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Jim's review of Bart Kamp's Prayerman

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2 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


I was just responding to your criticisms of Bart Kamp's thesis.

It was only in my last sentence that I criticized you. It is my criticism and I'm sticking by it.   ;)


Each to his own, "no harm, no foul" (as the great Chick Hearn use to broadcast).  

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On 10/20/2023 at 5:14 AM, Ron Bulman said:

Hidell wasn't born until 11/23/1963?

There is QUIGLEY's report,  8/15/1963.  

Not sure about other documents being real (using the alias as a reference in a job application, etc)

PART FROM THE QUIGLEY REPORT DD 8/15/1963 (note : LHO allegedly had requested himself to speak to the FBI) :   NO 100-16601/cv 2 .......   apparently was a chapter of the "Fair Play For Cuba Committee" in Now Orleans, but lie did not know any of the members or where their offices were located . He said lie sent a letter to the headquarters of the "Fair Play For Cuba Committee," 799 Broadway, Now York City, together with $5 .00 and told them he wished to join this committee . During the latter part of May of this year he received a membership card in this organization which bore a date of May 28, 1963, and was made out in the Dams of LIX H. OSWALD and was signed by V . L. LEE. lie described this card as being gray in color and signifying membership in the national organization . A short time thereafter he said lie received in the mail a white card which showed that he was made a member of the New Orleans Chapter of the Fair Play For Cuba Committee . This card was dated June 6, 1963 . It was signed by A. J . Hidell, and it bore in the lower right hand corner the number 33 which he said indicated membership number . OSWALD had in his possession both cards and exhibited both of them. Since becoming a member of the national committee, OSWALD said that he has been receiving the monthly circular of the committee which is about seven pages in length . He claimed that he could not recall the name of this publication . Since receiving his membership card in the New Orleans chapter of the committee he said that he had spoken with HIDELL on the telephone on several occasions . On those occasions, HIDELL would discuss general matters of mutual interest in connection with committee business, and on other occasions he would inform him of a scheduled meeting . He said he has never personally met HIDELL, and he knows HIDELL did have a telephone, but it has now been discontinued . lie claimed that he could not recall what the number was . OSWALD said that the committee did not have any offices in New Orleans, and whenever meetings were held they were held in residences of various members . He maintained that lie had attended only two meetings of this COmmitl.ee, and at each of the meetings there were about five different individuals . At each of those meetings the persons present were different . He did not know the last names of any of these individuals and claimed he was only introduced to them by first names. He maintained that he could not recall any of the first names . From what he understands there are no regularly scheduled times for meetings, and the only way he knows about them is when somebody gives him a call and tells him there will be a meeting . At these meetings he said the general conversation.... (emphasis added)

Edited by Jean Ceulemans
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On 10/19/2023 at 4:09 PM, Anthony Thorne said:

I agree, a great review. When I'm slightly more cashed up than I am this minute, I'll be getting that book.

You can get the Kindle version on Amazon for only $9.99. 

It is a very good, and a very important, book. 

And Jim did a good job with his review of it.

BTW, Kamp did a 97-minute video on his findings, and it's available on YouTube: LINK.


Edited by Michael Griffith
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What Bart means is that the DPD did not know about this that day.

The FBI had this and the theory is this is what they used to put together the story in Chicago. 

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Until fairly recently, I resisted Bart Kamp's conclusions because I thought that the police and/or the FBI would not have been dumb enough to invent the second-floor Oswald-Baker encounter due to the severe problems it poses for the lone-gunman theory. But, the more I've thought about it, and the more I've reviewed Kamp's research, the more I have come to see that he has a strong case and that the second-floor encounter may well have been fabricated.

I am going to markedly revise my article "Where Was Oswald During the Shooting?" in light of Kamp's research. 

Edited by Michael Griffith
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On 10/26/2023 at 3:05 AM, Michael Griffith said:

You can get the Kindle version on Amazon for only $9.99. 

It is a very good, and a very important, book. 

And Jim did a good job with his review of it.

BTW, Kamp did a 97-minute video on his findings, and it's available on YouTube: LINK.


Michael. Thanks for the recommendation. In this instance I'd prefer the paperback (and I should be cashed up again soon) but if I can't string for it in the near future I will grab the Kindle.

I'm enjoying reading Kindle books much more on my iPad with the Kindle app, than I ever did with an actual Kindle. Much bigger screen.

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