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On 8/3/2023 at 3:47 PM, Michael Griffith said:

Did you post anonymously, as a guest, so you could float this anti-Semitic trash without attribution? 

Michael, the person in question wasn't anonymous when he submitted the post to which you're replying. 

When ones membership of the forum lapses or is cancelled for whatever reason, ones name is anonymised - automatically as far as I know.

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It’s interesting where this thread has gone to. I’ve been pondering this myself, not so much because of dancing Israelis but because of the qui bono aspect, which Mr. Thorne’s followup looks at. More to the point, I’d like to answer the original question by saying most emphatically NO, we cannot eliminate Ben Gurion, Dimona, Angleton from the equation. The key is Angleton, and the ever present Dulles of course. 
I may start another thread on this, but I’ll start here. A few years ago Italian journalist Michele Metta got some play in the forum, but everything he was writing about Permindex was in Italian. Jim D mentioned his book Accomplishing Jim Garrisons On The Trail of the Assassins. I’ve been reading it. The author makes a very strong case against Ben Gurion’s Mossad.  

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Interesting thoughts. We can probably kill a couple of birds with one stone in this thread. In the 80's, Zakheim and Fred Ikle had a lot of interplay with the Israelis during the Lavi affair. Wolfowitz. Libby, Perle and others helped out working on the neocons Defense Planning Guidance and the Clean Break paper for Israeli strategists in the 90's.

Below, Donald Rumsfeld whining in mid-1963.

I don't buy the Michael Piper thesis right now, but JFK definitely knew how to make himself unpopular here and there.


Edited by Anthony Thorne
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I keep alluding to the 'panic' in defense spending in the late 80's. It pains me to note that the people discussing the issue made a more credible and nuanced case than might be expected. The conversation revolved around the Defense Technology Base, and how cuts in defense spending would have a ripple effect greater than what might be anticipated. They produced many papers on this, raised the issue at conferences, and then military folk at the conferences started their own lobby groups on the same topic, and produced similar papers. It was the equivalent of a long line of people banging on a government door about a particular topic, and each day the number of people snowballed and the banging got louder. Augustine, the Defense Science Board, and the Office of Technology Assessment were a few of the groups involved in this.

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I would personally love to know how much cross-over there was between the strategic geniuses who came up with Operation Gladio, and the various high-ranking figures who pushed anti-detente arguments and who frequently argued in the US on behalf of Israel. Outside of government, a lot of big names would normally take their whining to think tanks where they could pound tables with their fists along other like-minded folk.

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11 hours ago, Anthony Thorne said:

Thread from Deep Politics Forum (including posts from Jim and myself) mentioning Metta's stuff. 


Thanks for this. I’m working through it all. Paz Marverde posted here for a while, but I had a falling out with her after she lambasted me for quoting Reagan’s ‘trust but verify’, as if I had revealed my truer colors by doing so. There was no getting past this with her. I found it strange indeed. But Metta’s work should be read by all interested parties. I do believe that the 2nd edition is much expanded. Have you read it? 

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Anthony - this thread you linked is 6 years behind. Metta’s lengthy book is available in English and it’s a doozy, even though the translation is a bit wonky. “Accomplishing Jim Garrison’s investigation On The Trail of the Assassins”. Available on Amazon and kindle as well.

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Yes, it's an old thread. I've seen Metta's book on Amazon (in English) but have never read it. I should. A couple of reviews cite some wonky English, but that doesn't stop dedicated researchers.

I also had some brief communications with Paz, but not recently.

Missed by me in my citing of events circa 9/11 apparently targeting Israel's enemies, the anthrax letters that had DEATH TO ISRAEL scrawled on them the following month. Everyone received real anthrax in the mail, except for Judith Miller, who was dating Scooter Libby and who had her own book ANTHRAX come out fortuitously around the same month, which must have helped sales.

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