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The dumbest Fox News interviewer ever asks Jim D. questions

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2 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

I'm not sure why you're being so hard on the interviewer, Brian Kilmeade.

Because he got the first and last name of his interview guest wrong. That was funny.

So was his dumb question "do you still think Oswald was involved?"


Edited by Richard Booth
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52 minutes ago, Marcus Fuller said:

Tattoo's and use of bad language? 😬


It's okay Marcus you're one of the good ones :P

I have a lot of friends with tattoos. Occam's Razor just says I'm a fuddy duddy.

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2 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

Why was this a "dumb" question? Why did asking this perfectly valid, and helpful, question make Brian "dumb"? 


Okay obviously you just want to argue, I can't take this seriously


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57 minutes ago, Richard Booth said:

Because he got the first and last name of his interview guest wrong. That was funny.

So was his dumb question "do you still think Oswald was involved?"

What exactly was dumb about asking Jim if he still thought that Oswald was involved? What? This was a TV interview for a general audience, not some specialized JFK assassination forum. And Brian posed the question in a neutral, non-combative manner. Indeed, it came across almost as a leading question. 

I suspect the main reason you're so hard on Brian is that he is a conservative journalist who works for Fox News.


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Just now, Michael Griffith said:

I suspect the main reason you're so hard on Brian is that he is a conservative journalist who works for Fox News.


Wrong. I didn't even know who he was. I haven't had cable since 2001 and I couldn't name a host of any modern TV program.

The reason it was dumb is obvious.

At any rate, you just want to argue and that is also obvious. 

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Just now, Richard Booth said:

Wrong. I didn't even know who he was. I haven't had cable since 2001 and I couldn't name a host of any modern TV program.

The reason it was dumb is obvious.

At any rate, you just want to argue and that is also obvious. 

In fact, after someone told me who he was I googled him and read his wikipedia page to see who he was.

Someone told me that he was a "well known idiot" which seems likely given he called his guest "John De-de-angeno" and your #1 responsibility when interviewing a guest is to know their name.

It's the same reason Biden looks like an idiot when he gets the names of his own staff and cabinet members wrong. He called Xavier Becerra "Mr. Bacharia" 

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And by the way @Michael GriffithI'm a Fellow at the Libertarian Institute, am registered as a Libertarian, I own guns, I'm a Christian, and I would never vote for a modern Democrat.

Care to take back your b.s. "waaaa you just don't like him because he's a conservative" accusation?  I am, after all, a conservative. I was hard on him because he's stupid.

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16 minutes ago, Richard Booth said:

And by the way @Michael GriffithI'm a Fellow at the Libertarian Institute, am registered as a Libertarian, I own guns, I'm a Christian, and I would never vote for a modern Democrat.

Care to take back your b.s. "waaaa you just don't like him because he's a conservative" accusation?  I am, after all, a conservative. I was hard on him because he's stupid.

What is ironic is that I will also get burned up for this. People who previously enjoyed our interactions or discussions will become cold due to preconceived notions relative to ideology.

It's one reason politics sucks and poisons everything, always. 

But if you put me on the political compass, I'm on the Conservative side. There are legions of Marxists on a social media platform who call me a fascist for not being far-left. It is what it is.

I find it both tedious, predictable, and sad that this always happens. More often than not people make an ass of themselves by assuming my positions on matters inconsequential to the discussion, such as where I might land on religion. Or abortion. Or traditional relationships. 

My closest research collaborators have been Roger G. Charles and Jesse Trentadue. Roger was a U.S. Marine who worked for Newsweek, 20/20, and 60 Minutes and was a staunch conservative. He passed away in 2022. Jesse Trentadue is an attorney who is also a conservative. Our last piece (about FBI FOIA non-compliance) was going to be published on Lew Rockwell, but we ran it on the Libertarian Institute instead. 

I get along with people of all political stripes because what we have in common in this fight is far more important than any perceived differences.

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57 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Brian Kilmeade isn't a journalist and Fox isn't news and there's really no healthy reason to pretend they are.

I agree with this and I am [technically] a Conservative.

In 2001 after I saw how the networks reacted to 9/11, I cancelled my cable subscription and since that time I never watch TV programs for news.  I only read print/online-text based reporting and try hard to examine multiple sources, and also look towards people whose intellectual capacity I respect to see what their analysis is.

In 2001, I was offended to see how the networks continuously showed footage of the planes hitting the towers and/or people jumping. It was thoughtless (re: how traumatic it might be to people) and seemed intent on whipping up hatred. 

I also noticed that Fox News began to position their cameras in such a way as to highlight the legs and tight-fitting clothes of their female hosts. Gone were the days of above-the-waist and we got these camera angles that obviously intentionally were appealing (in a subtle way) to males in the audience to the detriment of the females on the programs.

And that is just two examples, there are many that are probably far worse.

It was obvious to me that this Kilmeade was a dumb person (regardless of ones' ideological positions) and I agree with you.

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6 hours ago, Richard Booth said:

What is ironic is that I will also get burned up for this. People who previously enjoyed our interactions or discussions will become cold due to preconceived notions relative to ideology.

It's one reason politics sucks and poisons everything, always. 

But if you put me on the political compass, I'm on the Conservative side. There are legions of Marxists on a social media platform who call me a fascist for not being far-left. It is what it is.

I find it both tedious, predictable, and sad that this always happens. More often than not people make an ass of themselves by assuming my positions on matters inconsequential to the discussion, such as where I might land on religion. Or abortion. Or traditional relationships. 

My closest research collaborators have been Roger G. Charles and Jesse Trentadue. Roger was a U.S. Marine who worked for Newsweek, 20/20, and 60 Minutes and was a staunch conservative. He passed away in 2022. Jesse Trentadue is an attorney who is also a conservative. Our last piece (about FBI FOIA non-compliance) was going to be published on Lew Rockwell, but we ran it on the Libertarian Institute instead. 

I get along with people of all political stripes because what we have in common in this fight is far more important than any perceived differences.

"It's one reason politics sucks and poisons everything, always." --RB

Amen, RB. 

I have washed my hands of both rancid political parties, and the rank polarization practiced by legacy media, and by a lot of alt-media too. 

OK, you are a libertarian, and I am not. Does that mean we cannot hold civil discussions without bashing each other?

I look forward to your views, and I respect them.

Trump supporters, Biden supporters, libertarians, Marxists, socialists...all fine with me. You are what you are. 

I prefer, however, that you have become so jaded and disillusioned you have lost faith in party and ideology...but that is just me. 


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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

"It's one reason politics sucks and poisons everything, always." --RB

Amen, RB. 

I have washed my hands of both rancid political parties, and the rank polarization practiced by legacy media, and by a lot of alt-media too. 

OK, you are a libertarian, and I am not. Does that mean we cannot hold civil discussions without bashing each other?

I look forward to your views, and I respect them.

Trump supporters, Biden supporters, libertarians, Marxists, socialists...all fine with me. You are what you are. 

I prefer, however, that you have become so jaded and disillusioned you have lost faith in party and ideology...but that is just me. 


I am loosely described as a Libertarian, I would say that I like their views on some things but thing it's impractible to find a lot of Libertarians holding office which is fine by me as the less a politician can get done the better.

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I prefer, however, that you have become so jaded and disillusioned you have lost faith in party and ideology...but that is just me. 


Never did have much faith in ideology as I've watched as it does nothing but split people apart, saw that since I was 16 and decided "this stuff isn't for me"

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