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Sandy Larsen

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Conservatives lose it as Biden administration sells off Trump's border wall materials


"According to a report from Newsweek, GOP lawmakers weighed in on the sale of vertical tubes that were a central component of the wall that the former president insisted would be funded by the government of Mexico.

As the Post reported, "The Biden administration is quietly auctioning off millions of dollars’ worth of unused parts from former President Trump’s border wall for peanuts – in an apparent end-run around pending legislation in Congress," before adding, "Since April, GovPlanet, an online auction house specializing in military surplus, has sold 81 lots of steel “square structural tubes” — intended for use as vertical bollards in the border barrier’s 30-foot-tall panels — hauling in about $2 million.""


Steve Thomas

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Trump’s legal woes are part of his quasi-religious mythology of martyrdom

by Sidney Blumenthal



“The trials are a continuous spectacle, featuring an all-star cast in far-flung locations. Political reporters are barely heard from, while legal analysts fill the airwaves. Every twist and turn, every motion, every argument is the breathless lead story. Everyone, from prosecutors to co-conspirators, named and unnamed, indicted and unindicted, are characters in Trump’s new reality show – part violent action movie (the insurrection), part sleazy porn flick (Stormy Daniels), part conspiracy thriller (Mar-a-Lago), and part mafia drama (the fake elector racket).

But the Trump trials are more than his means; they are his ends. The trials are not the sideshow, but the heart and soul of Trump’s campaign. They have become his essential fundraising tool to finance his defense, his platform for whipping up his followers into a constant state of excitement, and his instrument for dominating the media to make himself the center of attention and blot out coverage of anyone else.

The trials are the message. They are the drama around which Trump plays his role as the unjustly accused victim, whose rights are trampled and who is the martyr for his oppressed “deplorables”. He is taking the slings and arrows for them. The narcissist is the self-sacrificing saint. The criminal is the angel. The xxxx is the truth-teller. If any Republican lapses in faithfulness, they are more than a mere doubter or skeptic, but a betrayer and traitor. Trump’s trials are the rigorous trial of his followers’ faith. Rejection of temptation in an encounter with an impertinent fact that might raise a qualm shows purity of heart. Seduction by fact must be resisted. The siren song of critical thinking must be cast out as sin. Trump’s convictions are the supreme test of his followers’ strength of conviction.”


I never thought about it in those terms.

We are about to enter a religious war.

This could take a long time.

Thirty Year’s War anyone?

Steve Thomas



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Fox News is blaming Tropical Storm Hilary hitting California on President Joe Biden.


“In the first minute of the right-wing cable channel’s “The Big Weekend Show” Sunday evening, host Kennedy opened with a dramatic introduction.

“The big story tonight: The wrath of Tropical Storm Hilary. 42 million desperate souls in the path of the storm which made landfall in Mexico several hours ago. But they let it right into the country because it’s Biden’s America.

Kennedy then aired a clip of National Hurricane Center Deputy Director Jamie Rhome discussing the storm, saying there are “a lot of people in harm’s way” who are “probably being a little bit flippant in not taking the risk seriously.”


Yup/ "They" just let it right on in.

They didn't even have a crossing guard out with a Stop Sign or nothin.

dirty commies

Steve Thomas

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We're living through the final stages of the slow-rolling coup launched in Dallas in 1963.

Trump’s coup continues. It will soon enter its fourth phase

The Guardian, August 20, 2023

' . . . Which brings us to what is likely to be phase four of his attempted coup – his campaign for re-election.

As his trials approach in the months ahead, Trump is likely to escalate his lies that the election system and the criminal justice system are both rigged against him, and therefore, against his supporters.

It is too early to know what additional illegal or unconstitutional means he will employ in phase four, but there is no reason to believe Trump will treat the upcoming election any more respectfully than he treated the 2020 election or has treated efforts to hold him accountable for what he did then.

Notwithstanding Trump’s ongoing attempted coup, the most recent New York Times/Siena poll shows Trump in a dead heat with Biden for the presidency. Last week’s Quinnipiac poll also shows Trump and Biden in a virtual tie. . . .


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1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:

Donald Trumps Georgia Bail Conditions.




Steve Thomas


Chump change for Trump.


Edited by W. Niederhut
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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


Chump change for Trump.



He only has to put up 10% in cash, so that's only 20 grand.

He can't make any direct or indirect threats against the community or any property in the community. Does the D.A. or the judge qualify as "the community"?

Rats, he can't threaten to burn down the courthouse.

Steve Thomas

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