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The Autopsy Doctors' Rear Head Entry Site vs. the Autopsy Photos of the Brain

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On doing further research, I have found that JFK's brain matter was actually splattered on 15 surfaces:

-- The back seat of the limo.
-- The right-rear passenger door of the limo.
-- The trunk/rear hood of the limo.
-- The front seat of the limo (per Roy Kellerman, 2 H 78).
-- Roy Kellerman's coat ("it was all over my coat").
-- The back of William Greer's coat (per Greer himself, and per Kellerman).
-- Governor Connally's clothes.
-- Nellie Connally's clothes (4 H 147).
-- Officer Martin's clothes.
-- Officer Hargis's clothes.
-- Officer Martin's motorcycle.
-- Officer Hargis's motorcycle.
-- Sam Kinney's clothes (riding in the follow-up car).
-- The windshield of the follow-up car.
-- Jackie's dress (she said JFK's brains were "all over me").

WC apologists, showing a total and discrediting lack of objectivity, ask us to believe that all this brain matter amounted to no more than two ounces. Why do they make such a ludicrous claim? Because the alleged autopsy brain photos show a virtually complete brain, and because Dr. Michael Baden reported that the photos show that only "an ounce or two" of brain matter was missing.

If WC apologists were to admit the obvious fact that far more brain matter was blown out and splattered than is missing from the brain in the autopsy brain photos, they would have to admit that the brain photos are fraudulent. But they will never admit this, which is one reason it is a waste of time dealing with them.

On a side note, I should add that Jackie Kennedy scooped up as much brain tissue as she could gather off the rear hood of the limo, brought it into the Parkland ER, and handed it to one of the medical staff in the room (LINK; LINK).

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On 5/30/2023 at 5:56 AM, Gerry Down said:

James Jenkins actually held the brain and worked on it. He has said the brain he held matches the brain photos which he has also seen.

Plus the cerebellum was slightly damaged as far as I recall from the brain photos. But most of the damage to the cerebellum would have been in the area between the cerebellum and the upper portion of the brain, an area that would not have been picked up by the two brain photo angles in existence, the overhead view and the basalar view.

I can't rememberJames Jenkins ever saying such a thing.I can remember him saying that he thought that the brain that he held was female and too small for the crainum & the brain damage did not match the cranium damage.

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23 minutes ago, Michael Crane said:

I can't rememberJames Jenkins ever saying such a thing.I can remember him saying that he thought that the brain that he held was female and too small for the crainum & the brain damage did not match the cranium damage.

Think he said it someplace in this video but am not sure as it's a while since I viewed the video.

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2 minutes ago, Gerry Down said:

Think he said it someplace in this video but am not sure as it's a while since I viewed the video.

No,I just watched that again yesterday.

Maybe it's the conference in Dallas,but I don't think so.

Edited by Michael Crane
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I misinterpreted your take.

I was under the impresssion that you said that Jenkins was holding JFK's brain & comparing it to a illustration.

Jenkins was holding a substitute brain.

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13 minutes ago, Michael Crane said:


I misinterpreted your take.

I was under the impresssion that you said that Jenkins was holding JFK's brain & comparing it to a illustration.

Jenkins was holding a substitute brain.

Jenkins held the brain at the autopsy. Years later he was allowed to see the photos of the brain and confirmed the photos match his recollection of the brain as he saw it at the autopsy.

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Just now, Gerry Down said:

Jenkins held the brain at the autopsy. Years later he was allowed to see the photos of the brain and confirmed the photos match his recollection of the brain as he saw it at the autopsy.

The brain that he held was not JFK's.

There's a reason for the 15 year Order of Silence.

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26 minutes ago, Michael Crane said:


I misinterpreted your take.

I was under the impresssion that you said that Jenkins was holding JFK's brain & comparing it to a illustration.

Jenkins was holding a substitute brain.

Oh, so now Gerry Down is willing to believe an eyewitness account, never mind that it conflicts with dozens of other accounts of the brain's appearance. He rejects all those other accounts, and latches onto Jenkins' recollection.

Also, notice in the video that Jenkins says the brain looked like it had been in formalin, yet he never saw the brain after the autopsy. Notice he also says that the damage to the brain did not seem to match the damage to the skull, and that the brain seemed too small for the cranial cavity. 

Given the amount of brain matter that was splattered backward and forward, there is no way that JFK's brain could have looked anything like the brain in the autopsy brain photos. There is no way that the brain matter that was splattered onto 15 surfaces amounted to only two ounces. 

And I repeat the point that Dr. Mantik confirmed via OD measurements that over half of the right side of the brain is missing in the skull x-rays, and that some brain matter is also missing on the left side. 


Edited by Michael Griffith
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4 minutes ago, Michael Griffith said:

Oh, so NOW Gerry Down is willing to believe an eyewitness account, never mind that it conflicts with dozens of other accounts of the brain's appearance. 

Also, notice in the video that Jenkins says the brain looked like it had been in formalin. Notice he also says that the damage to the brain did not seem to match the damage to the skull, and that the brain seemed too small for the cranial cavity. 

Given the amount of brain matter that was splattered backward and forward, there is no way that JFK's brain could have looked anything like the brain in the autopsy brain photos. There is no way that the brain matter that was splattered onto 15 surfaces amounted to only two ounces. 

And I repeat the point that Dr. Mantik confirmed via OD measurements that over half of the right side of the brain is missing in the skull x-rays, and that some brain matter is also missing on the left side. 


I believe 99% of the witnesses, but we need to make sure that the witnesses are interpreting correctly what they see. I have no doubt the Parkland doctors thought the throat wound was an entrance wound but I think they misinterpreted what was actually an exit wound.

I don't know why Baden is saying only 2 ounces was missing. A good quarter of the brain was missing.

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19 minutes ago, Gerry Down said:

I don't know why Baden is saying only 2 ounces was missing. A good quarter of the brain was missing.

I might be way out of line here,but there is a good chance that Baden was bought & paid for to toe the company line.

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46 minutes ago, Michael Griffith said:

Oh, so now Gerry Down is willing to believe an eyewitness account, never mind that it conflicts with dozens of other accounts of the brain's appearance. He rejects all those other accounts, and latches onto Jenkins' recollection.

Also, notice in the video that Jenkins says the brain looked like it had been in formalin, yet he never saw the brain after the autopsy. Notice he also says that the damage to the brain did not seem to match the damage to the skull, and that the brain seemed too small for the cranial cavity. 

Given the amount of brain matter that was splattered backward and forward, there is no way that JFK's brain could have looked anything like the brain in the autopsy brain photos. There is no way that the brain matter that was splattered onto 15 surfaces amounted to only two ounces. 

And I repeat the point that Dr. Mantik confirmed via OD measurements that over half of the right side of the brain is missing in the skull x-rays, and that some brain matter is also missing on the left side. 



Dennis David has mentioned that there was some chatter/rumors about the autopsy by naval personnel on Monday? saying that a brain was brought to the morgue hidden on a gurney.


Edited by Michael Crane
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31 minutes ago, Gerry Down said:

I believe 99% of the witnesses, but we need to make sure that the witnesses are interpreting correctly what they see.


Nearly every Parkland doctor and nurse who saw the head wound (of which there were nearly 20) said it was a large hole and was on the right-rear of JFK's head.

So you believe they all misinterpreted where that gaping head wound was?


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4 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

On doing further research, I have found that JFK's brain matter was actually splattered on 15 surfaces:

-- The back seat of the limo.
-- The right-rear passenger door of the limo.
-- The trunk/rear hood of the limo.
-- The front seat of the limo (per Roy Kellerman, 2 H 78).
-- Roy Kellerman's coat ("it was all over my coat").
-- The back of William Greer's coat (per Greer himself, and per Kellerman).
-- Governor Connally's clothes.
-- Nellie Connally's clothes (4 H 147).
-- Officer Martin's clothes.
-- Officer Hargis's clothes.
-- Officer Martin's motorcycle.
-- Officer Hargis's motorcycle.
-- Sam Kinney's clothes (riding in the follow-up car).
-- The windshield of the follow-up car.
-- Jackie's dress (she said JFK's brains were "all over me").

WC apologists, showing a total and discrediting lack of objectivity, ask us to believe that all this brain matter amounted to no more than two ounces. Why do they make such a ludicrous claim? Because the alleged autopsy brain photos show a virtually complete brain, and because Dr. Michael Baden reported that the photos show that only "an ounce or two" of brain matter was missing.

If WC apologists were to admit the obvious fact that far more brain matter was blown out and splattered than is missing from the brain in the autopsy brain photos, they would have to admit that the brain photos are fraudulent. But they will never admit this, which is one reason it is a waste of time dealing with them.

On a side note, I should add that Jackie Kennedy scooped up as much brain tissue as she could gather off the rear hood of the limo, brought it into the Parkland ER, and handed it to one of the medical staff in the room (LINK; LINK).

And let's remember, as I noted earlier, that Dr. Humes himself told JAMA in 1992 that "two thirds of the right cerebrum had been blown away" (LINK, p. 2798). Of course, no such damage to the cerebrum is seen in the alleged autopsy brain photos--the right cerebrum seen in those photos has virtually no substance missing, if any.

Baden had no choice but to argue that only "an ounce or two" of brain was missing, given the brain we see in the brain photos.

When someone tells you that all the splattered brain matter, splattered on 15 surfaces, amounted to no more than two ounces, you know you are dealing with a diehard WC apologist who will never admit anything, no matter how compelling the evidence. 

WC apologists reject the numerous accounts of missing and badly damaged cerebellum, of a large amount of missing brain, and of a large right-rear head wound, even though those accounts come from federal agents, nurses, doctors, morticians, medical technicians, and others, in three different locations (actually four different locations), and even though they were given at different times and independently of each other.

But, WC apologists will latch onto James Jenkins' statement that the brain he saw is consistent with the brain in the autopsy brain photos, although they'll turn around and reject Jenkins' other statements about the brain (i.e., that it looked like it had been in formalin, that its damage did not seem to match the skull damage, and that it looked too small for the cranial cavity). 

When Jenkins was interviewed by the HSCA in the late 1970s, he admitted that he had forgotten some things about the autopsy and that he wished he had been interviewed years earlier when the events were fresher in his mind. As you read his HSCA interview, you see him repeatedly say he doesn't remember this or is unsure about that, etc., etc. Some people have very good memories. Some of the witnesses interviewed by the ARRB in the late 1990s said they still clearly recalled what they had seen and heard. But, 20 years earlier, Jenkins advised the HSCA that he didn't remember everything and was unsure about some things. 

Edited by Michael Griffith
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7 minutes ago, Michael Griffith said:

Jenkins' other statements about the brain (i.e., that it looked like it had been in formalin

I dont recall Jenkins ever saying this about the brain as he saw it in the autopsy room.

The brain that is in the photos would look like it had been in formalin because i presume it was photographed after being fixed in formalin for a few days. 

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3 hours ago, Gerry Down said:

The brain that is in the photos would look like it had been in formalin because i presume it was photographed after being fixed in formalin for a few days. 

Gerry, Jenkins' talk at Lancer 2013:-

Since I had been assisting with Dr. Boswell, I was the only corpsman at that point in time that was working with Dr. Boswell.  I followed Dr. Boswell to the bucket of formalin where we infused the brain.   My first impression was, the damage to the brain does not correlate with the extensive damage to the skull.  What I mean with that was the right interior portion of the brain was damaged and there was some tissue missing.  The brain due to the trauma apparently was in that area was kinda gelatinous and that pretty much stands to reason, because when you traumatise the brain, it’s not like traumatising a muscle, or something like that, where you get bruising and so forth.  The brain actually has a large amount of fluid in so it kinda becomes mushy and gelatinous, that was what I saw.  The other thing, I didn’t think that the brain was large enough.  I had an impression that it was smaller than what it should be coming out of the cavity that it came out of.  Now these were just impressions on my part.  That was a first sight, first impression type thing.  Dr. Boswell carried the brain to our bucket where we infused the brain.  How we did it is important, because our normal method was we had a stainless steel bucket, we filled the bucket approximately half full of formalin.  We had created a gauze sling that went over the top of the bucket.  We laid the brain upside down in that sling.  We had a two needle apparatus that came from a supply of formalin that was up on the top of the cabinets.  What we did with it was, we took those needles, we infused the brains through the two internal carotids at the base of the brain.   Those carotids were retracted and it was extremely difficult, and as a matter of fact we had one of the residents come in, which was the chief resident, because Dr. Boswell and Dr. Humes did not do this menial type thing of placing these suture needles in and so forth.  So what we did was, we infused the brain and it was extremely difficult because of the condition of the carotids.  Well, in my experience when vessels are severed for a period of time they retract, especially arteries, because of the way they’re constructed, and over a period of time it’s almost like they begin to close off themselves.  The other thing I noticed was the brain stem, where the brain stem was cut to remove it from the cranium, the brain stem looked like it had been cut from two different sides, from each side met in the middle.  I can relate that because if you’ve ever tried to cut something from the right side and go back and cut it from the left side, it never, almost invariably never is the same level, and this is what the brain stem looked like.  You know, I’ve been asked many times about this, ‘did I think that the brain had been removed prior to the autopsy?’  Taking into consideration the abnormal things that I just described….I feel like it was. 

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