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Why the SGA timetable holds the key to solving the murder mystery

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You need to reread what you write Mervyn.  It is tedious to try to respond to words which you write but then, in your view only, become invisible and “vanish”.    Like you think the Florida operation did.  

Edited by Cory Santos
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My name is self-evident and so is the name of this thread. If you persist in obvious personal attacks instead of responding to points raised in the threads, then I will have no choice but to draw the attention of Moderators to that kind of behavior. According to the Terms and Conditions what you are doing is clearly in breach of the spirit of this Forum. This will be my last warning.

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1 minute ago, Mervyn Hagger said:

My name is self-evident and so is the name of this thread. If you persist in obvious personal attacks instead of responding to points raised in the threads, then I will have no choice but to draw the attention of Moderators to that kind of behavior. According to the Terms and Conditions what you are doing is clearly in breach of the spirit of this Forum. This will be my last warning.

Good gosh I didn't think the tone would ever fall off the cliff this bad. Talk about driving away interest in the JFKA this is a good way to do it. 

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The SGA timeline is important because of events that both come before and after its creation. It would have been helpful if one of the contributors had already added the actual dates when this modified group came into existence, and why the personal involvement of Robert F. Kennedy in the activities of the Special Group, is so important to an understanding of related events within the same period of time.

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There seem to be a handful of people who have studied the case and performed their own research, and the reason I am here is because of the few such as Gary Murr and Larry Hancock. Yesterday, I renewed my paid subscription to Mary Ferrell's service for this same reason. Right now I am following the career testimony of Thomas Parrott and his account of how the SGA came into existence. It was from the book 'PsyWars' which included a memo from Robert Kennedy about a ship, that I learned of the connections to McLendon (who was an advisor to the CIA's Radio Free Europe), and from Gary about the CIA connections to the Olga Patricia, whose history is documented at the Mary Ferrell site. It would be helpful if more people examined the evidence that already exists, rather than the situation in which a lot of people seem to have knee-jerk emotional opinions that they plaster everywhere. Over the years I am sure that some provable conclusions relating to aspects of the events surrounding the murder of JFK have been proven beyond reasonable doubt, but they are now buried under piles and piles of worthless words in repeating threads. Maybe a topic with threads could be created to follow courtroom procedure that would reveal the trees instead of the same dark wood.

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