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"Two Shooters Killed Kennedy"

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I wonder if this was written by Dawna Kaufman. She interviewed me once about RFK and it ended up in The Enquirer. She then went on to co-write a bunch of books with Cyril Wecht. 

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Notice how The Enquirer has the wrong SS agent circled. They've got William McIntyre circled, not Paul Landis.

Oh brother. LOL.

It's also good to know that a few of Donald Trump's long-lost relatives have finally been found....

"Alien Mummies Found In Mine!"


Edited by David Von Pein
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1 hour ago, David Von Pein said:

Notice how The Enquirer has the wrong SS agent circled. They've got William McIntyre circled, not Paul Landis.

Oh brother. LOL.

It's also good to know that a few of Donald Trump's long-lost relatives have finally been found....

"Alien Mummies Found In Mine!"


And why is the Puppet-Dictator-in-Chief Biden still suppressing the JFK Records? 

Bona fide national security concerns? 

Even those lulus at the National Enquirer don't buy that...although legacy media accepts it. 

Biden's actions of fishier than a Star Kist tuna factory, and I smell a rat. 

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

And why is the Puppet-Dictator-in-Chief Biden still suppressing the JFK Records?

Do you remember that old commercial "This is your brain...this is your brain on drugs...any questions?"

Well,the Director for the CIA showed President Biden the Zapruder film and then asked.... "any questions?"

Edited by Michael Crane
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12 hours ago, Vince Palamara said:

Ok, so it came from The National Inquirer...


May be an image of 6 people and text that says 'teeth! Three fingers, ALIEN NOTALONE! FALLON KUNIS Toxic Fallon' Ashton & Mila TWISTED CANCELED IN DOUBLE LIFE SCIENTOLOGY KUTCHER REVEALED! RAPE SCANDAL! FOUND IN MINE! DANNY NATIONAL MASTERSON Motorcade DALLAS, ENQUIRER TEXAS 22, 1963 bodyguard EXPOSES the TRUTH! PRESIDENT BIDEN PAUL LANDIS SECRET RVICE TWO SHOOTERS KILLED KENNEDY! Gov't Why Biden Magic OCTOBER OCTOBER2,2023 $5.99US COVER-UP REFUSES to release bullet was explodes! assassination files! a HOAX!'

May be an image of 2 people and text


May be an image of 4 people and text that says 'Continuedfro page27 into ER! comes brought ordered JFK Jackie romher 54018 not documents toward president delay," hiding cabal istorian, Biden Landis chief bungled Landis makes without another moment's compelled story stretcher! Warren Commission's finding that then being scandals. acced "Now Landis initially DALLAS ER NURSE BACKS AGENT'S BULLET BOMBSHELL! there apparently bullet dying Phyllis Parkland gunshot wounds. seen NATIONAL ENQUIRER OCTOBER2,202 answer that personnel MOST TALKED ABOUT MAGAZINE'


It's been a while, but my impression is that the Warren Commission went to enormous lengths to (pretend) that the stretcher from which Tomlinson retrieved the "magic bullet" could have been Connally's stretcher. Do I have that right? They were never able to show to anyone's satisfaction that the stretcher in question was, in fact, Connally's, right?

This National Enquirer story actually hangs together - it presents a coherent narrative:

1. Landis retrieves a bullet from the back seat of the limousine, pockets it, and then places it on Kennedy's stretcher as the president is being wheeled into Trauma Room One at Parkland.

2. Nurse Phyllis Hall sees the same bullet on Kennedy's stretcher, next to his head, lying at an odd angle if it fell out at skull wound, but in reality, exactly where Landis put it moments earlier.

3. Kennedy is lifted off the stretcher and on the operating table. No one in Trauma Room One pays any attention to that stretcher.

4. Kennedy's stretcher (with the Landis bullet still on it) is then placed in the hall where it is later seen by Tomlinson.

5. Tomlinson then turns over this stretcher bullet to O.P. Wright, who then notifies the Secret Service who eventually take it to Washington where it then, while in the hands of the FBI (miraculously) morphs into CE 399, the most infamous piece of ammunition in the history of the world. 

If this is correct, then Landis' story makes perfect sense. It also explains why the Warren Commission lawyers would NOT have wanted to call Landis as a witness. Even though (allegedly) he wrote no report on 11/22/63, I'll bet Landis verbally told others in the Secret Service about what he had found and what he did. If so, then no wonder that any such scuttlebutt was such a complete "no-go zone" for the Warren Commission. 

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2 hours ago, Paul Jolliffe said:


It's been a while, but my impression is that the Warren Commission went to enormous lengths to (pretend) that the stretcher from which Tomlinson retrieved the "magic bullet" could have been Connally's stretcher. Do I have that right? They were never able to show to anyone's satisfaction that the stretcher in question was, in fact, Connally's, right?

This National Enquirer story actually hangs together - it presents a coherent narrative:

1. Landis retrieves a bullet from the back seat of the limousine, pockets it, and then places it on Kennedy's stretcher as the president is being wheeled into Trauma Room One at Parkland.

2. Nurse Phyllis Hall sees the same bullet on Kennedy's stretcher, next to his head, lying at an odd angle if it fell out at skull wound, but in reality, exactly where Landis put it moments earlier.

3. Kennedy is lifted off the stretcher and on the operating table. No one in Trauma Room One pays any attention to that stretcher.

4. Kennedy's stretcher (with the Landis bullet still on it) is then placed in the hall where it is later seen by Tomlinson.

5. Tomlinson then turns over this stretcher bullet to O.P. Wright, who then notifies the Secret Service who eventually take it to Washington where it then, while in the hands of the FBI (miraculously) morphs into CE 399, the most infamous piece of ammunition in the history of the world. 

If this is correct, then Landis' story makes perfect sense. It also explains why the Warren Commission lawyers would NOT have wanted to call Landis as a witness. Even though (allegedly) he wrote no report on 11/22/63, I'll bet Landis verbally told others in the Secret Service about what he had found and what he did. If so, then no wonder that any such scuttlebutt was such a complete "no-go zone" for the Warren Commission. 

 Big problem. JFK was never lifted onto an operating table. He remained on the same stretcher he was wheeled in on the entire time he was at Parkland. 

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36 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

 Big problem. JFK was never lifted onto an operating table. He remained on the same stretcher he was wheeled in on the entire time he was at Parkland. 

That is an issue.

Pat, do you have a cite for that?

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