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The Two "Oswalds"

Gil Jesus

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4 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:


This is hardly a new theory, but the clearest hint about the origin of the 1959 DOD ID card may be the fact that Richard Case Nagell was carrying a nearly identical copy of it (with a different photo and signature) at the time of his arrest two months before the assassination of JFK.  

The alleged DOD ID card:


Nagell’s copy:


However weird Nagell may have been, his intel connections (Army Intelligence and CIA) seem pretty undeniable.  He MAY have modified the original modified card himself for reasons unknown, but it seems more likely to me that the card had several different versions that were circulating (created?) by American Intel.

Sandy Larsen did work some time back showing more evidence that the photo on the card was a composite of two different people.  And I couldn’t agree with Sandy more that the overwhelming evidence is that Oswald was CIA. I’ve been publishing lists of the Oswald intel indicators for many years.  One such list is HERE, toward the bottom of the page after Wilcott’s testimony.

Jim, thanks.

I'm aware of everything you say in your post.  Including, Sandy's work, the link and H & L, in its entirety. 

I respect all the hard work you've done over the years.


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