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Morley : The Truth About Jack Ruby and the CIA

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The Truth About the CIA and Jack Ruby

The psychiatrist who declared Oswald's killer insane was a contractor for the clandestine service

MAR 21



The story about the CIA doctor and the killer of JFK’s alleged assassin has circulated on the internet but not on major news sites. Is it true?

I asked myself that question after reading JFK researcher Greg Doudna’s revealing interview with John Curington, a lawyer for right-wing billionaire H.L. Hunt in 1963. Curington, who knew Ruby personally, says he believes the nightclub owner was ordered to kill Lee Harvey Oswald, the suspected assassin who said he was a patsy. Gail Raven, a friend of Ruby’s, said the same thing to JFK Facts: “He had no choice.”

Curington and Raven’s story conflicts with the official theory that Ruby killed Oswald on the spur of the moment. The official story was buttressed by the expertise of Dr. Louis Jolyon West, chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California in Los Angeles.In April 1964, West visited Ruby in his jail cell and reported that Ruby had suffered an “acute psychotic break.” West’s findings dovetailed with the official story that Oswald killed JFK for reasons known only to himself and Ruby killed Oswald because he was crazy...

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Benjamin error correction, this is Morley’s story solely, I had nothing to do with producing it; please take my name out of your topic title. This is the second time you have improperly implied I am a coauthor or colleague or involved in producing a Morley story. Not that I don’t like and enjoy Morley’s work on these stories. But please edit this, thanks. 

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

The story about the CIA doctor and the killer of JFK’s alleged assassin has circulated on the internet but not on major news sites. Is it true?

Benjamin, the info is laid out in Tom O'Neill's book 'Chaos'.  As in Rogan's video, O'Neill was not a JFK assassination researcher but stumbled on the evidence of the links between Ruby & Joly West.

Perhaps West's visits to Ruby's jail cell was to muddy the waters of Ruby's Jewish links.

“The day of the assassination, we had our regular Friday night service, which became a memorial service for the president,” Silverman said. “Jack was there. People were either irate or in tears, and Jack was neither. He came over and said, ‘Good Shabbos, rabbi. Thank you for visiting my sister Eva in the hospital last week.’ I thought that was rather peculiar.”

Two days later, Silverman spoke to his Sunday morning confirmation class, expressing relief to the students that Lee Harvey Oswald was not Jewish or there might have been a “pogrom” in Dallas. He then switched on the radio and heard that a “Jack Rubenstein” had killed the assassin.

“I was shocked,” said Silverman. “I visited him the next day in jail, and I said, ‘Why, Jack, why?’ He said, ‘I did it for the Jewish people.’


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33 minutes ago, Pete Mellor said:

Benjamin, the info is laid out in Tom O'Neill's book 'Chaos'.  As in Rogan's video, O'Neill was not a JFK assassination researcher but stumbled on the evidence of the links between Ruby & Joly West.

Perhaps West's visits to Ruby's jail cell was to muddy the waters of Ruby's Jewish links.

“The day of the assassination, we had our regular Friday night service, which became a memorial service for the president,” Silverman said. “Jack was there. People were either irate or in tears, and Jack was neither. He came over and said, ‘Good Shabbos, rabbi. Thank you for visiting my sister Eva in the hospital last week.’ I thought that was rather peculiar.”

Two days later, Silverman spoke to his Sunday morning confirmation class, expressing relief to the students that Lee Harvey Oswald was not Jewish or there might have been a “pogrom” in Dallas. He then switched on the radio and heard that a “Jack Rubenstein” had killed the assassin.

“I was shocked,” said Silverman. “I visited him the next day in jail, and I said, ‘Why, Jack, why?’ He said, ‘I did it for the Jewish people.’


Ruby seemed to have a plethora of evolving reasons for shooting LHO, in addition to dropping dark hints in sideways comments to reporters, or in whispered words to Chief Justice Warren. 

My guess is that someone wanted LHO dead soon...and there weren't all that many options. Ruby was in the trade, had run guns to Cuba, had been a federal informant, was mobbed up. And the mob was tight with the CIA on matters Cuba. 

So Ruby was given instructions. He dithered, hoped for something to happen, the orders rescinded, whatever. But in the end....



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47 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

So Ruby was given instructions. He dithered, hoped for something to happen, the orders rescinded, whatever. But in the end....

Benjamin, I am asking you to remove my name from the title of this topic you have posted, because it is a factual misrepresentation in which you are giving the impression I am involved in authorship or responsibility for the article along with Morley. The article is a great article but I had nothing to do with it. Please correct by removing my name (easy to do, same as editing a post). Attribute it properly solely to Morley. 

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If Jack Ruby was psychologically influenced by some MK Ultra type programming, what was the timing of this?

Before he shot Oswald? After?

Just started watching the video. My question was answered there.

It was after.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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  • Mark Knight changed the title to Morley : The Truth About Jack Ruby and the CIA
7 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

Benjamin, I am asking you to remove my name from the title of this topic you have posted, because it is a factual misrepresentation in which you are giving the impression I am involved in authorship or responsibility for the article along with Morley. The article is a great article but I had nothing to do with it. Please correct by removing my name (easy to do, same as editing a post). Attribute it properly solely to Morley. 

Right-o. I thought you deserved credit, but happy to comply. 

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