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Jeff Sachs is Quite Good on JFK

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I usually do not like Hedges, but in this he let the subject of the interview talk.

And Jeff Sachs did a really nice job.  I think this if for the 60th and if so its a good start. He even says the CIA killed JFK over peace.

I especially like the way he contrasted what JFK was doing vs what the current Democratic Party is about.  Its become the war party.


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6 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

I usually do not like Hedges, but in this he let the subject of the interview talk.

And Jeff Sachs did a really nice job.  I think this if for the 60th and if so its a good start. He even says the CIA killed JFK over peace.

I especially like the way he contrasted what JFK was doing vs what the current Democratic Party is about.  Its become the war party.


The ideas of "loyal opposition" or "loyal dissent" have been wiped off the US political map. 

You must drink party kool-aid, red or blue, or be called a nazi or Marxist, a naive weakling or a Moscow stooge.

The D-Party used to host a faction more geared to peace, although it was LBJ who marched the US into Vietnam, and let's face it, the party today has been completely co-opted by the DC Deep State war-blob.

The JFKA marked the beginning of the end for a non-interventionist, non-globalist US foreign, military and trade policy. 

You know the difference between HRC and Liz Cheney? Cheney wears glasses. 

The GOP has embraced every opportunity for war, with some recent exceptions. 

The JFKA, and RFKA, were fundamental to suffocating in the crib a better, less-interventionist, less-globalist approach to the world. 

In the name of globalization, US leaders got the nation in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, and Detroitified the industrial base. Brought in tens of millions of illegal and desperate migrants to bash labor and wages. 

Elites benefitted, and the military provided a global guard service for multinationals (at taxpayer expense). 

What happened to the middle- and employee classes? 





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5 hours ago, Bob Ness said:

Mods... Here we go again. This is BS.

This has nothing to do with the JFKA but is a convenient way to hook into a political argument.

I respectfully disagree. There is difference between history and a political argument. 

The JFKA was, of course, not only a murder but a political assassination. Should we limit our discussion to the mechanics of the JFKA? 

The JFKA is inherently a political topic. 

What were the motives of the JFK's assassins? Not of those who pulled the trigger, but those who paid for the bullets? 

It has been reasonably argued that the motive for the JFKA laid in a sought-after alteration of US foreign, military and trade policies. Into Vietnam, and confrontation with other world powers. 

JFK was moving towards US non-interventionism, a self-reliant nation. 

The globalists, who assassinated JFK, had a different vision of the future. They followed up with the RFKA. And who knows how many others chased from office. 

Should we not assess whether the globalists were successful after the JFKA and RFKA? 

I am arguing the globalists prevailed after the JFKA. 

That strikes me as history, not politics. 


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22 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

I usually do not like Hedges, but in this he let the subject of the interview talk.

And Jeff Sachs did a really nice job.  I think this if for the 60th and if so its a good start. He even says the CIA killed JFK over peace.

I especially like the way he contrasted what JFK was doing vs what the current Democratic Party is about.  Its become the war party.


This is terrific.

The progressive academic community is finally grasping, and discussing, the truth about JFK's assassination-- the truth that has long been exposed by marginalized independent researchers-- including Oliver Stone, et.al.

Unfortunately, Jeffrey Sachs, himself, has generally been marginalized by our mainstream media.

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