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Quick Questions, Comments, and Criticism on EF Moderation

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39 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


Matthew Koch won't report a problem because he doesn't have faith in the forum moderation. Then he gets upset that the moderators didn't do anything about the problem.

Am I the only one who sees a  problem in that logic?


Thank you for re-affirming my prior opinion about having no faith in Moderation with this reply: 

4 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


The forum isn't a democracy Matthew. It exists only because a group of people took on the thankless task of keeping it going. One of those people is admin James Gordon, who in addition paid the Invision fees out of his own pocket for several years. Another of them is admin Kathy Beckett. There was a special need for James to remove Kathy's profile photo. And that's all I'm going to say about that.



This thread was moved because it is feedback for the moderators and there is a thread dedicated to that. So this thread was merged with that one.

BTW, members can easily and quickly navigate to this thread from the QUICK LINKS topic of the main forum page.

If you think Joe Backes' threads should likewise be moved, please report them and explain why they should be moved.



Because they are repeat offenders. Penalties are quite mild at first, but rise exponentially if rules are broken too often.



I'm not the admin member who handled that, but I think that W. Niederhut's explanation above is likely correct.



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The same thing happened again that happened with this thread 

@Mark Knight does his ostrich stick is head in the sand and doesn't anwser his own Moderation thread.. Rope a dope trick that happened in the prior thread. I noticed 

that Mark has been commenting on Ben's thread while he is suspended he did the same thing to me. I think he is a coward and and a bully and should not be a moderator as he has stated Bias's like my last name and is not fit for a job in moderation even if he isn't paid for it. Ben is correct there needs to be more balanced representation on the moderation team and Mark should resign IMHO 

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21 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

None of the moderators should resign.

In spite of being reprimanded several times, I fully support them and admire their patience and perseverance while executing what is clearly a thankless task.

* Note for the audience this is coming from someone who accused me of stalking and leaving messages on her answering machine but couldn't produce the messages similar to how she can't produce the Lafitte Date book. And the Moderators wouldn't make her delete her false accusations after I and Chris Barnard asked.. which is part of Forum Policy. 

As we see with @Mark Knight penalties are only severe if you have center right politics

Edited by Matthew Koch
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2 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

* Note for the audience this is coming from someone who accused me of stalking and leaving messages on her answering machine but couldn't produce the messages similar to how she can't produce the Lafitte Date book. 

Well, at last you finally come forward publicly to address my concern that considering the timing, the suspicious hijacking of a cell phone in CA, and the faux Spanish accent, you might have been the originator of the threatening phone call I received related to the Lafitte datebook — which by the way  you ironically resurrect in this protest; are you stating publicly that you were not in any way involved in that call?

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On 8/21/2023 at 9:52 PM, Matthew Koch said:

If you haven't guessed from the title of the thread I don't have faith in moderation. Sandy, if the thread was read by a moderator and a suspension was issued, why did the mod miss the obvious rule breaking? Moderation has a system set up where the squeaky wheel gets the grease at the expense of the others. What I mean by that is people have been rewarded for bad behavior to the point that this thread is being giving a Part 2. 

James Gordon recently made a post about how you have to have a profile pic to post here, Moderator Kathy Beckett doesn't have one is she still a mod and if so why aren't reiterated forum rules being followed by the Moderators? 

Why was this thread moved and Joe Backes threads still on the main page? 

Why are @John Cotter and @Benjamin Coleserving long suspensions for infractions that are very minor ?

Why was I suspended for a week saying Bump and Mr Niederhut wasn't? 


You may think the moderators are peevish and partisan, and while the Donks probably think they are peaches and cream.  So it goes.

In this hyper-partisan era, people think "objective" or "fair" is the party-line. 'Phant, Trumper or Donk.

I advise adding some fresh blood to the pool of moderators, obviously not modern-day Donk supporters. (I used to be a Donk, but, IMHO, the party has become unmoored from any principles at all. Ponder the Puppet-Dictator in Chief Biden doing the illegal snuff job on the JFK Records, while the entire Donk Party, and allied media, go entirely mute.)

For heaven's sake, there are Donks in this forum--yes, the EF-JFKA---who support Biden in his suppressing of the JFK Records. 

That is the new Donk norm?

Obviously, there should be some non-Donks helping to moderate the EF-JFKA. 

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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34 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


You may think the moderators are peevish and partisan, and while the Donks probably think they are peaches and cream.  So it goes.

In this hyper-partisan era, people think "objective" or "fair" is the party-line. 'Phant, Trumper or Donk.

I advise adding some fresh blood to the pool of moderators, obviously not modern-day Donk supporters. (I used to be a Donk, but, IMHO, the party has become unmoored from any principles at all. Ponder the Puppet-Dictator in Chief Biden doing the illegal snuff job on the JFK Records, while the entire Donk Party, and allied media, go entirely mute.)

For heaven's sake, there are Donks in this forum--yes, the EF-JFKA---who support Biden in his suppressing of the JFK Records. 

That is the new Donk norm?

Obviously, there should be some non-Donks helping to moderate the EF-JFKA. 

I think that's a good idea, unfortunately Sanday already said that the forum isn't a "democracy"

So since the mods do want to give equity to forum members and guarantee a safe space for ideas I don't think people should contribute anymore money to the forum. I contributed $100 which would have been better spent giving it charity or a homeless person due to the behavior of certain moderators on this forum. 

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18 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:



If you want the moderators to do something about those posts, please report them.


So you can just move them like you did the Ron Paul thread instead of cleaning up the bad behavior from people who share your politics? 


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Why even have this thread? @Sandy Larsensaid that the forum isn't a democracy and won't take requests seriously and @Mark Knight will just hide and ignore his own issues as a moderator.. Why doesn't the Mod have a pic via forum rules "Because.there's a reason" 

LOL, seroiously why even have a pinned thread?!? 

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"The object of the ink analysis — the Pierre Lafitte 1963 datebook — is private property.

I understand if you would like to retract your offer.

To repeat, the parties involved are under Non-Disclosure Agreement; if any choose to break those agreements with a party or parties with  no legal standing whatsoever e.g. you, when they have refused to do so with the parties with legal standing, there would naturally be repercussions.

If you want to encourage Mr. Aginsky to confer with me directly, that would be acceptable; otherwise he would be in contravention of his agreement. I predict repercussions would ensue.

If you want to pursue another ink analyst as you offered — the calibre of Aginsky and under the terms I've previously laid out — you are welcome to do so."---L.Sharp.


In other words, if---as many have concluded---the purported Pierre Laffite datebook is an obvious and vulgar fraud, concocted for crass commercial reasons, the JFKA community is not allowed to confirm its entirely justified skepticism due to a labyrinth of inexplicable, unintelligible and evidently permanent legal entanglements.

I propose the mods develop a limiting rule for posters who are promoting possible frauds for commercial reasons. 

I understand and accept farfetched but earnest explanations for the JFKA. I might have hatched a few myself. 

But when there are commercial reasons for a probably fraudulent JFKA story, perhaps the mods should get involved. 

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  • Sandy Larsen changed the title to Questions, Comments, and Criticism on EF Moderation Prior to September 2023
  • Sandy Larsen unfeatured and unpinned this topic
  • 2 weeks later...

I was suspended again by the moderators, apparently having been yet again unjustifiably complained by William Niederhut.

The reason cited by moderator Sandy Larsen for the suspension was my allegedly “outrageous” behaviour (the notification informing me of my suspension and the reason for it seems to have disappeared).

The allegedly outrageous behaviour was my response to WN saying:

“Karma is when anti-vaxxers die of COVID and Putin's murderers get whacked in Ukraine-- as we have repeatedly witnessed.

Link to above post: https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/29518-tucker-carlson-ep-16-rfk-jr-explains-ukraine-bio-labs-and-who-killed-his-uncle/?do=findComment&comment=513377

I pointed out that WN saying “Karma is when anti-vaxxers die of Covid” is the same as saying “anti-vaxxers deserve to die of covid”. I further pointed out that since WN had previously called me an “anti-vaxxer”, this meant he was saying that I deserved to die of covid.

WN repeatedly denied that to be so. He thus perversely denied the essential meaning of “karma” (as is clear from WN’s use of the term), which is that people get what they deserve.

Moreover, moderator Sandy Larsen explicitly endorsed WN’s persistent perversity in this regard and penalised me for pointing out WN’s persistent perversity not only in this instance but also in relation to previous matters.

SL not only banned me, but he also deleted the posts in which I explained all of this. The reason for deleting these posts is obvious – the posts expose the spurious nature of WN’s and SL’s behaviour.

As someone once said, “How does one determine who is telling the truth? The ones seeking to silence other people and ideas are the ones who are lying.”

It’s bad enough having to deal with members who clutter the forum with persistently perverse nonsense. Being banned by moderators for trying to counter such perversity is intolerable.

Edited by John Cotter
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@John Cotter You repeatedly exclaimed that another member want's you to die. That is outrageous behavior.

I strongly recommend that you be careful not to violate forum rules for a while. Penalties are mild for isolated violations, but become exponentially worse for repeat offenders. We have one member who couldn't control his temper and repeatedly cussed the moderators for each penalty he received. His penalty reached an eighth-month posting restriction before he finally stopped.

P.S. I deleted your posts because they included defamatory slurs against another member.


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2 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

@John Cotter You repeatedly exclaimed that another member want's you to die. That is outrageous behavior.

I strongly recommend that you be careful not to violate forum rules for a while. Penalties are mild for isolated violations, but become exponentially worse for repeat offenders. We have one member who couldn't control his temper and repeatedly cussed the moderators for each penalty he received. His penalty reached an eighth-month posting restriction before he finally stopped.

P.S. I deleted your posts because they included defamatory slurs against another member.


I've already repeatedly explained why your interpretation of William Niederhut's outrageous "karma" statement is perverse and indeed outrageous.

I can't help you any further.

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