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Pierre Lafitte datebook, 1963

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7 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

Doug... say it isn't so my man.

I understand those who have a limited grasp of the information available being overly skeptical... but you know better than that Doug.  You of all people know how difficult bringing forward evidence of this nature is - and I wonder for what possible gain, and to whom?

I keep a healthy amount of skepticism, yet am finding the timing of the notes and the timing of events that seemed unrelated before when seen from a different POV, make a different kind of sense.If it is i

And what is the conclusion of the "forgery" ?  Angleton, Barnes, W. Harvey (and many others directly related to ZR/RIFLE) - who we have suspected all along as being part of the Facilitators - are being shown in that very light.  

And you can't buy that?  Men connected via the trials of war and espionage who now sit atop one of the most powerful and clandestine apparatuses the world has known... and a young playboy president betraying their country to the Russians so that we and the communists can continue to "breathe the same air".

Is it truly that hard to accept that the Mil Ind Complex has its protectorate? That issues on the global stage are much more complicated than "getting out of Vietnam"? and the deepest and longest embracing of hatred after religion is ideology based - how to control the hearts and minds of the masses for "our" own ends.

We KNOW Oswald didn't do it
We KNOW the military enabled the post assassination cover-up with the SS, FBI, CIA & INS
We KNOW the CIA, Cubans, Mafia, Chi-comms, etc are cover narratives after the "Oswald did it" narrative is stripped away 
We KNOW there are powerful forces in this world which were even more empowered during the early 60's

I remain at a loss for why intelligent people cannot embrace what may be a roadmap to the very people we've suspected - with names of those never before considered - and the connections leading to a resolution.

When do we stop spending time showing Oswald didn't do it and start spending time looking into the evidence that may lead us to who did?

The Albarelli, Sharp, Kent mantra:

When do we stop spending time showing Oswald didn't do it and start spending time looking into the evidence that may lead us to who did?

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Dick Russell writes in the Foreword to Coup in Dallas:

. . . Here established beyond doubt is that the real perpetrators needed a fall guy to take the rap as a lone, Left-leaning gunman. The set-up of Lee Harvey Oswald began many months before, carefully orchestrated by a cabal of evil geniuses in espionage. One of these was James Angleton, then chief of CIA Counterintelligence. Another was Charles Willoughby, who formerly served as spymaster for General Douglas MacArthur. A third was Otto Skorzeny, Hitler’s favorite commando, aided by the US to establish a postwar domicile in Franco’s Spain, where he created secret camps to train assassins. 

In implicating Willoughby (whose possible role was first raised in my book The Man Who Knew Too Much), French hitman Jean Rene Souetre, soldier-of-fortune Thomas Eli Davis, Jr., and oil industrialist Jack Crichton, Coup in Dallas opens wider doors to which researchers have been seeking keys for years. 

. . .  Albarelli’s book also adds corroboration to my own work as an investigative journalist, including knowledge imparted to me by double agent Richard Case Nagell. While Nagell is not named in the datebook, it provides substantiation for his stressing Mexico City’s Hotel Luma as a planning site and offers up the name of a Willoughby associate (Jack Canon) who Nagell had hinted was among several shooters in Dealey Plaza.

Coup in Dallas examines other layers of intrigue: the utilization by the conspirators of an East German call girl (Ellen Rometsch) in an effort to compromise JFK, and the alleged suicides of Washington Post publisher Philip Graham and Kennedy confidante Grant Stockdale. 

            Readers should not expect that Coup in Dallas means “case closed.” By design of Lafitte, himself very much part of the plot, his entries are thin on detail and sometimes confined to initials. Doubtless, analysis of their content will occupy researchers in search of the truth for the next fifty years. But the clues are numerous, and sometimes explicit—for example, this chilling notation two weeks before the assassination: “On the wings of murder. The pigeon way for unsuspecting Lee. Clip, clip his wings.” 

@Jonathan Cohen

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On 8/5/2023 at 10:31 PM, Ron Bulman said:
  • Ron BulmanGrand Master
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  On 7/30/2023 at 10:16 PM, Ed Berger said:

I've tracked the Vanderbilt angle because an heiress married Northern Ireland investor John Adair and together they established the JA Ranch with Charles Goodnight in the Palo Duro Canyon located in the Texas Panhandle.  Amarillo, as you know, was HQ for Crichton's Dorchester, with Byrd on the board... An heir to the JA married into the Symington family — Stuart Symington first Sec. Air Force and partner with Clark Clifford during the BCCI debacle.

Fascinating! Do you know to what degree the Adairs might have crossed paths with Crichton down in Amarillo? I'm thinking about Crichton's latter day Arabian Shield company, which if memory serves correctly was actually formed through Dorchester. One of the investors at one point into Arabian Shield was Kamal Adham, the Saudi intelligence chief who was in turn a major stockholder in BCCI.


Not to digress from the datebook but this threw me for a loop.  Seeing Charles Goodnight in a post about the JFKA made me stop and think, huh?  I fully understand it in the context of the two above comments after reading them.  But first seeing Goodnight's name did stun me, which led to chuckles as I read on about the connections, as Ed said, fascinating. 

I have J Evetts Haley's book on Goodnight.  I've been to his replicated dug out in Palo Duro Canyon as well as his home, the historical center. 

Charles and Mary Ann Goodnight Ranch State Historic Site | THC.Texas.gov - Texas Historical Commission

Goodnight was my G-G-G Grandfathers close neighbor (two listings away) on the 1860 Palo Pinto County census.  That year he was one of 96 volunteer rangers, for which Goodnight was a scout, which participated in the capture of Cyntia Ann Parker.  The basis of John Wayne's The Searchers.

I just discovered personally this historical jewel myself a couple of weeks ago, courtesy of a Dublin, Tx library DVD.  From 107 years ago.  Film in it's infancy, for Dr. Joseph Mc Bride.

 Old Texas (1916) (texasarchive.org)

Ron, You probably know that this region was settled by fiercely independent characters — Charles Goodnight being among the fiercest—  who over the decades eschewed federal government and any regulations of their exploitation of natural resources.

The patriarch of the Koch dynasty made his initial fortune east of the Cap Rock, and as you know, was a founding member of the John Birch Society which thrived in the Panhandle in the early 1960s.  

I may be repeating myself, but among the founding members of JBS — sitting at the table with Koch Sr. — was First National of Boston, R. W. Stoddard; FNB board at the time included Francis Kernan of White Weld private banking who handled the United Fruit account along with descendants of the Boston Brahmin Cabot family - co-founders with Minor Cooper Keith of UF.


Kernan, whose brother James was consigliere to Jock Whitney of the Whitney-Vanderbilt Dynasty, represented the interests of Vanderbilt-Adair in the Texas panhandle; UF in its infinite wisdom succeeded in depleting the Ogala Aquifer putting hundreds of independent farmers out of business by the 1970s.


Kernan was also banker to Helmerich-Payne Oil of Tulsa Oklahoma with direct business ties to and interlocking boards with a young oilman in Midland/Odessa, George Herbert Walker Bush.

In 1963, GHWBush, running for the Senate, shared the Republican ticket with gubernatorial candidate Jack Crichton of Dorchester GAs with headquarters in Amarillo, Texas.  At the time, Crichton had rejoined the Al Meadows consortium in a new scheme based in Houston; records indicate Otto Skorzeny renewed keen interest in Meadows' efforts having partnered with Meadows - the chairman of Gerneal American oil in the early 1950s from his base in Madrid that involved Crichton, Bush's good friend from Tyler Joe Zeppa, et al.  Is it reasonable to believe that George Bush was unfamiliar with the Skorzeny history? 

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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19 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Ron, You probably know that this region was settled by fiercely independent characters — Charles Goodnight being among the fiercest—  who over the decades eschewed federal government and any regulations of their exploitation of natural resources.

The patriarch of the Koch dynasty made his initial fortune east of the Cap Rock, and as you know, was a founding member of the John Birch Society which thrived in the Panhandle in the early 1960s.  

I may be repeating myself, but among the founding members of JBS — sitting at the table with Koch Sr. — was First National of Boston, R. W. Stoddard; FNB board at the time included Francis Kernan of White Weld private banking who handled the United Fruit account along with descendants of the Boston Brahmin Cabot family - co-founders with Minor Cooper Keith of UF.


Kernan, whose brother James was consigliere to Jock Whitney of the Whitney-Vanderbilt Dynasty, represented the interests of Vanderbilt-Adair in the Texas panhandle; UF in its infinite wisdom succeeded in depleting the Ogala Aquifer putting hundreds of independent farmers out of business by the 1970s.


Kernan was also banker to Helmerich-Payne Oil of Tulsa Oklahoma with direct business ties to and interlocking boards with a young oilman in Midland/Odessa, George Herbert Walker Bush.

Not to digress, but as you mention Fred Koch, his Matador ranch purchased in 1952, originally established by a Scottish consortium, is for sale.  BTW the town of Matador was hit hard by a tornado 2-3 weeks ago, I think 3 died.  Some rough country around there.

Matador Ranch | Chas S. Middleton (chassmiddleton.com)

Edited by Ron Bulman
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Just now, Ron Bulman said:

Not to digress, but as you mention Fred Koch, his Matador ranch purchased in 1952, originally established by a Scottish consortium, is for sale.  BTW the town of Matador was hit hard by a tornado 2-3 weeks ago, I think 3 died.

Matador Ranch | Chas S. Middleton (chassmiddleton.com)

Yes, heavy Scottish influence in the Panhandle. Adair was North of Ireland, non-Catholic. 

Tornados were/are brutal in the region. My first was the aftermath of Silverton c. 1956 I believe. The Middleton family were friends of my father; in fact I think they were distant relatives.

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5 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Not to digress, but as you mention Fred Koch, his Matador ranch purchased in 1952, originally established by a Scottish consortium, is for sale.  BTW the town of Matador was hit hard by a tornado 2-3 weeks ago, I think 3 died.  Some rough country around there.

Matador Ranch | Chas S. Middleton (chassmiddleton.com)

I can't resist. 
The incident occurred in White Deer, around 40 miles northeast of Amarillo.


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50 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

I can't resist. 
The incident occurred in White Deer, around 40 miles northeast of Amarillo.


This is funny.  I've been posting on a football forum about former White Deer linebacker Zack Thomas of the Miami Dolphins going into the NFL HOF.  This will piss off a lot of the right wingers there.  Thanks!

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Guest Doug Campbell
On 8/11/2023 at 3:34 PM, David Josephs said:

Doug... say it isn't so my man.

I understand those who have a limited grasp of the information available being overly skeptical... but you know better than that Doug.  You of all people know how difficult bringing forward evidence of this nature is - and I wonder for what possible gain, and to whom?

I keep a healthy amount of skepticism, yet am finding the timing of the notes and the timing of events that seemed unrelated before when seen from a different POV, make a different kind of sense.If it is i

And what is the conclusion of the "forgery" ?  Angleton, Barnes, W. Harvey (and many others directly related to ZR/RIFLE) - who we have suspected all along as being part of the Facilitators - are being shown in that very light.  

And you can't buy that?  Men connected via the trials of war and espionage who now sit atop one of the most powerful and clandestine apparatuses the world has known... and a young playboy president betraying their country to the Russians so that we and the communists can continue to "breathe the same air".

Is it truly that hard to accept that the Mil Ind Complex has its protectorate? That issues on the global stage are much more complicated than "getting out of Vietnam"? and the deepest and longest embracing of hatred after religion is ideology based - how to control the hearts and minds of the masses for "our" own ends.

We KNOW Oswald didn't do it
We KNOW the military enabled the post assassination cover-up with the SS, FBI, CIA & INS
We KNOW the CIA, Cubans, Mafia, Chi-comms, etc are cover narratives after the "Oswald did it" narrative is stripped away 
We KNOW there are powerful forces in this world which were even more empowered during the early 60's

I remain at a loss for why intelligent people cannot embrace what may be a roadmap to the very people we've suspected - with names of those never before considered - and the connections leading to a resolution.

When do we stop spending time showing Oswald didn't do it and start spending time looking into the evidence that may lead us to who did?


The most basic tenet of tradecraft. Rule Number ONE: Protect your true identity, your true, given name. At all costs. PERIOD. Never EVER use your true name in the field, NEVER use your true name operationally. Aliases in the field with assets, pseudonyms on internal CIA documents. To protect-above and beyond anything else- the true, real-world identities of the agents executing the operation.

For (3) reasons. Safety, Secrecy, Security.

The Cubans for whom George Joannides served as case officer did NOT know him as George Joannides. they knew him as "Mr. Howard." On internal CIA documents pertaining to Anti-Castro Operations, one of the pseudonyms used to protect his true identity was "Walter Newby"(NO doubt that there are dozens more of both operational aliases and pseudonyms for Joannides that we are still completely unaware of). Even on internal memoranda never meant to ever see the light of day outside CIA, pseudonyms were used to hide the true identity of the agents involved in the operations set forth in said paperwork.

For (3) very basic, very critical reasons: Safety, Secrecy, Security. 

Just a few of the aliases used by David Morales:

Dr. Diego Mardones; Thomas Allen; Miguel P. Cossio; Henry Yopchick; Dr. Diego Gonzalez; Stanley Zamka; Dr. Diego Miranda.

...that we KNOW of. All aliases used by Morales in legit, sanctioned ops.

Why? Safety. Secrecy. Security. Again, THE most basic rule of tradecraft.

At one point, Morales had addresses in Coral Gables, Los Angeles, and NYC simultaneously. All under a different alias. All with diffent back stories, pocket litter, back-stopage. Heck, at one point, it was made to look as if one of his aliases had a new roommate. The roommate was ALSO a Morales alias. Why?

For Safety. Secrecy. Security.

David Atlee Phillips? Just some of his aliases:

John Nadleman; Michael Choaden; Walter Brackton; Paul D. Langavin.

When asked how many operational aliases he used over the course of his career, Phillips told the HSCA, "Well, over a period of 25 years, I suppose over a hundred..."

Over 100.

Antonio Veciana never claimed to have ever known the name David Phillips, only Maurice Bishop. he never even heard the name Phillips until he met Gaeton Fonzi in the '70s.

Protecting one's true identity, one's true, given name was absolutely Paramount. Paramount for these agents while working in legit, sanctioned operations.

BUT...after deciding to take part in The Blackest Of Black Operations-- an operation designed and implemented to assassinate the sitting President of The United States-- these agents are going to throw out the MOST basic and elementary tenet of Tradecraft and tell Lafitte their true, given names??

Absolutely not. ESPECIALLY in the context of a plot to murder the sitting POTUS by his very own intelligence services. It's...simply not believable.

The very notion that George Joannides-- or ANY career CIA officer-- would gladly, voluntarily tell Lafitte his true, given name, reveal his real-world identity while working within a plot to murder the sitting President but took extraordinary measures to protect his true identity while working to topple/kill Castro is simply not realistic, and reason enough alone to dismiss the datebook.

In every other operational interest, great lengths are gone to, for Safety, Secrecy, Security.

...EXCEPT when they decide to kill the President?? Then they don't give a damn about this Safety, Secrecy, or Security? Suddenly, in THIS case- the all-important protection of their true identities means absolutely nothing? To heck with it? Only when conspiring to murder Kennedy?

Ineffable twaddlespeak.

It's a bridge too far for me. I know better.


Edited by Doug Campbell
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Further to the significance of the John Birch Society in the lead up to the assassination in Dallas . . . 


A portentous January 1968 affidavit sworn by Aginter Press assassin and Jean Rene Souetre associate Jacques Godard reveals the group’s relationship with certain American persons and organizations:

“In the course of our services we had relations with certain persons and organizations like, for example, President Tschombe and with Biafra. We likewise were in charge of relations with the John Birch Society, which was an American political group financed especially by Texas oil producers whose activity is absolutely anti-communist. Everywhere where there is a struggle, either open or covert, with communists, the John Birch Society [JBS] lends its financial aid to the people who are struggling against international communism.”

The reader encounters the significance of the Texas oil producers and the Dallas branch of the John Birch Society in the chapter, “Lay of the Land,” to further understand the width and breadth of influence of Aginter Press and similar fascist organizations.



It is interesting to note that on March 5, 1964, French intelligence had inquired of the Bureau in NYC whether  Jean Rene Souetre, a.k.a. Michel Mertz, a.k.a. Michel Roux had been expelled from Dallas-Fort Worth area forty-eight hours after the assassination; and a reminder that on March 7, 1964, Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations leader Jaroslav Stetzko wrote to his personal friend General Edwin Walker, requesting he provide Moise Tschombe an invitation to visit the US. 


General Edwin Walker's ties to the John Birch Society:

            According to a Louisiana State Police document, on November 20, 1963, General Edwin Walker met with some thirty-five conservative business leaders at the Hotel Jung, and again on the 21st, he was meeting with another ninety people at the Jung. Two years prior to these meetings, President John Kennedy had encouraged Walker to resign from his leadership role when in 1961, he violated his military oath by distributing political literature produced by the John Birch Society. That literature promoted accusations that his commander-in-chief was a traitor.


           In his 1963 datebook, the project manager records the word “caretaker” on seven separate occasions. Initially, the logical candidate seemed to be George de Mohrenschildt, widely referred to as the “handler” of LHO. De Mohrenschildt and his wife Jeanne were in Dallas through March 1963, prior to departing for a stopover in Washington D.C. before an extended stay in Haiti and surrounding islands, so it might seem pointless to pursue caretaker any further than the Russian-born oil exploration consultant with a known history of intelligence service to the highest bidder.  However, because Lafitte resumed focus on caretaker in the fall, as evidenced in his datebook—when we know from official records and testimony that George and Jeanne spent the last half of 1963 concentrating on suspect business deals in the West Indies—we returned to the datebook to follow the path of caretaker with more diligence.

            The first mention is on March 7, just days after Lee Oswald was introduced to Ruth Hyde Paine in the home of Socony Mobil Oil chemist Everett Glover. Everett had known both Ruth and her estranged husband, Michael, through Madrigal choir practices and performances, a passion shared with Hungarian-born Fr. Ralph March, who cofounded Our Lady of Dallas, the Cistercian Abby located in Irving, Texas. Fr. March also served on the faculty of the University of Dallas, located on the campus of the Abby, during the tenure of President Robert Morris, the head of the regional chapter of the ultraconservative John Birch Society (JBS), and legal counsel to General Edwin A. Walker. (Morris’s history has been pursued in depth earlier in this book.) Michael Paine testified that out of curiosity, he attended a John Birch meeting in October at the invitation of a JBS advocate who was part of the Madrigal choir. . .  


During testimony, Michael Paine stated that the John Birch Society meeting he attended with another friend from Madrigal choir practices was held the same evening of the infamous incident with Adlai Stevenson when he was spat upon in Dallas. Paine speculates that it was sometime in November. However, Wesley Liebeler, commission attorney, sets the record straight when he said, For the record I think the record should indicate that Mr. Stevenson was in Dallas on or about October 24, 1963It was in fact October 24.

            The full context of the exchange is worth considering:

Mr. LIEBELER - Are you a member or have you ever attended any meetings of the John Birch Society? 

Mr. PAINE - I am not a member. I have been to one or, I guess chiefly one meeting of theirs. 

Mr. LIEBELER - Where was that? 

Mr. PAINE - That was in Dallas? 

Mr. LIEBELER - When? 

Mr. PAINE - That was the night Stevenson spoke in Dallas. 

The CHAIRMAN - When? 

Mr. PAINE - The night Stevenson spoke in Dallas, U.N. Day. 

Representative FORD - Was that 1963? 

Mr. PAINE - Yes, 

Mr. LIEBELER - Would you tell us the circumstances of your attendance at that meeting and what happened? 

Mr. PAINE - I had been seeking to go to a Birch meeting for some time, and then I was invited on this night so I went. It was an introductory meeting. 

Mr. DULLES - On the 9th of November?

Mr. PAINE - It was November something, I don't know what, a Wednesday or Thursday night. 

Mr. LIEBELER - For the record I think the record should indicate that Mr. Stevenson was in Dallas on or about October 24, 1963.

Liebler asks Michael a few more questions and then commission member Dulles, the former Director of the CIA, made a point of interjecting: 

Mr. DULLES - May I ask, did you go out of curiosity rather than sympathy or rather how did you happen to go? 

Mr. PAINE - I am not in sympathy. 

Mr. DULLES - So I gathered. 

And with that, Dulles relieved Paine of any taint of animosity toward John Kennedy.






Edited by Leslie Sharp
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Joannides & Lafitte in New Orleans, 1963


Over fifteen years ago, while beginning to research a book on the odd death of U.S. Army biochemist, Dr. Frank R. Olson, I became aware of the existence of an enigmatic character with the unlikely name Jean Pierre Lafitte. The origins of my awareness came from my perusal of the 1952 and 1953 diaries of Federal Bureau of Narcotics official George Hunter White; a September 20, 1977 article in the New York Times by investigative journalists John M. Crewdson and Jo Thomas; and the private notes and correspondence of James R. Phelan, an investigative journalist and writer, who, in the 1950s through the 1960s, was quite close to both Lafitte and White. . . . 


While writing my book on Olson’s murder, A TERRIBLE MISTAKE: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold War Experiments [Trine Day, 2009], of which Lafitte played an integral and deadly role, I could not avoid learning about a number of provocative connections between Monsieur Lafitte and Lee Harvey Oswald and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Not the least of these connections was that Lafitte, using an assumed named, throughout the 1960s lived in New Orleans. Indeed, in an incident that caused a flap at CIA headquarters in December 1969, the FBI arrested Lafitte in New Orleans. Briefly detained, he was released after a number of discrete phone calls from Capitol Hill were made to FBI headquarters. At the time of his arrest, Lafitte worked as the head chef at the Plimsoll Club, then part of the International Trade Mart.  


Portions of Lafitte’s date books for his New Orleans years are revealing of his dealings with various CIA officials, including at least 3 apparent meetings with CIA Western Hemisphere Division employee, George Efythron Joannides. Interestingly, Lafitte’s second encounter with Joannides occurred the second week of August 1963, just days after Lee Harvey Oswald’s Friday, August 9 arrest for provoking a disturbance through leafleting for his Fair Play for Cuba Committee New Orleans chapter. Lafitte’s handwritten notations for Friday, August 16, 1963 read: “… at Antoines room— Martello, Joanides [sic] & Labadie. Quigly [sic] interview Oswald over street demonstration. Call Holdout.” Another notation, made 6 days later reads: “Talk Joanides [sic] Cuba—refers to K Organization in Mexico— similar setup now. [D]iscuss with King, ask George and Charles about Havana, Mexico trips…” 


NOTES: “Antoines room” is thought to be Antoine’s, a well-known New Orleans restaurant that hosted meetings and gatherings in a number of private rooms. There are several references to Antoine’s in the date books.  “Martello” appears to be a reference to New Orleans Police Department officer, Lt. Francis L. Martello; not to be confused with Francis “Monk”  Martello. Lt. Martello interviewed Oswald in the New Orleans lockup on August 10, 1963. “Quigly” is perhaps a misspelling of the name Quigley. FBI SA John L. Quigley also interviewed Oswald in New Orleans jail. “Labadie” is a known alias, as in Jean Labadie, that Lafitte used often in New York City, but it is also the surname of Stephen J. Labadie, a special agent for the FBI. “Holdout” is unknown; perhaps it is a code-name for a program or confidential informer. “King” is most likely J.C. King, CIA Western Hemisphere director, but could possibly be William Harvey, as some CIA associated people occasionally and mockingly referred to Harvey as “King.” “George and Charlie” are believed to be FBN officials.



Copyright © 2013—H.P. Albarelli Jr. 

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On 8/6/2023 at 2:09 AM, Jeremy Bojczuk said:

Leslie Sharp writes:

I'm not sure how similar those three quirks are to DUUM, what with duum being Latin and the others French, with a bit of Italian in the last one. Are there any examples of the author or authors inserting archaic Latin words into the datebook, using capital letters? Incidentally, the first of the three quirks may turn out to be an apt description of the datebook.

If that's how Google translated it, Google got it wrong. The French for duum is not deux but des deux, which means 'of the two': des is a contraction of de ('of') and les (the plural form of 'the').

Admittedly, my French isn't vastly better than my rather rusty Latin, and it's conceivable that there's an idiomatic usage I'm not aware of, in which deux is used instead of des deux. But until someone demonstrates the existence of such a usage, we have to conclude that DUUM does not mean what Leslie claims it means.

We're still facing the problem that 'of the two' doesn't make sense in the context of 'rifle into building'. Either the indistinct handwriting does not spell out D-U-U-M, or, if it does, D-U-U-M is an unexplained acronym.

Latin for the French word deux, meaning two.  

It's interesting you seem obsessed with these four letters noted in a datebook you continue to discredit based on nothing other than a suspicion.

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Leslie Sharp writes:


Latin for the French word deux, meaning two.

That was in response to my demonstration, for the third time, that duum is not the Latin word for deux. I'll try again, and see if it gets through at the fourth attempt:

Duum is an archaic genitive form of duorum. It means 'of the two', not simply 'two'. The French for duum is des deux, not simply deux. It makes no sense to interpret the handwritten scrawl as duum in the context in which it appears in the datebook: "rifle into building / [illegible] DPD / of the two". The scrawl cannot be the Latin word duum.


you seem obsessed with these four letters

Having to repeat some basic information several times does not indicate obsession. It indicates that Leslie seems unable to absorb information that contradicts her beliefs.

My Latin and French are very far from being perfect, and I'm happy to be corrected if I've made a mistake. But you don't need to be an expert to know that duum does not mean deux. As Alex Wilson points out at https://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.net/t2761-duum-for-duumies:


It's one thing trying to pass off a dodgy datebook to a gaggle of gullible baby boomers,  but it's another thing entirely trying to bull**** a British schoolboy when it comes to Latin.

Anyone who has studied Latin at school will identify with poor Brian in this clip:


Leslie continues:


a datebook you continue to discredit based on nothing other than a suspicion.

There is more than a suspicion that the datebook is a fake. Greg Doudna raised several plausible objections, so far unanswered by Leslie, earlier in this thread:

And, on this very page, Doug Campbell has pretty much ended the debate by pointing out that the supposed author of the datebook would never have known the real names of some of the characters he refers to.

Perhaps Leslie could address the objections made by Greg and Doug. While we're on the subject of real names, perhaps Leslie could also address a claim that has been made at the ROKC forum, that she is not using her real name:


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18 hours ago, Jeremy Bojczuk said:

Leslie Sharp writes:

That was in response to my demonstration, for the third time, that duum is not the Latin word for deux. I'll try again, and see if it gets through at the fourth attempt:

Duum is an archaic genitive form of duorum. It means 'of the two', not simply 'two'. The French for duum is des deux, not simply deux. It makes no sense to interpret the handwritten scrawl as duum in the context in which it appears in the datebook: "rifle into building / [illegible] DPD / of the two". The scrawl cannot be the Latin word duum.

Having to repeat some basic information several times does not indicate obsession. It indicates that Leslie seems unable to absorb information that contradicts her beliefs.

My Latin and French are very far from being perfect, and I'm happy to be corrected if I've made a mistake. But you don't need to be an expert to know that duum does not mean deux. As Alex Wilson points out at https://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.net/t2761-duum-for-duumies:

Anyone who has studied Latin at school will identify with poor Brian in this clip:


Leslie continues:

There is more than a suspicion that the datebook is a fake. Greg Doudna raised several plausible objections, so far unanswered by Leslie, earlier in this thread:

And, on this very page, Doug Campbell has pretty much ended the debate by pointing out that the supposed author of the datebook would never have known the real names of some of the characters he refers to.

Perhaps Leslie could address the objections made by Greg and Doug. While we're on the subject of real names, perhaps Leslie could also address a claim that has been made at the ROKC forum, that she is not using her real name:


The Super Sleuths at ROKC have out done themselves this time; I'm so intent on concealing my legal identity that I filed a joint work copyright using it.

Why don't you review Doudna's initial attack on Coup in Dallas on this very forum. After much bluster cloaked in allusions to scientific and academic standards, Doudna summed things up with, "if it's too good to be true, then it probably is a hoax."  

He has since rolled out an additional, highly intellectual theorem that goes something like this:  if A is a hoax, and C is a hoax, then surely B must be a hoax.  

All this, having never read Hank Albarelli's introduction which spells out in detail how he landed on the doorstep of a small New England home only to later realize he was sitting on the scoop of a lifetime; nor did Doudna actually read Coup in Dallas before posting his purely subjective and dare I say ignorant analysis on EF just ten days after the 700+page book hit the stands; instead, he opted to attempt — with all the professionalism he could muster apparently — to erode any potential interest in Albarelli's breakthrough investigation  by assailing his coauthor's 5-6 page account of provenance and authenticity. One surely must ask: Why?

Doug Campbell on the other hand  — who recently stole intellectual property that is posted on Ed Forum and only removed it from his public FB page after my public Cease and Desist notice — is fairly transparent; as a staunch defender of the Prayer Man Movement, a theorem I continue to question publicly, we can safely surmise "why" after all this time he weighed in on the Lafitte datebook.  Enough said about Doug. 

So you'll forgive me, Jeremy, if I ignore your misguided remonstration that I somehow owe it to either of these two gentlemen, or you for that matter, to defend Albarelli's primary source material. It is what it is; accept it or not.


PS The scrawl cannot be the Latin word duum.
 it is laughable that you continue to tell the world that Lafitte couldn't possibly have noted "duum" ' the Latin term for the French word "deux," because . . .  wait for it, YOU say so?  

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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Leslie Sharp writes:


So you'll forgive me, Jeremy, if I ignore your misguided remonstration that I somehow owe it to either of these two gentlemen, or you for that matter, to defend Albarelli's primary source material. It is what it is; accept it or not.

If Leslie refuses to deal with the reasonable objections raised by Greg and Doug, that's up to her. We can all come to our own conclusions about why she persistently avoids giving straight answers but instead deflects attention onto the motives of the questioners.

I understand that Leslie has had her differences in the past with Greg Parker and other members of what she calls the "Prayer Man Movement", although I'm not familiar with the details. But this disagreement has nothing to do with the authenticity of the datebook, which is something Leslie really needs to demonstrate. Whether or not the figure in the Wiegman and Darnell films is Oswald, reasonable questions have been raised on this thread and elsewhere about the datebook which have yet to be answered.

If Leslie wants to add credibility to her book, she ought to answer these questions. "Accept it or not" isn't going to convince anyone that the datebook is authentic. Here are three of the comments on this thread in which plausible objections have been raised:

  1. https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/29044-pierre-lafitte-datebook-1963/?do=findComment&comment=509153 (on page 5)
  2. https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/29044-pierre-lafitte-datebook-1963/?do=findComment&comment=509466 (on page 13)
  3. https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/29044-pierre-lafitte-datebook-1963/?do=findComment&comment=510684 (on page 19)

Would Leslie care to actually address the questions that Greg Doudna and Doug Campbell have raised?

Incidentally, it is my sad duty to inform Leslie that Greg Parker has committed a blatant, inexcusable, and thoroughly irresponsible infringement of copyright, here:



it is laughable that you continue to tell the world that Lafitte couldn't possibly have noted "duum" ' the Latin term for the French word "deux," because . . .  wait for it, YOU say so?

Yes, that's how it works. If you want to know what a Latin word means in French, you ask someone who has studied Latin and French.

Here, we have someone (me, moi, me) who has studied Latin and French, and who tells you that the Latin word duum means des deux in French and 'of the two' in English, which makes no sense in the context of the datebook.

I presume Leslie has no knowledge of Latin, and probably too little French to appreciate the difference between deux and des deux. What reasons does Leslie have to disbelieve what I'm telling her?

As I pointed out earlier, I'm no expert in either Latin or French. It shouldn't be difficult for Leslie to find someone who knows both languages better than I do. Has she consulted anyone who fits that description, and asked them to translate duum into French and English for her? Evidently not, since in her several comments on the matter she has cited the opinions of precisely no-one.

As I also pointed out earlier, you really don't need to be an expert to know that duum does not mean deux. Consequently, it makes no sense to interpret the handwritten scrawl in the datebook as 'DUUM'. Leslie really should give up flogging this particular equus mortuus.

Edited by Jeremy Bojczuk
Corrected a typo
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Guest Doug Campbell

@Leslie Sharp THIS is the meme that violated your copyright? Right?

On one of the podcasts I produce, "Quick Hits", we have (2) segments that would be fantastic vehicles with which to relate this whole, ridiculous tale to listeners: "Facebook Shenanigans" and "That's Dumb Sxxx". I am having an exeedingly difficult time deciding which segment to utilize. But this whole thing is just to ridiculous not to share, this... Cinque-esque onslaught of spam.

Tell us again how Joannides felt safe to abandon the 1st Rule Of Spycraft only when conspiring to murder the President, but took extraordinary measures to adhere to that rule and protect his true identity on every other covert operation he ever had a part in for his entire career , BAR NONE. 

Please explain why he decided to use his real name ONLY when engaged in High Treason, ONLY while helping to plot the murder of John Kennedy. 

Miss Sharp would have us believe that career CIA officers who consistently went above and beyond with the use of operational aliases and Pseudonyms throughout their entire careers while engaged in covert operations would suddenly  have absolutely no compunction whatsover with revealing their real names, their Real-World Identities to a known-conman, a KNOWN-PROLIFIC FBI INFORMANT, whilst engaging in an ilicit operation to murder their own President with this known-FBI Informant. In this instance and this instance alone, they deemed the use of their real-world identities...Perfectly Safe

Again, I know better.


Edited by Doug Campbell
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