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7 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

@Greg Doudna again, apology and retraction are in order. If you choose not to, I’ll take the issue to the moderators.

Meanwhile, you can stay abreast of facts in question by following my responses to members that approached the datebook and Albarelli’s investigation laid out in Coup in Dallas Coup with an open mind from the outset.

I will state, for the public record, third party interference would prompt injunctions which could interrupt the progress being made.

Non responsiveness to legitimate questions noted. Just to be clear, you are refusing to deny that you are in some position of legal control affecting open access of that manuscript.

And are unwilling to state you would not be opposed to access now to legitimate researchers and Cold War historians of that unpublished manuscript of Albarelli on one of the single most important figures relevant to the CIA and Oswald.

I’ve seen this story before, as old as the hills. I saw it and in a minor way was a participant in the ultimately successful struggle to free photographs of the Dead Sea Scrolls to open access from the craven, greedy hands of a few self-serving academics who sat on important unpublished texts for lifetimes in order to dribble out crumbs in conferences, assign exclusive access to texts to their graduate students, generate grant funding, control the interpretations given key texts, etc and etc. 

Open access to historians now of that June Cobb manuscript would not prevent you from making any future citation or interpreted use of anything in it you wished to utilize and entwine within your Lafitte datebook Coup in Dallas publications and interpretations in future years. Nothing would be lost to you in that sense by open access now to that manuscript on such a highly significant topic to JFK assassination research.

But you won’t lift a finger in your power to cause such access to historians and scholars now, independent of your planned future spin and packaging of it in a Lafitte datebook interpretation.

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Musings about some Henry Kissinger related quotes...

(These are approximations-- from memory.)


"Henry is my Jew boy."

-- President Richard Nixon

"Nixon is my drunken mad man."

--Henry Kissinger

"Henry, I want to send anything that can fly."

--Nixon, discussing the carpet-bombing of Cambodia

"I can think of nothing that would improve George W. Bush's low approval ratings better than a terrorist attack on the United States."

-- Henry Kissinger in December of 2000, following the controversial Bush v. Gore ruling


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A petition having been filed with this Court on November 15, 2023, seeking to annul and vacate pursuant to CPLR 7803(2) and (3): (1) orders of the Supreme Court, New York County, entered on or about October 20, 2023 and on or about October 26, 2023 constituting summary findings of contempt against petitioner Donald J. Trump; (2) a “gag order” of the same court and justice entered on the record on or about October 03, 2023, and so-ordered on or about October 26, 2023, and a “supplemental limited gag order” of the same court and justice entered on or about November 03, 2023,


And petitioners having moved to stay enforcement of the aforesaid gag order and supplemental limited gag order pending hearing and determination of the instant petition, Now, upon reading and filing the papers with respect to the motion, and due deliberation having been had thereon, It is ordered that the motion is denied; the interim relief granted by order of a Justice of this Court, dated November 16, 2023, is hereby vacated.

ENTERED: November 30, 2023


Steve Thomas

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@Greg Doudna You have no idea what efforts are underway, so pardon my French, but stay the fxck out of this for the time being.

Ask Bob Woodward for his source material. See how that goes.  Better still, ask Jeff Morley about Win Scott's Cold War diaries.  See if he'll arrange for your personal access based on your illustrious Dead Sea Scroll experience. 

Inflated sense of self-importance is the hallmark of a weak ego. Don't use Hank Albarelli as a whipping post to create the illusion you're a more qualified investigator. I read your stuff on Walker.... full of holes. Where is du Berrier, or Johnson? Why leave out his fascist connections or his role as attache to Angleton in Rome? Or Wicliffe Venard or the American Mercury and Willis Carto? Instead you chase his publicist? Again, full of holes as is your stuff on H. L. Hunt. Anyone knowledgable would investigate Morrow or Diggs, and Gen. Willoughby named in the Lafitte datebook as active in the Lancelot Project - or Paul Rothermel named in the Lafitte ledgers. (Or the more contemporary throughline from Bunker to Iran Contra.)  But you chase Hunt's aging attorney.... for no other reason than he fell into your lap, in East Texas as I recall, tellin' you tales most of us in the know recognized as a complete whitewash and an embarrassing puff piece, not investigative reporting.

This is information warfare Mr. Doudna, and I finally realize what faction you're serving. You can take the boy outta East Texas, but  . . . 

More on your failure to recognize the contradictions in the Jerrie Cobb The Pilot, June Cobb The CIA Employee, and Catherine Taaffe The Arms Dealer on the appropriate thread. Where is you disernment??

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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23 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

@Greg Doudna You have no idea what efforts are underway, so pardon my French, but stay the fxck out of this for the time being.

Ask Bob Woodward for his source material. See how that goes.  Better still, ask Jeff Morley about Win Scott's Cold War diaries.  See if he'll arrange for your personal access based on your illustrious Dead Sea Scroll experience. 

Inflated sense of self-importance is the hallmark of a weak ego. Don't use Hank Albarelli as a whipping post to create the illusion you're a more qualified investigator. I read your stuff on Walker.... full of holes. Where is du Berrier, or Johnson? Why leave out his fascist connections or his role as attache to Angleton in Rome? Or Wicliffe Venard or the American Mercury and Willis Carto? Instead you chase his publicist? Again, full of holes as is your stuff on H. L. Hunt. Anyone knowledgable would investigate Morrow or Diggs, and Gen. Willoughby named in the Lafitte datebook as active in the Lancelot Project - or Paul Rothermel named in the Lafitte ledgers. (Or the more contemporary throughline from Bunker to Iran Contra.)  But you chase Hunt's aging attorney.... for no other reason than he fell into your lap, in East Texas as I recall, tellin' you tales most of us in the know recognized as a complete whitewash and an embarrassing puff piece, not investigative reporting.

This is information warfare Mr. Doudna, and I finally realize what faction you're serving. You can take the boy outta East Texas, but  . . . 

More on your failure to recognize the contradictions in the Jerrie Cobb The Pilot, June Cobb The CIA Employee, and Catherine Taaffe The Arms Dealer on the appropriate thread. Where is you disernment??

You keep trying to attack and impugn me personally instead of addressing the issues. To remove myself from this, I pledge I will not personally initiate contact myself or by proxy with any known executor in a decision-making capacity with respect to access to the June Cobb manuscript. Nor if open access to legitimate historians and researchers were granted to that manuscript, I will not avail myself of such access personally for a period of seven years following opening of that access.

Now please stop your attacks on me personally for asking questions which I know are of interest to many in the research community.

I want to see others--Cold War historians; ones with more knowledge and expertise than me--capable of unfettered study, analysis, and reporting on any genuine June Cobb information that may be available.

Why the secrecy and venom at being asked questions that reasonable minds will ask? Concerning such basic questions as who is in control of that manuscript and what your legal standing is with respect to access to it?

Why not do as wise public relations types recommend: respond with information, instead of attack on the questioner?

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@Greg Doudna You breached the guardrails by attacking me professionally and personally, and by insinuating Hank was either a fool or a fraud. I’m moderating the leaf from Hank’s book ... he would tell you to “just go away.”

If you’re not interested in further details about June Cobb’s life story for your own edification, on whose behalf are you lobbying, and why the urgency? Surely you and/or they aren’t inspired by the pure speculation that permeates this recent book, speculation acknowledged by the author herself btw.

Several names come to mind who might have asked you to perform as proxy. Perhaps some among those you visited with at Lancer even. Or Dr. Newman himself? In the event, you should be aware that Hank’s family was around during that dispute. I’ll leave it at that.

Let’s clear this up once and for all. The time expended with you on the issue of June — who was NOT in Dealey nor was she an active participant in the Lancelot Project — is better  spent.

Where was your interest in Hank’s pursuit of someone he suspected intuitively WAS a participant, Pierre Lafitte — with ot without the datebook and ledger sheets — a character known to have been a “special employee” of numerous three letter agencies including Hunter White’s FBN working with Gottlieb, a personal friend of Angleton as were their wives, and Charlie Siragusa, the agency’s liaison to the mob. That’s where you and “historians” should be looking, not chasing some wild speculative sci-fi that three women were actually all one and the same.

Please respond in the specifics; otherwise this discussion is concluded. And tell your “historians” they are invited to contact me directly.  Many have my email and or phone.

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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2 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

@Greg Doudna You breached the guardrails by attacking me professionally and personally, and by insinuating Hank was either a fool or a fraud. I’m moderating the leaf from Hank’s book ... he would tell you to “just go away.”

If you’re not interested in further details about June Cobb’s life story for your own edification, on whose behalf are you lobbying, and why the urgency? Surely you and/or they aren’t inspired by the pure speculation that permeates this recent book, speculation acknowledged by the author herself btw.

Several names come to mind who might have asked you to perform as proxy. Perhaps some among those you visited with at Lancer even. Or Dr. Newman himself? In the event, you should be aware that Hank’s family was around during that dispute. I’ll leave it at that.

Let’s clear this up once and for all. The time expended with you on the issue of June — who was NOT in Dealey nor was she an active participant in the Lancelot Project — is better  spent.

Where was your interest in Hank’s pursuit of someone he suspected intuitively WAS a participant, Pierre Lafitte — with ot without the datebook and ledger sheets — a character known to have been a “special employee” of numerous three letter agencies including Hunter White’s FBN working with Gottlieb, a personal friend of Angleton as were their wives, and Charlie Siragusa, the agency’s liaison to the mob. That’s where you and “historians” should be looking, not chasing some wild speculative sci-fi that three women were actually all one and the same.

Please respond in the specifics; otherwise this discussion is concluded. And tell your “historians” they are invited to contact me directly.  Many have my email and or phone.

I speak for myself. 

When you invite Cold War historians to contact you (and not someone else) if interested in access to the June Cobb mss, that sounds like you are identifying yourself as the correct person legitimately in a position to discuss such a request, the gatekeeper with the keys to that mss.

Though it would have been preferable to have had that information at the outset in the form of a straight answer, this is at least some progress, at last disclosure of the identity of the gatekeeper: yourself, Linda O'Hara alias Leslie Sharp, contactable I suppose via the messaging feature of this site or by forwarding request c/o the address of the publisher given in the flyleaf of Coup in Dallas: Arcade Publishing, 307 West 36th Street, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10018.

Full and open access to a genuine manuscript of June Cobb interviews or memoirs would be of extreme potential interest to historians.

If this was real-deal late-life extensive interviews from the real-deal CIA spy June Cobb of 1959-1963 Havana, NYC, and Mexico City--two years of twice-weekly with Albarelli, photographs, tapes, etc. including Mexico City with knowledge of operations and contacts with Oswald—if that is actually real June Cobb memoirs of those things told truthfully near the end of her life—that could be unbelievably significant.

If that manuscript deals with June Cobb's times in Mexico City in particular, from one of the most important firsthand sources there at the time Oswald was there--that is one of the most enduring mysteries of the entire JFK assassination with many unresolved questions.

You responded to the most basic questions of inquiry from me concerning who is in control of that manuscript with a brutal rhetorical personal attack on me, for asking who controls it, without answering the question. 

The way I read you, you are saying that after four years of dead silence about the late Albarelli’s June Cobb mss, that my questions are interrupting very sensitive progress (that you can’t discuss), and that I should "stay the f--- out of this" on the grounds that it is no one's business to know who controls that manuscript.

You are so loathe to give specific responsive information concerning the legal status or control with respect to that mss and you breathe fire like a dragon without answering if anyone dares ask.

Is that normal behavior to that question?

Normal behavior: “Answer. No I have no legal control over that mss.” “Answer. Yes I have xyz legal standing in control of that manuscript, and no, I and my partners are not going to allow open access <+ optional explanation or reason given>.”

Those would be responsive answers. 99 out of 100 persons would give answers of that form I would think. You don't. Why? 

It is not as if, if there were open access allowed to that manuscript to academic Cold War historians and the like, with all the potential that a true June Cobb memoirs or memoirs-like mss could mean, you could not still fully use that material yourself in a book a few years from now, a Coup in Dallas #2, and profit from those book sales then.

Or is it having an exclusive on some spun selections/soundbites dribbled out in a series of publications the sales lure, the monetization of the exclusivity and control of the interpretation dragged out indefinitely, which is the idea?

I am not functioning as proxy for anyone but seek solely open public access of JFK assassination-relevant documents and information, the same motivation as the Congress which passed the JFK Records Acts, so that responsible Cold War historians and JFK assassination specialists can have open access to process and vet and comment upon that information in the interests of history--our nation's history, history which properly belongs to all of us, as our citizens' birthright in this land, the right to know what happened in the circumstances surrounding the John F. Kennedy assassination. 

That is my only interest here. And if you have no more, I don't think I have much more to say that hasn't already been said. 

Edited by Greg Doudna
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@Greg Doudna Which is it Greg? You removed yourself from the equation, and/but you're speaking for yourself? Please be clear. Please be transparent. 

Win Scott's Cold War diaries are germane to the assassination of Kennedy. It seems those with access to them are gatekeeping that dark history.

Lafitte was directly involved in the assassination. June Cobb-- another subject that drew Hank's attention --was not. When you spell out your specific interest in her, and acknowledge that having read the recent book by Mary Haversrick and Hank's A Secret Order, you realize there are inexplicable contradictions, facts that do not align, let us know.

No, I did not say I am the gatekeeper. Thats your ill-informed accusation. I said that if your band of historians want to discuss this, they're invited to contact me personally. I also said that third party interference can result in injunctions. No one wants that, right, Greg?

Arcade Press? And aren't you clever! You outed me a decade after I outed myself to those that matter. 

When you establish a non-profit ( funded by, say, Curme?) toward that admirable end, with bylaws to ensure that private archives are not being vacuumed up by dishonorable investors, authors and researchers, get back to me.  It's doubtful you are aware that a legitimate effort is underway.

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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