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Pierre Lafitte datebook, 1963

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9 hours ago, Doug Campbell said:

@Leslie Sharp THIS is the meme that violated your copyright? Right?

On one of the podcasts I produce, "Quick Hits", we have (2) segments that would be fantastic vehicles with which to relate this whole, ridiculous tale to listeners: "Facebook Shenanigans" and "That's Dumb Sxxx". I am having an exeedingly difficult time deciding which segment to utilize. But this whole thing is just to ridiculous not to share, this... Cinque-esque onslaught of spam.

Tell us again how Joannides felt safe to abandon the 1st Rule Of Spycraft only when conspiring to murder the President, but took extraordinary measures to adhere to that rule and protect his true identity on every other covert operation he ever had a part in for his entire career , BAR NONE. 

Please explain why he decided to use his real name ONLY when engaged in High Treason, ONLY while helping to plot the murder of John Kennedy. 

Miss Sharp would have us believe that career CIA officers who consistently went above and beyond with the use of operational aliases and Pseudonyms throughout their entire careers while engaged in covert operations would suddenly  have absolutely no compunction whatsover with revealing their real names, their Real-World Identities to a known-conman, a KNOWN-PROLIFIC FBI INFORMANT, whilst engaging in an ilicit operation to murder their own President with this known-FBI Informant. In this instance and this instance alone, they deemed the use of their real-world identities...Perfectly Safe

Again, I know better.


You stole copyrighted material posted on Ed Forum which you re-posted publicly on Facebook without permission. I put you on notice. You removed it.  That's the limit of my engagement with you, now and always.




Edited by Leslie Sharp
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Guest Doug Campbell
2 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

You stole copyrighted material posted on Ed Forum which you re-posted publicly on Facebook without permission. I put you on notice. You removed it.  That's the limit of my engagement with you, now and always.




Your version of events is inaccurate. 
I absolutely did NOT pull the meme when you complained, that’s UTTER and complete bullsxxx. I left it up. For hours. HOURS. (And never heard a peep out of FB, BTW.)  

I pulled it only and when the artist who made the graphic complained. (Which is absolute fair play. At that point I was more than glad to. After all, he did make it). Several hours later. 

Tell me again how Joannides kept his real name from EVERYBODY HE EVER WORKED WITH IN THE FIELD EVER IN HIS ENTIRE CAREER…EXCEPT Pierre Lafitte. LOL


Edited by Doug Campbell
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To the moderators of Education Forum: @Sandy Larsen @Mark Knight et al:

The organizational maps produced by graphic artist @Pete Sattler and recently posted on Education Forum were developed at the behest of Hank Albarelli for publication in Coup in Dallas under joint-work copyright Txu-2-168-197, H. P. Albarelli Jr. and Linda O'Hara (writing under pen name Leslie Sharp). The US Copyright applies to the exclusive data presented in Sattler's artwork.

Reproduction of said maps without the express permission of the living copyright holder O'Hara is prohibited by law.

Ed Forum member @Doug Campbell recently posted one of the organization maps he had stolen from the EF thread to his public FB page, Dallas Action Podcast; following a Cease and Desist notice, Mr. Campbell removed the map he had stolen from an EF member; failure to continue to respect the copyright and the Cease and Desist notice will result in further legal action.

Sandy, Mark, 

We chose to share the organization maps as education tools for those unfamiliar with the material presented in a lengthy narrative; if EF isn't a safe place for copyrighted material, how or why would members feel comfortable advancing new information on this platform?

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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I would recommend John Newman's latest interview currently posted on the EF. He talks of all the various "bad guys" including Ex-Nazi's who were there to complicate issues not playing a role in the assassination.

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1 hour ago, Evan Marshall said:

I would recommend John Newman's latest interview currently posted on the EF. He talks of all the various "bad guys" including Ex-Nazi's who were there to complicate issues not playing a role in the assassination.

Professor Newman did not have the benefit of Albarelli's sources or their records until 2021; perhaps he has since chosen to ignore Coup in Dallas for reasons only he can explain.

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Guest Doug Campbell
2 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Professor Newman did not have the benefit of Albarelli's sources or their records until 2021; perhaps he has since chosen to ignore Coup in Dallas for reasons only he can explain.

We have ALL benefited immeasurably from Dr. Newman's marked aversion to~ and ability to spot~ manufactured evidence for a few decades now.

Thanks again, Dr. Newman. Some of us appreciate you more than you'll ever know.

Edited by Doug Campbell
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On 8/15/2023 at 8:41 AM, Evan Marshall said:

I would recommend John Newman's latest interview currently posted on the EF. He talks of all the various "bad guys" including Ex-Nazi's who were there to complicate issues not playing a role in the assassination.

Did you read Kill Zone by Craig Roberts?

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@Greg Doudna

I invite you to secure a quote from a pen and ink analyst for this project.

So far, the second attempt at authentication is teetering at $21,000, sans Ink and paper analysis because our examiner accepts that Valery Aginsky indicated to those who paid him that he didn't have a problem that the ink and pen were available in 1963.  

The initial effort in London, which included travel, documentary teams and equipment, etc. as well as the handwriting expert and the ink analyst was running at $100,000 when Hank passed away. The NDAs they secured from the contract examiners remains in place.

Let me know if you have any inclination to raise funds to complete the ink analysis with Mr. Aginsky - providing he will come out of retirement and is permitted to resume the project with someone other than those he is under an NDA; or perhaps you might organize the launch of a new quick turn-around ink analysis as you suggest? Start from scratch?  As the custodian of the datebook, I would consider a proposal from you.


Why does the phrase, put your money where your mouth is, come to mind? In all candor, I wouldn't recommend you go to this expense when we already have a prelim guarantee that the ink and pen are compatible with 1963, and I have a written statement form Sweet Life Foods Distributors which printed the blank datebooks for their Christmas gifts, 1962 — chef Pierre Lafitte/Jean Martin being among the recipients.

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3 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

@Greg Doudna

I invite you to secure a quote from a pen and ink analyst for this project.

So far, the second attempt at authentication is teetering at $21,000, sans Ink and paper analysis because our examiner accepts that Valery Aginsky indicated to those who paid him that he didn't have a problem that the ink and pen were available in 1963.  

The initial effort in London, which included travel, documentary teams and equipment, etc. as well as the handwriting expert and the ink analyst was running at $100,000 when Hank passed away. The NDAs they secured from the contract examiners remains in place.

Let me know if you have any inclination to raise funds to complete the ink analysis with Mr. Aginsky - providing he will come out of retirement and is permitted to resume the project with someone other than those he is under an NDA; or perhaps you might organize the launch of a new quick turn-around ink analysis as you suggest? Start from scratch?  As the custodian of the datebook, I would consider a proposal from you.

Why does the phrase, put your money where your mouth is, come to mind? In all candor, I wouldn't recommend you go to this expense when we already have a prelim guarantee that the ink and pen are compatible with 1963, and I have a written statement form Sweet Life Foods Distributors which printed the blank datebooks for their Christmas gifts, 1962 — chef Pierre Lafitte/Jean Martin being among the recipients.

This is some progress.

I am not in a position or willing to take on any fundraising myself, but I will see what I can do regarding getting an ink analysis quote that is affordable (not $21,000), that would be doable from resources that can be raised from this forum. 

I will make some phone calls over the next ca. 7-10 days and will get back to you about this. 


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16 minutes ago, Greg Doudna said:

This is some progress.

I am not in a position or willing to take on any fundraising myself, but I will see what I can do regarding getting an ink analysis quote that is affordable (not $21,000), that would be doable from resources that can be raised from this forum. 

I will make some phone calls over the next ca. 7-10 days and will get back to you about this. 


I wouldn't consider a candidate that offers a "discount."

Find and fund a top notch ink analyst the equivalent of Valery Aginsky; otherwise, please don't waste your time. 


Edited by Leslie Sharp
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