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MAINSTREAM COOLER - For those who believe mainstream contemporary facts.

Sandy Larsen

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Straightening out some of the Republican lead misinformation over the decades about the IRS in this Bloomberg article.

In the past decade alone, even as the number and complexity of tax filings have steadily risen, the agency’s inflation-adjusted budget has plunged 15%, from $12.2 billion in 2010 to $10.3 billion last year. The number of revenue agents—auditors who handle more complex returns—fell almost 40%, from about 14,500 to 8,500 over the same dozen years. And the chance that an American reporting income of $5 million or more gets audited fell from 16% in 2010 to 2.35% nine years later..

Ex-employees describe a dysfunctional agency gutted by budget cuts, staff departures and lousy tech,


https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2023-04-12/irs-funding-bill-will-add-agents-but-won-t-fix-all-problems?leadSource=uverify wall


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    Watching Kevin McCarthy's GOP House debt ceiling bullsh*t reminds me of 2011, and the old adage, "Those who can't remember the past are destined to repeat it."

     Remember when the stock markets dropped 10% in the summer of 2011-- after the Tea Party House caused a downgrade in the U.S. credit rating?

     As expected, McCarthy and the Republicans want to Starve the Beast-ly working class, while Trump has recently proposed measures to criminalize poverty.

     Meanwhile, Arkansas Repubs are trying to roll back child labor laws that were enacted in the Progressive era.

     What's next-- helping the GOP Robber Barons bring back the seven day work week?  🙄


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Michigan Republicans Fight Lifting Ban on Unmarried Couples Living Together

Michigan's state Senate passed a bill to end a decades-long ban on unmarried couples living together.
Half of Senate Republicans voted against repealing the law.

The law was passed in 1931 and criminalizes cohabitation of unmarried men and women. Michigan is one of two states that have such a ban.(the other is Mississippi).

On Wednesday, all Senate Democrats and half of Republicans voted to pass Senate Bill 56, which aims to repeal state law that criminalizes cohabitation of unmarried men and women. Nine Republicans voted against the measure. The bill will now go to the state House, where Democrats hold a slim majority, for consideration.
While state Democrats have called the ban outdated, some Republicans believe that keeping it would encourage marriage. State Senator Ed McBroom said the reasons that the policy has remained after all these years are "clearly not obsolete" and that the ban promotes "good morals."

When did it become the Government's job to legislate "good morals"?

Steve Thomas

Edited by Steve Thomas
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Texas Lt. governor brags just-passed Senate bill is bringing ‘prayer back to our public schools’

by David Badash, The New Civil Rights Movement April 21, 2023



Texas far-right Republican Lt. Governor Dan Patrick is lauding two just-passed state Senate bills which mandate the Ten Commandments be prominently displayed in every public school classroom and that public schools be allowed to create times specifically devoted so people can pray or read the Bible or other religious works.”


“State Senator Phil King (R) "said during a committee hearing earlier this month that the Ten Commandments are part of American heritage and it’s time to bring them back into the classroom.”


Wait. What?

Where’s Mt. Sinai again?

Steve Thomas

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Wow Steve!  Overturning the unmarried couples law in Michigan. Still 9 Republicans opposed it?

Matt, great photo! So i assume the guy next to the mayor is JFK's Grandfather?

Doug, always love those News Race stats about the Aggravated Viewers--- Count me in !    heh heh

I guess those figures can fluctuate a lot from week to week. 

I've never understood Laura Ingraham's  popularity, and just how that translates on camera for her. Emotionally, she always  strikes me as such a dead fish. Even if she heartily approves something, I almost don't believe it.

I thought this was sort of insightful from her brother. Who seems like a pretty cool guy. National Socialist sympathizer Father! It explains a lot.



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