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Sandy Larsen

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Malcolm Nance on the MAGA/Kremlin indictments:


"Note that the two Russian witting assets (Called Founder-1, Founder-2) in the indictment, lived in the United States! They both directed and paid the American influencers from within our borders.

The DOJ alleges that the American influencers were paid starting in November 2023 and have posted 2000 videos with over “16 million views”.  What was most amazing is the amounts of money Russia put into this project.  Traditionally the old KGB and FSB were incredibly stingy organizations but the $10 million they invested was distributed to just five people.  You will choke at the amounts.

They Made How Much!?

For nearly a year these Americans parroted Moscow’s propaganda on a series of talking points ranging from Bidens failures on inflation, and some pretty open hatred of Ukraine. The five “influencers” are believed to be Tim Pool, a ninth-grade dropout, who made his claim to fame during the occupy Wall Street movement, and later, switched to being a hard-core right-wing propagandist with 2.1 million YouTube followers; David Rubin with 2.4 million followers and Benny Johnson with 2.7 million.  Tenet media, the target of the entire operation, was found by Liam Donovan and Lauren Chen. The indictment states that:

“Founder-I advised [Moscow] that Commentator-I said, "it would need to be closer to 5 million yearly for him to be interested," and that Commentator-2 said, "it would take 100k per weekly episode to make it worth his while."

This is staggering money. The indictment also alleges that the two Russian assets balked at these numbers, but that Moscow approved paying them. 


Spies, Assets or Useful Idiots?

The DoJ alleges that the commentators were likely duped by the two Russian assets, but the material, orders and money should have made anyone suspicious.  I’ve tried to educate the public to  know the layers of involvement for Americans, working for hostile powers. Traditionally, the lowest level is Fellow Travelers: people who believe exactly what the foreign power believes and says so in public.  Next, are Useful Idiots. These are people who have been manipulated by foreign agents but also easy to dupe that they are enlisted through their own stupidity. The more serious categories are Unwitting Assets, people who financially, or personally benefit from the association with a foreign agent, but really do not know the origin of those benefits. A Witting Asset is an individual, who is well aware that the money comes from a hostile government and except it for their own benefit. The final category is a Foreign Agent, otherwise known as a spy. This person has an actual contract with a known hostile intelligence entity and meets the tasking and orders of that officer.

So how would we best categorize the six influencers at tenant media? Well, they are clearly useful idiots, who became unwitting assets. But they were in fact, taking tasking, money from an entity, they knew was a foreign government or individual? The only question is did they know that these people were working with Russia Today an entity that is under sanction? This could technically bring us to a new status “Unwitting agent.” That is a person who knows he is dealing with a foreign entity, receives money and tasking, but does not know they are working for a specific hostile entity or intelligence agency.  Let’s note that no one has been charged other than the two Russian spies. That could change if other influencers are found out."

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