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MAINSTREAM COOLER - For those who believe mainstream contemporary facts.

Sandy Larsen

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Chris Stigall @ChrisStigall on Tw8tter or X or whatever it's called now

"Fox News is telling everyone in media not directly affiliated with them that the August 23rd Republican debate is exclusively theirs and no one is allowed to air any clips of the broadcast beyond three total minutes, and never again after a 7 day window.  In other words, they’re treating this debate as if it’s an NFL or MLB broadcast.  It’s not.  This has never been done and deserves a legal challenge."

Huh. A News channel is saying you can't watch the news.

Steve Thomas


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- Matt Gaetz -


In Iowa


“"Mr. President, I cannot stand these people that are destroying our country. They are opening our borders. They are weaponizing our federal law enforcement against patriotic Americans who love this nation as we should," before adding, "But we know that only through force do we make any change in a corrupt town like Washington, D.C. “


Matt Gaetz, member of the American WWII German Party.

Steve Thomas

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I couldn't believe this!

Mitch Mc Connel is being very loudly shouted down by his Kentuckian base, who are whipping themselves into a frenzy chanting RE-TI-ER!, and Mc Connell goes on obliviously seeming to mumble almost inaudibly because you can't hear him!

This would almost seem like cruelty  to the aged. But are Kentuckians actually getting hep to the idea that Mc Connell's legacy has only been tax cuts for the rich and trying to screw all these people by denying them their future retirement benefits, and medical care and insulin?

Starts near 1:45.



Incidentally, in the JFKA forum.  I've seen that Mervyn come into the JFKA forum from time to time in the past always with the same result!

Cotter first reminded me of a sort of just as eccentric, but less JFKA read version of him, with his sort of lower case fussiness and substantive discussions  getting lost in silly persnickety claims about verbiage. Check him out!.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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Trump’s Legal Defense Fund Launches With a Big Typo and Bigger Ethical Questions

By Erik Uebelacker Aug. 13, 2023


“Former President Donald Trump’s legal defense fund went live on Sunday and, of course, it contained a glaring typo in the first heading.

“Support Donald Trumps Patriot Legal Defense Fund,” the site proudly declared, apostrophe omission and all (or maybe the fund aims to raise cash for all the Donald Trumps out there).

But perhaps more egregious than the grammatical goof are the legal boundaries that team Trump seems to be pushing with the fund’s overt ties to his 2024 presidential campaign.


The fund technically may not coordinate with the campaign on fundraising, since its existence as a legal defense fund allows it to skirt the Federal Election Commission’s campaign-finance rules. But clicking the “Donate Now” hyperlink sends users directly to Trump’s 2024 campaign website, where viewers are hit up front with donation requests. The only other link on the fund’s page also takes you to the campaign site.”


Good 'ol Donald

Steve Thomas

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He was denied access to classified information, so President Trump ordered that he receive it. He then sold classified information to other countries and got paid handsomely.


'What was Jared doing?': MSNBC panel stunned by sources of Kushner's $3.1 billion cash haul - Raw Story - Celebrating 19 Years of Independent Journalism

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