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Another look at the "Backyard Photographs" --- Part I

Gil Jesus

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56 minutes ago, Gil Jesus said:

Don't even get me started on those ridiculous photos. What was a previously unseen backyard photo doing in Roscoe White's possession? Whats with the horizontal line running across Lee's chin? 

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The 7 H 215 reference (DPD officer Henry Moore) indicates Ruth Paine leaving for grocery shopping while the officers searched was Saturday Nov 23, not Friday Nov 22.

There are miscellaneous possible indications someone was setting up Oswald in Dallas on the day of the assassination. One is two anonymous phone calls that day to both a journalist and the FBI saying that Oswald had had a rifle sighted in at the Irving Sport Shop a day or two earlier (did not use the name "Irving Sport Shop" but the caller described it and gave approximate location in such a way that its identification couldn't be missed). The anonymous caller was not content to anonymously phone in a tip to law enforcement but helpfully wanted journalists to know it too.

(In fact Oswald had had a scope reinstalled and sighted on the Mannlicher-Carcano at that shop, not a day or two before Nov 22 of the anonymous phone calls, but 11 days earlier, on the morning of Nov 11, 1963, in the company of Marina and their children and driving a car belonging to Michael Paine borrowed without permission while Ruth Paine was gone that day, and following which there is no evidence the rifle was returned to or was present again in Ruth Paine's garage, argued at https://www.scrollery.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Irving-Sport-Shop-109-pdf.pdf.) 

And, for whatever it is worth, in handwritten HSCA interview notes of former reporter in 1963 and then Dallas mayor Wes Wise, dated Jan 31, 1978 (no link on my printout but it is from a MFF file of Record Number 180-10108-10138): 

"Virgil McDaniel - (Capt-DPD). Rumor -- PD type -- "He took a call on 11/22/63 AM. "LHO will shoot JFK" -- since told another policeman "its true, but I'll deny it to the day I die'."

(A handwritten note in the margin of these interview notes, looking like it could possibly be from the same handwriting of identical block capital letters of the interview notes, has next to an arrow drawn connecting to "but I'll deny it...", this: "Officer Nick McDonald, WIT 2/2/64".)

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The HSCA Photographic Panel studied CE-133A, CE-133B, the negative of CE-133B and Oswald's camera (among many other items related to the photos, such as first generation prints of CE-133C).

The panel first performed a visual inspection of the photos, by use magnifiers and microscopes.  During this inspection, the panel made enlargements of the photos using various exposures and ranges of contrast.  These enlargements produced prints which ranged from very light to very dark.  In the darkest parts of the photos, the detail could be seen best in the lighter prints.  In the lightest parts of the photos, the detail could be seen best in the darker prints.  The panel felt this was the best opportunity of detecting any evidence of falsification anywhere in the pictures.

The panel also used digital image processing to determine if there were any unnatural edge lines or differences in grain structure or contrast.

Both photos (CE-133A and CE-133B) were also studied by the panel using stereoscopic techniques, which allowed the panel to see the photos in 3-D.  This method will detect forgeries in prints because it produces a photographic copy of a photograph.
 When viewed in stereo, these copies will not project a three-dimensional image unless made from different viewpoints along the same axis.  Retouching of the original photo can be detected when two photos depicting the same scene are viewed in stereo, the retouched print will not be on the same plane in which it should be lying; the items seen in the photo will be either in front of the plane or behind the plane.  Because of this, when viewed stereoscopically, fakery can easily be detected.

One final method the panel used to examine the photos was photogrammetrically.

Using all of these methods, the HSCA Photographic Panel detected no signs of forgery.


Edited by Bill Brown
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23 minutes ago, Greg Doudna said:

The 7 H 215 reference (DPD officer Henry Moore) indicates Ruth Paine leaving for grocery shopping while the officers searched was Saturday Nov 23, not Friday Nov 22.


I never said Ruth Paine leaving for grocery shopping was on Friday.


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15 minutes ago, Bill Brown said:


Using all of these methods, the HSCA Photographic Panel detected no signs of forgery.


Nobody ever said anything about the photos being forgeries. Part I of the the essay is about the Saturday search of the Paine residence.

My goodness, you ARE defensive, aren't you ?

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20 minutes ago, Bill Brown said:


The HSCA Photographic Panel studied CE-133A, CE-133B, the negative of CE-133B and Oswald's camera (among many other items related to the photos, such as first generation prints of CE-133C).

The panel first performed a visual inspection of the photos, by use magnifiers and microscopes.  During this inspection, the panel made enlargements of the photos using various exposures and ranges of contrast.  These enlargements produced prints which ranged from very light to very dark.  In the darkest parts of the photos, the detail could be seen best in the lighter prints.  In the lightest parts of the photos, the detail could be seen best in the darker prints.  The panel felt this was the best opportunity of detecting any evidence of falsification anywhere in the pictures.

The panel also used digital image processing to determine if there were any unnatural edge lines or differences in grain structure or contrast.

Both photos (CE-133A and CE-133B) were also studied by the panel using stereoscopic techniques, which allowed the panel to see the photos in 3-D.  This method will detect forgeries in prints because it produces a photographic copy of a photograph.
 When viewed in stereo, these copies will not project a three-dimensional image unless made from different viewpoints along the same axis.  Retouching of the original photo can be detected when two photos depicting the same scene are viewed in stereo, the retouched print will not be on the same plane in which it should be lying; the items seen in the photo will be either in front of the plane or behind the plane.  Because of this, when viewed stereoscopically, fakery can easily be detected.

One final method the panel used to examine the photos was photogrammetrically.

Using all of these methods, the HSCA Photographic Panel detected no signs of forgery.


The panel fudged the numbers to make the data go in their favor to say that the chin line was "Normal"

Now a days with photo shop and AI generated pictures it is very easy to see that the photo is a composite photo of Oswald's head on someone else's and very likely Roscoe White's body. How do you explain the fact that the math doesn't work when you measure the papers and rifle in the photo and Oswald. When the photo is enlarged to make the Carcano 42' long Oswald is not the correct height. The Fingers on the paper do not correspond with Oswalds.. There is a lot wrong with those photos.

The Demorenschidlt Photo with the wide background points toward the photo in the Imperial Camera being a literal photo copy.

Which is why the HSCA's analysis on the markings on the photo basically worthless. 


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32 minutes ago, Gil Jesus said:

I never said Ruth Paine leaving for grocery shopping was on Friday.

 Sorry, misunderstood, I see what you meant. I see you edited it to make it clearer. You had before from my printout:

"This means that the Dallas Police were alone on the property [on Nov 22], without any outside law officers present for at least 45 minutes (and maybe longer) before they called McCabe. And the homeowners, as well, would not be on the property when the photos were found. (7 H 209). A strange mutual trust. When they arrived, the Paines were getting ready to go food shopping and left the police alone on the property to conduct the search. (7 H 215)"

Reads now, clarified: "A strange mutual trust. When they arrived Saturday, the Paines were getting ready to go food shopping and left the police alone on the property..."

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28 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Oswald's head on someone else's and very likely Roscoe White's body.


The same Roscoe White who was found later to be in possession of the negative of a never-before seen backyard photo of "Oswald". Nefarious, shady, fill in the blank...

Edited by Charles Blackmon
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17 minutes ago, Greg Doudna said:

 Sorry, misunderstood, I see what you meant. I see you edited it to make it clearer. You had before from my printout:

"This means that the Dallas Police were alone on the property [on Nov 22], without any outside law officers present for at least 45 minutes (and maybe longer) before they called McCabe. And the homeowners, as well, would not be on the property when the photos were found. (7 H 209). A strange mutual trust. When they arrived, the Paines were getting ready to go food shopping and left the police alone on the property to conduct the search. (7 H 215)"

Reads now, clarified: "A strange mutual trust. When they arrived Saturday, the Paines were getting ready to go food shopping and left the police alone on the property..."

Yes I did edit it to make it clearer. I recognize you as a pretty smart guy and figured if I could confuse you, I could confuse others. If others were confused as to which day they went shopping, I apologize. It was Saturday. And that's the search this narrative is based on. My intent to mention the Friday search was only as a lead-in to the search on Saturday.

Edited by Gil Jesus
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Another example of confused language:


What does "they" refer to? It's ambiguous. The homeowners? The Paines? Or perhaps even the police?

No need to thank me. How many parts dare we hope for?

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1 hour ago, Gil Jesus said:

Nobody ever said anything about the photos being forgeries. Part I of the the essay is about the Saturday search of the Paine residence.


That would require me to actually go read your work.  If what I've read from you here on this forum is any indication, then no thanks.


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23 minutes ago, Mark Ulrik said:

Another example of confused language:


What does "they" refer to? It's ambiguous. The homeowners? The Paines? Or perhaps even the police?

No need to thank me. How many parts dare we hope for?

Well, let's see what makes sense:

The HOMEOWNERS and the PAINES are the same thing.

Since there's no evidence that the Paines arrived at their home on Saturday, that eliminates them.

Who arrived at the home on Saturday ?

The police. So when the POLICE arrived Saturday......

Your nit-picking of words harrassment is noted.

If you have any further problems with my essays, ask your CIA pals.

Or I can translate via Google.

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19 minutes ago, Bill Brown said:


That would require me to actually go read your work.  If what I've read from you here on this forum is any indication, then no thanks.


I post official documents, reports, testimony, exhibits and records.

I post videos from the witnesses in their own words.

I can see why you ignore my postings: You fear my posts.

Sometimes it's more advantageous to run from the evidence rather than to face it.

Just make believe it doesn't exist. 

Denial is a terrible thing.

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