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Texas Theater: Fill in the blank!


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5 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

No. I said the whole "topic" is "downright stupid". And it sure is too.

And are you going to continue to ignore my previous common-sense remarks regarding what Johnny Brewer saw on 11/22/63 and how he came to the obvious conclusion that Oswald did, in fact, enter the theater (even if Brewer couldn't actually see the door that LHO entered through)?

And did you watch the "Four Days" video clip, which shows Julia Postal's ticket booth right next to the sidewalk?

Why are you avoiding those things, Ron?

I have never understood this argument about the booth.   It is clear it was out to the front.  Even if it wasn’t to suggest there was no way Brewer could have seen him go in the theatre is silly and a waste of time.   Was Brewer secretly part of the conspiracy?   Come on.  

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10 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

No. I said the whole TOPIC is stupid. And it sure is.

And are you going to continue to ignore my previous common-sense remarks regarding what Johnny Brewer saw on 11/22/63 and how he came to the obvious conclusion that Oswald did, in fact, enter the theater (even if Brewer couldn't actually see the door that LHO entered through)?

And did you watch the "Four Days" video clip, which shows Julia Postal's ticket booth right next to the sidewalk?

Why are you avoiding those things, Ron?

So now your lone nut buddy Lance is stupid for bringing up the topic?  Nah, plenty of room for debate here.  What happened to the list of TT patrons Johnny Brewer gave his name to?  Disappeared by the DPD.  Much more here.

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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

So now your lone nut buddy Lance is stupid for bringing up the topic? 

Huh?? Lance didn't bring up the topic of Brewer not seeing LHO go in the theater. You did, when you said this on February 4th (last post on Page 1 of this thread):

"Brewer did not see anyone run into the TT.  Physically impossible."


1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

Nah, plenty of room for debate here.  What happened to the list of TT patrons Johnny Brewer gave his name to?  Disappeared by the DPD.  Much more here.

Good job, Ron. Now you've evidently decided it's wise to just ignore the Johnny Brewer/Ticket Booth topic since you're caught without a logical answer to any of the recent posts made by myself and Bill Brown. So now you're moving on to the next thing on your "BUT WHAT ABOUT THIS...?" list.



Edited by David Von Pein
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On 2/9/2023 at 10:25 PM, Ron Bulman said:

So now your lone nut buddy Lance is stupid for bringing up the topic?  Nah, plenty of room for debate here.  What happened to the list of TT patrons Johnny Brewer gave his name to?  Disappeared by the DPD.  Much more here.


Edited by Lance Payette
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On 2/4/2023 at 11:54 AM, Lance Payette said:

Told him to "Get out of the TSBD somehow, hop a bus or taxi, dash home and get your revolver and scurry through the streets to the Texas Theater. If the police appear, throw a punch and draw your revolver" - ?.

I'm really not following. What is the basic conspiracy theory in which the above seems plausible to you?

This is one of the key issues I have with conspiracy theorizing. Every event and item of evidence is attacked without reference to a coherent whole. That's my question or challenge: What sort of coherent theory do these two small events fit into?

sigh...Lance....you are The Man Who Knows Too Little. John Martino, who it has been confirmed had pre-knowledge of the assassination, told John Cummings (a Newsday reporter) that Oswald went to the theater to meet a contact - and the rest - at least to those of us with a clue - is history.

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3 hours ago, Allen Lowe said:

John Martino, who it has been confirmed had pre-knowledge of the assassination, told John Cummings (a Newsday reporter) that Oswald went to the theater to meet a contact - and the rest - at least to those of us with a clue - is history.


"...confirmed had pre-knowledge of the assassination..."


The things that are "confirmed" in the mind of a conspiracy theorist are actually things that haven't come even close to being "confirmed" here in the World of Reality.

(But thanks for today's laugh break, Allen.)

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2 hours ago, David Von Pein said:


"...confirmed had pre-knowledge of the assassination..."


The things that are "confirmed" in the mind of a conspiracy theorist are actually things that haven't come even close to being "confirmed" here in the World of Reality.

(But thanks for today's laugh break, Allen.)

Laugh yourself stupid Dave.  Martino's son told Larry Hancock many years ago his dad had said if JFK goes to Dallas they will kill him.  Martino's wife said the same thing before she died.  Chapter 1, pages 1-2.  Someone Would Have Talked.  They did.  Are you implying Larry made this up or Martino's son was lyeing?

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20 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Laugh yourself stupid Dave. 

Are you calling me stupid, Ron?


20 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Martino's son told Larry Hancock many years ago his dad had said if JFK goes to Dallas they will kill him.

And you think that means Martino had actual  foreknowledge of the assassination? Utterly silly.


Edited by David Von Pein
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24 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

Are you calling me stupid, Ron?


And you think that means Martino had actual  foreknowledge of the assassination? Utterly silly.


Stupid is in relation to your prior use of the term.  

Larry is a respected researcher.  You are not.  If he found Martino's son sincere, I trust his judgement.  I believe John was told by someone he found credible that if JFK went to Dallas he would be killed.  Why he said what he did before the assassination, why he told his son to stay home from school that day and watch tv.  To notify him of any surprising news.  

Read the book, at least the first few pages in relation to this.

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7 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Larry is a respected researcher.  You are not.  If he found Martino's son sincere, I trust his judgement.

Good for you. But sincerity doesn't equal "fact", does it? Most conspiracy theorists are sincere in their beliefs that a conspiracy took place on 11/22/63, but that's a far cry from proving such beliefs are facts.


Edited by David Von Pein
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38 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Stupid is in relation to your prior use of the term.  

Larry is a respected researcher.  You are not.  If he found Martino's son sincere, I trust his judgement.  I believe John was told by someone he found credible that if JFK went to Dallas he would be killed.  Why he said what he did before the assassination, why he told his son to stay home from school that day and watch tv.  To notify him of any surprising news.  

Read the book, at least the first few pages in relation to this.

Ron even if those statements are true the statements are not verifiable.   Certainly, these points will not convince anyone, well mostly anyone, without verification.   In court those statements are hearsay and only admissible in certain situations for a reason.  If you want to convince people like DVP you need more than that.    

Edited by Cory Santos
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On 2/10/2023 at 4:01 PM, Allen Lowe said:

sigh...Lance....you are The Man Who Knows Too Little. John Martino, who it has been confirmed had pre-knowledge of the assassination, told John Cummings (a Newsday reporter) that Oswald went to the theater to meet a contact - and the rest - at least to those of us with a clue - is history.


Edited by Lance Payette
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On 2/9/2023 at 11:25 PM, Ron Bulman said:


Mr. Bulman, do you finally accept the reality that, on the day of the assassination, the Texas Theater ticket booth was separated from the building and therefore you were wrong to claim that Johnny Brewer was not being honest?

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