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Oh my goodness. This is embarrassing, bizarre, and ridiculous. You realize that Muslim extremists and terrorists have made this same obscene claim from time to time, right? Congratulations.

The idea that David Ben Gurion, Levi Eshkol, Golda Meir, and the Mossad would have even considered assassinating JFK over Dimona is one of the nuttiest theories ever concocted by the human mind. 

This is the kind of lunacy you get when you embrace the claims made by anti-Semitic nutjobs such as Fletcher Prouty.

People who peddle this nonsense forget that in the 1950s and 1960s, many conservative Republicans--not all, but quite a few--were very cool toward Israel, if not downright anti-Israeli, for a number of reasons, one of them being that Israel was a socialist state run by avowed socialists. If you read Israeli books and newspapers from that period, you'll find out that Israelis were wary of the Republican Party precisely because they were aware of the fact that so many Republicans held a negative view of Israel and questioned the wisdom of supporting Israel.

And how does this nutty theory fit with the evidence from the Lafitte datebook that has the main plotters being former N-a-z-i-s and other fascists? 


Edited by Michael Griffith
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20 hours ago, Pete Mellor said:

As I have posted in other threads, Yitzhak Rabin, then a high ranking military officer, purportedly on a military briefing tour, just happened to be in Dallas at the time of JFK's assassination, according to Rabin's widow.  Angleton is also reported to have met Rabin as often as five times a week in the late '60's when Rabin was Israeli Ambassador in D.C.


I recall reading that on 11/22 Rabin was actually at Fort Hood, Texas, which his wife, who was in New York City, may have thought was in Dallas. Or she may have had in mind that he had a connecting flight that day (if he did) from Dallas to NYC.


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1 hour ago, Michael Griffith said:

The idea that David Ben Gurion, Levi Eshkol, Golda Meir, and the Mossad would have even considered assassinating JFK over Dimona is one of the nuttiest theories ever concocted by the human mind. 


Do you also consider the Israeli bombing of the USS Liberty to "one of the nuttiest theories" around?


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1 hour ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

Have you read Jefferson Morley's "The Ghost" ? I would think this would strongly disabuse any rational person of the notion that Israel was involved in Kennedy's assassination.

I’ll pop it on my list, Jonathan. Were there any particular parts that you could recite here, for myself and others in the thread? Thanks 

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1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

I think this is more on point. The Joe Kennedy was a N…. sympathizer story doesn’t hold up.

Yes, it’s the usual retelling of history that we have come to expect. Being a pacifist and a sympathiser are two very different things. 

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7 minutes ago, Ron Ecker said:

Do you also consider the Israeli bombing of the USS Liberty to "one of the nuttiest theories" around?


He is in denial about it, Ron. We had a whole thread about USS Liberty and Michael turned away from evidence not too his taste. 

We’re getting to the point where this constitutes “bad faith posting”. To just unleash a deluge of slurs, and try to characterise anyone who doesn’t agree with him as nutty, mad, loony or attach their opinions to flat earth type theories is very obvious at this point. The burning question is; why is he doing it? Who does he have this allergic reaction to allegations surrounding Israeli intelligence apparatus/higher echelons of government? 

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BTW, I have communicated with Mordechai Vanunu in the past. He considered me too controversial and a possible threat to his being able to leave Israel to give a formal interview to. 

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18 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

In contrast it was Joseph Kennedy Snr (along with Chamberlain, British PM) who suggested that FDR use the entire quota of immigrants entrants for Jewish people who wished to escape the odious situation in Europe. FDR said; it’s not our problem, or something to that affect.

If Israel were to be mad about anything, it might be the Rockefeller’s selling oil to Hitler, and other industrialists profiting, or even the fact the US helped 1000 scientists escape GWierman and gave then freedom in the USA. 

I think Joe’s recalling was more to do with his close relationship with Chamberlain and others, and FDR didn’t feel he was getting the full picture from his ambassador. ie he didn’t have his full confidence and Joe was running his mouth. The friction starts there. The Patriach by Nasaw covers a lot of this. 

With all due respect, that comes across as being a tad Kennedy-appeasing...

From the Israeli standpoint, Never Again means just that.  I do not think a Kennedy will ever be permitted to hold a high office again. I would love to be mistaken...


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3 minutes ago, Pamela Brown said:

From the Israeli standpoint, Never Again means just that.  I do not think a Kennedy will ever be permitted to hold a high office again. I would love to be mistaken...

Not just Kennedy’s. Moral, independently wealthy, idealists, are the antithesis of most of the people in positions of great political power. 

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9 minutes ago, Pamela Brown said:

BTW, I have communicated with Mordechai Vanunu in the past. He considered me too controversial and a possible threat to his being able to leave Israel to give a formal interview to. 

I don’t blame him for not talking. He is a very vulnerable position. 

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Another thorn in the side of the Israelis was the fact that JFK's policy on Israel was fair-minded.  He wanted both sides to be treated equally. He wanted reparations for the homes and land appropriated by Israelis...

Angleton, on the other hand, was a Zionist.

So was LBJ.

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3 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

Not just Kennedy’s. Moral, independently wealthy, idealists, are the antithesis of most of the people in positions of great political power. 

JFK, RFK, Teddy, JFK Jr.

Unfortunately, I see the Kennedys at the top of the list... 

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5 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

I don’t blame him for not talking. He is a very vulnerable position. 

Neither do I.  His situation is terrible and he was treated unfairly. To me, that is a clear indication of just how far Israelis will go when they perceive a threat. 

On the other hand, at least he is still alive...

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1 hour ago, Ron Ecker said:

Do you also consider the Israeli bombing of the USS Liberty to "one of the nuttiest theories" around?

Oh, boy. So not only do we have a bunch of 9/11 Truthers in this forum, we also have a pack of anti-Israeli extremists.

The attack on the Liberty was an accident. See the link on my The Case for Israel website:

The Case for Israel (google.com)

The link will take you to a site that presents an exhaustive analysis of the incident and plenty of evidence to support the analysis. 

Holocaust deniers and Muslim terrorists have been accusing Israel of purposely attacking the Liberty for years. Now they've been joined by the Far Left. 

Anyone who says that the Israelis "could not possibly" have mistaken the Liberty for an Egyptian ship has read little or no military history. The annals of military history are full of much worse cases of accidental friendly fire.

Edited by Michael Griffith
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34 minutes ago, Michael Griffith said:

Oh, boy. So not only do we have a bunch of 9/11 Truthers in this forum, we also have a pack of anti-Israeli extremists.


I get the impression that everyone on this forum is an extremist except you.

What's your secret? How do you avoid being an extremist?



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