you have to read the appendix.  Malcolm Blunt dug up some stuff about Gregory's father.  And we also include the  legendary expose of the White Russians "wife battering" syndrome which Robert Charles Dunne rendered almost humorous.


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I should add, Gus Russo wrote a rave about this book for Spy Talk in which he made Oswald out to be even worse than Gregory does.

Jeff Morley went after him on this.

I am preparing an even longer, more expansive critique of good ole Gus to accompany Norwood's review.

In his obeisance to the official story, Russo has become almost a cartoon caricature.

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Yes, I have to say that is usually ignored or just discounted by these types of writers--which goes back to Epstein and Priscilla Johnson.

And you are correct, as Robert Charles Dunne queries, where were the police reports if all these people saw what they say thew saw.?

His taking apart of that White Russian testimony was, as I said, a tour de force



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I recently viewed your interview on the Patrick Bet-David podcast.

It seemed to me that Paul Gregory's take on Oswald was extremely limited to primarily his own personal interactions with him and Marina.

I haven't read his book so I can't say for sure how much Gregery researched Oswald's life, actions and words to come to his conclusions about Oswald's guilt in the JFK assassination.

This stark research difference between Gregory and you Jim D. kind of said it all in my mind.

Jim, you stated that Oswald was a very complicated person. Especially considering his young age and how many intriguing actions he partook in including world travel.

Oswald's life in New Orleans is such a major aspect of his last year secret life that to not study this even to a minor degree versus your extensive study, just relegates Gregory's Oswald knowledge credibility to extremely limited imo.

If Gregory's two month interaction with Lee and Marina is most all he has to base his "Oswald did it" finding proposition, his book is not worth reading imo.


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6 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

The other side never lets up on this angle: Oswald as the sociopathic loser, bad husband, wife beater etc. 

The only way out for Oswald was to eliminate Kennedy.

A guy he liked and had a photo of in his living room.

Anyway, James Norwood does a nice job with this book.  And you have to read the appendix.  Malcolm Blunt dug up some stuff about Gregory's father.  And we also include the  legendary expose of the White Russians "wife battering" syndrome which Robert Charles Dunne rendered almost humorous.


Excellent review by James Norwood, though not "tough" enough on Gregory. 

Gregory said he was assured, divined and knew LHO was the assassin while watching TV in Oklahoma on Nov. 22, and seeing LHO as the arrestee. 

Even accepting Gregory's deeply jaundiced view of LHO (which I do not)---really, if true, then LHO was not subject to blandishments of co-conspirators, such as money or career advancement, or flattery and relocation to a new and better life? How does Gregory know all that on Nov. 22?

If LHO was so vain and grasping, could he not be manipulated by seasoned con artists? 

Gregory' insta-conclusion-determination on Nov. 22 is ridiculous on the face of it. (I hope Gregory never sat on a jury anywhere). 

In addition, I am not a fan of the "two Oswalds" line of reasoning, except as possible occasional impersonations done for a specific purpose, such as in Mexico City, or possibly in and around Dallas pre-JFKA. 

That said, I recommend reading Norwood's thoughtful review. 


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Joe, I agree.  I mean with the limited association that Gregory had, and I would say the limited research he did, it  just does not make for a convincing 3 D portrait.

And Ben, yes I thought James was a little nice with Mr. Gregory that is why I encouraged him to do the appendix.  Where we find out his father applied for a job with the CIA in 1965.

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Wait until you see what Gus Russo said about this book.

I think he is auditioning for a 2023 gig in the MSM.

Which means Brokaw since his other backers are gone.

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6 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Even accepting Gregory's deeply jaundiced view of LHO (which I do not)---really, if true, then LHO was not subject to blandishments of co-conspirators, such as money or career advancement, or flattery and relocation to a new and better life? How does Gregory know all that on Nov. 22?


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Which makes one wonder how honest the book is.

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