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Groubert Says Paul Landis Is "Handled" by Jim Robenalt

Benjamin Cole

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Groubert is smart, but also a showman, and likes to weave tales for effect. The above is a short clip. 

Still...is it likely the the 88-year-old Landis, who never wrote anything longer than a memo in his life, is the real author of his book? Or Robenalt?

(Robenalt is the author of four books, btw). 

OK, so Robenalt really wrote the book, and talked to Landis.

Who knows how this will play out. The book is timed to the 60th anniversary. 

Is Robenalt an earnest co-author...or something else? 


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Who cares if Groubert displays some showmanship in his presentations.

So did Mort Sahl!

He's easier to watch and listen to not just because he really has interesting and imo insightful takes on so many JFKA related issues but also because he injects some humor into them that I personally find intelligently funny.

I really like what Groubert has to say regards this Ropenalt guy. Ropenalt's background is so clearly revealing of what Groupert suggests.

Landis seems clueless and guided.

Someone big behind the scenes has created, financed and is running this whole "bombshell" book affair and probably for the reasons Groupert suggests.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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52 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

Who cares if Groubert displays some showmanship in his presentations.

So did Mort Sahl!

He's easier to watch and listen to not just because he really has interesting and imo insightful takes on so many JFKA related issues but also because he injects some humor into them that I personally find intelligently funny.

I really like what Groubert has to say regards this Ropenalt guy. Ropenalt's background is so clearly revealing of what Groupert suggests.

Landis seems clueless and guided.

Someone big behind the scenes has created, financed and is running this whole "bombshell" book affair and probably for the reasons Groupert suggests.



Oh, I like Groubert, but he does play fast and loose with the facts sometimes. 

I would say we should be skeptical regarding the origins of the Landis book...but is it really a Deep State plant, in fact? 

I would like to see a hard but fair interview of Robenalt. 

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So, what is going to come of Landis's so-called bombshell JFK limo full bullet finding and JFK gurney planting claims story outside of it giving his book a higher sales volume boost?

It will not inspire any new investigative efforts.

It will not inspire any major debate or discussion on national radio, TV or even on the internet. No major media newspaper editorials.

It will be old and forgotten news in one month or so. 

American's under the age of 50 who may see or hear about this Landis book will simply be more confused as ever regards what they may have read or heard about the JFKA and the "Magic Bullet" story the last 50 years.

A non-important nothing burger in their more immediate need tackling priority daily lives.

Not one person who might have seen or otherwise known what Landis claims he found and did and given his story even a little corroboration is even alive.

His story is impossible to prove or disprove.

It's as fleetingly gripping as a National Enquirer headline story.

His publisher should have added to the book title the word "Killing."

Bill O'Reilly has made a fortune ( over $20,000,000 ) selling his line of books, all of which have the word "Killing" in their titles. It's a good gimmick! Really grabs the reader.

Landis should have latched onto O'Reilly's shtick.

His book would probably be a much better seller if it's title was something like

"Killing The Magic Bullet Myth."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           



Edited by Joe Bauer
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7 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Landis should have latched onto O'Reilly's shtick. His book would probably be a much better seller if its title was something like...."Killing The Magic Bullet Myth." 

Mr. Landis is now, in 2023, clearly not a person who believes in the Single-Bullet Theory. And as such, I can't help but wonder why the blurb pictured below still occupies space on Landis' book page at Amazon.com?

Landis has stated in some of his interviews this month that he thinks Lee Oswald WAS, indeed, the sole assassin in Dallas. But, as all of us here at The Education Forum know, if the SBT goes down the tubes, then it's almost impossible (barring some kind of miracle) for there to have been only one shooter in Dealey Plaza.

Which means that Mr. Landis is simply not very well-informed when it comes to certain things relating to the assassination (e.g., the timing of the gunshots and analysis of the Zapruder Film).


Perhaps Mr. Landis has another "bombshell" waiting for us when his book is released on October 10th, 2023, and perhaps he's going to tell us how (in his opinion) Lee Harvey Oswald was able to assassinate JFK all by himself but WITHOUT the Single-Bullet Theory being a part of the equation.

Because without some sort of explanation to logically and reasonably explain to his readers how the Lone Assassin scenario is still valid (even without the SBT), then this blurb below doesn't make much sense at all....



Edited by David Von Pein
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37 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

Mr. Landis is now, in 2023, clearly not a person who believes in the Single-Bullet Theory. And as such, I can't help but wonder why the blurb pictured below still occupies space on Landis' book page at Amazon.com?

Landis has stated in some of his interviews this month that he thinks Lee Oswald WAS, indeed, the sole assassin in Dallas. But, as all of us here at The Education Forum know, if the SBT goes down the tubes, then it's almost impossible (barring some kind of miracle) for there to have been only one shooter in Dealey Plaza.

Which means that Mr. Landis is simply not very well-informed when it comes to certain things relating to the assassination (e.g., the timing of the gunshots and analysis of the Zapruder Film).


Perhaps Mr. Landis has another "bombshell" waiting for us when his book is released on October 10th, 2023, and perhaps he's going to tell us how (in his opinion) Lee Harvey Oswald was able to assassinate JFK all by himself but WITHOUT the Single-Bullet Theory being a part of the equation.

Because without some sort of explanation to logically and reasonably explain to his readers how the Lone Assassin scenario is still valid (even without the SBT), then this blurb below doesn't make much sense at all....




But there were a number of people who publicly eschewed JFKA conspiracy theories, but then defined the assassination as something not possible  with a lone gunman armed with single-shot bolt-action rifle. 

Gov. Connally and Senator Richard Russell come to mind. 

Then we have HSCA chief counsel Robert Blakey, who said there was a conspiracy but the SBT was correct!

(AFAIK, no one has ever informed Blakey of the small round bullet hole in the rear of Gov. JBC's assassination-day shirt, which demolishes the "tumbling bullet" theory. Blakely cited JBCs large wound as proof of the tumbling bullet, and ergo the SBT. Perhaps so informed, and now un-enchanted with the CIA, Blakey would disavow the SBT.)

Sadly, the Landis revelation does not appear provable. Even if he passed a lie detector test, those are mostly 20th-century witchcraft. 

Robenalt's role in the Landis book is interesting. Could another handler of Landis brought forward a more-convincing tale? 




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On 9/28/2023 at 9:00 PM, Benjamin Cole said:

Robenalt's role in the Landis book is interesting. Could another handler of Landis brought forward a more-convincing tale? 

I just noticed today that James Robenalt has a Wikipedia page, and on that Wiki page we find this (FWIW):

"Robenhalt [sic] helped former Secret Service agent Paul Landis "process his memories" of the JFK Assassination, enabling Landis to write his memoir The Final Witness (2023)."

The source used for the above quote is Peter Baker's recent [September 2023] New York Times article, which can't be accessed unless you pay for it (which is typical for NYT online material).*

But the term "process his memories" is quite interesting, isn't it?

* EDIT --- You can get around the paywall by accessing the Wayback Machine version of the article, here.


Edited by David Von Pein
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2 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

I just noticed today that James Robenalt has a Wikipedia page, and on that Wiki page we find this (FWIW):

"Robenhalt [sic] helped former Secret Service agent Paul Landis "process his memories" of the JFK Assassination, enabling Landis to write his memoir The Final Witness (2023)."

The source used for the above quote is Peter Baker's recent [September 2023] New York Times article, which (of course) can't be accessed unless you pay for it.

But the term "process his memories" is quite interesting, isn't it?


Verily. Groubert brought up the same phrasing. 

One can imagine sinister or commercial interests raising ugly heads. 

Robenalt: "Now, Landis, didn't you really find the complete missile on top of the rear seat of the limo? Think again, wasn't it there?" 

Of course, maybe Robenalt played it fair and square. Innocent until proven guilty. 

I think it is fair to say Robenalt likely wrote the Landis book. 


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24 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I think it is fair to say Robenalt likely wrote the Landis book. 

I certainly wouldn't go that far, Ben.

In the NBC interview below, Robenalt specifically said this:

"Well, first of all, the book was done when I read it. He [Paul Landis] had completed the book."

This would imply, of course, that Mr. Robenalt didn't write a thing within the covers of Landis' book. Or do you, Benjamin, think that Robenalt was just being clever, tricky, evasive, and untruthful there? (The quote I mentioned comes up at the 18:30 mark in the NBC News video below. And Robenalt also says he acquired his pre-release copy of Landis' book from his [Robenalt's] publisher, which is the same publishing company that is putting out Landis' book--Chicago Review Press.)


Edited by David Von Pein
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2 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

Mr. Landis is now, in 2023, clearly not a person who believes in the Single-Bullet Theory. And as such, I can't help but wonder why the blurb pictured below still occupies space on Landis' book page at Amazon.com?

Landis has stated in some of his interviews this month that he thinks Lee Oswald WAS, indeed, the sole assassin in Dallas. But, as all of us here at The Education Forum know, if the SBT goes down the tubes, then it's almost impossible (barring some kind of miracle) for there to have been only one shooter in Dealey Plaza.

Which means that Mr. Landis is simply not very well-informed when it comes to certain things relating to the assassination (e.g., the timing of the gunshots and analysis of the Zapruder Film).


Perhaps Mr. Landis has another "bombshell" waiting for us when his book is released on October 10th, 2023, and perhaps he's going to tell us how (in his opinion) Lee Harvey Oswald was able to assassinate JFK all by himself but WITHOUT the Single-Bullet Theory being a part of the equation.

Because without some sort of explanation to logically and reasonably explain to his readers how the Lone Assassin scenario is still valid (even without the SBT), then this blurb below doesn't make much sense at all....



David- I am starting to wonder if the whole bullet business was a late edition to the manuscript and the book WAS going to be an Oswald-did-it book...then Landis realized he needed something "sexy" (for lack of a better word) to help sell the book, as it languished in the 500K range in pre-order will zero buzz. When I posted about his upcoming book months ago, there were "crickets" LOL- no one seemed to care.

This reminds me of the dubious "I-almost-shot-LBJ" pre-order hype for Blaine's book that was EVERYWHERE and definitely helped that book in pre-order: a "sexy" story that cannot be proven or disproven (it would seem). Otherwise, without it, Blaine was an unknown agent and a first time author. At least Landis is known to a certain extent, although his book was pretty much "dead" for months until the bullet story became all the rage.

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On 9/28/2023 at 9:54 PM, Benjamin Cole said:

Groubert brought up the same phrasing. 

But I can't find any reference to that phrasing ("process his memories") on the Amazon page for Landis' book, which is where Mr. Groubert says he saw it. It's just not there. So I have no idea what Groubert is talking about there (as that phrase relates to the "Amazon pre-order page" anyway.)

Edit --- I just checked the Canada and U.K. Amazon sites too. It's not on those pages either.

Maybe Groubert is mixing up his source for the "process his memories" quote. It's definitely not on the Amazon page(s), but evidently is (per Wiki) in the NYT article written by Peter Baker. [EDIT -- I later confirmed that the quote is, indeed, in the Baker article.]


Edited by David Von Pein
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1 hour ago, David Von Pein said:

But I can't find any reference to that phrasing ("process his memories") on the Amazon page for Landis' book, which is where Mr. Groubert says he saw it. It's just not there. So I have no idea what Groubert is talking about there (as that phrase relates to the "Amazon pre-order page" anyway.)

Edit --- I just checked the Canada and U.K. Amazon sites too. It's not on those pages either.

Maybe Groubert is mixing up his source for the "process his memories" quote. It's definitely not on the Amazon page(s), but evidently is (per Wiki) in the NYT article written by Peter Baker.



In response to all your comments---

Groubert reasonably asked, what 88-year-old writes a whole book, especially an octogenarian (soon to graduate) who never wrote a book, or even a magazine article before? 

Of course, a book can become so heavily edited as to become written by the editor (Robenalt). 

It would be nice to see the original manuscript, by Landis. If "a whole bullet was in the limo" was in an original hand-written manuscript, that might be informative. 

Also, I guess this is the storyline for public consumption: Landis, who never authored a book before, approaches Chicago Review Press, and offers to write a JFKA book or presents a completed manuscript.

They say "yes." Later, Robenalt is brought in to help, and he helps Landis "process memories." 

I guess a tough but fair question for Robenalt would be, "In Landis' original, unedited manuscript, did he clearly write about finding a whole slug in the presidential limo, that later came to be identified as CE399? And can we see the original manuscript?" 

Palamara's concerns about finding a sexy angle to stuff into the book to boost sales are valid. 

BTW, if we believe OP Wright, an ex-cop, the slug found in Parkland was a pointy-head bullet. Landis says the slug he found looked like CE399. 

So it goes....

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48 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Of course, a book can become so heavily edited as to become written by the editor (Robenalt). 

You could be right. I really have no idea. I know absolutely nothing about a certain Mr. James Robenalt. Never heard of him prior to September 9, 2023, when his Vanity Fair piece came out. And I certainly have been critical of Mr. Landis' new and incredible story. I simply don't believe he found a "whole bullet". I think he probably found a "fragment" (just as he said to the press way back in 1983), and then that "fragment" was embellished by Landis (for whatever unknown reason) into becoming whole bullet CE399.

But as far as Jim Robenalt is concerned --- as of right now, I'll choose to believe him when he said on NBC-TV:

"The book was done when I read it. He [Paul Landis] had completed the book."

This EF thread reminds me of the rumors that were circulating in July of 2007 when several CTers had the very silly idea that Vince Bugliosi's book "Reclaiming History" had been ghostwritten by multiple different authors:



Edited by David Von Pein
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15 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

"Robenhalt [sic] helped former Secret Service agent Paul Landis "process his memories" of the JFK Assassination, enabling Landis to write his memoir The Final Witness (2023)."

I'm sorry, but the above quote made me laugh out loud.

Robenhalt helped Paul Landis ... "process his memories?"

I pictured Robenhalt ( and a "helper/associate" ?) seating Landis down into a big, soft leather, back lowered recliner in a darkened room and saying:

"Now Paul ... I want you to close your eyes. Close your eyes ... and relax."

"Relax Paul ... that's it ... relax your mind"

"That's it ... relaaax."

"Now listen to the tick-tock of the clock on the wall Paul ... tick-tock ... tick-tock ... tick-tock ... that's it ... relaaax."

"Now, you're going back in time Paul - back in time. Back to November 22nd, 1963, in Dallas, Texas ... back to riding through a sunny bright and warm Dealey Plaza and standing on the outside footrest of your big SS car."

"Now Paul, tell us what you are seeing ... hearing ... feeling?"

"Now you've arrived at Parkland hospital Paul. What are you seeing ... feeling ... doing?"

"You see a lighter on the back seat of the presidential limo? Jackie Kennedy's pink hat as well? You pick them up?

What else do you see Paul? What else ... remember!

"GD it ... what else did you find in or on that back seat Paul?"

Sometimes after years of heavy and sometimes depressing serious thought and study of the JFKA, you gotta take a break ... and laugh.

Can't believe how the main MSM is lapping this particular story up and hugely reporting it with such continuous hyped-up serious coverage. Especially when it is so unprovable.

Again I say that someone wanting this weakly credible story and book to get the ridiculously over-reported coverage it is getting sure has a big in with some very powerful news editors of our most powerful MSM entities.







Edited by Joe Bauer
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7 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

I'm sorry, but the above quote made me laugh out loud.

Robenhalt helped Paul Landis ... "process his memories?"

I pictured Robenhalt ( and a "helper/associate" ?) seating Landis down into a big, soft leather, back lowered recliner in a darkened room and saying:

"Now Paul ... I want you to close your eyes. Close your eyes ... and relax."

"Relax Paul ... that's it ... relax your mind"

"That's it ... relaaax."

"Now listen to the tick-tock of the clock on the wall Paul ... tick-tock ... tick-tock ... tick-tock ... that's it ... relaaax."

"Now, you're going back in time Paul - back in time. Back to November 22nd, 1963, in Dallas, Texas ... back to riding through a sunny bright and warm Dealey Plaza and standing on the outside footrest of your big SS car."

"Now Paul, tell us what you are seeing ... hearing ... feeling?"

"Now you've arrived at Parkland hospital Paul. What are you seeing ... feeling ... doing?"

"You see a lighter on the back seat of the presidential limo? Jackie Kennedy's pink hat as well? You pick them up?

What else do you see Paul? What else ... remember!

"GD it ... what else did you find in or on that back seat Paul?"

Sometimes after years of heavy and sometimes depressing serious thought and study of the JFKA, you gotta take a break ... and laugh.

Can't believe how the main MSM is lapping this particular story up and hugely reporting it with such continuous hyped-up serious coverage. Especially when it is so unprovable.

Again I say that someone wanting this weakly credible story and book to get the ridiculously over-reported coverage it is getting sure has a big in with some very powerful news editors of our most powerful MSM entities.








I won't be surprised if something happens, and Landis suddenly remembers he does not remember finding the bullet in the limo, and so the whole CT crowd will be ridiculed and "debunked" again....

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