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Dr. Werner von Arx: Permindex/CMC/ITM, Clay Shaw ... and the Plimsoll Chef Jean Martin a.k.a. Pierre Lafitte

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For any who have followed Clay Shaw's alleged involvement in CMC (Centro Mondiale Commerciale) and/or Permindex, I had not seen the attached document and the relevant information prior to publication of Albarelli's Coup in Dallas. If this information was in the public domain prior to release, we simply missed it. @Fred Litwin

The memorandum released in 2023 identifies a Dr. Werner von Arx as president of the Swiss-based Permindex.  The official responsible for this March 1967 memo, John J. Shea, states: We believe that the CMC  and PERMINDEX are identical, respectively, with the World Trading [sic] Center and PERMIDEX [sic] mentioned in FBIS-37.  Shea then notes in item 4. OCR/FID file information lists Permindex as a Swiss real estate and property management firm and lists its management as follows: President — Dr. Werner von Arx. Other officials — Timothy Fales, Dr. Otto Wiesberg, Dr. Nikolaus Fischer, Randolph Vetter. (NOTE: Dr. Fischer joined the faculty of LSU where (if recent profiles are up to date) he remains a professor emeritus.)


Before moving to Dr. Arx, I would emphasize that Jean Pierre Lafitte, friend of James Angleton since the early 1950s through his association with FBN George Hunter White (and Sidney Gottlieb), I would note that under the alias Jean M. Martin, Pierre Lafitte had returned to New Orleans in 1967 to serve as The Chef of the Plimsoll Club located in Shaw's new iteration of the International Trade Mart a.k.a. World Trading Center.  Lafitte is alleged to have broken into Jim Garrisons offices with his good friend, James Phelan who had purportedly infiltrated the DA's efforts to indict Clay Shaw.  "alleged and purportedly" are applied here judiciously. 

@Fred Litwin
Would you now confirm or challenge the information provided in the Shea memo regarding the role of Dr. von Arx in Swiss-based Permindex? If you're aware that Dr. Werner von Arx was on record as president, have you ever elaborated on his role as an executive with Solothurn Waffen AG at the end of the war?

' . . . The Steyr-Solothurn Waffen AG was put on the “Statutory List” – the UK’s blacklist. This list, established in 1939 after the outbreak of war, included all the companies that the British supposed to support the German Reich and its allies. And for the Waffenfabrik Solothurn as a de facto German company a place on this list was unavoidable, so it was cut off from all lucrative markets in Europe. Through stock transfers and various letterbox companies it was tried to disguise the Waffenfabrik as a Swiss company. But without success, as so easily the authorities could not be fooled. Last but not least, a large order of more than 2,000 anti-tank guns for Italy failed as the country surrendered to the Allies in September 1943. Whether a payment for the 1,500 already delivered weapons was received is more than questionable. In 1944, the last weapon rolled off the line, then the production was finally stopped. . . .'

The full text here:


In May 1940, a major contract with the Netherlands for over 500 anti-tank guns with accessories failed because the Wehrmacht had already occupied the country before delivery. The end for the ailing company came in early 1942: The Steyr-Solothurn Waffen AG was put on the “Statutory List” – the UK’s blacklist. This list, established in 1939 after the outbreak of war, included all the companies that the British supposed to support the German Reich and its allies. And for the Waffenfabrik Solothurn as a de facto German company a place on this list was unavoidable, so it was cut off from all lucrative markets in Europe. Through stock transfers and various letterbox companies it was tried to disguise the Waffenfabrik as a Swiss company. But without success, as so easily the authorities could not be fooled. Last but not least, a large order of more than 2,000 anti-tank guns for Italy failed as the country surrendered to the Allies in September 1943. Whether a payment for the 1,500 already delivered weapons was received is more than questionable. In 1944, the last weapon rolled off the line, then the production was finally stopped.

Experimental version of the MP34 with a light-weight stock made of stamped sheet metal. (Military Museum, Prague)

Of the approximately 800 employees, only 200 could be kept; all others had to be dismissed. The toolmaking division was still in the development stage and too young, as it could compensate the loss of the weapons factory. The newly developed “small workshop tool set” proved to be too expensive and its sale was difficult. . . . 


In the context of trade negotiations of the Allies with Switzerland in February 1945 about the future after the war, it was decided to block all German assets in Switzerland. This meant the complete inability of the Waffenfabrik to act, and so the managers tried to make the best of a bad situation. Already on March 19, 1945 the “Werkzeugmaschinenfabrik Solothurn AG” (machine tools factory) was founded and whose shares were now fully in Swiss hands. But once again, the authorities could not be fooled. The premises were the same and in the background the already well-known managers of the Waffenfabrik pulled the strings. In January 1946, the machine tools factory was put on the list of German companies.

According to the Washington Agreement, Switzerland was committed to the liquidation of German assets. This task was executed for both companies by the accredited notary of the machine tools factory, Dr. jur. Werner von Arx. 


Edited by Leslie Sharp
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Pierre Lafitte under the alias Jean M. Martin was conveniently spirited out of New Orleans seven months following Shaw's acquittal, never to be heard from again with exception of a few sightings.

"Lafitte, Jean-Pierre 66, chef at the Plimsoll Club whose cooking has been praised by no less than Ladybird Johnson. Known locally as Jean M. Martin, arraigned in Boston on 1962 indictment charging fraud of speculator Ralph L. Loomis of more than $300,000 in South African mineral rights and diamond mining deal. Trial set for 1/12 in federal court, Boston. Arrested 12/5 by FBI, for which he was for some years an informant in its swindling investigations. Charged also with jumping bail on the 1962 charges of mail fraud. Loomis, of Kittery Point. ME, died about a year ago. Pleads innocent to bail jumping charge. ($7,000) New Orleans States-Item, 12/22-23/69 Lafitte goes on trial in Boston. Lives Armonk, NY fraud charge now down to $100,000. Feds say he has used many names and came to New Orleans Plimsoll Club about two years ago, brought by management firm which has operating contract. Feds say he jumped $50,000 bail in 1963. New Orleans States-Item, 1/12/70 Trial postponed indefinitely in Boston, no explanation in story with no dateline. Feds say after he jumped bail on the original charge he toured Africa, Europe and the Bahamas for five years. New Orleans States-Item, 1/13/70"


This is an appropriate opportunity to review the story that when Richard Helms realized photos of Lafitte had been circulating, he sent agents around to confiscate any photographs they could find. 

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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@Fred Litwin

A recent remark on another — somewhat related — thread by @Tom Gram If Garrison really got so far that he was planning on accusing a specific CIA connected Nazi as a suspect I think there should be some evidence of it in his files, but it is possible that the relevant folder or something got destroyed, is an opportunity to share the most recent research into the firm, Permindex, which features in most exposés related to Clay Shaw's possible role in prior planning of the plot for Dallas.


I'm going to share the following in rough draft form because I think it may pull together significant threads we've been pursuing for months and months; in time, it will conform with standards for wider publication.
I always thought Permindex either dissolved completely or at least slipped off the radar by 1967, having been run out of Rome and reestablished HQ in Johannesburg.
For this exercise, it's enough that Dr. Werner von Arx was ever associated with Permindex (see link) considering his history with an arms manufacturer for The Reich.  It's implausible that the earlier investors/board members we are most familiar with weren't aware of von Arx's history.  


In May 1940, a major contract with the Netherlands for over 500 anti-tank guns with accessories failed because the Wehrmacht had already occupied the country before delivery. The end for the ailing company came in early 1942: The Steyr-Solothurn Waffen AG was put on the “Statutory List” – the UK’s blacklist. This list, established in 1939 after the outbreak of war, included all the companies that the British supposed to support the German Reich and its allies. And for the Waffenfabrik Solothurn as a de facto German company a place on this list was unavoidable, so it was cut off from all lucrative markets in Europe. Through stock transfers and various letterbox companies it was tried to disguise the Waffenfabrik as a Swiss company. But without success, as so easily the authorities could not be fooled. Last but not least, a large order of more than 2,000 anti-tank guns for Italy failed as the country surrendered to the Allies in September 1943. Whether a payment for the 1,500 already delivered weapons was received is more than questionable. In 1944, the last weapon rolled off the line, then the production was finally stopped.

A picture containing ranged weapon, firearm, weapon, trigger  Description automatically generatedExperimental version of the MP34 with a light-weight stock made of stamped sheet metal. (Military Museum, Prague)

Of the approximately 800 employees, only 200 could be kept; all others had to be dismissed. The toolmaking division was still in the development stage and too young, as it could compensate the loss of the weapons factory. The newly developed “small workshop tool set” proved to be too expensive and its sale was difficult.




In the context of trade negotiations of the Allies with Switzerland in February 1945 about the future after the war, it was decided to block all German assets in Switzerland. This meant the complete inability of the Waffenfabrik to act, and so the managers tried to make the best of a bad situation. Already on March 19, 1945 the “Werkzeugmaschinenfabrik Solothurn AG” (machine tools factory) was founded and whose shares were now fully in Swiss hands. But once again, the authorities could not be fooled. The premises were the same and in the background the already well-known managers of the Waffenfabrik pulled the strings. In January 1946, the machine tools factory was put on the list of German companies.

According to the Washington Agreement, Switzerland was committed to the liquidation of German assets. This task was executed for both companies by the accredited notary of the machine tools factory, Dr. jur. Werner von Arx. 

                                            * * * * *

You may also recall the research into Ernst Imfeld, another of the signatories on the original Permindex documents. Imfeld, along with Ludwig Haupt, and Friedrich Kadgien formed IMHAUKA, a business model along the lines of SOFINDUS and World Commerce Corporation export and import operations based in Argentina and Brazil. (kudos to @Robert Montenegro for identifying Kadgien's relationship to Imfeld leading us to IMHAUKA.) 
Ernst Imfeld, (seen in photo at an event in Tulsa, OK) was the straw man for Permindex whose board also included Count or Prince Spadafora whose son married one of Hjalmar Schacht’s daughters and George Mandel (Mantello) who is lauded in Israel for having arranged the escape of Jews who could afford to flee the Holocaust. Records suggest it was a financially rewarding effort rather than altruism, and even the CIA didn’t trust Mandel.  Imfeld and Haupt settled in Argentina & Brazil - IMHAUKA export, import, still in operation today and relevant to SOFINDUS (as referenced in the essay presented at the end of this post).  
Friedrich Kadgien  was Goering’s head of foreign currency for The Four Year Plan.
A Federico Kadgien, Buenas Aires is listed as a reference on a 1955 visa application of former SS Stuka Pilot Hans-Ulrich Rudel.
H. Keith Thompson, Marguerite Oswald's manager in early 1964 is another of Rudel's references in 1955.
After more than a decade, Rudel was finally successful in securing a visa for entry into the US in September 1963, and arrived on October 8/9 — coinciding by chance with Lafitte's OSARN OSARN entry — to attend a conference at Wright Patterson.
Rudel appears in the Lafitte datebook September 13 (possibly in concert with his latest application for visa) and December 9 White + all / guns Rudel  (with thanks to Brian E. for catching that December 9 entry. More on the possible identity of this White referenced by Lafitte at a future date.)
Dr Friedrich Kadgien, Ludwig Haupt, Dr Ernst Rudolf Fisher. 2/1/1946. State Dept.; Paris, London,. Asuncion, American. Embassies; Berlin, U.S..
Ludwig Haupt — the third leg of the IMHAUKA barstool, remains very elusive so this is a work in progress:
In searching through my files for "Haupt", I realized the name appears in my essay on the Great Salad Oil Swindle which almost brought down the American commodities market the morning of Friday, November 22.  (see photo from El Pais article linked below.  A naked eye analysis suggests Tino De Angelis of Allied Crude Oil was photographed with Johannes Bernhardt of SOFINDUS).

If  the objective of November 22, 1963 was a coup meant to realign American democracy in the literal sense to suit an international far right agenda, the death of one man - even the president -  could not make it so. Historically, attempts on the lives of presidents, including Reagan in contemporary politics, did not carry a similar weight.   In 1963, other elements had to have been in play in order for the democratically elected government to collapse. Those elements would include significant damage to the stability of the US economy.  Any assassination of an American president would be an obvious trigger for a sharp sell off, but the question is, could the sell off on Friday, November 22, 1963 have been helped along. Author Kent has studied in some depth the sudden and significant sale of stock in the Dallas based military contractor, Ling Timco Vought (LTV) that Friday morning.  He highlights  that among the directors was D. Harold Byrd, owner of the building known as the Texas School Book Depository. LTV is studied extensively in Chapter 10 of this book, and the reader is also encouraged to read Kent’s Endnote to this chapter related to that specific stock sell off that seems to represent the micro of the macro.  


In a  rather clumsy summary, particularly for those steeped in the machinations of global markets,  the vegetable oil swindle started with a “grain caper”.  Assassination researcher Kenn Thomas tells us, ' $55,000,000 worth of barley, corn and sorghum was to be shipped to Austria for German and Austrian firms by half a dozen American exporters.  Somehow less than half of it got there.  How do you lose $30,000,000 worth of grain? You do it, it turns out with a carefully thought out international control operation with numerous dummy corporations and Swiss bank accounts and at least one German firm in Hamburg (which was a big new customer of a man named Tino De Angelis).  In the course of a vast investigation of this little incident by the U.S. Senator Williams of Delaware set the probable “take by the conspirators behind it at between three and five million dollars.  De Angelis was the founder of Allied Crude Vegetable Oil Refining Corporation in Bayonne, New Jersey.  Of 50 companies that either lent money or deposited oil at Allied’s Bayonne plant against warehouse receipts, the Bunge and Borne, Lda was the one most attached to the success (or failure) of Allied Crude Vegetable.  Sometimes dubbed as “The Octopus” by financial writers (which many readers will find highly interesting), Bunge had one of the finest communications networks outside of any government to facilitate the second by second fluctuations of the world market that made or lost millions.  The American Bunge Corporation was the privately held giant,  financially controlled by a group of share-holders of Bunge and Borne whose headquarters were and remain in Buenos Aires, Argentina.  The founders had immigrated from Germany, and most of the board members were naturalized immigrants, second generation Argentenians of Belgian and German descent.  The Bunge had everything in the early 1960s to affect the global markets to which the US economy was tied: a German influence in its home base of Argentina, supra- flexibility in world communications, tremendous assets, and a strong influence over decisions made at Allied Vegetable Oil.  While no student of this scandal has ever asserted that Bunge knowingly set in motion the events that triggered the markets in the hours before Kennedy was assassinated, there is no question that through it’s American subsidiary, American Bunge, it  owned 40% of Allied Vegetable Oil’s business that was in deep trouble.  Bunge exported about $100 million worth of vegetable oil each year, most of which was supplied by Allied out of New Jersey.  When asked in court in 1964  how much the next highest level customer held in Allied, attorney David Ravin responded, ‘less than 15%’.  The Ravin & Ravin law firm served as referee in Allied’s bankruptcy, which leads us to that thinnest of threads.  But first a brief summary of the role American Express played in the scandal. Before launching, it should be noted that among the directors of AE at the time were Ret. General Lucius Clay who was considered one of America's most ardent cultural Cold Warriors, and L.W. Douglas - the brother-in-law of John McCloy, future influencer of the Warren Commission report. Douglas benefitted from his family's wealth derived from the Phelps Dodge mining conglomerate with historic ties to the family of the wife of James Jesus Angleton.  


The afternoon of October 14, 1963, the founder of Allied Vegetable, Tino De Angelis,  forged receipts of American Express Warehouse - the entity that was allegedly storing vats of vegetable oil -  for $6,000,000 worth of ‘phantom oil’ to Wall Street.  In the next few weeks, De Angelis sent an additional $33 million worth of forged papers, and the same time, he began  check-kiting up to $17.5 million. When word seeped out that Allied Vegetable was risky, the sell off began.  Around November 15,  rumors swept trading floors that Bunge Corp. was behind the selling.  By November 18, brokerage firm Haupt Inc., a major promoter of Allied Vegetable, noted that the day’s drop in futures had driven Allied’s debt to Haupt from 9 million to 14 million, and counting,  News that De Angelis was filing bankruptcy hit the markets.  One of his key legal minds, Morris Ravin, the brother of David, caught wind that the tanks in the American Express Warehouse were for the most part empty, i.e., there was no oil to support the receipts that had made investors salivate over Allied Vegetable stock, and, by pure chance Morris Ravin decided to rat and contact the Department of Justice.  By Thursday afternoon, November 21, Bunge Corp filed suit and charged that American Express had “lost” 160,450,000 pounds of oil worth $14,240,000.  The fact was, there was never any vegetable oil in those storage tanks in the AW Warehouse.   Friday morning, November 22, the New York Stock Exchange announced that two outside brokerage firms would help meet the capital requirements to support Hauptand another firm, resulting in a slight improvement at 12:15 EST, just two hours and fifteen minutes before Kennedy was shot.  The head of the Exchange called an emergency meeting with Hauptbrokerage.  In a short few hours, approximately $200,000,000 were diverted from normal channels in the Allied debacle, borne out by the record.  Selling “short”, the act of betting against a stock, in scattered areas of the market brought in one half billion dollars as opposed to the  six billion that could have been realized as events in Dallas unfolded. The magicians of the scheme were not greedy to that extent.   Instead of dropping possibly 30 points, the stock market dropped 24 points in 27 minutes as Kennedy’s body was being “handled” at Parkland.    Approx. 2.6 million shares were sold off in the greatest panic of the market since 1929.   Major customer of Allied Vegetable, the head of Garnac Grain, is quoted as having said upon learning that Kennedy had been assassinated, “I thought this must be a plot by the Russians or the underworld -- too many crazy things are happening at once”.


How might the vegetable oil swindle that culminated the morning of November 22,  be hinted at in the records of Pierre Lafitte, and does that hint merit further pursuit? The history of Nazi Johannes Bernhardt must first be considered  Bernhardt, a devotee of Herman Goering and Adolph Hiter, moved his operations to Argentina as did so many Nazi elites following the war, and from there established the highly lucrative, powerful conduit for global enterprises under the eventual banner SOFINDUS.  Among Johanne’s most significant investments were those that fed, literally, a large percentage of the world population.  Under the company name “Progreso Agricultural,” he controlled distribution of food products coming out of South America.  With time and resources, his investments in Bunge and Borne will be confirmed.  Bernhardt’s known business associates in Franco’s Spain, Skorzeny and Victor Oswald, both of whom are  among those relevant to our investigation, lead to Pierre Lafitte.  A Lafitte datebook entry, October >>>, reveals the name or term, “Ravin”.  Initially, the reference was dismissed by these authors out of hand as one among several that would never be “locked down” in this investigation.  It appears in context of another apparent codeword “holdout”. In depth, aggressive search for an understanding of what or who Lafitte might have been referring to in the entry “Ravin Holdout”  results in the thinnest of threads.  Was Lafitte leaving behind a clue that Ravin the attorney(s) was holding out, holding fast, holding something, tied to the near economic crash - few average Americans are aware of then, let alone now  -  of the US economy at the same time their president had been assassinated?   


 As early as 1962, Wall Street Journal reporter Norman C. Miller recognized there was a story to be had.  His articles culminated in “The Great Salad Oil Swindle” published in 1965 that won him a Pulitzer Prize, a book these authors encourage the reader to consult.


(the photo found in this link, identifying Johannes Bernhardt, includes a man who bears a strong resemblance to Tino De Angelis of Allied Crude.)


Edited by Leslie Sharp
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10 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

You may also recall the research into Ernst Imfeld, another of the signatories on the original Permindex documents. Imfeld, along with Ludwig Haupt, and Friedrich Kadgien formed IMHAUKA, a business model along the lines of SOFINDUS and World Commerce Corporation export and import operations based in Argentina and Brazil. (kudos to @Robert Montenegro for identifying Kadgien's relationship to Imfeld leading us to IMHAUKA.) 

Ernst Imfeld, (seen in photo at an event in Tulsa, OK) was the straw man for Permindex whose board also included Count or Prince Spadafora whose son married one of Hjalmar Schacht’s daughters and George Mandel (Mantello) who is lauded in Israel for having arranged the escape of Jews who could afford to flee the Holocaust. Records suggest it was a financially rewarding effort rather than altruism, and even the CIA didn’t trust Mandel.  Imfeld and Haupt settled in Argentina & Brazil - IMHAUKA export, import, still in operation today and relevant to SOFINDUS (as referenced in the essay presented at the end of this post).  
Friedrich Kadgien  was Goering’s head of foreign currency for The Four Year Plan.


Whip 'em into shape Leslie! Testify!


For those of you researchers that would like further information on Nazi intelligence agent  Friedrich Gustave Kadgien (deputy director,  Reichsbevollmächtigter’s "Der Vierjahresplan"/ supervisory board member, Kontinentale Öl-Aktiengesellschaft/ director, Imhauka AG/ director, Companhia Brasileira de Caldeiras), Ludwig Haupt (director, Kontinentale Öl-Aktiengesellschaft/ director, Reichsbevollmächtigter's "Der Vierjahresplan"/ deputy director, Imhauka AG/ director, Companhia Brasileira de Caldeiras/ director, Bibo Société d'Etudes et d'Exploitations SA, Tangier), & Dr. Ernst W. Imfeld (Vice President, PERMINDEX/ director, Imhauka AG/ founder, Bibo Société d'Etudes et d'Exploitations SA, Tangier), and these three Nazi stooges connections to financing the creation of PERMINDEX (a front for distribution of WWII-era Nazi weaponry on the Cold War black market), and financing of petroleum concessions in New York, Oklahoma, Caracas, Madrid and Tangier, after WWII using Nazi loot plundered from the victims of the Holocaust, examine the following article by historian Regula Bochsler in Neue Zürcher Zeitung magazine, titled "A new life for three Nazis: How was it possible that in the final days of the Second World War a trio of well-known figures from the Nazi economy fled to Switzerland, lived here undisturbed for years and built a second life?"


The following are excerpts from Regula Bochsler's illuminating article that back up Ms. Sharp's powerful working thesis: 











Edited by Robert Montenegro
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For legal reasons, I cannot post the entire article, but it completely back's up the information that Leslie Sharp is posting about Friedrich Gustave Kadgien and his connections to financing the creation of PERMINDEX... 


Just consider the following entry from the article by historian Regula Bochsler in Neue Zürcher Zeitung magazine, titled "A new life for three Nazis: How was it possible that in the final days of the Second World War a trio of well-known figures from the Nazi economy fled to Switzerland, lived here undisturbed for years and built a second life?"




"...The cooperation between Imfeld and the Germans is congenial: They have the international network at their disposal - he does the business trips for which they lack the papers. "I have to," he informs Robert Grimm, "on behalf of and at the invitation of various clients, and I'm really looking forward to it." The journey takes him to New York, Oklahoma, Caracas, Madrid and Tangier. That fits in perfectly with the Nazi oil specialists: in New York, Fischer's old friends work for the oil giant Standard Oil, Oklahoma and Caracas are centers of the oil industry, the ominous Bibo has its headquarters in Tangier, and Madrid is the perfect place to live for Nazis who prefer to live in Spain instead of in far-off South America, where dictator Franco leaves them alone..."




Dr. Ernst W. Imfeld Vice President of PERMINDEX, was a Nazi intelligence agent that worked for Standard Oil, Oklahoma after WWII and set up Nazi-connected petroleum fronts in New York, Oklahoma, Caracas, Madrid and Tangier using a secret slush-fund of Holocaust victim loot provided by Nazi Party co-founder Hermann Wilhelm Göring’s  top finaical officer Friedrich Gustave Kadgien!


Still not convinced Nazi's weren't behind the murder of President Kennedy?! 



Edited by Robert Montenegro
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24 minutes ago, Robert Montenegro said:

For legal reasons, I cannot post the entire article, but it completely back's up the information that Leslie Sharp is posting about Friedrich Gustave Kadgien and his connections to financing the creation of PERMINDEX... 


Just consider the following entry from the article by historian Regula Bochsler in Neue Zürcher Zeitung magazine, titled "A new life for three Nazis: How was it possible that in the final days of the Second World War a trio of well-known figures from the Nazi economy fled to Switzerland, lived here undisturbed for years and built a second life?"




"...The cooperation between Imfeld and the Germans is congenial: They have the international network at their disposal - he does the business trips for which they lack the papers. "I have to," he informs Robert Grimm, "on behalf of and at the invitation of various clients, and I'm really looking forward to it." The journey takes him to New York, Oklahoma, Caracas, Madrid and Tangier. That fits in perfectly with the Nazi oil specialists: in New York, Fischer's old friends work for the oil giant Standard Oil, Oklahoma and Caracas are centers of the oil industry, the ominous Bibo has its headquarters in Tangier, and Madrid is the perfect place to live for Nazis who prefer to live in Spain instead of in far-off South America, where dictator Franco leaves them alone..."




Dr. Ernst W. Imfeld founder of PERMINDEX, was a Nazi intelligence agent that worked for Standard Oil, Oklahoma after WWII and set up Nazi-connected petroleum fronts in New York, Oklahoma, Caracas, Madrid and Tangier using a secret slush-fund of Holocaust victim loot provided by Nazi Party co-founder Hermann Wilhelm Göring’s  top finaical officer Friedrich Gustave Kadgien!


Still not convinced Nazi's weren't behind the murder of President Kennedy?! 



Still not convinced Nazi's weren't behind the murder of President Kennedy?! --RM

Well...you are asking a bit much, with your word "convinced." 

My view on the JFKA is that it could have been as little as two Cuban exiles who drove to Dallas from Miami, and had a password, of half dollar bill, leaked to them from a higher-up in the CIA, probably at JMWAVE. They convinced LHO to take part in an anti-Castro op. 

Anyone with a car (which LHO did not have) could have easily fled Dallas post-JFKA. The JFKA only looks like a sophisticated plot as it was never investigated. 

As the two Cuban exiles, and LHO, were all CIA assets, we get the cover-up, including the sign to Ruby to rub out LHO.

BTW, I assume you see no connection between Ruby and the Nazified CIA? 


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2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Well...you are asking a bit much, with your word "convinced." 


I am asking a bit much for you to read an academic article the proves with original documentation that Dr. Ernst W. Imfeld Vice President of PERMINDEX, was a Nazi intelligence agent, who ran Nazi front operations in Franco's Spain well into the late 1950's? 


Well, I guess I can't force you to read.


You got me there.


2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

BTW, I assume you see no connection between Ruby and the Nazified CIA? 


As far as Ruby is concerned with Nazis, in the months leading up to the murder of President Kennedy, he was next door neighbors to a man named George Alexandrovich Bouhe.


Bouhe was Marina Oswald’s English tutor, next door neighbor to Jack Ruby, and a member of the American Relief Commission, a CIA front by 1963, that was used by the Gehlen Organization as an information ratline to interview Soviet defectors, via a covert task-force called Project AEVIRGIL.


Just read the CIA mission statement for Project AEVIRGIL and tell me what it may have to do with Marina Oswald:




"...The objective of Project AEVIRGIL is to conserve, develop and utilize the unique human resource constituted by post-war emigration from the Soviet Union in the political and psychological struggle against the USSR. The project supports and strengthens an émigré organization, located in Germany, which was organized and has been controlled by the Agency. This organization engages in psychological warfare and encourages defection by assisting emigres both in the field and from its United States Chapter

The American Chapter of AEVIRGIL was organized in New York on 11 September 1954. The value of AEVIRGIL as an attributable source and working mechanism for our psychological warfare operations is considerably enhanced by the formation and organization of active chapters in areas with an USSR émigré concentration. Activization of such chapters accord AEVIRGIL the propaganda effect of international authenticity which increases the organization's appeal to the potential defector. An active contribution on the part of the American Chapter, membership to the work of the parent organization maintains their interest and motivation in the anti-Soviet cause and affords the opportunity to build a cadre of reserves for possible future assignment with the parent project..."




Th American Chapter of AEVIRGIL was based in New York, where the Oswalds are met by Spas Todorov Raikin Secretary General, American Friends of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc Of Nations, a Gehlen Organization front organization.


Then the Oswalds end up in a White Russian émigré network, headed up by Nazi intelligence agent George de Mohrenschildt?


Nothing to see here, move along.

Edited by Robert Montenegro
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I am confused by the responses to this thread.

Is there a doubt that an important faction in the MICC helped finance, rescue, repatriate, and put to use prominent Nazis after the war?

Is there a doubt that our intelligence faction helped to preserve stolen Nazi and Japanese gold and other stolen wealth for the secret use of the intelligence services. their wealthy corporate clients and the prominent Nazis after the war?

Is it surprising that these same Nazis, with their considerable experience and talents, would not be put to use in the post-war "Cold War" against the Soviets and to further the exploitation of others around the world?

Is it surprising that some of the actions we consider heinous and unthinkable that were done in our name, or at least by people working for our government like MK Ultra, LSD tests, assassinations, coup d'etats, drug running, false flag operations, setting up secret operations like Gladio, controlling the media, taking over actions, like the Marshall Plan for just one example, and using them as a cover for nefarious purposes, destroying the reputation of people who oppose this faction, and generally lying about all of their actions?

Finally, it is a surprise that the same faction in the MICC, would organize the assassination and posthumous destruction of the reputation of those it considered seriously threatening their plans?

These are the same people who recommended defenestration as a good method to get rid of one's enemies in their manual. IMO, no POTUS since Kennedy has seriously challenged this cabal. And they have mastered the art of getting people like us to get caught up in the small details at the expense of the larger issues, as Vincent rightly Salandria pointed out. 

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Further, I admire Fletcher Prouty's courage in coming forward with his revelations about the actions of the "secret team". But I think we need to understand his motives and goals in doing so. We need to ask about what he says and what he does not say in his work. To do so is not to question his motives or to impugn his reputation. I do not believe that the term "limited hangout" is an attack on Prouty's integrity, as I stated in my last post. A limited hangout is the way intelligence people present information when they are uncertain as to what the audience for their information already knows. It challenges us to read more carefully and to observe the clues they leave for us. I do not believe that the choice is either to accept Prouty at face value or to condemn him as a fraud. That is a false choice. The real choice is to try to dig deeper into his account and connect it with the other historical facts and insights we have collectively uncovered over the past decades. 


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6 minutes ago, David Cooper said:

I am confused by the responses to this thread.

Is there a doubt that an important faction in the MICC helped finance, rescue, repatriate, and put to use prominent Nazis after the war?

Is there a doubt that our intelligence faction helped to preserve stolen Nazi and Japanese gold and other stolen wealth for the secret use of the intelligence services. their wealthy corporate clients and the prominent Nazis after the war?

Is it surprising that these same Nazis, with their considerable experience and talents, would not be put to use in the post-war "Cold War" against the Soviets and to further the exploitation of others around the world?

Is it surprising that some of the actions we consider heinous and unthinkable that were done in our name, or at least by people working for our government like MK Ultra, LSD tests, assassinations, coup d'etats, drug running, false flag operations, setting up secret operations like Gladio, controlling the media, taking over actions, like the Marshall Plan for just one example, and using them as a cover for nefarious purposes, destroying the reputation of people who oppose this faction, and generally lying about all of their actions?

Finally, it is a surprise that the same faction in the MICC, would organize the assassination and posthumous destruction of the reputation of those it considered seriously threatening their plans?

These are the same people who recommended defenestration as a good method to get rid of one's enemies in their manual. IMO, no POTUS since Kennedy has seriously challenged this cabal. And they have mastered the art of getting people like us to get caught up in the small details at the expense of the larger issues, as Vincent rightly Salandria pointed out. 


I ask myself the same questions everyday.

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1 hour ago, Robert Montenegro said:


I am asking a bit much for you to read an academic article the proves with original documentation that Dr. Ernst W. Imfeld founder of PERMINDEX, was a Nazi intelligence agent, who ran Nazi front operations in Franco's Spain well into the late 1950's? 


Well, I guess I can't force you to read.


You got me there.



As far as Ruby is concerned with Nazis, in the months leading up to the murder of President Kennedy, he was next door neighbors to a man named George Alexandrovich Bouhe.


Bouhe was Marina Oswald’s English tutor, next door neighbor to Jack Ruby, and a member of the American Relief Commission, a CIA front by 1963, that was used by the Gehlen Organization as an information ratline to interview Soviet defectors, via a covert task-force called Project AEVIRGIL.


Just read the CIA mission statement for Project AEVIRGIL and tell me what it may have to do with Marina Oswald:




"...The objective of Project AEVIRGIL is to conserve, develop and utilize the unique human resource constituted by post-war emigration from the Soviet Union in the political and psychological struggle against the USSR. The project supports and strengthens an émigré organization, located in Germany, which was organized and has been controlled by the Agency. This organization engages in psychological warfare and encourages defection by assisting emigres both in the field and from its United States Chapter

The American Chapter of AEVIRGIL was organized in New York on 11 September 1954. The value of AEVIRGIL as an attributable source and working mechanism for our psychological warfare operations is considerably enhanced by the formation and organization of active chapters in areas with an USSR émigré concentration. Activization of such chapters accord AEVIRGIL the propaganda effect of international authenticity which increases the organization's appeal to the potential defector. An active contribution on the part of the American Chapter, membership to the work of the parent organization maintains their interest and motivation in the anti-Soviet cause and affords the opportunity to build a cadre of reserves for possible future assignment with the parent project..."




Th American Chapter of AEVIRGIL was based in New York, where the Oswalds are met by Spas Todorov Raikin Secretary General, American Friends of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc Of Nations, a Gehlen Organization front organization.


Then the Oswalds end up in a White Russian émigré network, headed up by Nazi intelligence agent George de Mohrenschildt?


Nothing to see here, move along.


You misunderstand me. 

I am not challenging that the CIA linked arms with Nazis and former Nazis. We agree to what ends (short version: the interests of multinational globalists, in the post-war era).

My point is we cannot exclude the actual JFKA may have been a small op of Cuban exiles, linked to JMWAVE.  

The exiled Cubans had agency also, and quite a bit of it post BoP. Many were trained in firearms and military tactics. Certainly capable. 

Side note: Ruby living next door to Bouhe does not make Ruby a de facto Nazi asset. For all we know, Ruby may have detested Bouhe, and probably detested Nazis. Ruby may not have known Bouhe beyond a neighborly nod, if that. 

My guess is Ruby was directed more by Mafia-CIA connections. 

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10 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


You misunderstand me. 

I am not challenging that the CIA linked arms with Nazis and former Nazis. We agree to what ends (short version: the interests of multinational globalists, in the post-war era).

My point is we cannot exclude the actual JFKA may have been a small op of Cuban exiles, linked to JMWAVE.  

The exiled Cubans had agency also, and quite a bit of it post BoP. Many were trained in firearms and military tactics. Certainly capable. 

Side note: Ruby living next door to Bouhe does not make Ruby a de facto Nazi asset. For all we know, Ruby may have detested Bouhe, and probably detested Nazis. Ruby may not have known Bouhe beyond a neighborly nod, if that. 

My guess is Ruby was directed more by Mafia-CIA connections. 


Understood and my apologies

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3 hours ago, David Cooper said:

I am confused by the responses to this thread.

Is there a doubt that an important faction in the MICC helped finance, rescue, repatriate, and put to use prominent Nazis after the war?

Is there a doubt that our intelligence faction helped to preserve stolen Nazi and Japanese gold and other stolen wealth for the secret use of the intelligence services. their wealthy corporate clients and the prominent Nazis after the war?

Is it surprising that these same Nazis, with their considerable experience and talents, would not be put to use in the post-war "Cold War" against the Soviets and to further the exploitation of others around the world?

Is it surprising that some of the actions we consider heinous and unthinkable that were done in our name, or at least by people working for our government like MK Ultra, LSD tests, assassinations, coup d'etats, drug running, false flag operations, setting up secret operations like Gladio, controlling the media, taking over actions, like the Marshall Plan for just one example, and using them as a cover for nefarious purposes, destroying the reputation of people who oppose this faction, and generally lying about all of their actions?

Finally, it is a surprise that the same faction in the MICC, would organize the assassination and posthumous destruction of the reputation of those it considered seriously threatening their plans?

These are the same people who recommended defenestration as a good method to get rid of one's enemies in their manual. IMO, no POTUS since Kennedy has seriously challenged this cabal. And they have mastered the art of getting people like us to get caught up in the small details at the expense of the larger issues, as Vincent rightly Salandria pointed out. 

Well said.  Though I am guilty of getting caught up in the small details.  Coup has made me wonder if Dulles, and Angleton might have utilized Skorzeny.

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