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Does Tim Weiner believe his own BS?

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After the sci fi about Prouty can we get back to the real world?

Can Tim really buy Max Holland's clear attempt at diversion?  The Russification of the JFK case.

Its clearly baloney as I point out below.  But he has now used it twice in less than two years.  

As I point out, what has happened to Rolling Stone?


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10 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

After the sci fi about Prouty can we get back to the real world?

What "sci fi about Prouty" would that be? The fact that he spoke at a Holocaust-denial conference held by the IHR? The fact that in a private letter he expressed concern about Jewish sergeants running military targeting computers? The fact that he recommended that people read the anti-Semitic rag The Spotlight? The fact that he wrote a friendly and supportive letter to the editor of the IHR's journal? The fact that he endorsed the IHR's goals in that letter to the editor? The fact that he appeared on Liberty Lobby's radio show 10 times in four years, a show that routinely hosted Holocaust deniers and white supremacists? The fact that he publicly praised Carto and Marcellus? The fact that he spoke at a Liberty Lobby convention and blamed the Israelis for high oil prices? The fact that he said "I'm no authority in that area" when asked about Carto's Holocaust denial? The fact that he had a book published by the IHR's publishing arm? The fact that he zealously defended the Scientology cult and its criminal founder? The fact that he seriously entertained nutcase theories such as the fringe theories that Churchill had FDR poisoned and that the Secret Team killed Princess Diana? The fact that he back-peddled on numerous key claims he'd been making for years when he was gently and respectfully interviewed by the ARRB? 

Do you just not understand that any book or article that approvingly cites Prouty is going to be rejected by the vast majority of educated people as soon as they learn about Prouty's numerous false claims, his defense of Scientology and Ron Hubbard, and his long-term connections with anti-Semites and Holocaust deniers? 

I'll tell you what: If the CIA had an office to cover-up the conspiracy in the JFK case, that office would be thrilled with pro-conspiracy books and articles that relied on Prouty as a source. They would say, "Wow, the conspiracy theorists are doing our job for us! This is just too easy!"


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14 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

After the sci fi about Prouty can we get back to the real world?

Can Tim really buy Max Holland's clear attempt at diversion?  The Russification of the JFK case.

Its clearly baloney as I point out below.  But he has now used it twice in less than two years.  

As I point out, what has happened to Rolling Stone?


Good read.  Yes, it's truly depressing to see that Rolling Stone, which once published Carl Bernstein's famous article about CIA Operation Mockingbird, has recently become another Mockingbird propaganda outlet.

It's like watching Donald Sutherland in the film, Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

Rolling Stone was purchased by Penske in 2017, and has been edited by Schactman since 2021.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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Thanks for that William.

Who is Schactman, since you seem to be familiar with him?

And what kind of a company is Penske?


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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

Thanks for that William.

Who is Schactman, since you seem to be familiar with him?

And what kind of a company is Penske?


Noah Shachtman was a former editor for Foreign Policy and the Daily Beast.

He has been the editor-in-chief of Rolling Stone since 2021.


Penske Media Corporation is owned and managed by Jay Penske.


I only referenced these two guys in the context of thinking about the fact that Rolling Stone has been publishing Tim Weiner's disinformazia about the JFK assassination.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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Oh man, that info about Shachtman is important.

It helps explain things.



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On 5/19/2023 at 9:43 AM, James DiEugenio said:

After the sci fi about Prouty can we get back to the real world?

Can Tim really buy Max Holland's clear attempt at diversion?  The Russification of the JFK case.

Its clearly baloney as I point out below.  But he has now used it twice in less than two years.  

As I point out, what has happened to Rolling Stone?


As usual, great report from JD.

Holland is a disgrace, and Weiner too. 

BTW, Holland wrote a piece for the Council for Relation Relations that Clay Shaw's lying under oath about being a CIA asset was fine and dandy. 

"Ultimately, it had been left to Shaw’s attorneys to raise the issue that had caused such anxiety within CIA headquarters for two years. They did so with dispatch, in one question during direct examination of their client. “Have you ever worked for the Central Intelligence Agency?” asked lead defense attorney F. Irvin Dymond. “No, I have not,” replied Clay Shaw, reserving for himself a small kernel of truth that no one else in the courtroom needed to know.[55]"

You see? No one needs to know that Shaw worked for the CIA. Perjury is good. 


If Holland can abide by perjury central to a case in a court of law...then he can abide by disseminating any sort of lies in print. 

Add on. Elements within the CIA itself, post-JFKA, were investigating if Cuban-CIA assets were involved in the JFKA, as we know from the Heath memo.

RFK Sr. thought the CIA was involved from Minute No 1. 

It never stops. Operation Mockingbird is today "Operation Flock of Eagles."

That is how central to modern news coverage has become the Deep State.  



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The way that the Shaw denialists got around this before the ARRB went to work was by using the old canard that Shaw was only a part of the so called businessman's program which allegedly, according to the CIA, interviewed thousands of people a year.

But when the Board declassified the stuff about Shaw having a covert security clearance, QK Enchant--which Lisa Pease still thinks they are lying about--and the well compensated contract agent document, it was finally seen that the CIA was flat out lying about Shaw.  And then we got the ARRB document by their employee Manny Legaspi saying the CIA had decimated Shaw's 201 file.  I mean whew. The old adage by Yale lawyer Allard Lowenstein applies:  in my experience, people with nothing to hide don't hide things.

And as more came out about the ITM charade, and the work that people like Bill Davy and Joan Mellen did on the Clinton/Jackson incident, then we saw why Helms and Angleton went into high gear at Shaw's trial.

I mean those jury traces by Angleton, that was really wild stuff.


PS I should add, the CIA was shocked when they found out that Shaw failed to admit to his own lawyers that he worked for them.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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