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Jack Ruby's letter to Al Maddox

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I've stumbled upon a YouTube video posted by Vince Palamara two years ago. It is a 1992 TV show 'The Kennedy Assassinations: Coincidence of Conspiracy? 1992'. 

Link to the video: https://youtu.be/kUryjXhLzFs

Around the time 42:00, former Dallas sheriff Al Maddox was presented as a guest to the show. Al Maddox was a guard to Ruby from 1963 until the very last days when Ruby fell ill with pneumonia. Jack Ruby secretely handed over a short letter to Al Maddox, and Maddox brought the letter  to Larry Howard after 25 years. The letter was authenticated as Jack Ruby's letter by a handwriting expert on the program.

Part of the letter was shown on TV screen, and I managed to get a screenshot (below). However, Al Maddox read the whole letter out loud, and here is the transcript:

"You've known me for a long time and you know've known how I struggled make my clubs go. Also Lynn has known me up to this time I've that I've gotten into trouble. Johny Crank, myself, and Lynn have been out to dinner many times and I'm sure they know what kind of person I am. Well, this all adds up to what I'm going to tell you. That I've been framed for the assassination, that my motive was to silence Oswald. I know you think I'm crazy. But keep this note for the later day and you will then know what I am saying here. Keep your eyes open and maybe you will notice some things."

I wonder if anyone knows where the original of the letter is. This letter causes a really big crack in the official version of JFKA as it confirms conspiracy to kill Oswald and use Ruby for that. Does anyone know who Johny Crank and Lynn were? 












Edited by Andrej Stancak
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Finally, we are looking into the Ruby/Maddox note.

The one that Maddox claimed contained a Ruby confession that his goal was to "silence" Oswald and that this was part of a conspiracy.

I have always wondered why this story was so ignored since the time Maddox revealed it.

I didn't know that handwriting experts examined the note and affirmed it was indeed written by Ruby.

Who was "Lynn" that Ruby had written about in the note?

I doubt it was Ruby club stripper "Little Lynn" ( Karen Carlin) but who knows?

Carlin was so young when Ruby did Oswald. And she really hadn't been working at Ruby's Carousel but for a few weeks up to that time.

Carlin was a very street wise young lady though.

She had previously worked at "The Cellar" topless club for a notorious crook named Pat Kirkwood.

The Cellar, in Fort Worth, was not a bar, from what I understand, but a hippie style coffee house with beatnik poetry and music.

It was owned by a mob guy, reportedly friends with Ruby, who may have served booze under the table.

Kirkwood mistreated Carlin and she had in some way tried to report his illegal activities to the Dallas police.

Big mistake. Not the right people to report things like this too. 

Carlin was threatened so seriously by Kirkwood, she feared for her life and acquired and carried a gun in her purse. When called to the Ruby trial her purse was examined and she was actually arrested for carrying a concealed weapon.

I do think Carlin knew some things about Ruby as well.

Scary stuff that she clammed up about and she just wanted to disappear from it all.

My guess is that Carlin knew of Ruby's association with big time mob guys in the time she worked for him.

I read that Carlin may even have agreed to accompany Ruby to at least one "big shot" mob meet up as "eye candy" as she was so beautiful.

However, she would never allow Ruby to get close to her in anyway intimately.

She even testified under oath that Ruby asked her for sex once. And she immediately refused.

Hope more info regards the Ruby/Maddox note comes out here.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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My take is Ruby was hired out to silence LHO. 

But this letter, if authentic, seems to have Ruby saying he was "framed." 

That I've been framed for the assassination, that my motive was to silence Oswald.

Is Ruby saying he shot LHO on his own initiative, and that he is being retroactively framed as part of the larger JFKA plot?

Or...that he was told to shoot LHO, and then later learned that entangled him in the JFKA plot? 

Of course, Ruby could have written the letter under duress. He had relatives in the Dallas area.

Ruby was all over the board in his commentary and writing. 




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59 minutes ago, Jeremy Bojczuk said:


Greg Parker has an answer to your question:


(No, this Lynn isn't Karen Carlin.)

There was actually someone named Johny Crank? That is the right spelling? People had better names in the old days 

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1 hour ago, Jeremy Bojczuk said:


Greg Parker has an answer to your question:


(No, this Lynn isn't Karen Carlin.)

Thanks, Jeremy and Greg, for shedding light on the identity of the two people mentioned by Jack Ruby.

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9 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

But this letter, if authentic, seems to have Ruby saying he was "framed." 

That I've been framed for the assassination, that my motive was to silence Oswald.

Is Ruby saying he shot LHO on his own initiative, and that he is being retroactively framed as part of the larger JFKA plot?

Or...that he was told to shoot LHO, and then later learned that entangled him in the JFKA plot?

Same questions.

Is Ruby telling Maddox he was framed with a false story that his motive was to "silence Oswald?"

Or is Ruby telling Maddox his motive truly was to silence Oswald?


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BTW, it looks like Jack Ruby's brother talked to Warren Commission and also mentioned Johnny Cranks (their spelling). 


Sam Ruby had been in Army Intel, btw.

Ruby had been an FBI informant. 

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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 I think this note supports the note that Ruby wrote to his second attorney, wherein he admitted that his claim that he killed Oswald to spare Jackie a trial was false and was fed to him by his first lawyer. 

In the Maddox note, I think Ruby was saying just what he meant regarding his motive: that his reason for shooting Oswald was to silence him. I think his comment about being "framed for the assassination" referred to his being painted as insane at his trial, being double-crossed, and being given the death penalty. I believe he had been led to think that he would get off with a light sentence or even acquitted. 

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9 hours ago, Jeremy Bojczuk said:


Greg Parker has an answer to your question:


(No, this Lynn isn't Karen Carlin.)

Greg Parker states, “The claim that Ruby shot Oswald to stop Oswald talking is utter crap.”

Could Greg (or anyone) explain the basis for this statement?

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14 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

 I think this note supports the note that Ruby wrote to his second attorney, wherein he admitted that his claim that he killed Oswald to spare Jackie a trial was false and was fed to him by his first lawyer. 

In the Maddox note, I think Ruby was saying just what he meant regarding his motive: that his reason for shooting Oswald was to silence him. I think his comment about being "framed for the assassination" referred to his being painted as insane at his trial, being double-crossed, and being given the death penalty. I believe he had been led to think that he would get off with a light sentence or even acquitted. 

Michael: there may be also another interpretation of the "framed for assassination" phrase. Ruby could have participated in the JFK assassination plot in some important way and he could have been threatened by the conspirators to be exposed, and that was used as a vehicle to make him silence Lee Oswald. It appears they had something on him related to the main plot, therefore, he wrote he had been framed.

He wrote he went to silence Lee Oswald, not just to kill him. He wanted in the first place that Lee could not speak. This means Lee Oswald would reveal details of the plot in which he (Ruby) was also involved and was framed for.

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14 hours ago, John Cotter said:

Greg Parker states, “The claim that Ruby shot Oswald to stop Oswald talking is utter crap.”

Could Greg (or anyone) explain the basis for this statement?

Because most JFKA researchers (LN or CT), when faced with a welter of clues, are obligated to form rigid, resolute, unbending convictions, likely chiseled into granite at their homesteads. 

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One of the jurors in the first Jack Ruby trial ( J. Waymon Rose ) was interviewed many years later by the 6th floor museum historical foundation. This is viewable on You Tube. I'll find it and post a link.

Impeccable integrity background.

He stated he simply didn't believe the Melvin Belli defense claim that brain damage was the motivating factor behind Ruby killing Oswald.

Juror Rose also expressed suspicious concern regards Ruby's hanging in the Dallas Newspaper offices while JFK and Jackie were passing so close by. 

The juror was suspicious about the fact that Ruby would remain at the paper all that time ( Ruby hung at the newspaper for hours that morning ) all the way until 12:30 AM ( or even go there when Ruby could have just called in his same ad copy he always used ) and not even walking just a couple of blocks to see the President and Jackie in person ( and whom Ruby had expressed so much love and sorrow for - regards Jackie anyway ) as even employees of the newspaper had done.

This odd hanging around and avoidance of seeing the motorcade in person behavior by Ruby bothered the juror.

One rational speculation obviously comes to mind. That Ruby's motive was to provide himself a safe alibi with witnesses regards his whereabouts during the motorcade and JFK's killing in it?

Couple that illogical hanging out and parade avoidance behavior on Ruby's part that one momentous morning to afternoon with the Warren Commission then committing one of their most flagrant acts of testimony ignoring or subverting in dismissing reputable journalist Seth Kantor's recounting of not just seeing Jack Ruby in Parkland Hospital while JFK was there, but actually engaging in conversation with him!

Thereby giving Ruby even more of a nonincriminating cover story regards his whereabouts and actions that day.

Ruby claimed in his WC testimony he felt uncomfortable in crowds. Ha!

Within hours of JFK's death Ruby immerses himself into the super crowded Dallas Police building press crowd. Where members of the press and department employees were bumping shoulders for hours.

He then stays there until the late night news conference where he takes on a Hollywood intrigue movie acting performance of impersonating a reporter which included a shout-out to Dallas DA Henry Wade...correcting him on a comment Wade made about Oswald's "Fair Play For Cuba" New Orleans activity.

And with Dallas Police dispatcher Billy Grammer's IDing of Jack Ruby ( who he knew well ) as the late Saturday night caller to his office warning "we are going to kill him " regards Oswald's next morning transfer, as well as the FBI and Sheriff's office receiving the same warning by the same caller minutes later, one would have to ignore rational common sense to dismiss all of this Jack Ruby testimony as meaningless or mistaken in the larger picture of Jack Ruby's possible nefarious involvement in the whole affair.

Imo anyways. 

You can skip to the 23 minute mark to hear Rose's most relevant sharings.



5.1K views10 years ago





Edited by Joe Bauer
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55 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

One of the jurors in the Jack Ruby trial was interviewed many years later by the 6th floor museum historical foundation. This is viewable on You Tube. I'll find it and post a link.

I believe this fellow might have been the lead juror?

Impeccable integrity background.

He stated he simply didn't believe Ruby's story in too many ways.

One of which was Ruby's explanation for why he made it a point to go the Dallas Newspaper offices he advertised his club in the day of JFK's motorcade and do something he had never done before.

He came in the morning...and just stayed there ( for hours ) all the way until JFK's limo made it to Dealey Plaza and he was shot there.

He didn't even leave immediately at that time. He used their phones. Calling his sister and apparently crying during this call?

The juror was suspicious about the fact that Ruby would remain at the paper all that time ( he never did that before ) instead of walking just a couple of blocks to see the President and Jackie in person, as even employees of the newspaper had done.

This odd hanging around and avoidance of seeing the motorcade in person behavior by Ruby bothered the juror.

Perhaps Ruby's motive was to provide himself a safe alibi with witnesses regards his where abouts during the motorcade and JFK's killing in it?

Couple that illogical hanging out behavior on Ruby's part that one momentous morning to afternoon with the Warren Commission then committing one of their most flagrant acts of testimony ignoring or subverting in dismissing reputable journalist Seth Kantor's recounting of not just seeing Jack Ruby in Parkland Hospital while JFK was there, but actually engaging in conversation with him!

Thereby giving Ruby even more of a cover story regards his actions that day.

Ruby claimed in his WC testimony he felt uncomfortable in crowds. Ha!

Within hours of JFK's death Ruby immerses himself into the super crowded Dallas Police building press crowd. Where members of the press and department employees were bumping shoulders for hours.

He then stays there until the late night news conference where he takes on a Hollywood intrigue movie acting performance of impersonating a reporter which included a shout-out to Dallas DA Hanry Wade...correcting him on a comment Wade made about Oswald's "Fair Play For Cuba" New Orleans activity.

And with Dallas Police dispatcher Billy Grammer's IDing of Jack Ruby ( who he knew well ) as the late Saturday night caller to his office warning "we are going to kill him " regards Oswald's next morning transfer, as well as the FBI and Sheriff's office receiving the same warning by the same caller minutes later, one would have to ignore rational common sense to dismiss all of this Jack Ruby testimony as meaningless or mistaken in the larger picture of Jack Ruby's possible nefarious involvement in the whole affair.

Imo anyways. 




Amen to all of that - not to mention the little matter of honest Jack murdering an innocent man in cold blood.

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