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Ron Paul: November 22, 1963 "was the day Kennedy was murdered by our government....by the CIA."

K K Lane

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In an interview on Tim Pool's podcast today, Ron Paul cited the Kennedy assassination as the pivotal event in the last century of American history.   Here's a link to the video (13:54-15:30), and here's a transcription of the key passages:

Ron Paul:
But I do believe there has been a coup, and it's been taken over, and if I can 
I want to just put the date in my mind.   Anybody could probably pick any date in the 
last hundred years.   But I've picked November 22 1963.

Interviewer:  What happened on that day?

Ron Paul: That was the day Kennedy was murdered by our government....by the CIA.

And at the time I was in... a matter of fact...Kennedy was killed in Dallas but 
he landed at Kelly Air Force Base and I was a flight surgeon there the day before,
and I was aware of this trip.   So this was a big thing.

Those early years which we talked about alot - especially the first year or two: 
"Oh, Oswald did it.   Oswald did it."   And then, you know the person they taught
about most is...uh...Allen Dulles as being the instigator of all this.   And he,
guess what,   LBJ met him immediately: "we have to investigate this."   The
president has been assassinated.   What, what is...they never used the word
coup...so he's been assassinated.   So guess who he puts...there were 7 on
the commission, and you know, Dulles was put on the commission to investigate
it.   So, but he was gonna make sure they told the truth.   But that
was a big day in history in my mind.


Edited by K K Lane
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That is really neat, thanks. 

A former congressman and candidate for president who says that for all to hear.

Thanks for posting that.

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35 minutes ago, K K Lane said:

In an interview on Tim Pool's podcast today, Ron Paul cited the Kennedy assassination as the pivotal event in the last century of American history.   Here's a link to the video (13:54-15:30), and here's a transcription of the key passages:

Ron Paul:
But I do believe there has been a coup, and it's been taken over, and if I can 
I want to just put the date in my mind.   Anybody could probably pick any date in the 
last hundred years.   But I've picked November 22 1963.

Interviewer:  What happened on that day?

Ron Paul: That was the day Kennedy was murdered by our government....by the CIA.

And at the time I was in... a matter of fact...Kennedy was killed in Dallas but 
he landed at Kelly Air Force Base and I was a flight surgeon there the day before,
and I was aware of this trip.   So this was a big thing.

Those early years which we talked about alot - especially the first year or two: 
"Oh, Oswald did it.   Oswald did it."   And then, you know the person they taught
about most is...uh...Allen Dulles as being the instigator of all this.   And he,
guess what,   LBJ met him immediately: "we have to investigate this."   The
president has been assassinated.   What, what is...they never used the word
coup...so he's been assassinated.   So guess who he puts...there were 7 on
the commission, and you know, Dulles was put on the commission to investigate
it.   So, but he was gonna make sure they told the truth.   But that
was a big day in history in my mind.


Excellent and many thanks for posting KK. 

Would that other political figures, from across the political spectrum, speak as forthrightly as Ron Paul. 

This transcends politics. 

I hope many echo Ron Paul and demand the immediate and unconditional opening up of the JFK Records. 

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The list gets longer. 
RFK jr. Tucker Carlson, Ron Paul: "JFK was murdered by the CIA, our own government ..." I guess in the next two years we can add other big shots to that list  -- that will burry the "lone nut" fairy tale once and forever. 

 (IMO That topic will become hot in the 2024 presidential election.)

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1 hour ago, Karl Kinaski said:

The list gets longer. 
RFK jr. Tucker Carlson, Ron Paul: "JFK was murdered by the CIA, our own government ..." I guess in the next two years we can add other big shots to that list  -- that will burry the "lone nut" fairy tale once and forever. 

 (IMO That topic will become hot in the 2024 presidential election.)

(IMO That topic will become hot in the 2024 presidential election.)--KK

From your lips to G-d's ears. 

Right now, the media has a blackout on the JFK Records Act. 

And the CIA has long knives out for anyone who would even think about opening up the records---and Operation Mockingbird on steroids 24/7. 

Witness President Biden and AG Merrick Garland deep-sixing the records in perpetuity, with impunity. Why? 

We know from Twitter files, that the federal government is moving to control algorithms in social media. Threads on the JFK Records will likely get snuffed out? 

But, there is always hope. 


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Good for Ron Paul. He's always had the courage to express views that he knows are controversial.

My wife and I and one of our sons worked as volunteers for Ron Paul's campaign in the 2012 GOP primary. My wife got to meet him at a campaign dinner in New Hampshire and was very impressed with him (she had taken a campaign bus from Virginia to work for his campaign in New Hampshire for a week). 

As the primary progressed, my wife and I became disappointed by some of Paul's statements. However, we would have voted for him if he had gotten the GOP nomination. We still hold a favorable opinion of him, although we don't agree with some of his views. 

Edited by Michael Griffith
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16 minutes ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

now if he can talk to his son who sits on some important committees, perhaps we can gain some traction.

One can dream. I think Rand Paul shares his father's views about the assassination, but he knows that most elected Republicans have no interest in pursuing the matter in any way. Truth be told, the majority of the people who were involved in the plot and/or in the cover-up were most likely Republicans. 

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historically, the GOP has defended the intelligence and security state but we're now in Seinfeld bizzaro world with the dems now defenders of the "deep" or "dark" state and the GOP challenging the security institutions.   

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4 hours ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

historically, the GOP has defended the intelligence and security state but we're now in Seinfeld bizzaro world with the dems now defenders of the "deep" or "dark" state and the GOP challenging the security institutions.   

The world is upside down. 

I have pitched the Biden-Garland burying of the JFK Records Act story to various "left-wing" publications. When I get a response, it is one that derisively dismisses "right wing" thought. 

Back in the days of print, and alt-l publications, there might have been a platform for stories on an administration burying the JFK Records in perpetuity....

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If this movement had any money, which it does not, I would take out a full page ad on this in the Washington Post.

I would love to design it and put in the wording.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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17 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

The world is upside down. 

I have pitched the Biden-Garland burying of the JFK Records Act story to various "left-wing" publications. When I get a response, it is one that derisively dismisses "right wing" thought. 

Back in the days of print, and alt-l publications, there might have been a platform for stories on an administration burying the JFK Records in perpetuity....

Yup. This is an unfortunate product of our severely polarized politics and our sharply polarized society. Criticism of a Republican is assumed to be coming from ardent Democrats, and criticism of a Democrat is assumed to be coming from ardent Republicans. 


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7 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

Yup. This is an unfortunate product of our severely polarized politics and our sharply polarized society. Criticism of a Republican is assumed to be coming from ardent Democrats, and criticism of a Democrat is assumed to be coming from ardent Republicans. 


It is crazy. 

The origins of C19---likely a Wuhan lab leak---become a "debunked conspiracy theory" as it was perceived to be a Trumpian theme.  People were actually censored who sought the truth about the lab leak. 

The lab leak is true, or not true, based on the facts, not who is promoting the facts. 

I understand why so many people no longer trust large-platform media, and suspect social-media algorithms are suppressing free speech and thought. 

The large platform media could make the JFK Records a cause celebre and in fact they should. They are not. 

"Democracy Dies in Darkness." Yes, true. 

Stay independent, keep an open mind. 


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Tucker at 5min03sec, quote:

"We can't even say for certain who killed the president of the United States, because after 60 years the Biden-administration is hiding thousands of pages of classified documents from the Kennedy-assassination ..."

That's good. Never stop talking about it ... 




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1 hour ago, Karl Kinaski said:

Tucker at 5min03sec, quote:

"We can't even say for certain who killed the president of the United States, because after 60 years the Biden-administration is hiding thousands of pages of classified documents from the Kennedy-assassination ..."

That's good. Never stop talking about it ... 




Deserves it own post. If I post it...but you should....

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