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Nellie Connally Destroys the Single-Bullet Theory

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29 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

What would you call ~Z295?

This is Z295 below. You think Connally is "doubled over" here? All we can see of him here is his head. And based on that head position, he sure doesn't appear to be in a "doubled over" posture to me. If anything, it's just the opposite. He's starting to lean backwards into his wife's lap. And how can leaning backwards possibly equate to doubling over? When a person "doubles over", they move forward, not backward.



Edited by David Von Pein
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12 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

We know the JBC bullet was not tumbling when it struck JBC---the LN'ers often argue the SBT was tumbling when it struck JBC, due to having passed through JFK's neck and being tweaked. However, I have presented a photo of JBC's shirt worn that day, which reveals a small round bullet hole in the rear of JBC's shirt. . . .  IMHO, separate bullets struck JFK and JBC.  

12 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

I'll humbly choose to disagree.

Then you're ignoring what the Zapruder film clearly shows and what Connally and his wife repeatedly said.

As the HSCA PEP noted, the Zapruder film indicates that the first shot to hit JFK was fired at or just before Z190, since JFK clearly begins to react to a bullet strike in Z200 when his waving motion freezes and he starts to turn his head to the left and Jackie starts to turn her head to the right to look at him. (Obviously, she turned to look at him because she could tell something was wrong.)

How could a shot fired at Z186-190 have caused Connally's right shoulder to suddenly collapse and caused his cheeks to suddenly puff starting at Z238? The dramatic slamming down of Connally's right shoulder from Z238-243 confirms his description of the powerful impact of the bullet that hit him. 

Nellie Connally heard a shot, turned to look at JFK, saw him grabbing at his throat, and saw a blank expression on his face--and all this before she heard the shot that hit Governor Connally. 

And remember that Connally, the guy who actually experienced the wounding, the guy who actually felt the bullet's impact and felt the resulting pain, after carefully studying high-quality enlargements of the Zapruder film, said he was certain he was not hit before Z234

As for the lie that Connally's back wound was made by a yawing bullet, Milicent Cranor, among others, debunked this myth years ago:

Trajectory of a Lie: Big Lie About a Small Wound in Connally's Back (history-matters.com)

I've never been able to get WC apologists to give me a credible explanation for how a yawing bullet leaving JFK's throat could have created the small (3-5 mm), neat, and punched-in throat wound seen by the Dallas doctors and nurses. Even if we buy the unscientific argument that JFK's collar magically shored up his neck tissue before the bullet reached the throat, a yawing bullet still would have created a much larger and more irregular wound than the 3-5 mm neatly circular wound in JFK's throat.


Edited by Michael Griffith
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Don't let DVP's clip fool you.

To make this clip, DVP removed one of the frames, Z227. At around that time, Connally was quickly moving his hat from his lap to his left shoulder. Removing that frame caused the hat movement to jerk upward, as well as his hands. He then lowered his hat to his right side as he turned around to his right.

If you ignore Connally's hands and hat as the video plays, you will see that his body and head don't jerk at all. Just his hands. (And arms, since they are rigidly attached to his hands.)

No jerk = no gun shot.

Sorry DVP.


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11 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

No jerk = no gun shot.


(Note that DVP's "Connally jerk" happens after Kennedy was shot.)

Funny thing is, if DVP were right about that jerk being caused by a gunshot, that would mean there must be two shooters in order to get those two shots in there in time to hit both Kennedy and Connally. And what about the SBT? The need for that would disappear.


EDIT: But I just went back in this thread and saw that DVP supports the SBT. So I don't know how his "Connally jerk" could possibly relate to that. Given that JFK reacted before he claims Connally did.

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3 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:



Don't let DVP's clip fool you.

To make this clip, DVP removed one of the frames, Z227. At around that time, Connally was quickly moving his hat from his lap to his left shoulder. Removing that frame caused the hat movement to jerk upward, as well as his hands. He then lowered his hat to his right side as he turned around to his right.

If you ignore Connally's hands and hat as the video plays, you will see that his body and head don't jerk at all. Just his hands. (And arms, since they are rigidly attached to his hands.)

No jerk = no gun shot.

Sorry DVP.

Very informative reply, Sandy. Nice work.

Speaking of the hat, how in the world could Connally have kept holding it if a bullet had just shattered the radius bone in his wrist? Clearly, the wrist wound was caused by a separate bullet that came after the chest bullet. 

And what in the devil to WC apologists say slammed Connally's right shoulder downward from Z238-243? And why do his cheeks suddenly puff at Z238? In one interview, Connally said the shot felt like someone punched him in the back.

It is curious that WC defenders dismiss the fact that Connally himself, the guy who experienced the shot, said he was certain he was not hit before he began to turn his head leftward, which starts no later than Z224. Connally told Life magazine,

          "You can see my leftward movement clearly," Connally told Life as he studied these frames. "I had turned to the right when the limousine was behind the sign. Now I'm turning back again. I know that I made that turn to the left before I was hit. You can see the grimace in the President's face. You cannot see it in mine. There is no question about It. I haven't been hit yet." (LINK)

But JFK was clearly hit well before Z225. The HSCA PEP said JFK was first hit by a shot fired at Z190. 

Connally selected Z234 as the moment he was struck by a bullet, and less than 1/4-second later (or less than 250 milliseconds later), his right shoulder is slammed downward and his cheeks puff. 


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10 minutes ago, Michael Griffith said:

Very informative reply, Sandy. Nice work.

Speaking of the hat, how in the world could Connally have kept holding it if a bullet had just shattered the radius bone in his wrist? Clearly, the wrist wound was caused by a separate bullet that came after the chest bullet. 

And what in the devil to WC apologists say slammed Connally's right shoulder downward from Z238-243? And why do his cheeks suddenly puff at Z238? In one interview, Connally said the shot felt like someone punched him in the back.

It is curious that WC defenders dismiss the fact that Connally himself, the guy who experienced the shot, said he was certain he was not hit before he began to turn his head leftward, which starts no later than Z224. Connally told Life magazine,

          "You can see my leftward movement clearly," Connally told Life as he studied these frames. "I had turned to the right when the limousine was behind the sign. Now I'm turning back again. I know that I made that turn to the left before I was hit. You can see the grimace in the President's face. You cannot see it in mine. There is no question about It. I haven't been hit yet." (LINK)

But JFK was clearly hit well before Z225. The HSCA PEP said JFK was first hit by a shot fired at Z190. 

Connally selected Z234 as the moment he was struck by a bullet, and less than 1/4-second later (or less than 250 milliseconds later), his right shoulder is slammed downward and his cheeks puff. 


Connally says he turned to the left before he was hit? This is what we see in the Robert Croft photo which is z160.

It seems Connally is mixing up his turn to the left at z160 with some leftward turn after z224 which is confusing his reconstruction of the assassination sequence.

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16 minutes ago, Gerry Down said:

Connally says he turned to the left before he was hit? This is what we see in the Robert Croft photo which is z160.

It seems Connally is mixing up his turn to the left at z160 with some leftward turn after z224 which is confusing his reconstruction of the assassination sequence.

This is ridiculous and disingenuous. You are saying that Connally could not tell when he was hit, even though he was the one who experienced the hit. You are also saying that Mrs. Connally was semi-delusional, since she clearly and emphatically recalled that her husband was not hit until after she had turned to look at JFK, saw him grabbing his throat, and saw a blank look on his face. 

Yes, Connally snapped his head to the left at around Z160. But, as I know you know, Connally was talking about the sequence that starts as he and JFK emerge from behind the freeway sign. As Connally reemerges from behind the sign, he has started to turn his head to the left, just as he described. And, just as he also described, he is clearly not hit until several frames after he has started this leftward turn. Again, Connally himself, the guy who actually experienced the wounding, said he was hit at Z234, which dovetails perfectly with his right shoulder collapse and cheek puffing starting at Z238.

Since the HSCA PEP established that JFK began to react to his first bullet wound at Z200, which is what the Zapruder film clearly shows, pray tell, what slammed Connally's right shoulder downward and made his cheeks puff in Z238-243? 

Edited by Michael Griffith
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4 minutes ago, Michael Griffith said:

This is ridiculous and disingenuous. You are saying that Connally could not tell when he was hit, even though he was the one who experienced the hit. You are also saying that Mrs. Connally was semi-delusional, since she clearly and emphatically recalled that her husband was not hit until after she had turned to look at JFK, saw him grabbing his throat, and saw a blank look on his face. 

Yes, Connally snapped his head to the left at around Z160. But, as I know you know, Connally was talking about the sequence that starts as he and JFK emerge from behind the freeway sign. As Connally reemerges from behind the sign, he has started to turn his head to the left, just as he described. And, just as he also described, he is clearly not hit until several frames after he has started this leftward turn. Again, Connally himself, the guy who actually experienced the wounding, said he was hit at Z234, which dovetails perfectly with his right shoulder collapse and cheek puffing starting at Z238.

Since the HSCA PEP established that JFK began to react to his first bullet wound at Z200, which is what the Zapruder film clearly shows, pray tell, what slammed Connally's right shoulder downward and made his cheeks puff in Z238-243? 

Connally could not tell when he was hit. He made a mistake. As far as I know, no one ever confronted him with z224 lapel movement.

Mrs Connally also made a mistake. On Pat Speers website he lists out Nellies testimonies over the years. She said that jfk was hit, then connally started yelling no no, and THEN connally was hit. Yes you read that right, nellie thought connally yelled no no BEFORE he was hit.


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1 hour ago, Michael Griffith said:

Very informative reply, Sandy. Nice work.

Speaking of the hat, how in the world could Connally have kept holding it if a bullet had just shattered the radius bone in his wrist? Clearly, the wrist wound was caused by a separate bullet that came after the chest bullet. 

And what in the devil to WC apologists say slammed Connally's right shoulder downward from Z238-243? And why do his cheeks suddenly puff at Z238? In one interview, Connally said the shot felt like someone punched him in the back.

It is curious that WC defenders dismiss the fact that Connally himself, the guy who experienced the shot, said he was certain he was not hit before he began to turn his head leftward, which starts no later than Z224. Connally told Life magazine,

          "You can see my leftward movement clearly," Connally told Life as he studied these frames. "I had turned to the right when the limousine was behind the sign. Now I'm turning back again. I know that I made that turn to the left before I was hit. You can see the grimace in the President's face. You cannot see it in mine. There is no question about It. I haven't been hit yet." (LINK)

But JFK was clearly hit well before Z225. The HSCA PEP said JFK was first hit by a shot fired at Z190. 

Connally selected Z234 as the moment he was struck by a bullet, and less than 1/4-second later (or less than 250 milliseconds later), his right shoulder is slammed downward and his cheeks puff. 



"Speaking of the hat, how in the world could Connally have kept holding it if a bullet had just shattered the radius bone in his wrist? Clearly, the wrist wound was caused by a separate bullet that came after the chest bullet."


Nellie Connally stated John Connally was still holding his hat when they arrived at the emergency entrance at Parkland.


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17 minutes ago, Charles Blackmon said:

Maybe he did. He heard the gunshots well before he was hit, or even before he knew the prez was hit. Not a happy realization!

What that means is that someone, either Connally or his wife, is mixed up. They can't both be right. 

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11 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

EDIT: But I just went back in this thread and saw that DVP supports the SBT. So I don't know how his "Connally jerk" could possibly relate to that. Given that JFK reacted before he claims Connally did.

No. Both victims are jerking their right hands upward at exactly the same moment at Z226 (see the next clip below). Ergo, they are "REACTING" at the exact same time.

Also -- Even if Z227 is missing from the previous clip, that would certainly not debunk the "Connally Arm Jerk" which begins at precisely Z226 (as this two-frame clip amply illustrates):



Plus.....Connally, at Z225, is clearly also reacting in different ways to having just been hit by a bullet --- his mouth opens, a discernible grimace comes across his face (IMO), his eyes close, his shoulders jerk upward in a reflex action (a very typical "startle" type of response), and there's also the lapel/tie movement at Z224/225. The clip below ends at Z225....



Lots More:



Edited by David Von Pein
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1 hour ago, David Von Pein said:

Also -- Even if Z227 is missing from the previous clip, that would certainly not debunk the "Connally Arm Jerk" which begins at precisely Z226 (as the two-frame clip below amply illustrates):

1 hour ago, David Von Pein said:



Oh come on.... this just shows two people moving their hands at the same time. Using your criterion, we'd have to conclude that numerous people are reacting to gunshots or other loud sounds all the time, in virtually every film.

Furthermore, it is clear that JFK began reacting before Z225, but Connally didn't. Others in this thread have pointed out that it was concluded in at least one of the official investigations that JFK began reacting before he even went behind the sign. So your contention is inconsistent with the SBT.


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