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John Hunt's RFK Assassination book now available on Amazon

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JFK Lancer has just published an EBook of John Hunt's seminal research on the murder of Robert Kennedy.  Buried in Plain Site is a study of the failures and obstruction related to the LAPD crime scene work, the autopsy and the forensics and autopsy related trial testimony unlike anything you will have ever seen.   The book is in EBook form, some 548 pages, due to its size and the number of images and photographs.  There is literally nothing like it; the book is not about conspiracy per se but it is most definitely proves a willful obstruction of justice including the destruction and manipulation of key evidence. 

If you have not been at this long enough to know John's work, I can only assure you that it represents some of the most methodical and painstaking effort you will come across  - and is totally rooted in primary crime scene evidence.

You can find it on Amazon now at: 


PS:  the title relates to the fact that the evidence of conspiracy has always been apparent at the site of the shooting itself. its just that LAPD managed to bury it by forcing the scenario of a single shooter on the site of the crime; traces of that burial were apparent early on but it was left to John's dedicated work to fully reveal when and how obstruction of justice was carried out.


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Larry, if you know John Hunt, you might tell him that he should consider lowering the price. $19.95 is rather high for a Kindle book. Also, he should consider putting it on Kobo and Smashwords as well. 

Anyway, the book looks excellent. I just finished reading the free Kindle sample of the book. I'll add it as a recommended book on my RFK assassination website. 

Edited by Michael Griffith
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MIke,  John passed away something like four years ago.....and the price is set based on the size of the book and the amount of work that went into it.  Lancer is well aware that it will sell relatively few copies but has been working on actually getting it into publication since John's death, an effort that involved Stu Wexler recovering the draft from John's laptop,  Stu and I working on configuring a book that John envisioned as well over one thousand pages into something that would even be feasible as an EBook,  then Gary Murr spending months editing it, and finally Gabriella doing heroic labor to format and publish it.

I say all that just to convey that the book is a labor of respect in regard to John's commitment and work, certainly not a commercial effort per se.

I will mention Kobo and Smashwords to the Lancer folks, both are totally new to me...thanks for the tip.

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5 minutes ago, Larry Hancock said:

MIke,  John passed away something like four years ago.....and the price is set based on the size of the book and the amount of work that went into it.  Lancer is well aware that it will sell relatively few copies but has been working on actually getting it into publication since John's death, an effort that involved Stu Wexler recovering the draft from John's laptop,  Stu and I working on configuring a book that John envisioned as well over one thousand pages into something that would even be feasible as an EBook,  then Gary Murr spending months editing it, and finally Gabriella doing heroic labor to format and publish it.

I say all that just to convey that the book is a labor of respect in regard to John's commitment and work, certainly not a commercial effort per se.

I will mention Kobo and Smashwords to the Lancer folks, both are totally new to me...thanks for the tip.

Thanks for the info. Just to give you some idea of prices on Kindle books, Dr. Mantik's new book JFK Assassination Paradoxes and Monika Wiesak's new book America's Last President both sell for under $10 as Kindle books, even though both are hundreds of pages long (and Mantik's book includes numerous graphics as well). 

Based on the excellent content in the free Kindle preview of the book that I just read, I hope the book sells really well and gets wide distribution. I'm just afraid that $19.95 will lose the book quite a few would-be buyers.

Edited by Michael Griffith
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Mike, no doubt you are right and the price will cost some sales....then again this is not really a book for the casual reader so at least the price telegraphs that....frankly I'd love to see a mainline publisher get interested in it and make an offer to pick up the rights for what could be a general readership version of the work.  It would be even better as the source for an investigative documentary,  the points John raises would be ideal to treat in a contrarian re-enactment of the crime scene and forensics work - as it should have been done rather than literally forcing results that supported the prosecution of Sirhan. 

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Hi Larry.  After reading your first post my first question was is it going to come out in hardback/paperback form.  I'm too set in my ways, I like to hold it in my hands, highlight passages, fold the top corner of a page or flag it with a small post it note.  I guess that won't happen for a while from your response to Mike.  A thousand pages, even edited to 548.  Wow.  That is an accomplishment, congratulations to you and all involved.  Sounds like a labor of not just respect but love.

I believe you have posted about Hunt on here before (maybe even an essay of his?).  I know I've read something about him but don't remember the details.

Would you be willing to expound a bit? Maybe 2-3 paragraphs on his research and conclusions as a teaser of the book for forum members and visitors?

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I guess I should have read the Amazon bit first.  But more from you would still be appreciated.

During nearly 500 hours spent at the National Archives II in College Park, MD, John Hunt repeatedly conducted a box-by-box, page-by-page, envelope-by-envelope search through much of the once-secret JFK assassination files. Over the course of thirty-seven visits, he scoured the files of the FBI, House Select Committee on Assassinations, CIA, Warren Commission, and Secret Service. Through the course of that lengthy investigation he not only uncovered new physical evidence that had been overlooked for decades, but he also developed a keen investigative instinct that has served him well.

When it came time to take a hard, deep look at the evidence in the RFK assassination, he was ready and eager. Now, with a goodly portion of the files at his disposal he dug into the case with vigor, and his efforts were rewarded. Over the course of a sixteen-year investigation into the physical and forensic aspects of Robert Kennedy’s murder, he turned up several new pieces of documentation and photographic evidence that had been overlooked for over fifty two years.

When analyzed properly, this dusty evidence sheds new light on Robert Kennedy’s assassination and suggests conspiracy in ways heretofore unappreciated. Using nothing more than the official evidence of record it can be shown that convicted “assassin” Sirhan Bishara Sirhan alone could not have committed the crime, he did not fire the bullet that killed Robert Kennedy, and that the LAPD and LA County Coroner’s Office willfully covered up the evidence proving these assertions.

Those discoveries, the result of a journey in search of knowledge, answers, and ultimately truth, are detailed in the chapters of this book.

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Sure Ron,  John was not necessarily widely known in the contemporary research community as he truly was what I would call a very independent and deep researcher;  we talked him into doing one presentation at a Lancer conference but in general he spent all his free time in actual records work, especially with crime scene and forensics types of materials.  He did some amazing work on the JFK case which is still not widely available; John was a perfectionist and wanted to explore every detail and wrap up all loose ends before taking a position on something. 

However when he did, especially one relating to evidence manipulation or conspiracy, he certainly would arouse the ire of people like Dan Moldea...

He was the sort of person who would do hands on work at NARA or in the LAPD files - more importantly he had no fear of consulting actual professionals/experts on a forensics or ballistics subject.  His problem was if they gave an opinion on something and then he revealed it had an assassination context, the waffling would begin immediately.   He discusses some of those experiences in regard to both ballistics and the autopsy in this book.

Among his many artistic skills, John was a master model builder.  In regard to his RFK studies he built an exact scale model of the pantry in his basement....down to the measurements of the floor tiles and ceiling tiles as well as everything else.  He then scaled in the crime scene photos which allowed him to position the locations of individuals doing measurements in photos, of the trajectories they were plotting - essentially to reverse engineer their work and measurements.  That alone revealed the extent to which the crime scene had been examined not objectively or neutrally but rather to support the scenario of Sirhan as the lone shooter. 

To make that scenario work they had to jump though a number of hoops, and ignore a good number of things that suggested additional shots and a far more complex shooting scenario.  John lays all that out and presents the images to go with it - which is why initially his approach (which was ideal for an expository narrative) used several images for each point he was making.  A great approach if you have unlimited space....not so much for either a print book or even EBook, hence the editing challenge.

The example of the scaled pantry study should give  you an idea of his literally obsessive attention to detail - which you will find in the book in the form of his work with the ballistics evidence and in the autopsy materials. Perhaps most importantly, he translates how the court process actually allowed false information to be entered into the record on both,  as well as the evidence for perjury of the LAPD ballistics expert witness.  

Its a bit hard to convey the attention to detail John demonstrated, once he started pulling on a string he just never let go, no matter where it led or how long it was...


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I'd forgotten about Oliver Stones five page interview of Debra Conway in JFK Revisited, the book.  Which is exclusively about Mr. Hunt, praising his work, attention to detail.

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Just downloaded 'Buried in Plain Site' from Amazon U.K. costing £16.57.

John Hunt's work on this certainly looks detailed, just observing the titles of the chapters.

I echo Ron's congrats to the Lancer team for getting this out, even in Kindle format.

Does anyone know what has, or will, become of John's JFK papers?

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Debra hopes to put all of John's RFK photo / image collection on line but its immense and a new web site will need to be set up to do that so it will take some time.

As to the JFK material, I will check with Stu Wexler on that as he is the most likely to know - he recovered the RFK manuscript and images from John's laptop but I don't know if there was JFK material there as well.


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