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The Biden/CIA Attempt to Usurp authority over the JFK Records

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I have to say that I agree Mart.

It is kind of startling.

The JFK Act had such strong support back when it was passed.

But now, barely a whimper that I can detect. 

Even though, it really appears, that it has been violated.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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Two intel officers in the cabinet?


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Some more info from Morley. 

The Latest From JFK Facts

What the Mary Ferrell Foundation Has Achieved

Lawsuit against President Biden and National Archives opens path to significant JFK revelations


The Mary Ferrell Foundation’s lawsuit against President Biden and the National Archives for failure to enforce the JFK Records Act is underway. Attorneys for the Foundation and the Justice Department will confer with Judge Richard Seeborg later this month about the taking of depositions and the question of discovery.

The foundation is represented by Bill Simpich and co-counsel Larry Schnapf.

[Support the Mary Ferrell Foundation with a tax-deductible donation here.]

Thanks to Seeborg’s July 14 decision, the Foundation will be able to challenge the continuing secrecy around JFK records in three key areas:

  • CIA claims of secrecy around JFK files created in the 1970s by the Senate’s Church Committee and the House Select Committee on Assassinations 

  • Destruction of JFK records in the 1990s by the Secret Service and other federal agencies

  • Correcting, completing, and updating the National Archives’ faulty index of JFK assassination records

The first two subjects of the lawsuit could yield significant new information about President John F. Kennedy’s assassination and the cover-up that followed. The third should vastly improve public access to the historical records of Kennedy’s murder.

The latest JFK releases already have generated significant new revelations about the events of 1963, including the discovery of the CIA’s secret JFK investigation and the first-ever identification of the CIA man who read Oswald’s mail.

The mainstream media is belatedly waking up to JFK realities. The New York Times is paying attention.

And it’s all because of the Mary Ferrell Foundation. For more about this historic lawsuit, visit the JFK Records Lawsuit page.

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Oliver Stone and Zach Sklar chime in:



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