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MAINSTREAM COOLER - For those who believe mainstream contemporary facts.

Sandy Larsen

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Is it inconceivable that 6 of the remaining states will not join in calling for an Article 5 Constitutional Convention if Trump wins the election?

If one is called all issues could be on the table including possibly secession and expulsion of states.


How far are we from an Article V Convention?

Right now, there are four major campaigns for an Article V Convention: the Balanced Budget Amendment (BBA) campaign, the Convention of States (COS) campaign, the Wolf-PAC campaign, and the term limits campaign.

Each has different goals, but together, they have convinced 28 states to call for a convention. That means they have just six states to go.

Link to Stopping a Dangerous Article 5 Convention -- Map of 28 states calling for convention


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       FWIW, Bill Maher has now joined Kirk Gallaway and I in calling for Gavin Newsom to replace Biden on the 2024 Democratic ticket.

      I'm reluctant to post any links to a Fox News report, but they're covering this story.

Bill Maher urges Democrats to hold open convention, floats Gavin Newsom: ‘We’ve babied Joe Biden enough’ | Fox News


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- former federal Judge J. Michael Luttig 07/01/24 - 

“America’s democracy and rule of law are this country’s heart and soul,” Judge Luttig said. “Our democracy and the rule of law are what had made America the envy of the world and the beacon of freedom to the world for almost 250 years now. Today, the Supreme Court cut that heart and soul out of America.”


Steve Thomas

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Day two of Donald Trump's dictatorship

By Chauncey DeVega July 2. 2024



Without immediate action, DeVega warns, Americans can expect the following:

  • Camps that can hold millions of people

  • One lone national political party

  • White Christianity as the nation’s official religion

  • Mass deportations

  • Military occupations of Democrat-leaning cities

  • The United States military will be ordered to occupy Democrat-led cities and other “blue” parts of the country to combat "crime." There will be a national “patriotic” education program where dissent and intellectual freedom and otherwise challenging “conservative”/neo-fascist orthodoxy and dogma will not be allowed. High-quality public education will be ended and replaced with indoctrination programs to create compliant subjects who lack the intellectual training to be critical thinkers and responsible citizens in a real democracy. Universities and colleges will be targeted with censorship, lawsuits and other efforts to defund and close them down – as well as to threaten and intimidate faculty and administrators – if they do not sufficiently support the Trump regime and the larger right-wing reactionary and revolutionary project.

  • The end of freedom of the press

  • Executions of political rivals on accusations of treason


Steve Thomas

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7 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Bill Maher urges Democrats to hold open convention, floats Gavin Newsom: ‘We’ve babied Joe Biden enough’ | Fox News

Getting every Black voter and a ton of women to stay home on Election Day because you decided to humiliate Kamala Harris is not a good strategy for beating Trump.

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26 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Getting every Black voter and a ton of women to stay home on Election Day because you decided to humiliate Kamala Harris is not a good strategy for beating Trump.


Which Democratic candidate has the best chance of defeating the Orange Psychopath in November?

(I don't know the answer to that question.)

Kamala Harris was a distant 5th or 6th in the 2020 Democratic primaries, before dropping out early.


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“ELIZABETH LYNNE CHENEY IS GUILTY OF TREASON,” one post created by another user that Trump amplified on his social media website Truth Social on Sunday reads. “RETRUTH IF YOU WANT TELEVISED MILITARY TRIBUNALS.”

A separate post Trump amplified on Truth Social Sunday includes photos of 15 former and current elected officials and says, “THEY SHOULD BE GOING TO JAIL ON MONDAY NOT STEVE BANNON!”

In addition to Biden and Harris, the post includes photos of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, former Vice President Mike Pence and members of the House select committee that investigated the January 6, 2021 attack on the US Capitol.


Not just any old trial mind you, but military ones.

Welcome to Argentina.

Steve Thomas

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This article seems to implicate Biden's advisors in that Biden was on some kind of insane globe-hopping schedule leading up to his debate.

When not exhausted, he is said to remain an imposing presence:

"Aides present in the Situation Room the night that Iran hurled a barrage of missiles and drones at Israel portrayed a president in commanding form, lecturing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by phone to avoid a retaliatory escalation that would have inflamed the Middle East. “Let me be crystal clear,” Biden said. “If you launch a big attack on Iran, you’re on your own.”

Netanyahu pushed back hard, citing the need to respond in kind to deter future attacks. “You do this,” Biden said forcefully, “and I’m out.” Ultimately, the aides noted, Netanyahu scaled back his response."


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